
Masked 202

"He was tall and beautiful; she was lost in the divinity of his discernment"

Senaa_aa · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter Fiften: At last

Lexy was so weak she could barely move. She was kept in an isolation room because of the infections of the flu; so for a few days, no one could visit her. Her friends tried contacting her mother but she was not picking up.

Mrs.Sam noticed a change in her daughter's usual happy manner. She was always brooding and eating less. That day again, when she excused herself from the table without taking a bite, Mrs.Sam was fed up. She went up to her room and knocked slightly.

"Katie, you in there? Can mummy come in?"

"Mum, I'm fine. Its okay."

"I havn't said anything yet sweetheart. Katie, I'm your mother, you know that whatever's bothering you, you can confide in me; right?"

Katie was silent for sometime.

"The door's open, mum."

Mrs.Sam met Katie, lying on her bed; facing the window. Her perfect hair, which she was proud of was in a mess and her room looked like a party had been held in there for wild animals.

"Baby," Mrs.Sam sat on the bed and stroked her daughter's hair.

"Tell me, what's wrong?"


"Yes, talk to mummy. Come on.", she urged.

"My.... my bestfriend's in the hospital and everything is just not so great for her right now and... and..... I don't know what to do!!!!!!!" Katie sobbed.

"Is it Lexy?", her mother frowned, concerned.

"Yes, I feel so useless right now! I can't even see her now cause of that wretched flu!"


"Yes, I know right. Flu! But it's bad"

"Does she have allergies?"

"No, not that I know of. But I wan't to see her soo bad, mum."

"Flu patients are isolated to prevent the spread of the infection, you know that Katie."

"But mum!"

"It wouldn't do for both of you to be in the hospital, will it?"

"But... she's all alone right now, she needs me!"


"Mum, you can do something right? I know you can. You always do."

"Now Katie...."

"Please mummy, please????", Katie sat up quickly. "For your baby??"

"Oh God! Katie!... well," she gave in with a smile. "Anything to make my sweetie happy. Who's the doctor incharge?"

"Uhmmmm, Dr.Ransford?"

"Wait, isn't that Robby's dad?"

"Oh yh, he is. I totally forgot that."

"Alright, get me my phone, Katie."

She bounded off excitedly and was back in a minute.

As Katie looked on expectantly, her mother made the call. Her face brightened up.

"Good news, darling. Your bestfriend is in a better condition today. Get your stuff ready, we have some cheering up to do!"


The doctor had transferred her to the main ward yesterday. She was still very lonely. She spent the rest of the day staring at the walls, the ceiling, the water dispenser, at the drip in her hand. Her mother had still not called in yet. It was a weekday, so sadly her friends couldn't come and visit. The nurse had promised to try to reach them when she was much better.

She hadn't cleared the fiasco with Orion too. Why was he behaving that way? Could anything concerning him be more fustrating?? Uuurgh!!!

She felt pathetic. Useless! She looked at all the cards and balloons and plastic flowers the nurse had saved from her friends while she was in isolation. She couldn't even have real flowers because it could trigger the influenza. Stupid flu!

She cried silently for a while.

The kind nurse brought her some hot chocolate and tried to engage her in a conversation. It worked but only for a millisecond because the minute the nurse's shift ended Lexy cried herself  a river. Then she dozed off for the rest of the day.

On Saturday the nurse came to check up on Lexy personally. She left her some sweets on the table to cheer up. Lexy was still asleep.

'What a curious girl', the nurse thought to herself, stroking her blue hair.

In the afternoon when Lexy woke up she noticed the sweets and smiled. After a while the boredom got to her. She sat up and began to stare at the ceiling. She was so lost in doing this, she didn't hear her name being hollered.

"Lexy!" The voice was unmistakable.

She heard another voice say in a much softer tone.

"Katie, this is a hospital for Pete's sake."

"Katie!", Lexy cried as the door burst open.

"Bestie, I'm here!", Katie hugged her excitedly.

"Oh Katie," was all Lexy could manage as her eyes blurred.

"I miss you so so much, Lexy."

"I missed you more. It was lonely here without you."

"I know. You looked so miserable when I came in. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier."

"Its not your fault, Katie."

"It is! I'm your best friend yet I wasn't there when you needed me."

"But you're here now. Right?".

They hugged again, tears flowing freely. After a while the mood was more joyful and Katie helped herself to the sweets on the table.

"That's enough crying for one day. I'm famished!"

"Katie, your sugar level! What happened to being fit all the time?", Lexy warned with a laugh.

"Lexy," Katie replied with a smirk, "you fret too much yet you're the one in the hospital. What's a little glucose gonna do huh? I haven't eaten in weeks, thank you very much. Anyways I forget, the gang will be here soon."

"Already here, Kate", Theo announced, grinning.

"Theo, you came!", Lexy beamed.

"Of course I did, what are you saying?"

"Don't forget the rest of us, Lex", Harmony gave her a hug.

"We missed you so bad, Lexy", Cassie added.

"You guys, you shouldn't have."

"Oh come on," Mike said. "When a buddy's away the gang will stay."

"Dude that makes no sense.", Brian said.

As they laughed Mrs.Sam and Dr.Ransford walked in.

"I see you're much better now, Lexy.", he smiled warmly.

"Yes, Dr.Ransford, I feel great, thanks to you."

He gave her another smile and a  check up and left.

"Well thanks for being a good patient, Lexy."

Mrs.Sam came to her side.

"Mrs.Sam, I... I..... I am so grateful.....", Lexy started.

"Oh no sweetie, thank Katie instead. My daughter won't stop talking about you all the time. I'm proud to see that she has made such amazing friends.", she gave her hair a ruffle and left them to themselves.

On her way she bumped into someone.

"Mrs.Sam, I'm sorry."

"Oh, Robby, what a delight to see you today. Its being a while."

"Yes ma'am. In just going to visit one of my dad's many patients who happens to be an acquaintance of mine.", Robby said.

"Well that's nice. Have fun."

He walked into the ward with a smile.

"Hi Lexy. I'm Robby. I assume you know me already?"

"Oh... uh yh. From the basketball team, right?"


"What a ..... surprise. How.... are you here?".

"Oh, my dad is Dr.Ransford?.", he answered modestly.

"He is? Oh geez, I didn't know that."

"That's okay. How are you doing?"

"Well your dad is a great doctor so I'm fine."

"That's good to hear."

"Hey Robby," Katie interjected, "Have you heard from Orion lately? He is your friend isn't he?"

"Not really. Maybe. No, he hasn't been to school for the past weeks." He brushed it aside.

Robby chatted with them for a while and also took his leave.

"Well, see you later, Lexy."

"Thanks for visiting, Robby."

"My pleasure."

Katie nudged Cassie as he walked out.

"Well well, someone is looking all cheerfull all of a sudden.


The gang briefed her on all the happenings and gossip of Pin Oak. It intrigued her to know that she and Orion were still a topic in school and even the neighbourhood.

After a scuffle between Cassie, Harmony and Katie who tried to sneak another piece of  candy into her mouth; Britney suddenly perked up.

"Oh hey, I neatly forgot them. I got you flowers from 'Bloom'." She waved them in Lexy's face.

"I didn't know which one to get you, I was in a bit of a hurry to get here. So I got you some of each. Thought you needed some sunshine all cooped up in here all this while."

It was too quick for anyone to figure out what was happening out.

One moment Lexy was coughing and wheezing, turning almost as blue as her hair. The next, the nurses were wheeling her out. Britney was weeping hard with Mike and Cassie trying thier best to console her. Katie just stared at the flowers that had been trampled on and destroyed by the rushing. The rest were very much confused.

"Its all my fault. How could I be so stupid??", Britney kept saying to herself.

"I wasn't even thinking. Flowers? What have I done!"

She broke free and ran out, her tears blinding her. Theo, Cassie and Stephanie went after her with Mike right on thier tails.

Mrs.Sam rushed to her daughter.

"Baby, Its going to be alright. Robby's dad will take care of it, okay? Baby? Katie? Katie, talk to me!"

She shook her vigorously but she only slumped back like a lifeless body.

Then, things turned for perdition.

When Theo ran back panting seconds later, he could barely utter a word.

"Guys....its.... Oh geez.... it's Brit. She's.... she's...."

"She's what, Theo?", Mrs.Sam panicked.

"What Theo speak up.", Harnomy urged.

"She's been hit!. By a car!"

"Oh my God!"

They all ran out leaving Katie in her daze. The day was certainly not a bright one for the gang.