
Marvel Zodiac knight

James journeyed to the Marvel world, his once ordinary life transformed after chancing upon an ancient bronze box. Now, his destiny was nothing short of extraordinary. "Put on the Zodiac armor and safeguard love and justice on Earth!" _______ You can find more chapters on my patreon patreon.com/Greatsage5302 Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters , am merely translating this fanfic

Great_Sage_5302 · Movies
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Chapter 28: Unforeseen Heroes

A sprawling white net swooped in, ensnaring a police car. In a daring move, Spider-Man descended, effortlessly hauling the car to safety.

"Hey! How's the coffee?" Peter quipped, zipping past the coffee shop's floor-to-ceiling windows on his web, eliciting gasps of awe inside.

Clearly outpacing the police car, Peter swung over the black SUV. Startled, the criminals ceased firing.

Seizing the moment, Peter's web snared one of the bandits, yanking him out of the vehicle and suspending him from a street lamp after a dizzying descent.

As a police car secured the captured gangster, the pursuit continued, with reinforcements en route.

"Wow!" Energized by his success, Peter found his rhythm. With a deft maneuver, he swung back towards the SUV.

Though the gangsters didn't recognize the airborne assailant, it was evident he meant trouble.

A bald gunman leaned out of the SUV, firing wildly. Peter dodged the barrage, swerving to safety.

As the SUV fled, Peter veered off, hindered by the gunman's onslaught. The chase led out of downtown, where fewer obstacles impeded the fleeing vehicle.

Frustrated, the bald gunman cursed as Peter retreated to a low rooftop.

Suddenly, a shadow descended, nearly overturning the SUV.

Before the bald gunman could react, he found himself hoisted out of the vehicle and tossed onto the road, where he met a grisly fate beneath its wheels.

James, having leaped clear of the crash, swiftly vanished into a nearby building.

As the police arrived, they found the wrecked SUV and the incapacitated gunmen. Reporting the incident, an officer remarked, "Call one of them Spider-Man and the other, Flying Squirrel."

After the skirmish, three armed robbers were neutralized, one arrested, and two perished.

Footage of Spider-Man's heroics circulated online, catapulting him to local fame. Though two individuals were involved, only Peter's name gained traction, a fact that mildly embarrassed him, though James brushed it off.

Back home, Peter eagerly tinkered with his suit, harboring ambitions of citywide renown.

Meanwhile, James sat pondering the Zodiac suitcase, sensing its imminent unveiling. Yet, he remained clueless about its contents.

"James, check this out!" Peter's interruption directed James's attention to the computer screen.

A news report announced the terrorist attack on the Afghan garrison, revealing Tony Stark's disappearance. Stark Industries grappled with uncertainty in his absence.

For James, Tony Stark's vanishing act barely registered, save for a fleeting satisfaction at his misfortune.

Three months passed, with Stark Industries managing without its namesake. Meanwhile, at the orphanage, Grandma Hana anticipated improved conditions for the children, hinting at James's potential return.

Reluctant to go back, James preferred his independence. But Clarice's pleading eyes stirred a pang of guilt.

They agreed to revisit the orphanage once James established stability. Until then, Clarice would remain, a reminder of unfinished business.

After one more night at Peter's, James rented a modest dwelling, which doubled as the Guardians of the Zodiac's headquarters. Peter transferred sensitive items to the new location, preparing for their nocturnal endeavors.

Elsewhere, in an underground garage, boxes bearing the Stark Industries logo sat in rows. A group of men, including Russian mobsters, discussed their recent setbacks.

The leader in a black suit probed, "Sentinel humiliated you. Have you lost men and resources?"

Antony fumed, "That guy's invincible. We were blindsided."

"I've heard rumors. Do you know the identity of the archer who aided your escape?"

Vladimir shrugged, "He was hired by someone from Romanoff-Francis, a prestigious law firm."

The man in black cautioned, "Keep an eye on Romanoff-Francis. Their connections may run deeper than they appear."

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