
Marvel Zodiac knight

James journeyed to the Marvel world, his once ordinary life transformed after chancing upon an ancient bronze box. Now, his destiny was nothing short of extraordinary. "Put on the Zodiac armor and safeguard love and justice on Earth!" _______ You can find more chapters on my patreon patreon.com/Greatsage5302 Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters , am merely translating this fanfic

Great_Sage_5302 · Movies
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Chapter 27: Burdens and Revelations

Parker found himself torn, unable to fully condemn James's actions. Deep down, he felt a twinge of regret for not joining him.

"One hundred and thirty-six injured, one hundred and thirty-six dead," Peter murmured, sinking to the floor. "I... I don't know what to do. That's over a hundred lives."

James sighed, "If only I'd left them disabled instead of killing them."

"What?" Peter shot up. "You didn't kill them? But then why—was it the archer?"

James shook his head. "It couldn't have been him. I beat him to a pulp myself. It's possible his associates were involved, but I'm not certain. Why didn't anyone take photos at the scene?"

James didn't deceive Peter. He refrained from killing, but events spiraled out of control afterward. It wouldn't be difficult for S.H.I.E.L.D. or other gangs to exploit the chaos.

Relieved to hear James hadn't killed anyone, Peter contemplated the implications. If James had become a murderer, Peter wouldn't know how to reconcile their friendship.

But another concern nagged at Peter. "The police have pinned the crimes on you. If you appear as Sentinel again, it could spell trouble."

"But for those criminals, isn't it more of a deterrent?" James countered, leaving Peter speechless. It was indeed a double-edged sword.

Nonetheless, James had a plan. When he accompanied Spider-Man in the future, he'd abandon the Sentinel identity to avoid tarnishing Spider-Man's reputation as New York's friendly neighborhood hero.

"Don't worry. Remember the hero suit you're making? Just add two crescent-shaped logos on my chest, facing outward. From now on, I'll go by Moon Knight."

Parker hesitated. "Moon Knight?"

As they discussed, Peter noticed the heavy copper box James carried. "What's with this box? It's massive! No wonder Uncle Ben's car crawled like a snail."

James gestured to the Zodiac Box. "Feel it. See if it's special."

Peter complied, but found nothing remarkable. "It's just an ordinary copper box. What's the deal?"

"Exactly," James mused. "Clarice handled this box without any reaction. It seems only I can use it."

"So why is there a Zodiac Box in the Marvel World? And why am I its chosen user? Did 'I' pick up the box, or did the box 'pick up' me?"

"What are you getting at?" Peter, with his enhanced hearing, was at a loss.

"Just planting seeds for the readers."


Suddenly recalling something, Peter asked, "About that firebird tattoo on TV... When did you get it? And why wasn't I informed?"

"You want to see it?" James raised an eyebrow.

Peter nodded eagerly. "Of course! It looked awesome on TV."

"Unless you want the house to burn down, go wash up and sleep. I'll show you when we're alone."

Peter's ingenuity impressed James, who, having grown up in a regimented educational system, recognized talent when he saw it.

Peter crafted a web launcher, a marvel of black technology. James watched, but the device's inner workings eluded him.

"The mechanics behind my device are..."

"Stop! Spare me the technical jargon. I won't understand it anyway."

Peter, thrilled with his invention, was cut off by James's blunt interruption.

Equipped with the web launcher, the duo ascended a tall building. Peter leaped off excitedly while James averted his gaze, fearing he'd fan Peter's fear of heights.

Fortunately, Peter's Spider-Man antics were routine. After a brief swing through the cityscape, he returned safely.

"If I run into that archer again... Hawkeye, he'll be sorry," Peter declared, gesturing to his web launcher. "Anyway, James, want to give it a try? It's a blast."

James declined Peter's offer, wary of his lack of spider-like abilities risking a mishap.

As they prepared to depart, police sirens blared below. Peering down, they witnessed a black SUV recklessly careening through the streets, pursued by police cars.

James clapped Peter on the shoulder, urging, "Go on, you're the guardian of world peace."

Peter donned a makeshift mask and sunglasses. "What about you? Do you want me to take you along?"

James shook his head. "Ever seen a superhero hitch a ride on a swing? I'll pass. I have my own way. Go."

"But..." Peter protested, but James ushered him out, closing the door behind him.

"Let's move! No time to dawdle. The crook's not getting away."

With Peter gone, James retrieved a costume from his backpack, concealing his identity for the impending confrontation.

Unbeknownst to Peter, James harbored reservations about using the Bronze armor's wings, fearing they'd link him to Sentinel.

The SUV's occupants had just robbed a jewelry store, leaving a trail of casualties in their wake. Police and civilians alike fell victim to their rampage.

As they evaded pursuit, one of the police cars couldn't dodge, careening into a nearby cafe. Panicked patrons scrambled for cover as chaos erupted.

James marveled at Peter's ingenuity. If only he could absorb information like Peter, perhaps the inner workings of the web launcher would make sense.

As the chase unfolded below, James pondered the enigmatic Zodiac Box and his newfound role as its wielder. The mysteries surrounding his identity deepened, posing questions with no easy answers.

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