
Marvel Video Guide, Starting with Reviews of the Top Ten Hero

Raw: 视频通美漫,开局盘点十大英雄(全本) Author: 绝地逃亡 Synopsis: Traveling to a parallel world, Lin Lan, forced to make a living, is invited by a dimensional platform to be creative—say anything, just edit the video, and you could win reward. With a trial mentality, Lin Lan edits Marvel and uploads a video titled “Top Ten Super Hero.” Unexpectedly, it causes a commotion in the Marvel Universe! Iron Man: I’m the one who finally snapped my fingers...! Captain America: Standing shoulder to shoulder with the gods with a mortal body, I lifted Mjolnir...? Thor: You said you never practiced secretly! Wait, that chubby guy clearly isn’t me! Spider-Man: What! Except for me! There are two Spider-Men?! In addition, videos like “Top Ten Super Villains” have appeared. Since then, the entire Marvel universe has undergone surprising changes! On the other hand, Lin Lan is also astonished: “The Infinity Stone given to me by someone named Loki is actually real...” Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12 Please donate: paypal.me/andicand

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

This Shocking Blow

The video begins.

Several figures in white lab coats start to appear.

Certainly not doctors, but scientists.

An experiment is underway.

The entire room seems to vibrate.

The energy condensed by the experimental device is growing stronger.


Seeing his colleague about to be bathed in light, Banner shouts.

Simultaneously with the sharp buzzing sound, a green beam pierces the sky and illuminates him.

The background music changes from somber to passionate.

Accompanied by a startling rumble.

Everyone watches the scene as Banner transforms into Hulk for the first time.

Brutal and enraged.

The destructive power unleashed can only be described as shocking.

"So, that's how the big guy transforms."

"At first, I thought he was like this, but I didn't expect him to be a scientist. And he turns into a monster just to save his colleagues."

"Yes, but even so, he does cause damage, and it makes sense for the military to capture him."

Those watching the video do not feel sympathy for him.

His presence is believed to cause tremendous damage.

In the video, Banner hides and seeks solutions with his girlfriend, Betty.

But what they didn't anticipate is that Betty's father, General Ross, wants to use him to create a super serum, so he continues to pursue him, resulting in casualties again and again.

"He persists and evades, just to prevent his violence from hurting others."

"But the reality is often like that. The more patient you are, the more others will hurt you."

The heavy voice of Lin Lan is heard, with a hint of anger mixed in.

As the music plays, the viewers are stimulated.

They now realize that Hulk's capture by the military is not for peace and national well-being. Instead, they are used as experimental subjects to create super soldiers.

The scene changes.

Banner is captured, using the serum to create an even more terrifying monster, Abomination.

People watching clench their fists.

They also feel wronged.

The background music is even more intense now.

The sound of the incredible impact continues to resonate. In the video, Hulk's and Abomination's fists are continuously bombarded together. With each punch explosion, shockwaves of terrifying power create large spiderweb-like cracks, swirling, and sweeping in all directions, toppling houses, buildings, and even pedestrians and vehicles around, causing a tremendous noise.

Hulk is even beaten down.


Hulk roars angrily.

He helplessly watches as his girlfriend is taken away by his father.

Frustration, unwillingness, and reluctance.

In the end, his power increases several times, and Abomination is thrown to the ground. The entire ground cracks with large spiderweb-like cracks, shaking violently as if an earthquake is about to happen.

This shows how amazing his anger and strength are.

"Hiss. Is this the power of Hulk? It looks pretty good."

"So cool. Suddenly, I feel so relieved..."

"But, even so, he doesn't protect humans like Spider-Man."

Although countless people are very relieved to see this scene, some still raise questions.

That's Hulk, from start to finish, he has never appeared in vain.

The video continues.

The background music suddenly changes from exciting to sad.

A beam of light shoots into the sky.

Like a key, it opens a large hole in the sky.

Countless warships, like giant whales, break through and descend to the earth with destructive pressure.

"Oh God, what is this..."

"Is this... a glimpse of the future?"

"Lord Odin, warships of this level should easily annihilate a planet."

Many people hold their breath and stare at the screen.

There are expressions of shock and disbelief.

As if these space warships will break through the screen and come to them.

Not only humans living on Earth, but alien civilizations like Asgard also witness this scene.

They are all very surprised.

They know the power is so terrifying.

This is enough to destroy a technologically advanced planet.

Moreover, a low-level planet like Earth?

The hopes of many people are fulfilled.

They want to know what will happen next.

The video continues.

The strong wind roars.

Just like 3D, the giant warship emits tremendous pressure, moving between tall buildings in New York. The strong wind and waves that occur destroy all the glass houses around on both sides, and people fleeing in panic on the streets also fall to the ground, vehicles exploding one by one like firecrackers.

In front of the giant warship, a red iron suit flies.

Many people recognize him.

It's Iron Man.

The giant warship opens its large mouth, like a ferocious beast, and follows Iron Man closely.

But at this moment, the screen is minimized.

Someone appears in front of everyone.

It's Banner.

"Hulk appears."

"That's Hulk. When facing a disaster, he really shows up."

"But... He surely doesn't think to confront this warship. With its agility and power, not to mention death, serious injury can't be avoided."

"Why doesn't he run..."

Many people who just raised questions close their mouths.

Those who believe that Hulk will appear are very worried.

In their eyes, the warship, several hundred meters long, is impacted with all its might, and the destructive power it causes is quite astonishing.

Not to mention Hulk, who is only a few meters tall.

He will be severely injured even if he doesn't die.

"I'll tell you a secret, Captain, I'm always angry."

But at this moment, Banner turns around and says something.

People watching hold their breath and watch. After Banner finishes speaking, he turns around to face the giant warship again. The muscles in his body expand wildly, and he transforms into Hulk, and then focuses boundless power in his body on his right fist, accompanied by a thunderous sound, suddenly bombarding towards the giant warship.

The earth-shaking explosion echoes in the sky, and Hulk's right hand is seen hitting the front of the giant warship like a whale. The explosive force immediately makes the warship stop. After sliding on the ground for several meters, the tail of the giant warship is hit by inertia, showing an upside-down posture.

Countless gravel and dust fly everywhere, and countless scratches appear on the road. With this punch, the entire warship is destroyed, the explosion continues, flames flare up, and thick smoke spreads in all directions.

Many people who see this scene are stunned.

Not a single word comes out.

They just feel their faces burning and being slapped hard by this contrast.

"Although Hulk has a bad temper and can cause incredible damage, many people don't like him."

"But when facing a strong enemy, he hits hard. Each of his punches shatters the world."

"But, is that all?"

"No. Even the gods fear his fists."

The music becomes intense.

Lin Lan's heavy voice also increases a few degrees.

Many people are looking forward to it, wanting to know which god Hulk is facing.

Moreover, the scene just now was very shocking.

There should be no difference from the gods.


Thor and Loki are also waiting.