
Marvel Video Guide, Starting with Reviews of the Top Ten Hero

Raw: 视频通美漫,开局盘点十大英雄(全本) Author: 绝地逃亡 Synopsis: Traveling to a parallel world, Lin Lan, forced to make a living, is invited by a dimensional platform to be creative—say anything, just edit the video, and you could win reward. With a trial mentality, Lin Lan edits Marvel and uploads a video titled “Top Ten Super Hero.” Unexpectedly, it causes a commotion in the Marvel Universe! Iron Man: I’m the one who finally snapped my fingers...! Captain America: Standing shoulder to shoulder with the gods with a mortal body, I lifted Mjolnir...? Thor: You said you never practiced secretly! Wait, that chubby guy clearly isn’t me! Spider-Man: What! Except for me! There are two Spider-Men?! In addition, videos like “Top Ten Super Villains” have appeared. Since then, the entire Marvel universe has undergone surprising changes! On the other hand, Lin Lan is also astonished: “The Infinity Stone given to me by someone named Loki is actually real...” Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12 Please donate: paypal.me/andicand

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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The Incredibly Weak God

"I never expected to change again..."

After the battle with the Abomination, Banner traveled the world.

Until he reached India, helping patients in Kolkata and living a peaceful life.

But now, seeing himself in the video, he transforms into the Hulk once again.

He feels a bit emotional.

His current desire is to spend the rest of his life peacefully.

Banner doesn't want to turn into the Hulk again.

Because he knows, after he becomes the Hulk, there will be innocent victims.

But he didn't expect the Earth to face such a great disaster.

But on second thought, what if the Earth is truly invaded by aliens?

Even if he wants to live a peaceful life, it's not possible.

So the best way is to fight hard and protect the Earth.

The author's words stir his curiosity.

Can his punches really compete with a god?

He's not the only one thinking that way.

Others watching the video also have the same emotions and hopes.


"Here it is, a good Hulk punch, and even though he was treated so cruelly by humans in the early stages, he still stands strong. He's a true man. I like him."

"It seems we all misjudged him. If not for this video, I would still think that Hulk is a crazy beast. I didn't expect it to surprise me."

"Yes, his strength is truly too powerful. With one punch, even that massive warship cracked. But what I most want to know is whether he has ever fought against a god."


Above the main hall.

Many are discussing it.

Their first impression of Hulk has completely changed.

The previous Dimensional Platform was about Hulk.

It was all rage videos that caused many casualties.

They can't be blamed for having a bad impression of Hulk, only when they saw Hulk being treated so cruelly by the military, he staunchly defended humanity.

Everyone applauds and praises him, truly remarkable.

Even Thor nods in appreciation.

"If there's a chance, I would like to recruit this person as my subordinate and fight alongside me. It would be fun."

"I don't know if you can defeat him, my brother."

Thor turns and sees that the one speaking is Loki.

Currently, he has a strong body and a simple mind. Of course, he doesn't know what Loki is thinking. So he speaks frankly.

"Punch this big guy, and I'll give you a hand."

Many in Asgard praise, even Odin shows his appreciation.

As a new king. Although it's not on the list, there's no need to rush.

Instead, Thor maintains the confidence of a king.

Very good.

Odin believes that Thor has this ability.


"Captain? Is that Captain America again?"

Nick is surprised.

Forget about Captain America and Iron Man being in the first Spider-Man video.

Does the Hulk video really appear?

This can't help but make him suspicious.

Will these people be connected in the future?

Nick's heart beats fast.

Although each video can show a glimpse of the future, it's hard to piece it together.

For example, why is Spider-Man fighting Captain America, why is he on another planet with Iron Man, and why does he die?

He doesn't know all of this.

However, the Hulk inventory video shows another angle of the future.

Nick finds that the author cuts the future and combines it in the videos of each hero.

It means, the more videos there are, the clearer the picture of the future will become.

Nick takes a deep breath.

Even though he's as stable as he is, his heart is very happy.

At least now he knows that there will be an invasion of alien civilizations in the near future.

Although he doesn't know how it will be attacked, it's better than not knowing at all.

"Captain, tell me what you think."

Nick turns around and looks at Captain America.

Of course, he knows that the modern society for the heroes of the last century is very unfamiliar.

Not to mention the existence of the Dimensional Platform that surpasses cognition.

Hearing Nick's words, Captain America is also stunned. Honestly, modern society has dealt a heavy blow to him.

All levels of technology truly dominate his time.

When he sees the Dimensional Platform.

The videos of those alien civilizations, it also refreshes his view of life.

"Honestly, surprising changes have happened during the decades I've been asleep... But if there's anything I can do to serve, I think I would be very willing to do it."

Captain America says so.

But let's be honest.

He hasn't fully recovered.

In the past few decades, he doesn't know the condition of his former comrades in arms, let alone... What his current condition is.

Whether he will marry as a wife or live, grow old, get sick, and die.

He doesn't know.

He also doesn't want to know.

He's afraid he can't bear the consequences.

"Very well, Captain, maybe soon you will fight again... But for now, let's just watch the videos calmly."

Nick's eyes shine sharply.

Anyone who invades Earth.

No one will survive.


The video continues.

The large green Hulk's body is seen leaping on warships in the air.

With each leap, the warship shatters.

The perspective of the image is in the sky.

Hulk roars, jumping from the warship and arriving on the rooftop of Stark Industries, then rushing towards the slender figure.

Dull collision sounds are heard.

The slender body flies out like a cannonball, hitting the glass, slamming into the inner wall hard, creating a large spiderweb-like hole, and countless debris falling to the ground.

Everyone watching the video exclaims.

They seem to recognize who this man is.

It's Odin's son, Loki.

"This idiot dares not to respect me..."

Above the main hall.

Loki shouts in anger.

Just now he mocked Thor if he could defeat this big guy. In the blink of an eye, he sees himself being attacked?

How can he bear it?

So he snorts with a mocking tone.

"I swear as Odin's son, he will definitely be taught by me."

Hearing Loki's words, confidence also appears on everyone's faces.

Although Loki is not too popular, they are all Asgardian gods.

They are all very united.

It seems Loki can teach this guy a lesson.

But who would have thought.

The video continues.

Hulk rampages again.

His hands continue to hit his chest.

As he is about to run towards Loki again, Loki stands up, his face full of anger and dissatisfaction, and scolds him.

"Enough. Who do you think you are? I am a god, idiot. You can't even think of humiliating me, you—"

Hulk grabs his leg and smashes him to the ground madly. Every time he hits, a large hole appears in the ground, vibrating with waves of air one after another. The momentum he creates is truly astonishing.

Then he throws Loki to the ground like trash.

As he leaves, he doesn't even look back and snorts.

"A very weak god...."


The entire Asgard, and even the people in the universe, can't sit still.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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