
Marvel Video Guide, Starting with Reviews of the Top Ten Hero

Raw: 视频通美漫,开局盘点十大英雄(全本) Author: 绝地逃亡 Synopsis: Traveling to a parallel world, Lin Lan, forced to make a living, is invited by a dimensional platform to be creative—say anything, just edit the video, and you could win reward. With a trial mentality, Lin Lan edits Marvel and uploads a video titled “Top Ten Super Hero.” Unexpectedly, it causes a commotion in the Marvel Universe! Iron Man: I’m the one who finally snapped my fingers...! Captain America: Standing shoulder to shoulder with the gods with a mortal body, I lifted Mjolnir...? Thor: You said you never practiced secretly! Wait, that chubby guy clearly isn’t me! Spider-Man: What! Except for me! There are two Spider-Men?! In addition, videos like “Top Ten Super Villains” have appeared. Since then, the entire Marvel universe has undergone surprising changes! On the other hand, Lin Lan is also astonished: “The Infinity Stone given to me by someone named Loki is actually real...” Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12 Please donate: paypal.me/andicand

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Ranked 10th Completed

"Colson, quickly take people to where Captain America fell! Immediately!"

At this moment in the building, Nick's anxious voice echoed.

With Spider-Man and Captain America appearing together in the video, he was 100% sure.

What was shown in this video is a glimpse of the future!

Anyway, Spider-Man is a relatively new hero.

And that also means Captain America hasn't died yet.

Nick's face was full of surprise and disbelief, and his heart felt like a massive wave had hit, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He didn't expect the video maker could really present a glimpse of the future.

Such an outrageous method!

It seems like something crossed his mind.

Nick called again.

"Go and investigate the video producer named 'Lin Lan' for me! If you find him, hold on, and I'll go there myself! Do you understand?!"

Nick trusts anyone who made this video to know more about the future.

In this case, he dared not act recklessly.

He could only show a friendly attitude first!

Tony next to him couldn't hold back a frown while watching this scene.

This guy is always unreasonable.

Why has his attitude toward this person changed completely?

Although he feels uncomfortable, Tony is also intrigued.

Being able to see glimpses of the future is something even many can't imagine.

Although now only Spider-Man and Captain America appear in the video, and the background is very blurry, with his sharp intuition, he feels like the flashing red shadow seems to be him?

Tony is filled with anticipation.

And the video continues.



Currently, although the Ancient One still looks calm on the surface, there is a hint of surprise in her eyes.

She must know it as the owner of the Eye of Agamotto.

She can observe the timeline of the entire universe.

Although the appearance of the Dimensional Platform shattered the timeline, it also created a new timeline.

So about what will happen next in this world, she is also clear about it.

Just didn't expect scenes from the future to really appear in this video.

How shocking it is!

"Who is this person named Lin Lan?!"

The Ancient One frowned.

If it's an enemy of a higher level in the dark dimension.

So what is their purpose in doing this?

If not an enemy, then the appearance of this video will cause shocking changes throughout the universe.

The Ancient One is puzzled, then opens the Eye of Agamotto again.

The green light comes on.

The pupils of the Ancient One contract.

As she thought, the future has changed, and it is chaos.

"It seems the world is about to change..."

Right as she sighs.

The video continues.


"Oh God!!! Spider-Man really stole Captain America's shield! Oh God, extraordinary news!!!"

"Good grief...?"

Right now, Peter is stunned.

He didn't expect to fight Captain America as soon as he appeared.

His heart suddenly shrinks as if it had just been hit by a giant hammer.

Clearly, very excited.

The scene continues.

Spider-Man against Captain America.

He sprays spider silk, pulls it, and directs his foot to attack, bringing Captain America down in one move.

Just as Spider-Man's chatter resumes.

Captain America hits him and knocks him to the ground.

In terms of technique, Captain America is still better.

Captain America throws his shield, hitting the large pipe above Spider-Man, and smashing him.

The scene changes.

Those pipes turn into stone pillars above Spider-Man.

"If you lose that suit and you're nobody, then you don't deserve to have it."

The background music changes from high-pitched battle music to low, soothing, and sad music.

As Lin Lan's voice is heard.

In the video, Spider-Man grits his teeth, lets out a dull roar, then lifts the stone pillar pressing on him, and everyone hears a sharp clicking sound.

"Oh God! This transition scene is done very well! But why does Spider-Man in our universe look so young?"

"Although he is still young, his perseverance is just as strong!"

"Good grief, Parker! That's you!!!"

At this moment, people watching praise this transition.

Except for one person.

That chubby guy next to Peter.

He exclaimed, staring at him in shock and disbelief.

"Stop, stop, don't be too surprised! Keep watching!!!"

Peter helplessly hides his face.

He didn't expect his identity to be exposed by this video.

But he is also surprised, what exactly will happen to his future?

The video continues.

Spider-Man continues to track the enemy, and when he learns that his enemy is the father of the girl he likes... He freezes on the spot.

Although he also doesn't give up and keeps stopping the Vulture.

During the sea battle, lasers cut through the entire giant ship. When it was about to sink, Spider-Man does the same thing as the first Spider-Man, continuously spraying spider silk and pulling it with his bare hands.

As the spider silk breaks one by one, the scene changes again.

The lift cables break and fall rapidly.

When about to reach the lowest point.

Spider-Man ignored the police barrier and made a perfect swing into the building. At a critical moment, he performed the same move as the second Spider-Man, saving people inside the elevator.

"Why are you doing this?"

Lin Lan's voice echoed.

His image was blurry.

Peter's face was revealed.

"If you have this ability but don't do anything, the bad things that happen next will be your responsibility!"

Peter's voice sounded.

Everyone watching the video realized that this little kid, who seemed to have no hair at all, had realized this.

"It turns out that comment was made by this talkative Spider-Man. I really didn't expect..."

"Suddenly I feel this Spider-Man is quite good."

"Yes, I feel compared to the two before, he is much happier!"

"But even though he is very happy, he is also very responsible!"

But at this moment, everyone thought this generation of Spider-Man might be the happiest he had ever lived.

But the scene continued.

The background music seems to have returned to the soft piano sounds from the beginning.

The colorful universe is very quiet, and a large spacecraft is seen floating in space, seemingly aimless, passing through one mesmerizing nebula after another.

But at this moment, the spacecraft suddenly loses control and collides with a planet full of deserts and ruins, causing a powerful shockwave and creating clouds of sand and dust, rolling and roaring like a tsunami, sweeping clean in all directions.

A snap of the fingers.

Spider-Man's face appears on the screen, and his eyes are red, showing despair, reluctance, and a slight apology.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark..."

As Spider-Man said it, in the eyes of many shocked and unbelieving people.

His body seemed to turn into countless fragments scattered in the sky...

"Oh God, what happened!!!"

"No, I really like this talkative Spider-Man! Why is he different from the two previous Spider-Men, and why did he die!?"

"Oh God, he just mentioned my name, right? Why does he have to apologize to me!"

"Oh God, Peter Parker, why did you die...?"

Many people are upset.

They don't know what happened!

Just when they wanted to know.

But Lin Lan's voice was heard again...

"Spider-Man spent his life fighting for justice."

"He didn't stand out, hid his identity, and knew that with great power, comes great responsibility!"

"This video honors our friendly neighbor!"

"Superhero Ranking 10th! Spider-Man finished!"