
Marvel Video Guide, Starting with Reviews of the Top Ten Hero

Raw: 视频通美漫,开局盘点十大英雄(全本) Author: 绝地逃亡 Synopsis: Traveling to a parallel world, Lin Lan, forced to make a living, is invited by a dimensional platform to be creative—say anything, just edit the video, and you could win reward. With a trial mentality, Lin Lan edits Marvel and uploads a video titled “Top Ten Super Hero.” Unexpectedly, it causes a commotion in the Marvel Universe! Iron Man: I’m the one who finally snapped my fingers...! Captain America: Standing shoulder to shoulder with the gods with a mortal body, I lifted Mjolnir...? Thor: You said you never practiced secretly! Wait, that chubby guy clearly isn’t me! Spider-Man: What! Except for me! There are two Spider-Men?! In addition, videos like “Top Ten Super Villains” have appeared. Since then, the entire Marvel universe has undergone surprising changes! On the other hand, Lin Lan is also astonished: “The Infinity Stone given to me by someone named Loki is actually real...” Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12 Please donate: paypal.me/andicand

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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Dimensional Platform Release Gift?

"10th Ranked Superhero! Spider-Man finished!"

As Lin Lan's voice descended, melodious background music played.

The screen turned black, and then Spider-Man's avatar slowly appeared, impacting everyone in front of him.

Then spider silk appeared all over the screen, and their bodies condensed on it, as if they condensed into three Spider-Men right in front of everyone.

"Top Ten Superheroes."

"Spider-Man, he deserves this title!"

"Anonymous, willing to be a friendly neighbor."

"But the responsibility he carries is truly admirable!"

Spider-Man doesn't have special superpowers.

He's just stronger than an ordinary person, but the responsibility he carries is immense.

Who wouldn't want to be a hero and be admired by others?

But Spider-Man knows well that with great power comes great responsibility.

He doesn't use his superpowers for glory; while many are in deep sleep, he protects this city.

Even though no one knows, even though no one understands, he is always consistent and willing to devote himself.

"Spider-Man, I believe..."

"His spirit is commendable!"

The entire Marvel Universe.

Many watching the video sighed.

Before watching this review video, they superficially believed that Spider-Man was just a stronger ordinary human.

But after watching, they understand the weight of the responsibility this slender body carries, and they can't imagine it.

The third Spider-Man will die.

However, when everyone thought the video ended, Lin Lan's voice never stopped.

"Spider-Man, he continues to prove himself."

"Unfortunately, he died at his brightest age and died on another planet."

"But is he really dead like this?"

Everyone was stunned.

Could Spider-Man still be alive?

They began to admire this writer.

The beautiful video above captured their hearts.

First, the first generation pulled the train with bare hands, then the second generation Spider-Man lonely and miserable, then the third generation died.

Every scene felt like a giant hammer hitting the heart, so sad.

But the outcome is a reversal summary!

Very good.

This writer's video is produced very well!

They like watching videos like this.

Lin Lan's words continued...

"The answer is, of course, no!"

Right after the images of the three generations of Spider-Man disappeared from the frame.

The video continued.

There was another snap of fingers.

Spider-Man appeared on the screen with a vacant look.

Countless viewers watching the video sighed in relief, but Lin Lan's voice continued!

"You might think he's happier than the first two."

"No death of relatives, no bullying by classmates, and no conflicts between siblings."

"But he's very happy, yet he died on another planet."

"You might be surprised, or maybe sigh, why is that!"

"Right! This is Spider-Man's responsibility!"

Even though he felt his power was meaningless in the face of disasters, as he answered, if he did nothing, he would feel guilty, and he would feel that the responsibility was in his hands!

So, Spider-Man treats others' suspicions as wishes!

Be brave and continue the night journey!

"You will prove that you can be a hero without relying on anyone!"

Lin Lan's voice became high-pitched, and text appeared on the video.

At this point, the background music brought the countless emotions of the viewers to an extreme level.

Peter Parker, as the protagonist, heard these words.

He didn't speak for a long time.


Every action he takes always verifies this statement.

"Who is this writer? He's amazing..."

Peter admired.

The beautiful video transitions and the sharp language of the writer all touched his heart.

Clearly displaying the most vulnerable part of his heart...

"Maybe, I should also learn how to fight without hiding myself."

The video fades into darkness.

The music is also melodious, like the end of all videos, representing the end.

"Spider-Man officially ends!"

Although Lin Lan's voice said everything is officially over.

But the background music hasn't ended yet.

Everyone's hearts couldn't calm down for a long time, as if they had just watched a touching movie, even if it's over, they are unwilling to let go.

At this moment, a very serious mechanical voice is heard, making many people snap out of their confusion.

[Everyone on the list will receive a gift from the Dimensional Platform]

[Spider-Man, accept your gift]

[For special reasons, you have the right to choose two out of three gifts! And these gifts will be synchronized to Spider-Man in another parallel universe!]

[At the same time, people on the list need to give something to their writer in appreciation]

As the Dimensional Platform's voice sounded.

The entire Marvel Universe was shocked!

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

Please donate: paypal.me/andicand

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