
Training day

Noriko took a step back letting go of Maria's collar.

"What do you mean they chose wrong? Look at them! They're terrified and fighting f**king gundam units!"

"Do you still hear the message?" Maria asked.

"....No, I don't, they're silent."

"You've been knocked out for two days. In that time, we've lost over 300,000 lives. I'm not even counting how mutants that have died from the sentinels."

"What happened? How did everything go to shit!?"

"Every single person with an X-gene, dormant or active, was pinged by the psychic X-men. The ones you're crying for right now, they were given a choice. Stand down or be killed."

"Why would they do this? They're nice people who..."

"M.O.D.O.K will you explain it to her? I have work to do." Maria said looking at the carnage.

"Uhh...hey, you should probably sit down. There's a lot you need to know." He said with an awkward smile.

Noriko followed M.O.D.O.K outside, seeing Laura talking to Mimi.

"3 months? Colleen and Andrew are where?"

"Training, give them 3 months and they will return, to kill Apocalypse."

"Well what happened to Kate? We lost contact with her."

"I do not know. I recommend you two train as well. Their powers are not something we can handle at our levels." Mimi said turning back into a shard.

"Laura, what's going on? What's happening?" Noriko asked, with her legs shaking.

"Tell her M.O.D.O.K, I have things I have to do." Laura said leaving the room.

He levitated cautiously next to Noriko, patting her head with his small arms.

"So...just gonna rip it off like a band-aid here. You never broke up with Laura."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You had a fight, but when I was trying to cut off the connection. I noticed that they've been in your brain before. They edged you along to breaking up with Laura, and made you susceptible to suggestions."

Noriko dropped her head, clutching it tightly, and squeezing it.

"Woah, woah stop. It's not your fault. I'm gonna sit with you, and help remove all the fake thoughts."

"STAY OUT OF MY HEAD!" She screamed.

Mimi appeared and sat in front of Noriko.

"You must grow, if we are to defeat the X-men. Now stop crying. Master nearly died gathering information on Apocalypse and his horsemen. He has determined you are the only one able to defeat Magneto."

"But....but I'm just..."

Mimi turned into a shard falling to the ground, with M.O.D.O.K awkwardly sitting quietly.

"Man, you guys treat this shit so normally."

The factory door swung open. Shadowcat, Psylocke and Colossus walked into the factory with theirs hands up in the air, and Laura behind them.

"For the last time, we're not here to fight you! We want to help!" Shadowcat yelled.

"How do I know you're not some sleeper agent?" Laura asked.

"We all weren't crazy assholes trying to conquer the world alright! We also wouldn't go out of way to find you." Psylocke yelled.

"They're telling the truth." M.O.D.O.K said.

"What the f**k is that thing?" Psylocke asked, with Shadowcat and Colossus staring at him.

"That 'thing' is leaving and knows when he's been insulted. I'll be waiting for your apology." M.O.D.O.K said floating away.

Maria emerged glaring at the three of them.

"Stand down Laura, we need all the help we can get. Normally I would rely on Daisy to just kill all our problems, but Robbie had to use drastic measure to stop her. So you three make yourselves useful. Tell Laura everything you know, and what we need to know."

"Listen lady, we don't listen to you." Shadow cat exclaimed.

"Kitty Pryde, you best start listening to me, if you don't want to die." Maria growled.

Psylocke approached Noriko, and she took a step back crackling with lightning.

"I'm here to help."

"Did you know? Did you know what they did inside my head?" Noriko asked.

"You weren't the only one they messed with. Now, please if you don't trust me. Feel free to turn me into dust."

Laura placed her fist against Psylocke's throat.

"Do anything bad to her, and you'll bleed out first. Understood?"

"Please ladies, we're going to be friends here, let's not fight." Colossus said.

Colleen shot awake seeing Daredevil, Kingpin, Connie and an older brunette woman sitting across from her. She looked around confused, looking at the glossy and shiny private jet interior.

"What the hell happened? Where am I?"

"Private jet that S.H.I.E.L.D didn't take from us, and we saved you." Daredevil said.

"Where the hell are your ankle devices? Where's Danny?"

"We left him with those two idiots, that you considered guardians. I was sick of him clinging to me. I never should have let Andrew trick me into dating him." Connie said annoyed.

"Okay, why did you save me?"

"Because I'm sick of the outside world. It's always loud, and people are always complaining. I'm going back home, and you're going to help me take it back."

"Take it back from what? S.H.I.E.L.D didn't leave anyone in there." Colleen asked.

The private jet crashed through the gate of Kun'lun violently skidding across the field. Connie threw Colleen out of the jet, and she looked up in pure shock. Shao Lao coiled around a mountain top in a deep slumber. Each snore rumbled the ground, each breath moved the clouds.


"I saved your life and used my last vial of Phoenix blood on you. And I promise I won't ever kiss Andrew when's asleep again, if you help me take back my home."

"You did what." Colleen growled.

"I'm joking. Now you owe me your life. Help me beat Shao Lao, and you'll never see me in your life again." Connie said throwing Colleen her katana.

"Are you two done?" Shao Lao said.

The two of them went wide eye turning to Shao Lao staring down at them, and took a deep gulp.

"You want this to be your home again? You will have to earn a spot in my immortal city."

"I don't want a spot in your city, what do I get if I beat you?" Colleen asked.

"What do you want?" Shao Lao asked.

"Power." Colleen said grabbing her katana.

"Then fight for it." Shao Lao rumbled.

Kate was teleported into the throne room of Asgard, screaming out in pain and holding her hands. Eir quickly poured a green fluid down her throat, and her fingers snapped into place. Kate quickly started gagging and scratching at her tongue.

"OH MY GOD! YUCK! Taste like there's a party in my mouth and everyone just threw up boiled eggs."

"Thor...are you sure you got the right one?" Odin asked.

"Of course I did. I learnt how to use Heimdall's sword much better now. This is the one that is betrothed to Asgard's champion." Thor said proudly.

Odin and Freya looked at Kate filled with doubt.

"I'm not Colleen."

Thor's smile slowly disappeared.

"Are you the one who can summon lightning?" He whispered.

Kate shook her head.

"The one with claws and heals?"

Kate shook her head again.

"You're the human that uses a bow aren't you?" Thor asked.

Kate nodded. Thor winced and slapped his forehead.

"Again? Again Thor? Twice you've picked the wrong person." Loki said slapping the back of Thor's head.

"Hey, look the first time I picked wrong. It ended up working out." Thor said filled with optimism.

"What kind of sick bet did you gods make this time?" Kate asked.

"It's nothing serious. The Pantheons came to an agreement. Whoever's champion wins the game, gets to hit the losers really, really, REALLY hard." Thor said.

"If I win, do I get a weapon like Mimicry?" Kate asked.

"Well of course. We reward our champions." Thor said.

"Good, what do I have to do, to win?" Kate asked confidently.

"Escape from Tartarus."

Kate shook her head in shock and disbelief.

"Come again?"

"I'll have your soul soon boy." The red skin demon said, letting out a sinister cackle.

Andrew opened his eyes weakly, feeling himself being dragged along the muddy ground. His entire body wrapped in black rope. He craned his neck up seeing Mimi dragging him up a hill, through a dense forest.

"Mimi?....what...where am I.....?"

Mimi was silent dragging Andrew into a small village, comprised of bamboo huts. He was placed before an old shaman. The shaman poured a fluid down his throat, and wrapped him in thick leaves. Andrew awoke unable to move his body, staring up at a bamboo roof.

"Where am the f**k am I?" He asked looking around frantically.

The ground underneath him warped, standing him up. He looked confused at the villagers bowing to him.

"We have waited for your arrival. Champion of Gow." The shaman said.

"What the F**K!" Andrew shouted unable to summon his weapon.

Mimi moved through the crowd with several children riding on his back.

"Mimi what the hell!? What happened? How can you be there, if I can't summon you?"

Andrew was spun around facing a stone statue of a man. Mimi sat under it, and the statue came to life, petting Mimi.

"Hello, Andrew. It has been a long time."

"...Gow?" Andrew asked confused.

"You must be confused, but do not worry. My soul has been put to rest, thanks to you. I never had a chance to properly repay you, for your kindness after everything I did. So I left this one piece of me to wait for you."

"What the hell for?"

"When you sent me back, I felt no desire to create weapons to kill anymore. But I did feel the desire to create things to protect those I care about. And I got pretty damn good at making armours, better than that pelt you bonded with. So take this gift and let it protect you, so that you may protect the ones you love."

"God f**king damn it Ven." Andrew mumbled.

The shaman placed a chest filled with hundreds of black metal plates. Andrew looked at the shaman confused, and then back to the statue of Gow.

"I obviously couldn't just leave an incredibly power creation, for anyone to just find. So I broke it down, so that you could put it together.

"God f**king damn it Gow. At least tell me how..."

The statue crumbled to pieces and Andrew was laid flat again.

"God f**king damn it. I don't suppose any of you villagers know how to put that thing together?"

The Villagers all shook their heads. Andrew rolled his eyes letting out long groan. The shaman kneeled over Andrew's head with a wooden spoon. She gently began banging his forehead. He let out a long pained sigh.