
Mutant attack

Ophelia was surrounded by medics, glaring at Omega Red, Blood knight and Zhou Feng.

"How the hell did you all lose to a bunch of kids?" She growled.

"I was not expecting her blood to affect me like that, but I am okay now. Thank you for asking." Omega Red said bowing.

"Go away and die."

"I did not expect her to trick me. Every other Chi user I have fought, have always fought with honour. I will not make that mistake again." Zhou said rubbing his neck.

"What's your excuse? I know for a god damn fact, you could have killed that boy."

"He was not at full strength. It would have been dishonourable to kill him in that state."

"He's a calamity rank. Are you telling me he's going to get stronger? He has to have a cap."

"Yes. Power limitations are for those who believe in it. I will fight him at his fullest, until then do not bother me." Blood Knight said walking away.

"This mother fu-"

The Quinjet shakily landed at an old abandoned steel factory. Andrew, Kate, Colleen and Sarah quickly rushed inside holding the others. M.O.D.O.K was waiting for them surrounded by several A.I.M soldiers in their hazmat suits.

"Krang, you have psionic powers. Get in there head and cut off the message!" Andrew ordered.

"Woah, woah, who are you to come in here and give me orders..."

"I GAVE YOU AN ORDER! FOLLOW IT OR I KILL EVERYONE IN HERE!" Andrew screamed summoning his sword.

"Message received violent stranger!" M.O.D.O.K said quickly levitating towards Noriko and Laura.

"Jesus Christ why did she stab herself in the brain!?" He exclaimed.

"Just fix them." Sarah said.

"You idiots, go grab the food and water off the Quinjet, and bring all the blankets for her." Andrew said.

"Hey we don't..."

Andrew raised his sword up.

"Question me again, and I will start killing." He growled.

The men quickly rushed out.

"Hawkins, what's going on outside?" Andrew asked.

"Over 5,000 confirmed deaths. The military and S.H.I.E.L.D agents are scrambling to create a defensive line. Tony Stark has activated the Iron Legion. X-men have been spotted in Western Australia."

"Don't care what that is. If the X-men are making a move, anything metal is pretty much worthless against Magneto. We need to find the source of this psionic message, and get rid of it." Andrew said.

"Message incoming from Spider-man."

"Holy f**k! You five are crazy. I can't believe you actually attacked Hydra like that."

"Focus Spider-man what's the situation on your side?" Andrew said.

"Shit, just pure shit. Squirrel girl went crazy and took a chunk out of Kid Arachnid. So we had to knock her out. We're trying our best to subdue what we can, but I don't what else we can do."

"Listen to me we..."

"Peter...evacuate every non hostile person. Take them to the Helicarriers, and get them out of the mutant's warpath." Maria said weakly.

"Got it. Also Dr. Strange has gone into hiding, says he can't be caught, otherwise we'll be invaded by demons and shit. Robbie has found Daisy and is keeping an eye on her. Spider-man out."

"Maria, you need to rest." Andrew said.

"Hawkins, back yourself up, and tell Trask Industries to green light the sentinels." Maria said.

"Complying Director Hill."

"Sentinels?" They asked.

"Maria, are you sure about that?" Sarah asked.

"Ophelia said they found En Sabah Nur. They've chosen war, and S.H.I.E.L.D will respond in kind."

"Maria they aren't themselves. You're going to kill thousands of innocent people." Kate said.

"What do you suggest then!? The longer we wait, more people will die. This will at least mitigate the damage." Maria said.

"We'll slow down the assault." Andrew said.

"First we'll need to cut off the message." Kate said.

"Hawkins, do we have any idea where they're sending that message from?" Sarah asked.

"No, Miss Rogers, I am unable to process any more information. "

M.O.D.O.K awkwardly floated in.

"Uhh hey guys, I can't stop the message..."

All of them glared back at him.

"But I can keep trying."

"Stop, can you find where the source is coming from?" Kate asked.

"Yeah, it's coming from some place called Gen-osha? Am I saying that right? I've only ever read it."

"What's the plan?" Colleen asked.

"You and Sarah will fly to help Spider-man move others."

"I don't think people want to see an ex-Nazi, and supreme Jew killer."

"They can choose between following Captain America and a Dragon, or fighting the mutant horde. Kate, go to Genosha and kill the psychics, cut off their connection."

"Why would I go? I'm powerless."

"Exactly, you're the only human here. If they're forcing anyone with the most basic mutation to go crazy, you won't be noticed. Sneak in and kill them, and we'll at least get two of our team mates back. We can't risk one of us getting converted."

"What are you going to do?" Kate asked.

"I'm going to go and kill their leader."

"Andrew, we don't know how strong En Sabah Nur really is." Maria said.

"Exactly, why I'm going in. I have the most versatile power set, I'll scout out the situation of the X-men and deal with it. If it's too much, I'll get out. Shit goes south we rendezvous back here."

"Hey, we're trying to stay under the radar, I can't have you guys using this place as a base of operations. I'm only being nice to the strong dragon lady, I don't know you pal...."

"That would be dragon lady's fiancé." Kate said.

"Because we haven't been properly introduced, I'm M.O.D.O.K." He said with a nervous smile.

"Keep those three safe, if anything happens to them, while I'm gone. A mutant uprising will be the last of your worries." Andrew growled walking away.

"You all have 6 hours, before I green light the sentinels."

"Let's move." Andrew ordered.

"Andrew, we only have one Quinjet, how are we..." Kate said following Andrew outside.

Andrew placed his hand onto the Quinjet creating a magic circle above it, creating two copies.

"I forget you can clone shit." Kate said.

"Kate, take the original one. Sarah, your gear is somewhere in there. Stay safe guys, and let's move before shit gets worse."

M.O.D.O.K and the A.I.M soldiers watched on stunned as the four of them took off.

"Did..did he just clone a f**king jet?" M.O.D.O.K said.

Soldiers and S.H.I.E.L.D agents were frantically moving civilians through the destroyed ruins of the city. The sound of explosions and screams echoed throughout the destroyed city. Apocalypse, Cyclops, Magneto, Juggernaut and Storm made their way through the city, with a horde of mutants following behind them.

"What's the point of being this strong, if there's no one to test it against?" Juggernaut said swinging a giant maul over his shoulder.

"That's what happens when you rule the world. There will be no one stand against us." Storm said annoyed.

"We will take control of this continent first, and once we drain it, of all its resources. We can move on, I'm sure you'll find a target." Cyclops said.

"Horseman, do you sense him?" Apocalypse said.

"Yes, the boy I told you about has come to fight us." Magneto said.

Magneto raised his arm pulling the Quinjet down through the clouds, before it could crash to the ground. The Quinjet faded to nothingness and Andrew stood before them.

"I don't know what the f**k you guys are doing, but it's in your best interest to go home."

"Come child. Kneel before me, and you will stand before anyone." Apocalypse said offering out his hand.

"I didn't spend over 20 years rejecting one god, to accept another. Take your Blue steel ass back to whatever hole you came out of. And get the f**k out of my country."

"He is strong willed I sense great power in him. He will become a great horseman."

Andrew summoned his sword, and the X-men all took a step forward. They stopped as Apocalypse walked in front.

"Do not, interfere children. It is a father's responsibility to discipline his children."

"You here that f**kers, don't interrupt while I f**k up your god." Andrew said with a smug smile.

Apocalypse opened his arms exposing his chest. Andrew clenched his teeth.

"This asshole, he's giving me a free shot. I can't risk blowing everything on a strike that might not kill him, but I can get the others as collateral." Andrew thought.

"Come child, take your first strike."

Andrew planted his sword into the ground and grinned. Creating a hundred of translucent clones of himself, and grabbed his sword into a high guard. Apocalypse and his horsemen watched with glee. Andrew created another magic circle enlarging his sword to a colossal size, with each clone placing their hand underneath. The colossal blade flickered with black flames.

"When the hell could he do that?" Juggernaut exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter, he cannot win." Magneto said.

Andrew took a step forward, the ground shattered underneath his foot, and the blade fractured.

"TAKE THIS!" Andrew shouted swinging his blade horizontally.

He swung his blade with all his might. The blade sliced through the buildings with ease, and the first edge connected with Apocalypse's chest. The fractured blade connected and a black wave shot out. Cyclops took a step forward raising his hand up, and absorbed the entire black wave. Apocalypse grabbed the sword and shattered it in his hands, and sent Andrew flying with a flick.

Andrew crashed through a building, pulling himself out of the rubble, covered in dust and coughing up blood.

"F**k....he didn't even move...and now Cyclops can absorb energy now?"

"He can do more than that." Apocalypse said towering over Andrew.

He's eyes widened in shock, and before he could react, Apocalypse began choking Andrew. He swapped his sword into a spear, ramming it through Apocalypse's eyes. Andrew fell down coughing and holding his throat.

"Your plan will not work. Become one of my horsemen, and rule over the weak." Apocalypse said removing the spear from his head, and healing his eyes.

"Psychic as well huh...I can see why they consider you a damn god."

"My powers are endless, and so are my children's. You cannot gather information for friends."

"How about you go f**k yourself?"

"Your bravery is commendable, but I will break you."

"If you're so strong, try taking this." Andrew said covering Apocalypse in Soul-fire.

The soul-fire disappeared instantly and Apocalypse grabbed Andrew throwing him out of the building. He flew back out landing in front the horsemen. Cyclops leaned over giving him a smug smile.

"How are you feeling?"

Andrew covered his fist Chi punching Cyclops in the face, feeling no force in his punch.

"Oooh, it really hurts. Would you like to try again?" Cyclops said.

Andrew summoned his sword, suddenly warping around his arm and crushing it. He screamed out in agony, as blood gushed out, and bones jutted out.

"Did you really try to use metal in front of the master of metal?"

"God...you really are a gay lord." Andrew said weakly with a smile.

Juggernaut swung his maul with all his force, creating a sonic boom across Andrew's face. His skull turned into fine powder and blood sprayed out into a fine mist.

"God that little shit deserved that." Juggernaut said.

"He has tricked us children." Apocalypse said floating down.

The others looked at the twitching corpse turn into nothingness and quickly looked back at Apocalypse.

"HOW THE HELL DID HE DO THAT?" Juggernaut shouted angrily.

"The mystic arts are not something to be underestimated. It appears he created a perfect clone of himself, when he crashed through the building. Continue your task, I will find him." Apocalypse said flying into the air.

"Yes Apocalypse."

Andrew watched on panting with a trickle of blood running down the side of his head, from a top a destroyed building.

"F**k. They've gotten some new powers, and I still can't gauge how many powers that asshole has."

"I have told you, my powers are endless." Apocalypse said from behind.

Andrew tried to turn around being punched through the building, crashing down to the ground floor. He pulled himself up, coughing up blood, unable to pull himself out. Apocalypse teleported above Andrew, suddenly growing even larger, his gigantic hand wrapped around him.

"You are not a mystic clone. Will you concede and join us?"

"And if...I refuse?"

Apocalypse gently squeezed his hand, and several of Andrew's ribs cracked. He let out a scream in agony, gnashing his teeth together.

"ARGH! F**KER! Most people start gently with the torture."

"I am starting gently." Apocalypse said slamming Andrew into the ground.

He coughed out blood and struggled to breath, rolling over to his hands and knees.

"C**t...nugget. You make a compelling argument, but....you have four horsemen already. Anymore and you kill your godly image, so...who am I going to replace?" Andrew said with a bloodied smile.

"Your confidence is not waning, what other weapon do you still have your sleeve?"

Andrew began chuckling, forcing himself to stand up.

"I promised I wouldn't use it, because of how dangerous it is. But desperate times, call for desperate measures. So before I go, I'm going to kill at least one of your damn horsemen and make you bleed."

"You are welcome to try, but I am a God and..."

Andrew engulfed himself in soul-fire, kicking Apocalypse across the street. Apocalypse got up spitting out blood and cracked a grin. The horsemen all gazed in disbelief, as Andrew limped out of the crater, staring them down.

"What are you all gawking at? Out of everyone here, I'm the only here, who was actually given powers by the gods. That buff E.T wearing Ichi-ban lipstick, he's just some poser c**t, and now I'm gonna make good on my second promise." Andrew said being immolated with soul-fire.

"That trick will not work a seco..."

In a black flash and a gust of wind, Storm fell to her knees, with a fountain of blood shooting out from her neck. The others watched shocked and horrified, trying to see where Andrew went.

"WHERE DID HE GO!?" Juggernaut shouted.

"FIND HIM! HE MUST BE PUNISHED!" Apocalypse shouted angrily.

With a powerful leap, Andrew left the city and quickly broke into a car. Jamming mimicry into the ignition and covering the car in soul-fire he took off into the beach side. Andrew crawled to a phone inside a store, weakly speaking into it.

"Come on Hawkins....pick up...."

"Andrew, I will be sending..."

"Don't send anything to Australia!...They're too damn strong...I took Storm out...but anyone touched by that En Saba guy...Get the sentinels to Australia first...they're trying to make a stronghold here. I don't....I don't know how long I'm gonna be conscious for...so stay alive everyone. Avoid En Sabah Nur at all costs...I have to go and hide, going dark..." Andrew said hanging the phone up.

Mimi appeared and dragged Andrew into the ocean, creating a cocoon of rope around him. The two of them were swallowed up by the waves, as Juggernaut came crashing through the buildings.


Magneto flew in gnashing his teeth together, throwing his helmet off angrily.

"Shut up you buffoon! He's disappeared somehow. Search the area."

Kate exited the Quinjet leaping into the ocean next to Genosha, and swam ashore. She quietly loaded her bow, silently moving cover to cover. Suddenly hearing chanting in distance, she slowly approached it.

"Repent and despair, for the age of Apocalypse is here." Charles, Emma and Jean chanted on repeat, sitting in a circle together.

Kate loaded her bow with three arrows, and lined her targets up. Releasing all three arrows at the same time, the arrows whizzed through the air at rapid speeds. As the arrow tip pierced Jean's throat, her eyes opened, and she sent out a message to Cyclops.

"I love you Scott." She said as the arrow pierced through her jugular.

The second Arrow made contact with Emma's throat, but stopped and shattered against her diamond skin. She fell back clutching her throat, and coughing violently. The third arrow struck Charles's temple and as he felt the arrow pierce through, he opened his eyes whispering.

"Onslaught is born." He thought as the arrow ripped through his skull.

Kate quickly loaded her bow ready to fire again at Emma. Kate leapt out of the way, when Emma leapt in covered in diamonds with crimson eyes.

"YOU'LL DIE FOR THAT!" She screamed.

Kate fired an explosive arrow to no effect. Emma swatted away the smoke, and her diamond skin disappeared.

"Break your fingers." Emma growled.

Kate entered into a trance, grabbing her fingers, and began breaking them one by one. Tears streamed out of her eyes, as she continued to snap her fingers.

"Now bite your own tongue off."

Kate stuck her tongue out, and as she brought her teeth down, she was whisked away in a rainbow beam of light. Emma stood there dumb founded. Colleen and Sarah were helping navigate civilians to the Helicarriers, with people giving Sarah weird looks.

"The message has stopped. Please aid the nearest mutant. They are no longer under an influence." J.A.R.V.I.S said over the intercoms.

"That's bullshit! They were trying to kill us! This is the time to kill them!" The scared civilians shouted.

Colleen looked out into the crowd grabbing the hilt of her katana.

"Is something wrong Colleen?" Sarah asked.

"Get everyone on board now. Someone is coming our way." She said leaping over the crowd.

Screams echoed out, and the civilians began running and shoving each other to get on board the Helicarrier. Colleen grabbed her katana, hearing the screams getting closer and louder, and then a distinct sound. *BAMF*

Nightcrawler appeared behind Colleen in a large purple cloud, plunging a dagger into her shoulder. She cried out swinging behind her. *BAMF* Nightcrawler disappeared, and Colleen ripped the dagger out, and took a deep breath healing the injury.

"Motherf**ker. I'm gonna feed him, his tail." Colleen growled.

"Colleen, give me a minute I'll be there soon." Sarah said over the radio.

"Get everyone onboard, he isn't the only mutant here."

Beast leapt out of a building, swiping at Colleen. She parried his swipe and pushed him away. Beast stood up laughing, his sized doubled and his blue fur now black and long.

"The psychic message has stopped, and you guys are still attacking. So I'm gonna guess that you guys are willing to do for this."

"Die? The age of Apocalypse is here, and we are his messengers!" Beast said.

"I'm starting to see why Andrew hates religion now." Colleen said drawing her katana.

"Join us. You don't have to die with these lesser beings." Nightcrawler said hanging above her.

"You think I'm scared of you two?" Colleen said with a smile.

"Who said that there was only two of us?" Beast said with a sly smile.

Colleen leapt into the air, as a giant spike of ice shot out underneath her. *BAMF* Nightcrawler appeared behind Colleen, smiling at her.

"Jumping into the air was a mistake. This is my domain." Nightcrawler said, raising his tail high up.

"The air is the Dragon's domain." Colleen said, dodging the strike, to Nightcrawler's shock.

She grabbed his tail and quickly sliced it off. As he screamed out in pain, she shoved the tail down his throat, and axe kicked him into the ground. Nightcrawler became a fine paste on the concrete ground. Ice-man and Beast looked up at Colleen filled with anger as she gave them a smug smile from above.

"DIE!" They screamed.

Beast leapt at the walls, and Ice-Man shot out a stream of ice, skating upwards towards to Colleen. She quickly sky walked away, from the civilians, as Ice-man and Beast chased after her. As Colleen lured them away she heard a high pitched whistling, and turned around to see Angel flying with metal wings, slicing her arm. Colleen fell to the ground, clutching her arm and side, her bones showing. She gnashed her teeth and took a deep breath healing her injury. Beast leapt at her, and as she raised her katana to block it, an icicle pierced through her shin. Beast's claws ripped through her shoulder's flesh.

Beast stood over Colleen, raising his claws up, and letting out a primal roar. Suddenly losing feeling to his hand, he looked at the bloody stump, in pure shock. He fell down to his knees clutching his stump as it sprayed blood. Colleen looked weakly to the side, seeing Connie holding her katana. As Ice-man tried to create a torrent of ice, Kingpin and Daredevil, emerged punching him clear into the street.

"Get up. My sister will not die to a damn dog."


Connie quickly decapitated Beast with a single slash.

"We need to leave, there are stronger mutants coming." Connie said picking up Colleen.

"Wh...why can't I...." Colleen said weakly before passing out.

Connie looked at Beast's claws oozing a green fluid.

"Shit. We need to move now." Connie said.

Daredevil and Kingpin approached Connie holding their bruised fist.

"Damn it feels good to be able to use chi again." Daredevil said.

"Where to Phoenix?" Kingpin asked.

"Kun'lun. We need to leave this battlefield."

"What about the bird?" Daredevil said pointing to the sky.

"Let those two idiots deal with them." Connie said pointing to Luke and Misty shooting at Angel.

Noriko shot awake, seeing Laura asleep next to her, and Maria in front of a computer screen.


"Get some rest Noriko. This war isn't going to end anytime soon." Maria said.

Noriko looked at the screen, seeing gigantic humanoid robots, firing rockets and laser beams into crowds.

"What the hell is going on!? Why are you letting those things kill those people!?" Noriko yelled grabbing Maria by the collar.

"Those aren't people. They're mutants who chose the wrong side. Now get some rest. You and Laura are going to have a lot of work."