
Marvel: True King of Curses

John Moorey a white collared mundane man trying to survive in the hustle and bustle of New York, the city where gazes never wonder, eyes never lock and the whispers of blood reach the ears of nobody before fading. Perfect for an ordinary man who’s main goal is just a simple one - to live right?. Absolutely perfect yes I say or at least it was. Until his world switched almost instantaneously and he was thrust into a world of pure unrefined insanity as the King of Curses - Ryoumen Sukuna One would think that such an indescribable madness would surely drive any sane man insane but good ol John is no stranger to madness he’s a man that theres more to him than meets the eye A man of ever changing colour and beauty - an inescapable calamity

Honoured_Writer · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

7 Flames?

[A/N* Have you been enjoying the action scenes so far? Is there something missing or something uneeded please say 🥺also as always


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Shifting every organ in my body was an unpleasant experience to say the least especially when maintaining this very form puts strains on my soul drastically

But it was all for good cause… to avoid this woman's blow which seared my existence to ash with its verocity'

Leaving no time to rest, she drove the spear further into my body until it broke the surface of my back and spewed scarlet

Advancing with fervour, she continued, adjusting her grip in the 24th of a second that she started her attack, she began to slash through my torso like a brutal butcher apathetic to the messiness of it all


Negative energy flowed through my stomach rampantly, contracting, hardening and reinforcing my torso which halted the Executioner's progress suddenly my

Utilising the loss of momentum on my enemy's side and following shock, I brought hold of all the blood forcing its way out of my throat, i expunged it all into her eyes - temporarily blinding her

A chance like no other bare it's neck to me to be severed without remorse or hesitation

For while I was currently at a 'disadvantage' I still held a numerical advantage in terms of limbs and in a battle like this - its all I need

Grasping upon her wrist with my upper right, I launched an elbow into her face drawing blood - the very same golden blood that vanished the very same moment the attack was unleashed no thanks to her outstanding regenerative abilities.

We clashed once more shooting across the forest and destroying everything in our wake

Her weapon eradicating the multitude of dismantling cutting their way through the air

She positioned herself accordingly before launching it at me like a javelin at speeds that even my eyes struggled to pinpoint

By a distance that I would struggle to call comfortable, I ducked underneath before sprinting at her

The Spear reappearing inside her hands was brought it down to erase the backdrop behind me in the instant that I had dodged

The sparks of our collision pierced the ears, trees uprooted and thrown into the air as we chased in blitz of speed

A thinly veiled thrust threatened to penetrate my heart until I side stepped its intent

However from within that moment the weapons body bended and struck me from my unguarded side and carlesssly flung me into a still intact Shrine

"This is becoming tedious," I frowned after collecting my body and clearing the dust that do desperately clung to my skin

Envoking the Reversed cursed technique once more, the already barely visible wounds vanished once more whilst I traced and realised the outline of my soul to heal that aspect as well

"Then why don't you lay you head down and die filthy curse," a voice spoke followed the beauty of a woman crashing beside me.

And simply in that same breath an arc of light drew itself across the room which I simply skated under and kicked her body through the roof with a bored expression adorning my face

"So soon? Especially when I haven't even broken a sweat ," like a bullet crackling through the room I sent myself barrelling upwards

Fangs of Dismantlle bore itself once more and in a comically large fashion shredding the skin of my opponent viciously but this time.. her wounds disappeared slower

'Her regenerative factor is slowing, the time is nye,'

I grinned as the barrier of speed that withheld the first level was broken with loud thunderous boom until finally I reached her

My mountainous hand entangled around her shocked face who already knew the result before it even started

"Cleave!" My voice a catalyst to familiar cross hatching that began to riddle her face and body gloriously

Her muscles ripped and unveiled for my eyes to gaze upon, tensed and contorted with power unlike no other until they too were torn apart

'While she doesn't possess the ability to adapt to my 'Cleave' like Yamato No Orochi or Mahoraga, I find her regeneration to be rather irksome

While I doubt she can survive the total obliteration of world cleave, it's still necessary to act with the thought of she can less she catch me off guard once more.. but h also need her alive

I need answers and she most likely possesses them

..I suppose I'll have to expose my hand once more

Let's teach her in fire and blood and anguish'

Akin to precognition, she knew that I was quite content with this battle and wanted it to come swiftly to a close, she wrangled free of my unkept grasp that had slowed in its onslaught of slashes and former and skidded across the naked body of Earth

The Spear lodged into my body vanished and returned to her hand spectacularly leaving me repair my torso with curiosity

The desire to hold that spear within my grasp and have it be my own grew ever so strong that it raged rampantly

'First, I have to tether the hand who holds it'

"Open [▪️] " I called it and at my helm, blazing and unweathering, was the ignited spark of all that was unholy concentrated in my palms

Like a conductor that beheld the control of the choir for the end with a simple baton, I demanded control of their melodies and so they gave their collar

Holding it tight within my grasp, I welded it to suit my whims once more like an obedient pet, transforming the sky into ethereal red that hugged the material world

"It cant be! That's Kagutsuchi authority!" She shrieked in utter lack of composure

Her words while caused to me to react similarly were not nearly as blatant as hers

'Kagutsuchi… Amatarasu… Heavenly Jewelled Spear of the Ancestral Master… these names, taken straight from Shinto Mythology

Kagutsuchi. The Japanese God of Fire

Heavenly Jewelled Spear of the Ancestral Master. A title as long as it'saccomplishments namely being able raise the primordial land mass and shape Japan as we know it

Amaterasu the god of gods, holding the position of goddess of the sun across the Shinto mythological region. Daughter of Izanami and Izanagi..

Is this the woman that stands before me?

Her powers cosied with my previously collected knowledge, it's all too similar

'If she breathes than the faintest possibilities of other divine counterparts existing is also a factor I have to take account of 

Zeus...Shiva...Odin...Amun-Ra...Quetzalcoatl.... Yu Huang Shang-Ti... the list drivels on naming each and every God or each and every religion and faith

Things have gotten more interesting'

The two sides of soul scorched bright, the reader's curiosity of John that needed to be satiated no matter the costs to witness these beings and their events with my own eyes and the insatiable hunger to battle the strong and grow to new even greater heights that could only be that of The King of Curses

Passions of two entwined entangled souls glimmered and burned brighter than the fire that engulfed my hands

The now named Amaterasu stood before me, The Spear pointed towards the summit of the sky and stirred the wrath of the Sun which had turned a majestic white under the control of such a Goddess

The two of us, each with differing views of who the true victor of this clash, collided together with the brunt of our two attacks 

Locking gaze I laughed once more as the overcooked half dead corpse dancing along the borders of Death's hold, "Burn."


[Change of POV]

Chaos rained the streets of a local town as the everlasting Sun that thy worshipped to no end singing praises of the Goddess that held it, had collapsed into nothingness

The only remains of its visage being a collapsing dim sphere of light thag hung dispiritedly in the sky

Praises and sacrifices of food, sake, animals, valuable items were beheld in hopes that the medium of Amaterasu shall return to its former glory

Whether it be to Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Hachiban or the other arrangement of deities all were worshipped in the event that was just the beginning of the end

And beholding to all this anarchy were three beings who overlooked it all on a cliff just far off from the village fallen into pandemonium

Two of them being nothing short of eldritch beings

Discarding the four armed monstrosity who sat calmly as the passing breeze caressed his body another stood at a full height of 10mis a towering, muscular hulk of a figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head.

And as if possesss by a strange phenomenon that shrouded its body it employed a large golden eight-handled wheel that crowned the summit of his head beautifully like a Crown Prince of Abomination

Grabbing hold of third character - a woman of untold beauty - with its bulking arms of pure silky white, it pierced her body with an obsidian blade, it breathed an chilling mist that screamed of its labour

"Awake Amaterasu, your rest is over."

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[A/N* Low quality chapter which I hope I can improve on later

Please send advice on what I can do to do so 🙏

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