
Marvel: True King of Curses

John Moorey a white collared mundane man trying to survive in the hustle and bustle of New York, the city where gazes never wonder, eyes never lock and the whispers of blood reach the ears of nobody before fading. Perfect for an ordinary man who’s main goal is just a simple one - to live right?. Absolutely perfect yes I say or at least it was. Until his world switched almost instantaneously and he was thrust into a world of pure unrefined insanity as the King of Curses - Ryoumen Sukuna One would think that such an indescribable madness would surely drive any sane man insane but good ol John is no stranger to madness he’s a man that theres more to him than meets the eye A man of ever changing colour and beauty - an inescapable calamity

Honoured_Writer · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

6 Deicide

[A/N* Give me your stones? 🧐*]


"Killing one person makes you a murderer. Killing a million people makes you a king. Killing them all makes you God."

 -Frank E. Peretti


As the kids say.. . fuck my life

Arrogance the folly of the ordinary

I relinquished my alert senses to toy with a bug who had no tongue and for my carelessness I was granted a reward worthy my act


It ripped past any outside reinforcement placed upon my body and burned with a power of a thousands suns

Ravaging and tearing into my body like a hyena on a dead carcass.

Though it paled in comparison to my assimilation

Pain is still pain no matter the cause.

I felt it. This power was purging my soul from the inside out, so much so that I can barely maintain this form

"..This woman.. she'll make quite the meal," my voice just barely a slither of a whisper whilst the assault against my very existence ensued

- - - - - - - -

[Change of POV]

Carnage. Absolute Carnage was all I could see.

Blood stained the once glorious visage of Shrine of Fuin. Walls decorated in scarlet and the air thick with a metallic scent which was all too familiar

Mutilated and bloodied bodies of the once glorius Fujiwara Clan scattered across the ground apathetically as if their lives only served as trophies to their killer

And one man- no monster stood before me toying with one of the Four Void Generals - the ones closest to the Gods in strength -with so little disregard for the lives he reaped…

For the first time since the dawn of the Sun, the kindness and regality that I vainly tried so hard to retain in every step I took had vanished.

For the the first time those shallow desires that I held so dear had been discarded without care and replaced..

With the rage so overwhelming the sky blazed alongside my fury, that made any words that I have ever spoken seem like a lie

"I'll. Kill. Him!" A quiet mutter in the ever passing but to me, it meant my convictions that I shall treat all creatures with equal kindness will break.

And so at my behest, my channelled authority of order flowed through the Spear of Creation my Father once held to shall these lands.

With parting words that will erase this curse from the Earth I screamed, "Amenonuhoko-no-Denrai-Shi!"


I had little to no time to think only actions were permitted in this dire moment which if given enough time could burn me from the Surface of the Earth

'I'll simply have to employ your technique once more'

Allowing my figure to be swallowed whole within the murky depths known as shadows, I merged into the familiar darkness once more just narrowly escaping certain soul erasure

I sighed with heavy relief gazing at the lower left arm that had been cauterised and seared off to a pitiful stump

In that instant, a binding vow was made, which in exchange for my generally unharmed escape the temporary loss of an arm will be taken as sacrifice to bare the brunt of such an attack

'It's inefficient but it's also temporary. Soul damage while it can not be healed with reversed cursed technique like the physical body, the soul possesses a natural regenerative factor to it .

However it's extremely slow - it will have to do for now after all time is of the essence to ensure this counterattack will proceed smoothly

They would have to be an incompetent fool to buy the fact that they have souly killed me, not only do I not doubt they have some way to sense my presence - even if I were to devour all of my excess cursed energy leaking out I possess a natural aura distinguishable from the weak

An opponent of this level to harm to this amount I doubt simple Cleaves and Dismantles will be an issue but these simple yet effective abilities will be of use in probing her and drawing out her full power

Emerging once more from the realms of endless void, I ascended the stairs to Heaven rapidly whilst smirking

A collage of slashes ripped through the sky in uneven patterns, colouring the sky in their aggression only for their path of destruction to cease in front of overwhelming divine might

With a simple slash of The Heavenly Spear all malice aimed at her were incinerated but the seemed to be the least of problems that lay ahead as blood spilled from her body as the cross hatching of cleave painted it's mark across her face and body 

"Golden blood? Interesting," I remarked whilst the I severed the bonds of sky and cloud, pacing my way towards her with agile nimbleness one wouldn't expect from such a brutish build.

I watched delightedly at how her wounds healed and faded even amongst the onslaught of cleaves etching their presence onto her being in mere nanoseconds imperceivable to the naked human eye

Not allowing any time for delay, I ducked under that pesky spear of hers, before delivering a two armed right hook to her side before catching her moving head and bringing it down to strike her with a knee bow with satisfying grace

Her grunts screamed that of pain and anger but I couldn't let up as a barrage of punches struck her body without let up

In a world of killers to timid to target woman, I stand above all, indiscriminately slaughtering them all without preference 

A true feminist!

Letting a final gut punch ring the bell of my one sided beatdown, she rapidly forced her won body to separate from where I was, visibly relived at the sight of my descending to forest below - after all even I haven't acquired the ability to fly.

But just prior to my eventual fall, I stared at her gritted teeth which almost mimicked the whitening of the Sun that blistered my arms and hands unremorsefully

"?" I wondered as I watched her slowly come down from the high attitude making us lock gaze, peering into them causing her to shiver and recoil her gaze in petrificatiob

She trembled once more this time not in fear but indescribable rage, dragging her pupils to meet my own again

"YOU CURSE THAT BROUGHT PLAGUES, FAMINE AND DISEASE TO OUR LAND DARE TO SO FRIVOUSLY KILL MY PEOPLE ! You! The reason why my father and mother died! Yo-!" She shrieked in a language- no it would be better to say voice that spoke the tongue of all people as if she were communicating to the very soul itself

She talks too much and this spill of uneeded information just the type I hate the most


I clicked my tongue in disgust, leering my eyes over her character with little interest

Human ideals and morals through and through. Utterly disgusting

"The real question is why do you believe so much so that the weak deserve to not be trampled upon by the strong?" I raised my limbs to my side with a a cold expression

Why do they think they have a right to live, to cling to their miserable lives so fiercely? The powerful, the calculating, the cunning... those who'll do anything to obtain what they yearn for - those are who truly deserve to live

Those with a formidable sense of self

The Strong.

"To me, how can such vile creatures like your people even dream of living happy lives when they doubt at a single touch

Those weaklings only exist to love the strong and fulfil their desires so how can insects such as them even begin to desire joy" I finished, tired of my ranting. I felt bored yet in that ennul I grew to know of another emotions presence - Hatred

Just like Itadori Yuji I despised her ideals from the bottom of my heart

"…I see. I'll guarantee your death by my hands," she raised her spear once to graze the rays of the Sun, resolve contained brilliantly in the capsule of her soul that is her eyes

"Hoh," I amusedely chortled, "Try me."

The rays that basked her body in serenity taht seemed to empower her body turned lethal as ghey shot from the sky and bore holes the place that I previously stood

Hm? They're fast. So fast that my body's moving on natural instinct and precognition alone

Impressive but can her strength really keep up with her ideals

A head of sweat cascaded dwon my features whilst I narrowly danced around the beams of concentrated heat that aimed for my life

But tahts when a sharp pain pierced my abdomen from below my eye level, too fast for me to dodge but slow enough for my brain to reinforce my body and mitigate the damage

Blood spewed my mouth , trailing down the contours of my body mockingly

"I will." Her voice echoed while the spear plunged through my insides to penetrate the outer layer of my back

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[A/N* enjoy the chapter? Maybe give me stones to keep producing such bangers?

You also want to support me 🤭? https://ko-fi.com/honouredwriter*]

Also I feel like my Young Justice fic writing ahs been spilling out into this one so if this chapter feels different it's cause it is