
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!

[ Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?! ] Andrew Wilson travels to the Marvel world and becomes a transfer student at Empire State University. He also raised a traveling frog that can bring back special products for him from other worlds. "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Emperor Armor's Belt]" "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Perfect version of T-Virus]" "Your Frog cub brought you a souvenir [Artificial Intelligence · Red Queen]" ...... Then Andrew felt that something was wrong. Gwen Stacy, the classmate who had a good relationship with him on weekdays, was actually Spider-Woman? This Marvel world seems to be somewhat new to what I know... -------------------------------------------------------------- Upload Schedule: Weekly Upload - 6 Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapters: 250 Power Stones = +1 Bonus Chapter [Completed] 500 Power Stones = +2 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 1000 Power Stones = +3 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 2000 Power Stones = +5 Bonus Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Advance Chapters ⇒ p@treon.com/RedX43 -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : This is not my fanfic; it's actually a translated version of a Chinese novel. I'm sharing it here so that more people can enjoy it. All credit for the original story goes to the author.

RedX43 · Movies
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182 Chs

99: Green Goblin's Screams & Gwen's Counterattack

On the sofa, Gwen holds Pikachu.

He looked at Andrew beside him with resentment.

Andrew, on the other hand, looked at the new battle suit information given by the red post on the computer.

After watching for a while, Andrew said softly to Gwen, "Your new battle suit should be ready to use tomorrow morning." 


After listening to Andrew's words, Gwen turned his face and snorted in displeasure.

Andrew just smiled at Gwen's reaction. The little girl was still angry about being molested by him just now.


Gwen turned his head and suddenly felt that Andrew seemed to be very close to him. Turning his head subconsciously, he happened to meet Andrew at a close distance. Looking into Andrew's eyes so closely, Gwen's heart beat faster. He said nervously, "Andrew...why are you so close?"

Andrew smiled gently and covered Pikachu's eyes with a hand. 


Pikachu waved his little hand in protest but to no avail. Because the next moment, Andrew's mouth kissed Gwen's lips. 


At the sudden kiss, Gwen subconsciously hummed in surprise. After a while, Andrew slowly pulled back and asked softly, "Don't be angry."

Gwen blushed, pursed her lips and nodded slightly. Unconsciously, the arms holding Pikachu tightened slightly. 

Andrew also removed Pikachu's glasses. Pikachu had no idea what had just happened, so he could only utter a puzzled voice: "Pika?"

Gwen blushed, reminiscing about the feeling just now. It didn't seem so bad after all. He wondered if he should kiss Andrew again...

Thinking this, Gwen mustered up his courage, turned to look at Andrew and said, "Andrew..." 

Andrew also looked at Gwen with a smile on his face: "What's the matter?"

Just when Gwen blushed and was about to ask if they could kiss again, the red queen's voice suddenly came from the computer. 

"Master, Miss Gwen. The NYPD was attacked and Miss Anna and Mr George were confronting him."

Andrew frowned. Gwen's face changed, and the two looked at the computer screen at the same time. 

On the computer screen, Osborn, who was riding the Flight device, politely gave a gentleman's salute to Anna and George below. But then, he took out a pumpkin bomb from the small bag around his waist and threw it down towards them. The pumpkin bomb was beeping loudly. 

Seeing this, George didn't hesitate. He grabbed Anna and ran directly into the police station just as the pumpkin bomb Osborn threw hit the ground and exploded like a bomb after bouncing a few times. The video feed was engulfed in flames, indicating the explosion had destroyed the surrounding cameras. 

Clearly, Green Goblin Osborn was here! Watching this, Gwen stood up directly from the sofa and ran towards the balcony without saying anything. Her clothes fell off one by one, leaving just the Spider battlesuit underneath. Gwen jumped down and swung towards the NYPD on a thread of spiderweb.

Andrew closed the notebook, looked at Pikachu and said, "Pikachu, you stay here and watch the house. If anyone suspicious shows up, use Thunderbolt on them directly! I'll go take a look." 

With Gwen currently not wearing the explosion-proof battle suit, she would be at a disadvantage against Green Goblin. Pikachu understood the gravity of the situation and replied seriously: "Pika!"

Andrew also got up from the sofa, and with each step the Emperor's armor slowly enveloped him. A voice sounded in the void: "Armor on!" Wearing The Emperor's armor, Andrew came to the balcony. "Transform!" 

Inside the New York Police Department, the explosion outside had directly impacted the interior. George slowly stood up from the floor after being knocked down by the blast. Luckily he was unharmed. "Anna, are you alright?" George looked at Anna behind the door and asked with concern. Just before the explosion, George had pushed Anna to the door for protection. 

Leaning against the wall, Anna slowly stood up: "I'm fine, Uncle George. But who was that weirdo!"

Behind George, a group of detectives had also gathered. With guns loaded, they faced Anna's question. George pulled out his pistol and shook his head: "I don't know, I've never seen him before." 

"You, protect her. The rest come out with me!" 

"The others, cover us from inside." Despite the chaos, George calmly issued orders thanks to his years on the police force. The officers swiftly moved into position. 

With gun in hand, George took the lead and walked out the door. Stepping outside the station, he immediately raised his gun skyward - the self-proclaimed Green Goblin had flown down from above earlier. But now the sky was empty, save for the smoke rising slowly from the explosion. 

The detectives behind George looked around warily, but there was still no movement. "Be careful, we don't know what other tricks he has!" George reminded them. 

Suddenly, from the flames ahead, a green figure slowly drifted out - Green Goblin, standing on his Flight device. 

"Not bad, not bad. The esteemed chief of the NYPD, I salute you!" Facing George, Green Goblin Osborn openly praised him. It was impressive to react so quickly to a threat he'd never seen before. 

George's gun pointed directly at Green Goblin Osborn's head as he asked coldly, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Your memory is poor. I already introduced myself! My name is Green Goblin! I'm here to...kill someone!" With that said, his hand picked up another pumpkin bomb.

Seeing this, George immediately yelled "Open fire!" Guns blazed as bullets poured towards Green Goblin Osborn. The exoskeleton sparked where bullets hit. Under heavy fire, Green Goblin fell backwards. 

George's hand lifted, stopping the shooting. "Cover me, I'll check him out!" he said to a nearby officer, who nodded in acknowledgement. George always rushed into danger first, earning him deep respect. The officer signaled the others and moved toward Green Goblin as George approached slowly. 

Suddenly, George's expression changed. Green Goblin's hand had gone limp, letting the pumpkin bomb roll free to the ground, beeping rapidly. "Get back and get down!" George shouted, running away. The detectives turned and hit the dirt just before the pumpkin exploded with green smoke instead of a blast. 

George's face darkened, realizing he'd been fooled as Green Goblin's laughter rang out arrogantly from the smoke. "Just a smoke bomb!" Before George could stop him, one of the detectives charged into the smoke after the taunt, only for Green Goblin's screams to echo out, followed by a gunshot.


The gunshot instantly made the surrounding environment much quieter. 

George looked solemnly at the smoke, he didn't think any detective could take down Green Goblin if they rushed in.

On the other side of a tall building, Andrew, wearing the emperor's armor, frowned and looked towards the New York Police Department. 

Having just arrived, he examined the smoke: "What a sly Norman Osborn."

Others couldn't see through the green smoke, but it was no obstacle for Andrew. 

The reckless police detective had rushed in and been stabbed by Green Goblin's flying device. 

After that was purely Norman's theatrics, including the final gunshot which was for the detective.

In Andrew's view, Norman, now Green Goblin, wanted to humiliate the NYPD detectives to satisfy his twisted psychology.

After all, the current Norman could no longer be judged by normal standards.

Andrew said softly, "Queen, how long until Gwen arrives?"

"Master, she is two blocks away, coming soon."

Andrew thought for a while: "Let's see if Gwen can handle him first."

At the same time, inside Tony's studio, the new Arc Reactor had undergone JARVIS' experiments and the data was displayed. 

Tony and Yinsen stood before the 3D projections, examining the Mark armor power simulations using the new element.

"Simply perfect. Compared to palladium, the Arc Reactor with this new element is like a 3A battery versus an AA battery," Tony remarked.

Yinsen nodded in agreement: "Yes, exactly. And it hardly contains any harmful elements - Howard was a genius."

Tony smiled, his attitude towards Howard much improved thanks to Yinsen's praise. 

Just then, JARVIS said, "Sir, the Emperor has appeared."

Tony immediately responded, "Where? I'll go thank him myself." A map projection marked Andrew's location.

Tony swiftly replaced the old Arc Reactor with the new one. The moment it was in place he felt an indescribable refreshment. The palladium poisoning around his chest rapidly receded.

A soft blue light enveloped Tony. He shook his head, feeling better than ever. 

Yinsen anxiously asked, "How do you feel, Tony?"

Tony smiled brightly, "Never been this refreshed! JARVIS, ready the Mark 6 armor."

"Right away, sir!"

The Mark 6 was Tony's newest armor using the new element. Its most noticeable change was the triangular Arc Reactor on the chest.

Soon the Mark 6 was ready and Tony flew off, exhilarated by his new lease on life.

Yinsen smiled, happy for Tony, though the messy studio dampened his mood. "Alright, time to clean up again."

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D., two images were on the big screen before Nick Fury - Andrew on a rooftop, and Tony flying out in new armor.

"Looks like Tony cracked his dad's secret," Fury remarked. 

Behind him, Hill poured cold water on the idea: "Seems awfully fast. I feel like the golden armor taught him."

Fury shot her an ugly look, though he'd had similar doubts. Sensing his displeasure, Hill changed the subject. "Sir, the golden armor is looking towards something."

"I noticed. Bring up the satellite view of where he's facing."

At Hill's command, the NYPD scene appeared as the third image. "What is this...?" Hill wondered at the green smoke.

Fury just watched the screen impassively. 

Onscreen, George solemnly regarded the smoke while a detective asked if they should check inside. George refused - if Green Goblin was dead, their man would be out.

Sure enough, an impatient Green Goblin emerged, complaining they weren't coming in after he "killed" them all. As he walked out, the detective's body dragged behind him on the Flight Device, enraging the police.

George demanded again, "Who are you and why are you here?" Realizing guns were useless, he tried stalling while formulating a new plan.

Green Goblin laughed and repeated he was here to kill them. "One, all, what's the difference? You're all ants to me!" 

With that he flung the body off and leapt onto the Flight Device, ascending while taunting them to "enjoy the night." His hands were full of pumpkin bombs as he mused over which were smoke and which explosive.

George's face paled as over a dozen beeping bombs rained down. "Fall back! Get clear!" he yelled.

Green Goblin cackled watching them flee his bombardment. But suddenly webs snatched all the bombs away. "Spider! Spider-Woman!" Green Goblin shouted in hatred - without Spider-Woman's interference he would never have been caught. 

Gwen had swung in and now quipped, "You seem to like these so much, here, have them all back!" She whipped the webs, hurling the bombs directly at Green Goblin again.

To be continued...