
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!

[ Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?! ] Andrew Wilson travels to the Marvel world and becomes a transfer student at Empire State University. He also raised a traveling frog that can bring back special products for him from other worlds. "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Emperor Armor's Belt]" "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Perfect version of T-Virus]" "Your Frog cub brought you a souvenir [Artificial Intelligence · Red Queen]" ...... Then Andrew felt that something was wrong. Gwen Stacy, the classmate who had a good relationship with him on weekdays, was actually Spider-Woman? This Marvel world seems to be somewhat new to what I know... -------------------------------------------------------------- Upload Schedule: Weekly Upload - 6 Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapters: 250 Power Stones = +1 Bonus Chapter [Completed] 500 Power Stones = +2 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 1000 Power Stones = +3 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 2000 Power Stones = +5 Bonus Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Advance Chapters ⇒ p@treon.com/RedX43 -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : This is not my fanfic; it's actually a translated version of a Chinese novel. I'm sharing it here so that more people can enjoy it. All credit for the original story goes to the author.

RedX43 · Movies
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182 Chs

95: The Frightened Gwen

Underground Prison

George frowned at the now unresponsive homeless mutant they had recently arrested. 

"Shortly after I began questioning, he slipped into this dissociative state," George explained to the summoned doctor. 

"Clearly he exhibits dissociative identity disorder. But..." George turned expectantly to the woman.

"But what?" she prompted him to continue. 

George obliged, "You're the expert of course. In layman's terms if you would."

The doctor nodded. "Generally speaking, multiple personalities manifest from specific environmental and psychological factors. The alternate persona acts more as a protector for the core self. However, in his case..." 

She glanced meaningfully toward the cage holding the huddled vagrant. He crouched low, clutching his hair tightly and muttering, "No, you can't kill me. I don't want to die..."

Abruptly his eyes turned wild and his expression vicious. "Useless fool! If not for me you'd be dead. This magnificent body is mine!" he snarled at himself. 

"You must die!" he shouted before reverting to the prior cowering persona.

Witnessing the disturbing exchange of threats between the two psyches, George instantly grasped the abnormal situation. As the doctor had indicated, the violent identity typically shielded the weaker host psyche. But here, that role was completely reversed.

"Is this unusual?" he asked the doctor.

She nodded. "Extremely rare in dissociative cases. Academia has proposed one possibility to explain such inversion." 

"And that is?" George pressed, intrigued.

The doctor glanced at George with faint disdain. "I was attempting to summarize for your benefit. But very well, the only hypothesized cause for this aberrant psychology is that the alternate identity was artificially imposed."

George looked shocked. "Artificially imposed? Is that possible?" 

The doctor responded aloofly, "I was trying to convey the gist in layman's terms. But yes, outside coercion remains a distinct possibility."

George's eyes widened in realization. "You mean, this was deliberately done to him?" 

The cryptic 'they' the man had mentioned during arrest - could that refer to his tormentors? 

The doctor went on, "I also heard him allude to some mysterious 'they' during my earlier discussion with him. But he provided no specific clues as to who was involved."

"All I could gather was that he had been abducted and experimented upon, regaining consciousness restrained to a bed."

She shook her head helplessly. "I was about to press for more details when his stronger personality emerged and prevented further questioning. Hopefully we can resume when his condition stabilizes."

"Thank you for your expertise, Doctor Anna," George said sincerely. "It seems the trail goes cold here for now regarding his origins." 

"Of course, happy I could be of help," Anna replied pleasantly. "With my work abroad completed, I have some free time now. I was planning to visit my niece Gwen actually. Will she be home?"

When George shook his head sullenly, Anna hid a smile behind her hand. "Trouble with your little girl? Is she seeing someone perhaps?"

George's expression instantly darkened at the implication. Anna bit back a bigger grin. His transparent fatherly concern over Gwen's dating habits told her all she needed to know.

"Don't worry Uncle George, I'll check out the boy for you," she offered. "As an expert, I can assess a good match from a bad one instantly."

George's eyes lit up. That was an excellent idea. 

Glancing back at the vagrant prisoner, he mused, "Oddly enough, her suitor factored into this case somewhat." 

Seeing the security footage piqued Anna's interest. A strong-willed man abruptly turned docile before this Andrew? 

She hid her suspicions for now, knowing George would interrogatively haul in the young man if she voiced any doubts. Best to discreetly investigate herself first, rather than jeopardize Gwen's relationship over baseless conjecture. 

"Well I'll go see Gwen first," she told George. "Contact me if any issues arise with our patient."

George readily agreed, assuming she just wanted to socialize with her niece. "Of course, thank you again for your time."

After Anna departed, George called out, "And yes, please do vet the young man while you visit!"

Anna waved affirmatively without looking back. George smiled, satisfied. 

Finally arriving at Andrew's apartment, Gwen collapsed dramatically onto the sofa, arms laden with shopping bags. Beside her, Pikachu sprawled out equally lethargically. But his fatigue stemmed more from playing lifeless stuffed animal than actual exertion. 

Seeing the two splayed limply across the couch, Andrew chuckled. "Alright, you two rest. I'll start dinner."

At the mention of food preparation, Gwen and Pikachu instantly revived. "Love you Andrew, you're the best!" Gwen cheered. 

"Pika...chu!" Pikachu concurred eagerly.

Andrew just laughed and collected ingredients to begin cooking. Shortly after entering the kitchen, Red Queen notified Gwen, "Incoming call from Anna."

Gwen shot up excitedly. "Cousin Anna? Let her up!" 

"Gwen dear, been too long!" Anna greeted warmly through Red Queen's linked connection.

Puzzled by her words, Gwen responded happily, "Cousin Anna, what makes you call out of the blue?"

"Oh I just finished assisting your father and was missing you," Anna replied casually.

"You helped my dad with...wait, what?" Gwen exclaimed, realization dawning. "You said you were with my dad earlier?"

"Yes, just provided some guidance regarding his split psyche criminal," Anna clarified, heedless of Gwen's building anxiety. "I was hoping to visit you now that I'm free."

Gwen laughed awkwardly, "Aha, see, Cousin Anna, I'm actually not home at the moment..." 

But Anna cheerily revealed, "No worries, I'm right downstairs from Andrew's apartment now."

"You're where?!" Gwen shrieked, bolting out to the balcony with a baffled Pikachu in tow. She glanced down to see a waving figure in red.

Flustered, Gwen ducked back out of sight. Andrew poked his head out, perplexed by the commotion. "What's going on Gwen?"

Gwen whispered urgently, "My cousin Anna is here!" She shooed Andrew back inside.

The doorbell rang. Gwen scurried to intercept Andrew. "I'll get it!"

Gwen stood anxiously at the door. Suddenly remembering something, she called hurriedly, "Pikachu, play stuffed animal!" 

"Pika!" Pikachu immediately froze motionless on the couch.

Gwen turned to Andrew next. "Cousin Anna is dangerous, let me do the talking for now," she whispered urgently. 

Seeing Gwen's nervous state, Andrew just shrugged. "Alright, I'll head back to the kitchen then."

Gwen nodded, relieved. After Andrew disappeared to the kitchen, she finally opened the door. 

"Gwen, long time no see!" Anna greeted brightly in the hallway.

Despite herself, Gwen tensed up at the sight of her intimidating cousin. "A-Anna, what brings you here?"

Anna smiled knowingly. "I was helping your father with a case and he mentioned you were staying at this address. So I popped over to see you."

Her gaze slid past Gwen, scrutinizing the apartment interior. "My, aren't you going to invite me in?"

Flustered, Gwen stepped aside. "Of course, come in..."

In the kitchen, Andrew slipped in a pair of earbuds and whispered, "Red Queen, look into this Anna person please."

"One moment, Master," Red Queen replied. Soon she reported, "Anna Granger, outstanding psychology graduate from State University. Further studies abroad with top marks. Considered the world's youngest psychology expert. She has already assisted Interpol on several major cases."

Listening to the impressive credentials, Andrew understood Gwen's nervousness. Such an accomplished cousin showing up unannounced would put anyone on edge.

Andrew plated some freshly cut fruit and brought it out to the living room. 

Seeing him, Gwen tensed up further, anxious Anna would detect something amiss through her uncanny skills.

Andrew gave her a subtle reassuring look before setting the fruit down. "You must be Cousin Anna. I'm Andrew, nice to meet you."

Anna appraised him interestedly. "Ah yes, Uncle George mentioned you." Her smile turned shrewd. "Partly why I came actually, to ask about your unexpected roadside encounter today."

Gwen looked confused. "Roadside what?"

"Why, when Mr. Andrew's car was stopped by that schizophrenic felon of course," Anna explained, watching them closely. 

She continued leadingly, "Somehow, his violent personality was frightened into retreat before Mr. Andrew. Quite peculiar..." 

Gwen maintained a neutral expression, seeming unsurprised. But Anna knew she hadn't been present then. Strange she showed no reaction to this news...

Andrew met Anna's gaze calmly. "The entire incident was bizarre. I was lucky though, otherwise I might have lost my car if Spider-Woman hadn't shown up."

Anna studied him intently for any tells as he recounted the scene, but discerned none. By all indications, he was simply describing events truthfully. 

Anxious about her cousin grilling Andrew, Gwen interjected, "Yes, fortunately Spider-Woman and my dad responded quickly!"

Anna nodded slowly. "Please accept my apologies, Mr. Andrew. Professional habit, I'm afraid. I tend to overanalyze." 

"No matter," Andrew dismissed politely. "Did you learn anything from the prisoner yet?"

Anna shook her head. "Unfortunately no. His clashing personas currently hinder progress. I must wait until he stabilizes to resume probing his psyche."

"I see. Well, I hope you unravel the truth soon," Andrew offered neutrally. He'd already directed Red Queen to research the matter too. 

Eager to divert the topic from Andrew, Gwen asked, "Cousin Anna, when did you return? And why assist my dad?"

"I've been back some time, guest lecturing around the country," Anna replied. "Your father attended my criminal psychology seminar in New York two days ago. This peculiar case piqued my interest, so I cleared my schedule to help investigate."

Gwen nodded. That aligned with her cousin's obsessive nature. Anna had always fixated on complex cases, even as a child pestering George for details on his work. Her fascination drove her to formally study criminal psychology. 

Apparently no suspect could keep secrets from Anna's uncanny abilities. Hence Gwen's extreme wariness of her sudden appearance. 

Abruptly Anna changed tack, "So, what's your relationship status with Andrew presently?" 

Flushing crimson, Gwen glanced wordlessly at Andrew. Were they boyfriend and girlfriend now? She wanted to say yes. But Andrew had yet to clarify anything between them.

Noting Gwen's telling reaction, Andrew opened his mouth to respond, but Anna's phone rang at that moment.

"Hello Uncle George..." Anna greeted. She listened intently before frowning. "I'm on my way!"

Hanging up, she sighed theatrically, "The prisoner's weaker psyche has resurfaced apparently. I must hurry back to continue the questioning." 

She smiled impishly at them. "Well, I won't interfere with you two lovebirds any longer today. We'll talk more next visit!"

Gwen breathed an immense sigh of relief as Anna showed herself out. The tense meeting had felt like surviving a typhoon. 

On the balcony, Andrew watched Gwen eagerly usher her cousin downstairs. Pikachu beside him also heaved a dramatic sigh of relief at nearly being petted by the women earlier.

Andrew chuckled at Pikachu's aggrieved expression. "Don't worry, I'll figure out a way to avoid that happening again. Who could resist your cuteness after all?"

"Master," Red Queen spoke up. "I've found information on the prisoner."

Andrew headed back inside to the laptop she had queued up. Two video clips showed the vagrant's abduction from under a bridge, followed by his superpowered escape over a familiar wall - Oscorp's perimeter.

Andrew frowned. "It seems the Green Goblin will emerge soon. And Gwen will need her new Spider suit." 

Having returned upstairs, Gwen regarded Andrew's back, blushing. She hesitantly asked, "Andrew, how did you plan to answer Anna earlier..."

Andrew just smiled secretively and leaned in close to her ear. "Guess..." he whispered softly.

The warm breath on her earlobe made Gwen's entire neck flush crimson. She hadn't quite caught his last muttered words. 

"I'll start dinner," Andrew announced casually, leaving the flustered girl and heading to the kitchen.

Outside the NYPD station, George hurried up to Anna as she entered. "Oddly, it's the meek personality in control currently. The stronger identity was suppressed after some quarreling apparently."

Anna raised a surprised brow. "I assumed the dominant psyche would maintain dominance. No matter, this makes things easier."

To be continued...