
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!

[ Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?! ] Andrew Wilson travels to the Marvel world and becomes a transfer student at Empire State University. He also raised a traveling frog that can bring back special products for him from other worlds. "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Emperor Armor's Belt]" "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Perfect version of T-Virus]" "Your Frog cub brought you a souvenir [Artificial Intelligence · Red Queen]" ...... Then Andrew felt that something was wrong. Gwen Stacy, the classmate who had a good relationship with him on weekdays, was actually Spider-Woman? This Marvel world seems to be somewhat new to what I know... -------------------------------------------------------------- Upload Schedule: Weekly Upload - 6 Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapters: 250 Power Stones = +1 Bonus Chapter [Completed] 500 Power Stones = +2 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 1000 Power Stones = +3 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 2000 Power Stones = +5 Bonus Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Advance Chapters ⇒ p@treon.com/RedX43 -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : This is not my fanfic; it's actually a translated version of a Chinese novel. I'm sharing it here so that more people can enjoy it. All credit for the original story goes to the author.

RedX43 · Movies
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182 Chs

85: Nick Fury The Thief

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Hill stood commanding the hub while Fury was away. As his second-in-command, she could handle minor matters but reported anything major to Fury right away. 

Currently displayed on the big screens was footage related to Coulson's team securing Mjolnir. 

"Agent Coulson, status update?" Hill inquired.

On-screen, Coulson shook his head with Mjolnir behind him. "No one can lift it, not even Barton." 

Beside Coulson, Hawkeye stood stoically but grumbled, "This thing doesn't weigh like a normal hammer. Normal hammers don't fall from the damn sky."

Coulson quipped in response, but Hawkeye just ignored him and resumed standing guard. Fury had dispatched him to safeguard the hammer itself, not the people.

"How did that guy even lift it before?" Coulson wondered aloud, referring of course to Andrew in his Emperor armor.

Hill shook her head. "No idea, he raised it effortlessly and it emitted thunder too." Recalling the incredible scene still astounded her. She'd never imagined someone could actually wield nature's thunder and lightning.

"Well, we can't budge it, so let's just wait here for its true owner to show up," Coulson concluded, returning to oversee the site setup. 

A key goal of this mission, besides protecting Mjolnir, was analyzing the hammer's power source. If S.H.I.E.L.D. could harness its thunderous might, it would be a game-changing breakthrough.

Satisfied that Coulson's operation was proceeding smoothly, Hill terminated the video link. 

"Director Hill, tech has finished enhancing the images and they're sending them over now," reported an agent in her earpiece.

"Good work," she acknowledged, picking up a tablet. As the photos enhanced, Hill's expression suddenly shifted. She quickly dialed Fury.

Outside Tony's mansion, Fury had just parked his heavy SUV and grabbed the large case holding Howard's memento. 

Approaching the entrance, he announced, "This is Nick Fury. Tell Tony Stark I have something that will save his life."

"Please wait," J.A.R.V.I.S. responded.

Down in his workshop, Tony was calibrating pipe alignments when one section failed to meet specifications. "Yinsen, get something to pad this area. It'll cause issues otherwise." 

Yinsen scanned around. "We've used up everything already. I'll check the storeroom for something."

"Okay, I'll look around too," said Tony.

"Sir, Director Nick Fury is here. He says he has brought something to save your life," J.A.R.V.I.S. suddenly notified.

"Probably wants to pitch that boy band idea again," Tony guessed. "Anyway, Yinsen's fetching material. Let's go meet Colonel Sanders upstairs." 

"J.A.R.V.I.S., grant him entry."

Upstairs, Fury had already helped himself to coffee like he owned the place. A large case sat by his feet. Though curious about what it held, Tony first complained, "Making yourself at home as usual, Chief?" 

Fury sipped his coffee amused. "Upgrade was quick. Last visit I couldn't just waltz in and out." 

"Well prevention is what we do here," Tony countered. "So what brings you by?"

Instead of coffee, Tony opted for his green juice. 

Fury eyed the green concoction critically. "Drinking that stuff won't fix your internal issues. The only solution for palladium poisoning is to stop using palladium." 

Tony looked shocked. "How'd you know about that?"

Fury tapped the arc reactor faintly glowing through Tony's shirt. "That thing in your chest is unfinished technology."

"No, this is the final product," Tony insisted. "It only worked after I miniaturized it."

After pondering a moment, Tony amended, "Okay, the palladium is a problem." 

Fury shook his head. "That's not what your father told me. Howard said the arc reactor was just a stepping stone to greater things. He had unlocked clues to some super energy that would leave competitors in the dust. That device in your chest is like a watch battery compared to what he envisioned."

Hearing Fury dismiss his arc reactor so casually irritated Tony. "Then why didn't he follow through on the research?"

"And how do you even know any of this?" Tony added suspiciously. 

Fury looked directly at Tony. "Because your father Howard was one of the three founders of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony was flabbergasted. "What?!" He had no inkling whatsoever of this secret history.

Fury slid the case toward Tony. "Howard said only you could unlock what he left behind and finish what he started." 

With the delivery made, Fury moved to take his leave, knowing that Tony's temperament being mysterious would be more effective than pushy.

Just as Tony was about to pepper him with more questions, J.A.R.V.I.S. alerted, "Sir, unknown individuals are attacking Stark Industries headquarters." 

The footage showed a man lashing electrified whips, and hanging ominously around his neck was an arc reactor! 

Tony's first thought was of Pepper's safety. "Sorry Chief, we'll have to continue this later!" He rushed downstairs, shouting, "J.A.R.V.I.S., prep the suit!"

"Sir, your current physical condition..."

"Now, J.A.R.V.I.S.!"

"Understood sir."

Watching Tony sprint off, Fury glimpsed the weaponized whip guy on screen. "Ivan Vanko. Didn't expect you to figure it out too."

Just then Hill's voice sounded in his earpiece. "Director, Vanko exchanged Stark Industries ID cards with someone! Now he's attacking their headquarters."

"I'm aware, Hill," Fury replied calmly. "Let's see how Stark handles it. He's on route now."

After ending Hill's call, Fury headed down to Tony's workshop out of curiosity. 

In the armory bay, the suit assembly apparatus initiated while Yinsen located a disc-shaped object in storage marked with a five-pointed star. Only the outer ring was filled in, indicating it was unfinished. 

Seeing Tony suit up hastily, Yinsen called encouragingly, "Go get him!" 

Noticing Fury arrive, Yinsen asked, "J.A.R.V.I.S., what happened?" After seeing the footage, he too noticed the attacker's arc reactor. "Who is that man?"

Now fully armored, Tony said, "Entertain our guest for me, Ethan." 

Though wanting to question Fury more, Tony's priority was Pepper's safety. "I'm off!" With that, he jetted away.

Fury paused his inspection, distracted by the whirring machinery. Turning back, he spotted the prototype shield in Yinsen's grasp. "Where'd you get that?"

"Found it in storage," Yinsen answered offhandedly. 

Fury hefted the disc briefly. Just the feel revealed it was only an imitation. 

After a quick survey of the workshop, Fury walked back out. "Tell Tony I had to leave early."

As he turned to go, Fury's eyepatch flickered red briefly. Only once back in his car did he touch his earpiece. "Hill, did you get all that scanned?"

"Every bit, Director. What's next?"

"Summon our top scientists to analyze what Stark is building," Fury ordered, starting the engine. "I'm returning now."

"Yes sir!"

On 13th Street, Andrew immediately recognized the whip-wielding attacker as Ivan Vanko, the villain of Iron Man 2.

According to the movie plot, their confrontation should happen at the Monaco Grand Prix. But the butterfly effect seemed to be altering events. 

"I must have accelerated Tony's new element research by giving him key intel," Andrew deduced. "So no Formula 1 race for him." 

Lacking that opportunity, Vanko had simply targeted Stark Industries directly.

Having overheard the commotion, Gwen quickly threw on her hooded jacket. "I'll go check out the situation!" 

"Be careful of his whips," Andrew cautioned. "Retreat if you can't beat him."

He knew Tony would be scrambling over upon hearing of the attack. At Stark Industries awaited one of Tony's most precious people after all.

"I've got this, Andrew!" Gwen assured, whisking out the balcony.

Andrew watched her depart before focusing back on the video feed. Terrified Stark Industries employees fled every which way as Vanko lashed his crackling whips, melting anything they touched.

Up in Pepper's second-floor office, Happy stood guard at the door with a rod while Pepper and Natasha huddled together inside, though Natasha remained calm compared to Pepper's panic. Her thoughts raced on how to swiftly neutralize the perverted whip guy. 

"Tony Stark!" Vanko's voice echoed up. "Bring me out, you thieving butchers!" His heavy footsteps approached while his whips forced back anyone attempting to flee. The others could only scream in terror.

In the office, Pepper knew hiding wouldn't work. Someone had to stall Vanko until Tony's arrival. And the prime candidate was her.

As Pepper moved to head downstairs, Natasha pulled her back. "Useless, he only wants to kill Tony now. Go down and he'll threaten you, distracting Tony from properly fighting back."

Pepper paced angrily. "Tony, what have you gotten yourself into this time!"

"Hey ugly, bullying isn't very neighborly!" 

Perched on a lamppost outside, Gwen shouted taunts at Vanko, having just arrived.

Looking up, Vanko recognized her from before and muttered something in Russian.

"One sec, lemme translate that real quick," Gwen said. 

"He's speaking a regional dialect, Miss Gwynn," Red Queen translated. "It means f**k off, bitch."

Gwen bristled at the crass insult. "Swearing is bad manners!" 

Vanko hurled an electrified whip her way in response. Gwen nimbly dodged with a backflip, but the lamppost's top half was melted clean off.

"Yikes, better not get hit by that!" She quipped. 

As Vanko swung his second whip, Gwen flipped overhead while firing a web line. "Eat webs, whiplash!"

To be continued...