
Marvel: The Spider in Endless Sea of Possibilities

We all know the story of Spider-Man, and most of all we know the famous quote from our childhood that we are still reminded of today, "With great power comes great responsibility," And with these words Spider-Man swears to always protect the innocent from evil, and in every universe or even in every alternate world, Spider-Man is a hero who saves everyone by sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of others... A difficult life, full of sacrifice and pain, never achieving anything he can truly call his own. With a distorted sense of values in which he finds self-worth only by helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act of "helping people" is he reward... The story of Peter Parker who lost Uncle Ben during one of his many battles, or even because of his double life he cannot make his relationship with MJ or even other women in his long hero's life. But what if this time things would be a little different than usual? A different Spider-Man takes on the mantle, this one a Spider-Man who will not take shit from anyone will not have the cursed luck of any Peter Parker or any other being with the same powers. A boy died, without knowing the cause. That should have been the end, but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for him, it was only the beginning of something really very big. Having no memory of his past life or any information about why he had been reborn, he had no intention of making a life sacrificing himself to others. This was his story! And he will not allow anyone to decide his path in this universe. Reborn of the world in the Marvel universe, one of the most dangerous worlds in fiction. As the only Spider-Man in that universe, but also with abilities never before seen in any single world that make him unique and much more special than any other spider-shooter. But living in a world with man-eating monsters, people who have the ability to manipulate reality, dimensional beings who try to eat his insides or even kill him... To avoid all this, he will become the strongest Spider-Man in every single alternate universe. "Web of life and fate?" Amused laughter. "Even at the cost of recreating every single reality with my own hands, I will not allow myself to live a miserable life! And I will write with my blood my own history...."

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter - 6

A/N: If anyone is interested I wrote a story about Vampire Diaries/Legacy... Since, that released the second season of Jutsu Kaisen I felt like writing about my favorite character ever.

So yes, the Mc of this story is based on Toji and will also have very similar abilities, so as usual take a look and comment in lots of numbers.

The Vampire Diaries: True Hunter


Chapter - 6: Jean Grey and limitations


Hmm... I really didn't have the patience to deal with Scott.... I could have just ignored him, right?

Yes, but honestly I wanted to make him look bad, at least in this universe I had no intention of making Mister-Sinister have it easy so that he could continue his projects without any problem.

Also, I thought I had little patience for idiots.... Flash, he was the perfect example even no doubt in some universes he had changed, and he had become Agent-Venom a very respectable hero who was not to be underestimated.

Besides, I had asked politely. But Scott would not allow Jean to answer. And observing that the conversation would not progress with the old methods I decided to use the new generation method, violence.

As they said if a problem is not solved immediately it's because you're not using enough violence. So seeing that he was very irritable to my comments is something I used to my advantage and provoked him a little bit to try to speed everything up and allow me to achieve my goals faster.

Above all, another reason for my choice was because I wanted the conversation to end sooner before Xavier arrived. I don't want to deal with him right now, it was still too early to jump into his quest of trying to save every single mutant on the entire planet.

I didn't want Magneto to think that I had taken sides and it was best to remain neutral until I could get in touch with him to talk about some of my plans that might help the mutant population.

However, at first amid the laughter and lighthearted banter, the tension between me and the X-Men began to ease. Momentarily forgetting the battle, a sense of curiosity and intrigue filled the air as they contemplated my unexpected display of power and unconventional approach.

But eventually the fight started, so I focused seriously on the people in front of me not wanting to underestimate anyone, even though I was a completely different level from them at this time it was certainly not good to underestimate someone just because I was strong.

The best example would be the fight between Gojo and Toji, which was a true demonstration of how a well-thought-out plan can work wonders against an opponent clearly stronger than you.

So as several mechanical spider legs came out of my back to try to get perfect control of the battlefield, I soon had the situation in hand, and it seemed to be much easier than expected.

But there was a little girl with a ponytail who was a little annoying with her intangibility skills, but who, to her misfortune, I had just copied...

"You really are like a ninja ghost. Can you teach me some of those cool phasing tricks? I'm sure we can learn a lot from each other," I commented as I used my spidey sense to dodge Kitty's surprise attack.

"I am so much cooler than a ninja ghost.... I'm Shadowcat!" She said, trying to make a dramatic pause to make her hero name cooler.

"Hahaha." My only response was a small laugh that escaped my lips, and with that I got a small embarrassed pout from the girl in front of me

Too bad I couldn't tease it further, since I had become intangible to defend myself from an energy attack behind Scott's back.

And of course I responded with a small shockwave, which sent him flying again. But that left me 'vulnerable' to Kitty's counterattacks, so I decided to back off to regain the advantage.

"Kitty, you're like a shadow slipping through every crack. But don't worry, I have a spidey sense for finding pretty girls." I couldn't help but joke as I saw her attempt to put me at a disadvantage.

"You're really good with your mouth" Said Kitty with a cute little blush that gave her a youthful charm that was truly dangerous for someone my age.

"I do my best to be able to please," I replied, as a smile appeared on my lips.

At the same time, I could see how my favorite goth girl was looking for a possible weakness in my armor so that she could make physical contact with me to help friends in battle.

"You definitely have your Southern charm but I don't like to be touched by a girl I just met.... We should get to know each other better first, how about I take you on a date?" I couldn't help but ask as I watched her face get a very irresistible little blush.

"I'm sorry Rogue likes bad boys -" Kitty commented, wishing she could get some interesting awkward reaction from her friend.


Of course, I did not waste this opportunity as they were distracted to stop Spike's movement with chains formed by my manipulation of the earth.

"But Bdsm depends on you, Kitty. I know you watch that S&M shit..." Now it was her turn to blush. "Ouch. Nice comeback Rogue!"

Seeing all their interaction, several memories that didn't belong to me couldn't help but emerge from my brain and a bit of sadness, and nostalgia swept over me like a flooding river.

"You two are really funny. No hard feelings after this, right? We might even meet in the future..." I said with some bitterness as a new kind of flame could be seen appearing in my hand.

It was a distinctly different flame from the previous ones that took a Y shape that has a yellow core with reddish-brown outlines. "Earth Flame - Gravity x5"

The bodies of the X-Men members were forced to the ground as a gravitational field formed around them. Luckily for them, I had softened the ground in that they would not cost the risk of turning into a meat paste.

Yes, this Earth Flame that allowed me to manipulate local gravity to any extent and to my liking was undoubtedly one of my trump cards.

"All right, that's enough!" said Jean finally, noting how her team could do nothing to stop me. "I guess I don't have much choice anymore, do I?" She intervened.

"I'm willing to have a chat with you," Jean finally continued, in a voice mixed with caution and curiosity....

"I see." I nodded, noting her decision. "I already have the perfect place for our chat."

Using my spatial manipulation skills, I chose the coordinates of my destination and without moving we moved inside the portal in question. It was a public and secluded place that might put her at ease, since we were strangers, and more importantly it was a good place to be able to engage in a rather heavy discussion.

"Huh? Where are we? Can you teleport too? Ugh... A bar?" Jean says with some confusion after appearing at my side.

Yes, I had simply chosen as my destination a simple bar in Queens that made great food. And at the same time I activated my Flames of Fog, for when we would enter we would to pass for two mere customers.

It was also to eliminate any and prevent anyone from spying on us in any way, it was always better to take a few extra precautions for the different entities that inhabit this world.

Anyway, after closing the portal behind me. I paid attention to the girl in front of me. She was pretty, as I expected.... Red hair and green eyes, like Mary Jane, which I thought was even sexier.

Jean looked very mature for her age, and it was not surprising since she could look into the minds of others. So she must have had some character growth.

Instead, it was needless to say that MJ is damn sexy. She was the classic popular girl who tried to ignore the world around her in order to be able to live a life without any unnecessary complications....

"I'm sorry, Jean. But wait a little," I tell her, making her look my way. She looks calmer than I expected.

"So... What do you want?" She says guardedly.

Signing to the side, I tell her to follow me as we go inside the bar.



The dimly lit bar buzzes with conversations and the clinking of glasses. I enter with Jean Grey trailing closely behind me. We seek out a booth tucked away in a corner, hoping for a moment of privacy amidst the lively atmosphere. Jean looks at me, her eyes guarded yet filled with curiosity.

I take a seat, motioning for Jean to join me.

"Let's have a chat, Jean. There's something important I want to discuss with you," I say.

Jean settles in, her curiosity evident as she asks, "Alright, but I'm not sure what this is about. Why do you want to talk to me?"

"It seems that you don't have bad intentions, considering that you could have been much more violent and tried to take me away as soon as you saw me.... But it's hard to trust you since I can't read your mind." She says, as she looks around.

"So you mean that without reading my mind you have to talk and look at me like a normal person to judge my true intentions? It must be difficult..." I say, teasing her a little.

She has to blush a little. "All right. That's up to me. But you understand what I'm talking about."

"Relax, we all have our differences," I said, trying to put her at her ease. "You don't have to read minds to know what's on my mind. I'm a young man... Obviously, I'm thinking of a foursome with you, Kitty and Rogue" I say seriously.

She pauses, before chuckling very loudly, almost wiping away the tears that had formed around her eyes. "Ah~ This is really unbelievable.. This is the first time someone has admitted to having perverted thoughts about me..."

"But somehow I can't believe you're having them right now. " She says, looking at me.

"Maybe I am, or maybe I'm not," I couldn't see but smile seeing a small pout forming around her lips. "Anyway, Jean you don't always have to think about the best solution and that's the beauty of living.... Learning from your mistakes to make sure you don't make the same mistake twice."

Jean looked at me with a bit of surprise on her face. 'Perfect,' now that I had created a stable and harmonious atmosphere to be able to move on to more serious talk.

Leaning in, I speak softly, my voice filled with sincerity, "Jean, I've been observing you for some time now. There's something extraordinary about you, something powerful. Have you ever felt a surge of emotions, almost like they were too intense to handle?"

Jean's eyes widen, a mix of surprise and uncertainty crossing her face. She nods, admitting, "Yes, I've felt that way before. But I always assumed it was just a part of being a mutant."

"It's more than that, Jean," I explained gently. "There's a force within you, one that can amplify those emotions and grant you incredible abilities. It's called the Phoenix Force."

Jean's gaze shifts, her mind processing this new information. She whispers, "The Phoenix Force? But I've never heard of it before. What does it mean to me?"

Carefully choosing my words, I respond, "The Phoenix Force is a power unlike any other. It's both awe-inspiring and dangerous. Jean, you have the potential to become its host, to wield its incredible power"

Tension grips Jean and her fingers clutch the edge of the table as doubts and fears swirl. "I'm not sure I can believe such a thing. But I've always felt different from other mutants since childhood.... So how could I control such power?"

I lean against the backrest, with a small smile on my face. "Jean, controlling the Phoenix Force certainly won't be easy. Especially, being an Avatar but I can say I have some experience on this and can help you better than others could"

Searching my face for sincerity, Jean hesitates before speaking, "I want to believe you, but why should I trust you? You're a stranger, and this is all so overwhelming."

Reaching out, I place my hand gently on hers, meeting her gaze. "I understand your hesitation, Jean. Trust is earned, not given freely. But I want to help you, to ensure that you can control this power and protect those around you. Together, we can learn to master the Phoenix Force, step by step."

Taking a moment to consider, Jean studies me, her apprehension slowly yielding to a glimmer of trust. "Alright, I'll give you a chance. But remember, trust takes time."

I nod, acknowledging the weight of her decision. "I won't let you down, Jean. We'll take it at your pace, and I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. Together, we'll unlock the potential within you and ensure your safety."

Our conversation continues, delving into the intricacies of Jean's emerging capacities, her need for control and, above all, for information that could help her.

In this small Bar, from the lively ambience of conversation and clinking of glasses, Jean Grey takes her first steps on a path of discovery that could give her confidence for the future.

And with me by her side, and the pain she had felt during some events in the comics would not have happened to me I would have prevented it with all my might and with the common goal of harnessing Jean Grey's power.

We could call it an intimate relationship created by uncertainty and with the common goal of harnessing the power of the Phoenix Force.

As our conversation continues, I outline a training plan, emphasizing the importance of discipline, focus, and understanding. We discuss techniques to explore and control Jean's emotions, allowing her to tap into the power of the Phoenix while maintaining balance.

Jean listens attentively, her determination growing with each passing moment. She shares her own fears and concerns, allowing us to establish a deeper connection based on mutual vulnerability and trust. We discuss the potential risks and dangers of the Phoenix Force, acknowledging the responsibility that comes with wielding such immense power.

Together, we delve into the depths of Jean's psyche, unraveling the complexities of her emotions and discovering ways to channel them constructively. I encourage her to confront her fears and insecurities, teaching her techniques to ground herself in moments of turmoil.

The bar around us fades into the background as we immerse ourselves in our shared mission. With each passing conversation, Jean's control clearly grows stronger, her skills blossoming under the advice I had received from my alternate versions.

And in this world I can observe that Jean begins to trust me. Creating a unique bond, a partnership forged by her personal growth and of no longer having to fear her powers.

In that dimly lit corner, we are guided by the common understanding that the power within Jean must be harnessed in the best of ways so that it does not get out of control

As we continue to train and strengthen our bond, I am confident that together we will find the control and purpose Jean seeks, transforming her into a force unto herself that needs no help.

The journey is far from easy and the biggest challenge was the cosmic entity within her. But, I know that Jean will unlock the true potential of the Phoenix Force and become the hero she was meant to be.


After returning Jean to the institute, I was able to breathe a small sigh of relief. I had solved one of my most important problems i of my list of most powerful beings in the Marvel universe:

Which basically told how not to allow this universe to end up destroyed....

1) Jean Grey - Try to gain her trust and try to become her friend. So that she does not just have the old bald man as a support to help her with the development of her powers. So that she is not restricted too much and not make the birth of the dark phoenix happen.

2) Living Tribunal: A being that administers the balance of the universe and removes all its things that it considers a threat. Honestly speaking, I wasn't too worried about him since I was connected to the Web, and like any Spider-Totem he heavily influenced the fate of this universe and I didn't think he was so willing to risk...

3) Galactus: the infamous "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers were virtually omnipotent. And also the one who named several entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with Cosmic Power.

It was a pretty big problem, but luckily I was already looking for the coordinates of the Worldship Taa II, so I could retrieve a certain item I could use against him.

4) Sentry: Robert Reynolds one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe, and while it may be too easy to describe him as another Superman clone like Hyperion, in truth he was much more complex than that.

He was both a hero and a villain, and not just for formal reasons, but because he had to deal with real and recognizable problems such as dissociative personality disorder and drug addiction in his previous life.

I asked X.A.N.A. to look for him, but so far there has been no progress. I couldn't help but wonder if he already existed or had yet to be born?

However, I was very alert to the first useful information and would deal with him and his personality disorder right away, not wanting his counterpart to come into play in this universe

A/N: Would you like a female version of Sentry?

5) Adam Warlock:... Magus

A synthetic being created by human scientists called "The Enclave" to become their ideal model for a new race of humans to rule Earth. However, their creation, called "He," rebelled and turned against them.

I had no plan against him except to use some abilities of other versions of me so that I could eliminate him immediately.

That way he would not be able to use the evolutionary cocoon, to protect himself from mortal damage, and also be able to develop other kinds of powers of unknown powers.

6) Beyonder: A young member of an ancient otherworldly race known The Beyonders, the appropriately named "Beyonder" is the only physical incarnation of an entire multiverse known as the Beyond-Realm.

During the Secret Wars story arc, he created a planet called "Battleworld" from pieces of various planets. On this planet, he forced a number of supervillains and superheroes from Earth to fight in an endless war between good and evil as if they were toys to play with.

The powers of Arcana were considered even greater than those of Eternity and the Living Tribunal. He is capable of causing destruction on a multiversal level.

He was a very difficult opponent to face...

As a result of being the totality of a dimension of far greater scope than our multiverse, he was more powerful than everything else in reality (he was described in the narrative as having "millions" more power than all the power in our multiverse combined)

The only thing I had in mind to do against him was to use a power that didn't come from this universe, my flames, but they were still too weak at least for the time being but they were getting stronger every day.


Suddenly I felt a feeling of weakness as I could feel several powers leave my body and return to their true owner. "So time is up.... And faster than usual."

Of course, as was quite obvious I was not invincible, and even I had limitations to be able to use my powers. As I mentioned earlier when I access my alternate selves, I feel a strange, almost transcendent connection with my other selves.

As mentioned I can perceive their lives, thoughts and memories as if they were my own. The experience is both awesome and overwhelming, like being immersed in an ocean of collective consciousness where we were all connected.

However, as powerful as this ability can be, it comes at a significant cost. The process of borrowing abilities from my alternate selves puts a strain on my physical and mental faculties.

Harnessing the power of parallel versions of myself drains me, leaving me weakened and exhausted for several days after each use. It is as if the very fabric of my being is being reshaped and reformed, resulting in profound weakness.

At first the temptation to exercise these extraordinary abilities at every opportunity is undeniable, but I have learned to my cost that such reckless behavior is unsustainable.

The toll on my body and mind can be catastrophic, rendering me powerless and vulnerable when I need my strength most. I have therefore had to choose wisely when to use this exceptional gift. I reserve it for times of extreme need, especially when the fate of this universe hangs in the balance.

Despite the inherent risks and limitations, my ability to borrow my alternative "what ifs" also blessed me with unparalleled insight and wisdom.

I learned that every decision I made created a new branch in the infinite tree of possibilities. I had truly seen a myriad of ways my life would unfold and this gave me a unique perspective on existence.

In this vast and ever-expanding cosmos of parallel worlds, I understood a lot about the world around me. There are others like me traversing the multiverse, each with their own gifts and difficulties.

Some of my other versions saw these powers as a curse, but I chose to embrace it as a gift that I would make the most of.

It was also true that I was walking the delicate line between being a messenger of evolution or just another destroyer....

However, leaving aside these philosophical thoughts I naturally sought a solution for the problems of my powers and found an inspiration to be able to make this limitation of mine become completely negligible or even disappear forever.

In the depths of Spider-Man's journey, I discovered an old comic book that has much inspiration for my future. He faced a similar struggle and underwent a transformation process. This made me realize that I too could use this unique ability to get rid of my limitations and overcome them.

With each revelation, I discovered that the key to overcoming the tension and weakness of my borrowed abilities was not through external means, but by tapping into my inner strength.

By accepting and evolving my innate talents. "In the end, the only thing I can do as always is to evolve or die..."


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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