
Marvel: The Spider in Endless Sea of Possibilities

We all know the story of Spider-Man, and most of all we know the famous quote from our childhood that we are still reminded of today, "With great power comes great responsibility," And with these words Spider-Man swears to always protect the innocent from evil, and in every universe or even in every alternate world, Spider-Man is a hero who saves everyone by sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of others... A difficult life, full of sacrifice and pain, never achieving anything he can truly call his own. With a distorted sense of values in which he finds self-worth only by helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act of "helping people" is he reward... The story of Peter Parker who lost Uncle Ben during one of his many battles, or even because of his double life he cannot make his relationship with MJ or even other women in his long hero's life. But what if this time things would be a little different than usual? A different Spider-Man takes on the mantle, this one a Spider-Man who will not take shit from anyone will not have the cursed luck of any Peter Parker or any other being with the same powers. A boy died, without knowing the cause. That should have been the end, but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for him, it was only the beginning of something really very big. Having no memory of his past life or any information about why he had been reborn, he had no intention of making a life sacrificing himself to others. This was his story! And he will not allow anyone to decide his path in this universe. Reborn of the world in the Marvel universe, one of the most dangerous worlds in fiction. As the only Spider-Man in that universe, but also with abilities never before seen in any single world that make him unique and much more special than any other spider-shooter. But living in a world with man-eating monsters, people who have the ability to manipulate reality, dimensional beings who try to eat his insides or even kill him... To avoid all this, he will become the strongest Spider-Man in every single alternate universe. "Web of life and fate?" Amused laughter. "Even at the cost of recreating every single reality with my own hands, I will not allow myself to live a miserable life! And I will write with my blood my own history...."

Demon_King22 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter - 5


Chapter - 5: X-Men


I went through the portal I had created to literally find myself facing a battle between teenagers that, I must admit, was very confusing indeed because of all the damage they were doing to their surroundings.

I honestly expected a lot more from the X-Men, what with the formal formation of a famous Danger Room. They should be much more coordinated with each other, and at least be able to not involve outside people in their confrontation and get away from the city center.

The amount of damage the X-Men do to try to take some advantage in fighting in a place far away from people. But they could have chosen better, couldn't they?

I seemed to be wrong and they really disappointed me.

And that really pleased me... Especially considering the fact that the good Spider-Man in the various universes was very much criticized for not being able to handle the battlefield with his enemies and most of the time the whole surroundings ended up completely destroyed.

And shouldn't Jean be stronger than that? As demonstrated in the old cartoons and movies: where her superiority as a telepath is shown. should she be able to win such a battle with her eyes closed?

But in a way I could understand him, since she was my age. So surely the bald old man was doing his best to try to contain her power so that it wouldn't get out of control. *SiGH*

Anyway, without wasting any more time, I took out the fraternity to try to make a good first impression by saving the day, or something...

Using "Water Manipulation," I put out most of Pyro's fire and then froze the rest to prevent his flames from somehow becoming stronger.

I could not remember whether or not his power came from another dimension, so in my opinion it was best to play it by ear to avoid any nasty surprises.

Descending slowly in front of the stunned fighters, I raise my hand and clench my fist. The surrounding terrain begins to move, trapping Avalanche, Blob, Toad and Quicksilver inside the earth, respectively, as if I were using Avatar's bending.

However, were you interested in my powers? Well, my alternate version whose powers I had taken was an Omega-level mutant with a powerful meta-skill that I had to admit was really one of the strongest.

He was not like Legion( David Haller) who could create thousands of powers with his ability to create spontaneous mutations with variable attributes. Because of his immense powers, mental instability or the combination of the two.

Legion(David Haller) creates a new person (or alter) to be able to rule each of these new powers... He has even stated in the comics that he has in mind "200 split personalities of Omega level...

As for the specific power I had borrowed from one of my other alternative versions, however, it could have been very familiar.

Empathic mimicry...

Empathic mimicry is the ability to duplicate the abilities of other metahumans nearby and reproduce them at will. Yes, it is basically Peter Petrelli's original ability from the Heroes series that allowed him to mimic the powers of others, gaining powers simply by being near someone.

My other version's control over the other abilities he imitated varied; abilities that required active concentration seemed to be more difficult for him to manifest or control.

He generally absorbed abilities involuntarily, but he might not have been aware that he was absorbing an ability that required active concentration to use.

My alternate version's DNA automatically changes to imitate the abilities of those around him in his universe. At first he could only imitate powers when he was close to their source, but then he learned to remember previously imitated powers with increasing ease.

Xavier from that alternate universe describes my version as "the most powerful of us all." Which struck me as a bit of an exaggeration. But the real reason was that he was the only one who could control his powers without getting out of control.

Even if he was not in the best of situations at the time, he was still one of the strongest mutants without a doubt....

However, I could only look at my surroundings, where I could observe many different "entities" observing my actions: Mystica - Shield (Hydra) - Mr. Sinister and many other people who did not seem to understand what privacy was.

So I decided to show some of my strength to convey a message to the observers of this whole situation. While my Mist Flame was ready in case I had to do something more private and did not want to be spied on by them.

"Jean Gray... Can I have 10 minutes of your time for a little chat? Alone, please..." I say, seeing the other X-men joining her.

Looking ahead again, I see that the five X-Men have already gathered and are staring at me.... To be more precise, they were: Jean, Kitty, Rogue, Spyke (I think) and Scott. They were looking at me in silence without uttering a word. It was clear that they were talking telepathically.... They were really rude to do this in front of me, as if I were a mere extra.

"Jean is not going anywhere with you!"


I can't help but say that I expected this reaction from you? Right? It was quite expected and very annoying if I had to admit it.

Is it because Scott was manipulated by Mr. Sinister to love Jean...? Right? Oh yes, and more. Every step in Scott's life has been controlled and manipulated just to bring him to have a child with Jean - it's a domestic project...

Especially if you've seen it happen thousands of times, thanks to my alternate versions, it's not really something you can stand all the time.

From what I remembered from the comics and that all women are empowered by telepaths/psychics like Scott because the red dimension (Where Scott gets his power) AND pretty much a good feed for the phoenix force.

"... I'd like to hear it from his own mouth. Who are you? Her prince charming? A mere Simp? Or maybe you are in the famous friendzone.... Man, I really wouldn't want to be in your place."

I could see that my remarks had made the other members of the X-Men laugh, who were trying to maintain the serious expression of beings ready to react immediately to any confrontation with obvious poor results.

While the person directly concerned did not seem to take it too well. "We don't know anything about you! You came out of nowhere and told her to follow you alone, obviously we don't trust you." Scott says with obvious anger emerging from his tone.

"Eh... I'm sorry. I'm just being cautious." Jeans apologizes to me.

"If being saved means nothing to you, then you really are the embodiment of hypocrisy. My dear idiot," I couldn't help but comment pointing to the members of the new mutant fraternity.

"Anyway, you can call me Spider-Man... That's all I can say until you agree to talk to me a bit," I say, introducing my hero identity for the first time.

"You seem to know a lot about us. And you only gave us a fake name, so obviously we don't trust you...." Scott interjects again, but is interrupted by a small girl with a ponytail and brown hair.

"What is it Kitty?" asks Scott with obvious annoyance at being interrupted.

"Actually we know him... We saw him on TV fighting that big rhino before he won in spectacular fashion" Her said, as the other X-Men nodded as if he had finally remembered my appearance in New York.

"You were really cool!" I gave her a thumbs-up that seemed to make her very happy.

Anyway back to Scott. "It's certainly not my fault that you fight in civilian clothes in a public space. Next time try to act smarter instead of jumping into action without having any plan and especially further support" I explain, trying to make it clear how they should behave the next time they are in a similar situation.

And Scott doesn't seem to have an answer to my answer either. Well, he certainly wasn't the smartest person in the Marvel universe if I'm being completely honest.

"Anyway... I want to hear from Jean Grey. Do you want to have a little talk with me? She might be right here, far enough away that no one can hear her.... After our conversation she can decide what to do."

"Like I said. We don't want to hear from you!" Scott continues in a firm tone.

"I'm afraid I have to force the issue a bit until I get a response" I continued in a mocking tone. "I at least want to get a response from a person with an IQ above 0 and various friendzone problems."

After my response. Scott took off his glasses and attacked me with an energy attack that was undoubtedly very dangerous and deadly to any living being since it came from the power of an entire dimension.

But to his misfortune he was facing me....


"...." x 5

"Now I finally understand the Anime Op protagonists who remain hidden until it's time to show their full power.... And really funny" I couldn't help but comment as I canceled the energy attack with a simple clap that made me feel really good.

At the same time, I used the teleporter to appear in front of him and hit him with my spider-powered strength without adding anything else. I didn't want to hurt him seriously, but just teach him a small lesson for the future.

My blow was enough to make him fly far enough away, while I could concentrate on the other X-Men for the time being.

"Well... Continuing the conversation seems impossible to me after someone attacked me and after I responded forcefully, and also seeing that you are all in fighting positions. Now I will have to be a little stronger with your guys. I'm sorry, but I'm sure you will survive with simple back pains."

"Unlike him I am not a masochist.... Can you have a little mercy? Back pains are the worst thing on Monday mornings" Kitty asked me with some urgency and amusement in her tone.

"I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment. "Until you try, how can you tell? Maybe you'll eventually discover some new kink you didn't know you had."

"I'm sorry, but I think my perversions are completely normal. " She declared proudly, accepting her chest and consequently her modest boobs, as she continued with a smile on her face "After all, I'm not Rogue....."

"Kitty!" Rogue shouted, bright red all over her neck from embarrassing her.

"Ahahahah," I and Kitty couldn't help but laugh as we saw her reaction. It was too good to see a beautiful goth in embarrassment.


A/N: New chapter I hope you enjoy it!

Tell me what you think of the story with lots of comments to let me know what you think and what you want to see or even some improvements I can make.

I will use some sources from some nice Spider-Man comics, some of you may have already figured it out from some things, but please don't spoil it for those who haven't read the comics at all. Let the mystery remain.

As for the characters who appeared in this chapter are from the animated series: X-Men: Evolution


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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