
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos.

Mystic_Verse · Movies
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40 Chs

Ranking of Cosmic Powers

Liberty Star, a permanent peaceful neutral star in the vast expanse of the galaxy, stood as a haven for those seeking respite from the chaotic clashes that often consumed the cosmos. Here, amidst its serene atmosphere, looters were strictly prohibited from engaging in private skirmishes, fostering an environment of tranquility and cooperation.

Usually, Liberty Star remained quiet and desolate, especially when the Predator Group, comprised of aggressive and free-spirited individuals, found no reason to convene en masse. The free-spirited nature of these Ravager often led them to avoid planets burdened with stringent regulations.

However, on this particular occasion, Liberty Star buzzed with activity as countless Ravager flocked together, their varied factions converging upon this neutral territory. Among them, over a hundred factions from the Marauder group assembled, boasting formidable leaders such as Justice Starka and the imposing figure known as the Giant.

When such a multitude of Marauder factions congregated, their collective strength became an undeniable force, overshadowing even prominent entities like the Xandar planet and the Nova Corps in the power rankings recognized by the Cosmic Mercenary Union.

Despite Caesar's efforts to dismantle the Marauder group through the establishment of the Cosmic Mercenary Guild, only thirty-four faction leaders answered the call to Liberty Star. Many had been displaced from their original territories, feeling the impact of Caesar's strategic strikes against their operations.

Within the Hall of Freedom, where the plunder leaders convened, tensions flared as discussions erupted into fierce debates.

"I propose that with our formidable forces and the arsenal of new military equipment from the Krishia Empire, we launch a direct assault on the Andromeda Galaxy," one leader declared boldly, his eyes glinting with ambition.

"Let us raid planets, dismantle so-called cosmic mercenary unions, and assert our dominance over the sacred temple," another chimed in, his voice brimming with disdain for any opposition.

"We'll crush any attempt to establish a mercenary trade union," growled a beast-like leader, his demeanor reflecting utter contempt for the sanctity of the temple.

"It seems like those new Kerry Empire warships have really made the Ravagers more daring," pondered a tall, weathered figure made of stone, his voice deep and commanding.

"Absolutely," agreed some of the Ravager chiefs, nodding in unison. "And their weapons arsenal has definitely gotten an upgrade recently."

"But it looks like a lot of the marauder bosses are just sitting back and watching," remarked another, sounding skeptical.

A slender, insect-like humanoid, leader of the Ravager, cut in with a mocking tone, "Hehe, why stop at giving the Sacred Sun Palace a run for their money? Why not wipe them out completely, take over the whole Andromeda Galaxy, and set up our own Predator Kingdom?"

"I'm with you," asserted the tall stone figure, his confidence radiating. "I believe we've got what it takes!"

But this time, instead of agreement, his statement was met with silence.

"How did *he* end up in charge?" wondered a frost-armored predator leader, clearly surprised.

"I am Boulder," proclaimed the tall stone man, thumping his chest emphatically, causing a shower of small rocks to tumble down. His clan members stood behind him, mirroring his gesture in a show of unity.

"That sounds risky," muttered a red-skinned predator leader, his posture tense. "Suddenly, everyone's swimming in riches, and their gear has gotten a major upgrade. But has anyone thought about why we're suddenly getting all these goodies?"

"I get your point, but the Cosmic Mercenary Union needs to go down. We're fighters for freedom; we can't let them continue," declared another, his determination unwavering.

The Frost Marauder leader spoke up with steely resolve, his voice slicing through the tense air like a knife.

"I'm all for wiping out the Cosmic Mercenary Union," he declared firmly.

The sentiment was echoed by several other looter leaders, their support reverberating through the gathering.

"Without their quests or the shelter of civilization, many of us would struggle to survive solely by looting," remarked one of the leaders, underlining the significance of their decision.

"But how do we dismantle them?" questioned the leader of the red-skinned, hunched Ravager, his voice dripping with icy resolve. "And what about their rankings of cosmic powers and powerhouses? Can we really trust those?"

"Seems arbitrary to me. Are there forces out there that we've never even heard of?" added another, skepticism clear in his tone.

"The Mercenary Union probably greased the palms of the Holy Sun Palace for those rankings. Shameless," scoffed another leader, disdain palpable in his voice.

Amidst the banter, some leaders chuckled at the idea of toppling self-proclaimed 'God Kings' ruling over planets, their amusement evident in their smiles.

Yet, not everyone joined in the laughter. Some remained silent, their thoughts concealed behind inscrutable expressions.

As the discussion unfolded, the Frost Marauder leader scanned the list provided by the Cosmic Mercenary Union, his gaze narrowing as he scrutinized each entry.

"The gods, huh? A mysterious bunch, holding the universe in check," he muttered, pondering their enigmatic nature.

"The observer family... sounds like they prefer to watch from the sidelines," he mused, intrigued by their rumored technological prowess.

"And then there's the Cosmic Elders Association, shrouded in mystery but rumored to possess unimaginable power," he continued, his curiosity piqued by their elusive presence.

"Asgard, despite internal strife, remains a formidable force," he noted, acknowledging their enduring strength.

"And finally, the Holy Sun Palace," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and skepticism. "Defeating empires with ease, their influence stretches far and wide."

As he studied the rankings, the Frost Marauder leader knew that navigating the intricate web of cosmic powers would demand careful planning and decisive action. But with determination burning in his veins, he was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


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