
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos.

Mystic_Verse · Movies
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41 Chs

Cosmic Mercenary Union

Merely flaunting in front of the Ravager's won't do much, and it might even invite Caesar some ridicule from those who truly hold sway. Out there in the outer reaches, you always find individuals who think they're kings of their own little realms.

The native inhabitants, unknowingly snapped from above by clueless lackeys, ventured out into the vast expanse of the universe. They probably felt invincible until they came face to face with foes beyond their understanding.

It's mind-blowing how some societies, barely getting a grip on a few star systems and picking up a handful of strange gadgets, have the guts to call themselves interstellar powers and even go to war against what was once the Skrull Empire.

After taking full control of the Andromeda galaxy, Caesar stumbled upon historical records that the Skrull Empire hadn't managed to wipe out or obliterate in time. These records contained crucial intel on core technological advancements and vital military strategies.

The Skrulls had either safeguarded or wiped out such crucial knowledge when their home planet met its end. Core technology is the lifeblood of any civilization, so it's hard to imagine that such valuable assets would be left lying around for the enemy to discover.

The historical documents of the Skrull Empire spilled the beans on many of the foolish civilizations now daring to challenge Caesar. It's not weakness that's the fatal flaw of a civilization; it's their pride that often leads to their downfall.


Under Caesar's leadership, the Cosmic Mercenary Union sprang into existence with determination and force. On its first day, it boldly took control of Contraxia, a prized star among cosmic Ravagers. The Contra Ravagers faced a clear ultimatum: surrender or face annihilation. Those who opted to surrender underwent thorough scrutiny, proving their allegiance before joining Caesar's expansive ranks as esteemed cosmic mercenaries.

In the vast expanse of the universe, Ravagers persisted, driven by thrill-seeking and ambition. Some were enticed by the promise of riches, dreaming of returning to loved ones eagerly awaiting their return. Others sought adventure, eager to explore cosmic marvels and etch their names as legendary stars of piracy.

There existed a constant demand for services, whether fulfilling quests or undertaking covert missions. It was a bustling market driven by necessity, one that even the most advanced civilizations loathed but struggled to eradicate completely.

Despite the daunting challenge, Caesar was resolute in his mission to impose order upon his domain. In his realm, Ravagers either submitted or faced swift justice, a crucial step to ensure the safety and prosperity of his people. The pressure mounted as he endeavored to suppress Ravagers and regulate adventurers roaming his territories.

Simultaneously, Caesar set forth two pivotal strategies, precipitating a significant change in the cosmic landscape. Through concerted efforts, the majority of Ravagers in the Andromeda Galaxy were subdued, paving the way for the rise of the Cosmic Mercenary Union. This union, united by shared interests, expanded swiftly, encroaching upon territories once held by the Skrull, Kree, and Shi'ar Empires.

In a diplomatic gesture, Caesar proposed the establishment of embassies on less critical planets, fostering goodwill and collaboration. With a mutual dedication to peace, such a move appeared reasonable, further cementing their amicable relations. Nonetheless, Caesar's confidence in his military might remained steadfast, knowing he could safeguard his interests with or without the support of these diplomatic outposts.

The Kree Empire and the Shi'ar Empire exchanged nods of agreement, their mutual understanding evident in the atmosphere.

However, one issue remained unresolved—the Luminara Prime.

In certain sectors of the universe under the Holy Heavenly Palace's jurisdiction, diplomatic missions representing both the Kree and Shi'ar Empires had been established.

However, Caesar seemed unfazed by these developments.

His indifference stemmed from the mutual understanding between him and the Empires.

The embassies didn't hold much weight for the three dominant powers; their presence lacked significant impact.

Among the countless factions, organizations, and laws that governed the cosmos, the Cosmic Ravagers held a unique position.

It was common for plunderers to unite against external threats, often ignoring internal conflicts for the sake of survival.

When Contraxia fell under the control of the Sacred Sun Palace, the reaction from the Ravagers other than the ones who had surrendered to Caesar was dim.

To them, it was simply a shift in territories, with little concern as long as their activities remained unaffected.

But Caesar's growing influence and his crackdown on Ravagers and the sparked the creation of a powerful coalition of cosmic mercenaries, ready to take on various missions.

This left the Ravager factions feeling uneasy.

The specialized squads led by powerful Angels proved highly effective against disorganized camps and technologically inferior Ravager groups.

Moreover, the tasks assigned by the Cosmic Mercenary Union posed a significant threat to the livelihoods of many Ravagers.

In response, Ravager united under the banner of freedom, aiming to challenge the emerging Sacred Sun Palace.

Their main goal? To dismantle the newly formed Cosmic Mercenary Union.

Meanwhile, the Cosmic Mercenary Union worked to maintain a delicate balance, ensuring their members didn't provoke formidable adversaries while also monitoring the cosmic power rankings, which determined the difficulty of their assignments and the strength of the universe's most powerful entities.

At the top of these rankings stood the Sacred Sun Palace, ruled by Caesar—an assertion that many self-proclaimed Ravagers found unbelievable.

In fact, before encountering Thanos, some Ravager leaders believed they could even defeat the mighty Titan himself, a notion that now seemed far-fetched.


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