
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey] - Clash of Chi - Iron Fist vs. Val

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[A/N: Sorry for not uploading a chapter yesterday. I was extremely busy since I had to attend two medical conferences and had an oral exam.]

Val, accompanied by Fat Cobra, Sihing, and Li Hua, stood before the majestic gates of the ancient temple that housed the revered Order of the Crane Mother.

With a deliberate and ceremonial motion, the temple guards began to open the towering gates, granting Val and his companions' passage into the hallowed grounds. As the gates creaked open, they revealed a glimpse of the temple's inner sanctum, shrouded in an aura of profound tranquility.

They stepped through the gate and walked towards the main hall of the temple as rays of sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues upon the polished marble floor, and illuminating the path that lay before them.

They entered the main hall and within the heart of the hall, Val's eyes were drawn to a gathering of the Order's esteemed elders, standing regally side by side. At the center of the gathering stood Lei Kung. However, Val's keen perception noticed the conspicuous absence of Iron Fist.

Lei Kung gracefully lowered his head in a respectful bow, then rose with an air of authority. His voice echoed through the hallowed hall as he inquired, "Pray tell, what brings the esteemed Immortal Weapons to the sacred confines of the Order?"

Following suit, Sihing offered a deferential bow before standing upright, his words resolute and purposeful. "We have ventured here to present a challenge to the revered champion of the Order of the Crane Mother, Iron Fist!"

The pronouncement sent ripples of astonishment among the elders, some audibly gasping while others narrowed their discerning gazes.

Lei Kung's countenance shifted, his once amiable expression turning grave. With a firm tone, he inquired, "And what rationale compels us to entertain such an audacious request?"

Sihing met Lei Kung's gaze unwaveringly, his voice steady as he presented their proposal. "In return for our withdrawal from the forthcoming K'un-Lun City tournament, we offer the concession of bestowing Iron Fist with the title of this year's champion. However, we desire," he pointed at Val with conviction, "that he engage in a duel with Iron Fist. Should he emerge victorious, we implore the Order to grant him the opportunity to venture into the revered realm of Shou-Lao's cave."

Lei Kung's lips curled into a knowing smile

"Very well," he declared, "The Order hereby accepts your compelling proposition."

With a commanding gesture, Lei Kung beckoned Val and the trio of Immortal Weapons to follow him. He guided them through the temple, the esteemed elders of the Order trailing in their wake. They ventured to a secluded corner where an arena awaited.

As they reached the arena's edge, Val's gaze locked onto Iron Fist, standing within its boundaries. Stepping forward, Val crossed the threshold into the arena.

On the sidelines, the watchful eyes of the Order's elders intermingled with the unwavering gazes of the Immortal Weapons. The air grew charged with palpable tension as Lei Kung's commanding voice resonated through the arena, punctuating the momentous occasion. "Let the duel commence!" his words boomed.

With a mutual display of respect, Iron Fist and Val gracefully bowed to one another before rising to their feet, assuming poised and battle-ready stances.

An ethereal radiance engulfed Val's clenched fists, emanating a vibrant purple hue. The raw power of his Chi surged through his body, converging into his hands, while the mark of Xiang Yao etched on the back of his left hand shimmered with an otherworldly glow.

Harnessing his Chi, Val unleashed a torrent of focused Chi, propelling an intense beam of energy toward Iron Fist.

* BOOM *

Iron Fist harnessed his own Chi, generating a radiant, golden aura that enveloped his being as he erected a barrier of pure Chi around himself, warding off Val's powerful energy beam.

With the attack neutralized, Iron Fist seized the initiative and unleashed a swift and forceful punch, striking the very earth beneath his feet with a thunderous impact.

* BANG *


The ground shook with tremendous force, the impact of Iron Fist's punch creating a web of fractures that spidered out beneath Val's feet. In a split-second reaction, Val leaped forward, barely avoiding plummeting into the gaping chasm that formed where he once stood.

Undaunted, Val charged forward, his mind racing with strategies to gain the upper hand. As Iron Fist prepared to unleash a devastating Chi blast, Val anticipated the move and instinctively launched a series of calculated counterattacks.

Darting and weaving, Val evaded Iron Fist's blast with deft agility, closing in on him. Focusing his Chi with acute precision, Val's purple energy beam surged forth, striking Iron Fist squarely in the chest with stunning impact.

* BOOM *

The impact of Val's powerful strike sent Iron Fist hurtling through the air, his body crashing heavily into the ground. A trail of skid marks marked his path as he slid several meters before finally coming to a stop. Coughing up blood, Iron Fist summoned his resilience and lifted his gaze, his eyes falling upon Val poised above him, legs raised.

Val unleashed his next move, invoking the power of the "Sumo Thunder Stomp." His feet radiated with a vibrant purple glow as he aimed to deliver a devastating blow to Iron Fist.

Yet, in a display of incredible agility, Iron Fist swiftly rolled aside, evading Val's thunderous attack. With an agile leap, he landed firmly on his feet, and seizing the opportunity, Iron Fist delivered a precise and forceful kick aimed at Val's face sideways.

* WHAM *

* BANG *

Reacting quickly, Val summoned a protective barrier of Chi, shielding himself from Iron Fist's ferocious attack. Despite the defensive maneuver, the sheer force of Iron Fist's blow was enough to knock Val back a few meters, sending him tumbling off-balance.

Regaining his footing, Val focused his attention on his opponent, who was rapidly advancing towards him with his fists aglow with a fierce golden aura. Stepping aside with swift dexterity, Val dodged Iron Fist's flurry of punches, bobbing and weaving with fluid grace.

As Iron Fist's fist approached him, Val seized the opportunity to grab hold of it, clasping his fist tightly around it in a vice-like grip. Locked in a tense struggle, the two opponents grappled fiercely.

Val's mind buzzed with a flurry of thoughts, strategizing and contemplating his next move, when Iron Fist's unexpected whisper broke through the intensity of the moment.

"You are good, really good," Iron Fist whispered, his voice carrying a tone of genuine admiration.

Val's brows furrowed with confusion, momentarily caught off guard by this unexpected acknowledgment. However, before he could delve deeper into Iron Fist's cryptic statement, his instincts took over. Seizing the opportune moment, Val swiftly brought his knee crashing into Iron Fist's stomach, using the element of surprise to his advantage.

As Iron Fist recoiled from the blow, Val asked, "What do you mean?"

Iron Fist coughed up more blood due to the attack of Val's knee on his stomach and he retaliated by striking Val's stomach with a forceful knee strike, causing Val to double over in pain and cough up blood.

"I mean you are truly meant to be my successor, the next Iron Fist," Iron Fist revealed, his words punctuated by his grunts of exertion.

Val's eyes widened with a mix of astonishment and skepticism as he absorbed the weight of Iron Fist's revelation and he retaliated by striking Iron Fist with his knee as he asked, "How can you be so sure? You don't even know my intentions. I could embrace the mantle of the Iron Fist and wield its power to destroy everything in K'un-Lun."

Iron Fist, undeterred, pressed on, striking Val's chest with another knee strike. "I speak only from what I observe," he explained, his voice firm and unwavering amidst the clash. "And I have observed that you possess the capability to defeat me, to surpass me, even in a death match with no rules. By tradition, as a student of the Immortal Weapons, this makes you the rightful heir, the next Iron Fist."

Val and Iron Fist distanced themselves, releasing their grip on each other's fists, and proceeded to engage in a clash of Chi energy beams, each blocking the other's assault with skillful precision.

Pressing forward, Iron Fist advanced upon Val, launching a rapid onslaught of punches. Amidst the barrage, he conveyed his intentions, his words interspersed with strikes. "I know you can defeat me. I want you to become the next Iron Fist. Take Shou-Lao's Chi and take my place."

Val, deftly blocking Iron Fist's punches, sought clarity amidst the flurry of blows as he asked, "Why?"

Iron Fist's strikes continued, his voice intertwining with each punch. "Because I yearn for liberation. Bound by rules and traditions, I am confined within the city. The suffocation becomes overwhelming. I want to explore the world, savor its diverse wonders, and relish the myriad flavors of life."

Val, skillfully blocking and evading Iron Fist's relentless assault, seized the moment to deliver a decisive blow to Iron Fist's stomach, their exchange shrouded in a whisper. "What do you desire?" Val asked.

Iron Fist, stepping back slightly from the impact, responded in a hushed tone. "I want you to bring an end to this senseless duel."

In silent agreement, Val nodded, channeling his Chi into a concentrated orb of energy. With focused precision, he directed the small energy ball toward Iron Fist.


Iron Fist, with a deliberate choice, did not attempt to create a Chi energy shield, willingly allowing Val's energy ball to collide with him. The explosive impact sent him hurtling through the air, crashing to the ground upon impact. As Iron Fist lay there, a smile graced his face, his thoughts echoing with admiration, 'Well done, kid! Go get what's yours!'

Observing Iron Fist's unmoving form on the ground, Lei Kung's authoritative voice resounded through the arena, declaring the conclusion of the duel. "The duel ends! Victory for Val!" he announced, the words met with resounding applause and jubilant cheers from Sihing, Fat Cobra, and Li Hua, who wholeheartedly celebrated Val's triumph.

Breathing heavily, Val stood amidst the arena, his gaze shifting between the motionless form of Iron Fist and the elation surrounding him. A smile played upon his lips as he contemplated the situation. 'Orson, oh! Orson! You just allowed me to entangle you with myself,' Val thought and smiled.