
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey] - An Unexpected Encounter - Val's Brush with the Immortal Weapons in K'un-Lun

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Val stepped into a cozy eatery, his senses tingling with the aroma of freshly cooked food. The receptionist girl at the entrance turned to greet him with a warm smile and spoke to him in the local K'un-Lun language. However, her expression quickly shifted to one of surprise when she saw Val's unfamiliar face.

Val couldn't help but notice the curious stares from the other diners as he scanned the restaurant. Feeling slightly self-conscious, he cleared his throat and tried to mask his discomfort. With a few hand gestures, he managed to convey to the receptionist that he wanted to order some food, as he didn't speak the local language. He then took a seat at an empty table, hoping to blend in with the surroundings while he waited for his meal to arrive.

As Val waited for his food, the peaceful hum of chatter from the diners filled the air. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the eatery shifted as the entrance swung open, and a towering figure clad in traditional Chinese armor strode in. The onlookers fell silent, mesmerized by the warrior's imposing presence. Val couldn't help but turn to see what was happening, his curiosity piqued.

Entering the eatery was a tall, muscular man with a serious expression etched onto his face. His long, black hair was tied neatly in a ponytail, and he wore a sword by his waist, along with multiple swords strapped to his back. As if his presence alone wasn't enough, he was accompanied by a massive, overweight man who stood nearly seven feet tall. Despite his size, the portly man moved with surprising grace, decked out in a red and gold robe that was open at the chest, revealing his massive belly. His traditional martial arts pants and shoes completed the ensemble, making for an interesting contrast to his more formidable companion.

As Val watched the two men enter, his mind immediately raced to identify them. His heart skipped a beat when he recognized them as Sihing or Dog Brother #1 and Fat Cobra, two of the legendary Immortal Weapons. Despite their celebrity status, Val tried his best to keep his cool and not make a scene.

[A/N: Dog Brother #1 will be referred by his real name, Sihing. ]

However, as fate would have it, Sihing suddenly turned in Val's direction, locking his gaze onto him. The intensity of the moment made Val feel uneasy, causing him to quickly avert his eyes in an attempt to avoid confrontation. Despite his efforts, Val couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny from one of the greatest martial artists of their time.

Sihing's intense gaze lingered on Val, his eyes piercing and unreadable. But just as suddenly, he was jolted from his thoughts by a sharp nudge on his side. He turned to face his companion, Fat Cobra, who was looking at him with a hint of annoyance.

"Come on, Sihing, what are you waiting for?" Fat Cobra grumbled impatiently, his stomach growling loudly. "Let's order some food. I'm starving!"

Sihing let out a deep sigh, his mind still preoccupied with the stranger who had caught his attention. However, he knew better than to argue with Fat Cobra when he was hungry.

After placing their order, Sihing and Fat Cobra made their way to a table where they waited for their food to arrive. As they chatted, Sihing couldn't help but notice Val at a nearby table, savoring his meal with an expression of awe on his face.

Fat Cobra, who had been observing Sihing's gaze, couldn't resist making a snarky comment. "What's with the stare down, Sihing? Is this another orphan you're fixated on?"

Sihing shot Fat Cobra an irritated look. "I don't have a 'thing' for orphans, you fat bastard. Don't be ridiculous."

As the waitress arrived with their food, Fat Cobra made an inappropriate move by placing his hand on her behind, causing her to stiffen. Fat Cobra laughed and said, "I have nothing against orphans, too. In fact, I love them because I don't have to spend much time to eat them."

The uncomfortable waitress quickly withdrew, leaving Sihing to shoot Fat Cobra a disapproving glare.

Ignoring his companion's behavior, Sihing finally turned his attention to the dishes served, and the two martial artists began to discuss recent events in K'un-Lun. Despite their differences, they found themselves engrossed in conversation, debating the merits of their respective viewpoints.

Val savored every bite of his meal, marveling at the delicious flavors that he had never tasted before. As he finished his meal, he felt a sense of rejuvenation, his exhaustion and fatigue from the long journey and battles slipping away.

After placing a few copper coins on the table, the waitress rushed over to clear the table. Val smiled at her politely and stood up to leave the eatery.

Val stepped out of the eatery, his hands in his pockets, and he was immediately greeted by the sights and sounds of the vibrant city of K'un-Lun. The intoxicating aroma of exotic spices filled the air, while the vibrant colors of the local vendors' banners fluttered in the breeze.

One of the vendors caught Val's eye, and he approached the stall to browse their wares. He found a beautiful robe that caught his attention, and after negotiating with the vendor, he purchased it using the remaining coins he had left.

As Val donned the new robe, he felt a sense of belonging in this foreign land. The garment felt comfortable and suited the local style, allowing him to blend in with the bustling crowd.

As Val wandered through the bustling streets of K'un-Lun, his enhanced hearing caught a muffled sound echoing from a nearby valley. Intrigued, he followed the sound until he reached a dark and shadowy alleyway. As he peered into the gloom, his eyes widened in shock at the scene before him.

A figure hunched over another, viciously tearing at their clothes while the victim lay helpless on the ground.

Val quickly realized that the person lying on the ground was a woman when he heard her cries for help. Her sobs echoed through the alley as she begged her attacker to stop,"Please! Stop! Don't do this! Somebody, help!" The sound sent a shiver down his spine, and he felt a familiar sense of anger boiling up inside him. Memories of a past he had tried to forget flashed before his eyes, causing him to clench his fists so tightly that his nails dug into his flesh, drawing blood. His heart pounded in his chest as he realized he couldn't just stand there and do nothing.


20 years before the tragic death of Professor Cranley M. Hamilton, he was deeply engrossed in his work at a laboratory in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center on Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. His focus was on a groundbreaking project that aimed to develop new communication and navigation technologies for space exploration.

After spending several minutes on the previous project, Cranley stood up and walked towards another table in the laboratory space. This table was dedicated to his research on advanced weapons systems, specifically for use by the U.S. military.

As the clock ticked towards 11:00 P.M., he couldn't help but let out a yawn. He looked at his watch on his wrist and realized that his daughter Amber would be coming home from her prom soon. He smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety at the thought of her arrival.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of the door creaking open and he turned to see a towering figure of a man, 6'7" tall, with bulging muscles and wearing a sharp suit, enter the room.

Cranley recognized the man as Steve, his trusted bodyguard. "What brings you here, Steve?" he asked, taking a moment to look up from his work.

"I just wanted to remind you that your daughter will be arriving home from her prom in a few minutes," Steve replied in a deep voice. "As your bodyguard, it's my responsibility to ensure your safety at all times."

Cranley let out a long, tired sigh and leaned back in his chair. He couldn't help but feel frustrated with the constant need for protection, especially from a bodyguard he didn't want in the first place. But as he glanced at Steve, the towering figure standing before him, he knew there was no escaping his duty.

"Why do I even need a bodyguard anyway?" Cranley mumbled, more to himself than to Steve.

With a stern expression, Steve replied, "There have been 89 assassination attempts on you, not including those on your family. You need protection, sir."

Cranley rubbed his forehead in exasperation, "I know, I know. But can't I have someone more normal? Not someone from the Secret Service."

Steve's lips curved into a wry smile, "Sorry sir, but I was assigned to you after a few...heated meetings at the White House. And let's be honest, you're smart enough to know that I'm not just here to protect you. I'm also here to keep an eye on you, as ordered by the President."

Cranley rolled his eyes and gathered some important papers from his desk, "Fine. Let's just get this over with. Take me home, then."

As the car pulled up to Cranley's home, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness. His wife, Sarah, had taken their son, Magnus, with her to attend a meeting for her company, leaving him alone for the night. Lost in thought, he gazed at his house before his attention was drawn to a luxurious limousine that suddenly arrived and came to a stop in front of his home.

Cranley saw Amber step out of the limousine and walked towards her, a smile on his face as he asked, "How was your prom, Amber? I hope you enjoy–." However, his words were cut short as he watched Amber suddenly break down in tears and run towards him, jumping into his arms.

As Cranley held Amber, he noticed her injuries and his confusion turned to rage. He glared at the driver of the limousine, who quickly averted his gaze. With a trembling hand, Cranley lifted Amber's face and his heart sank when he saw her bloodied and bruised lips, cuts on her cheek, and purple marks around her neck as if someone had tried to strangle her. As he looked down, he saw that her dress was torn in several places, adding to his anger and concern for his daughter.

Cranley's heart was pounding rapidly as he held Amber close to his chest, her tears drenching his shirt. He couldn't believe what he was seeing - his daughter, who he had sent off to prom just a few hours ago, was now covered in bruises and cuts. As he carried her into the house, he could feel her clinging onto him as if her life depended on it.

"It's okay, my little pumpkin," Cranley said softly, trying to soothe her. "Daddy's here."

As Cranley entered Amber's room, he gently laid her down on her bed and reached for some clothes from her closet, helping her remove the torn dress and put on something more comfortable. With a sense of urgency, he grabbed the first-aid kit from the living room and began tending to her injuries. As he worked, he softly asked Amber to explain what happened to her.

Amber's tears flowed as she told Cranley that her prom night had started off perfectly, until she was given a drink by her date, Dustin. The drink made her vision hazy, and she lost consciousness. When she came to, she was in a bathroom stall with Dustin on top of her, tearing her dress off while filming the whole ordeal. Her voice shaking with emotion, she described the harrowing experience to her father.

After spending an hour comforting Amber, tending to her injuries, and making sure she was sound asleep, Cranley quietly crept out of her room and made his way to the garage. As he opened the door, he couldn't help but feel a burning sense of anger inside of him. He knew what he had to do next.

Grabbing a baseball bat, Cranley made his way back to the front door. But as he opened it, he was met with the unexpected sight of Steve standing in his way. Cranley's eyes narrowed as he warned Steve, "Don't you dare try to stop me!"

Steve was taken aback by the intensity of Cranley's stare, which he had never seen before. He swallowed hard and said, "I had no intention of stopping you, sir." He then pulled out a glock and presented it to Cranley, saying, "It would be easier with this."

Cranley glanced at the gun and shook his head. "With this, it would be painless and instant. Just a shot to the head and it's over. I don't want that. I want him to feel the pain that my daughter felt."

He stepped forward, pushing Steve aside, and ordered, "Start the car, Steve. We have to pay this kid a visit." Steve hesitated for a moment, but then nodded and followed Cranley to the car.

The next day, the news of the incident involving Cranley and the teenage boy spread like wildfire through the media. Headlines blared the story of a world-renowned scientist who had allegedly used a baseball bat to attack a teenage boy and his father, leaving them both hospitalized with multiple broken bones. The news sparked outrage and controversy among the public, and soon the incident was the subject of heated debate and discussions both online and offline.

The news of the brutal beating spread like wildfire across the internet, and people on social media were quick to voice their opinions. Many jumped to conclusions, accusing Cranley of being a violent psychopath who had lost control of his anger. They argued that his true nature had finally been revealed, and demanded that he be arrested and punished for his actions. Twitter was inundated with messages directed at the police station in Washington D.C., with people from all over the world calling for Cranley to be held accountable for what he had done.

Cranley was eventually arrested and a case was filed by Dustin's parents. The trial began a few days later and quickly became a highly publicized case. As the details of the case came to light during the proceedings, public opinion became divided. Some people defended Cranley and saw him as a loving father who was seeking justice for his daughter. Others labeled him a violent psychopath and condemned his actions. The case drew national attention and sparked a heated debate on social media about the use of violence to seek justice.

During the trial, Amber testified and bravely shared the harrowing details of her assault, shedding light on the circumstances that led to Cranley's actions. Supported by irrefutable evidence presented in court, the judge ultimately acquitted Cranley.

As Cranley walked out of the court, he was greeted by a throng of reporters and camera crews who were eager to capture his reaction. Cranley looked directly into the camera and confidently smirked. Little did he know that this moment would be immortalized on the internet as a meme template that would be shared and repurposed in ways beyond his imagination.

After Cranley's release, justice caught up to Dustin as he was arrested and put in jail on charges of sexual assault. In addition, Sarah was not one to let things slide and decided to take matters into her own hands. She contacted a shady real estate firm and, with their assistance, seized Dustin's parents' home and every bank account under their name. Sarah went as far as planting drugs in their house, which ultimately led to Dustin's parents' arrest and imprisonment.

A few weeks after Cranley's trial, a confidential document was leaked, revealing that during the proceedings, the U.S. President had received numerous calls from heads of the countries around the globe, all urging him to release Cranley so that he could continue his groundbreaking scientific researchs for the betterment of humanity.

Reacting to the leaked document, a prominent YouTuber remarked, "Cranley M. Hamilton has grabbed the world by it's balls."


Val snapped out of his thoughts and sprinted towards the man and delivered a swift kick to the back of his head.

* WHAM *

The man was sent flying forward, but he managed to use his chi to land on the ground gracefully. He quickly turned his gaze towards Val and without wasting any time, he ran away.