
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey] - Beneath the Surface - Apperances Can Be Misleading

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Val's gaze followed the man fleeing the scene, but his focus quickly shifted to the young girl before him. The poor girl was trembling, clutching at her clothing in a desperate attempt to cover herself. As Val looked ar her, his mind began to race, the memory of Amber and the horrors of that night resurfacing in his thoughts. He shook his head, trying to clear the haunting images.

With a sense of compassion, Val took off his robe and gently draped it over the shivering girl. "Don't be afraid," he comforted her, "the evil man is gone now." His voice was calm and reassuring as he tried to ease her distress.

As Val reached out to help the girl up, he noticed the tear stains on her cheeks and the fear still lingering in her eyes. She clung tightly to the robe he had given her, and he knew that she was still shaken from what had just happened. With a gentle hand on her shoulder, Val led her down the street towards a small shop. As they walked, the girl's trembling slowly began to subside, and she managed to explain that the shop belonged to her parents.

Upon arriving, the girl turned to Val, her eyes still moist with tears, and thanked him. Without another word, she stepped inside and disappeared from view. Val stood outside the shop for a moment, feeling a sense of relief that he had been able to help the girl.

When the girl entered the small shop, she clutched the robe tightly to her chest and descended a staircase that led to a door. Before entering, she wiped the tears from her eyes and composed herself, exchanging her crying expression for a stoic, emotionless one as her whole demeanor changed from a defenseless girl to a seasoned warrior.

Taking a deep breath, the girl opened the door and stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room with a sense of familiarity.

Upon entering the door, the girl found herself in a grand chamber, its vastness dwarfing her small frame. In the background, she could see women donning masks and armour, their presence casting an intimidating aura. As she approached the center of the chamber, her eyes were drawn to three half-naked men tending to a stunningly beautiful woman, who sat upon a throne-like chair. She walked quietly and respectfully, her body language betraying the turmoil she had just experienced.

The girl approached the woman on the throne, her steps measured and deliberate. As she drew near, she paused and kowtowed, a sign of respect and deference. "My Lady," she spoke, her voice steady and confident, "I am pleased to inform you that your task has been completed. I have made contact with the mysterious man, as you requested."

Li Hua, also known as Tiger's Beautiful Daughter, regarded the girl with a cool, calculating gaze. "Very good," she said, her voice smooth and measured. Her eyes fell upon the robe that the girl wore, and she questioned, "Whose robe have you put on your body?"

At once, the girl stood up and removed the robe, bowing respectfully as she presented it to Li Hua. "The mysterious man put his robe on me," she explained.

Li Hua took the robe from the girl's hands, and as she inhaled Val's scent, a subtle smile played upon her lips. "I long for the time to meet him," she said softly, her cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment. The girl watched in silent awe as Li Hua seemed lost in thought, the robe held close to her face.

After a moment, Li Hua's attention returned to the present, and she noticed the torn clothes that the girl wore. "What happened to you?" she asked, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

The girl spoke, "My Lady, I was acting on your behalf," she said, her eyes fixed on Li Hua's feet. "According to your orders, I waited in an alley to lure the mysterious man. However, a man from S'ahra Sharn attacked me. I was outmatched, but I did not give up. I knew that the success of our mission depended on my ability to lure the mysterious man toward myself."

The girl paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I was informed by our other warriors that the mysterious man was in the vicinity, so I pretended to be a weak woman and allowed the S'ahra Sharn man to do as he pleased in order to catch the man's attention. And I succeeded. The mysterious man immediately came to my defense before the S'ahra Sharn man could do anything else, and he drove the attacker away with ease."

Li Hua listened intently, and when the girl finished, she nodded thoughtfully. "I see," she said. "We will ensure that you are taken care of and that your safety is assured."


Meanwhile, Val felt a growing sense of unease as he watched the girl disappear into the shop. He knew that there was something strange about the whole encounter - something that didn't quite add up. As he turned to leave, his keen senses caught the faint scent of the man who had attacked the girl. Without thinking, Val set off in pursuit, following the scent through the winding alleys and crowded streets of the marketplace.

As he pushed his way through the throngs of people, Val's frustration grew. He knew that finding the culprit among the sea of faces would be a nearly impossible task. But then, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the same man he had seen earlier.

"Not this time, you fucker!", Val cursed and chased after the man in the alley he disappeared. He sprinted through the alleys and narrow pathways, his adrenaline pumping as he pursued the agile culprit. As he chased the man through the crowded marketplace, Val was impressed by his acrobatic skills and quick reflexes.

However, the chase came to an abrupt halt when they entered a square-shaped alley. Val realized too late that he had walked into a trap when the man turned around and smirked at him. Suddenly, four burly men jumped from the rooftops, surrounding Val and blocking his escape. The situation looked grim as the men closed in on him, their fists clenched and ready to strike. In the midst of the chaos, stray dogs barked, adding to the tension in the air.

Val remained composed, despite being outnumbered. He carefully assessed the situation, taking note of his opponents' stances and their positioning. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he assumed a fighting stance, his body tense and his fists tightly clenched and then, he charged at the group of attackers.



* WHAM *

* BANG *

* BOOM *

Sihing and Fat Cobra battled fiercely against the people of S'ahra Sharn. The sound of their fists striking flesh echoed through the alleyways as they fought their way through their opponents. With his training in martial arts and mastery of chi, Fat Cobra unleashed powerful punches that were infused with glowing energy, obliterating the men who dared to face him. Sihing fought with equal ferocity, dodging and weaving around the attacks of his foes, striking back with precise and deadly blows. Together, they made a formidable team that left the people of S'ahra Sharn reeling.

As Fat Cobra was finishing off the last of the attackers, he noticed Sihing approaching a barking dog. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and shouted, "What are you doing? We have a job to do here, taking down the infiltrators from S'ahra Sharn, not chatting with stray dogs!"

Fat Cobra turned and saw three men approaching him with their weapons drawn. He swiftly lifted his leg and bellowed, "Sumo Thunder Stomp!" With his chi coursing through him, he brought his foot crashing down onto the ground. The earth shook and shattered beneath the men, causing them to plummet into a newly-formed pit.

As Sihing spoke with the dogs, Fat Cobra joined him and inquired about the situation. Sihing replied, "Something seems amiss beyond these buildings. You're welcome to join me in investigating." The dogs had caught a scent and were running in a specific direction, and Sihing followed them with a determined expression.

Fat Cobra glanced around and saw the S'ahra Sharn assailants lying dead on the ground. He shrugged, "I'm not in a hurry to leave," and ran after Sihing, his powerful legs carrying him quickly in pursuit.

Sihing and Fat Cobra arrived at a rooftop a few minutes later and were taken aback by the sight of Val surrounded by four S'ahra Sharn men. Fat Cobra, concerned, asked Sihing, "Shouldn't we help him? He's outnumbered and he doesn't seem to have any chi energy in him."

Sihing observed Val's stance and movements and replied, "Appearances can be misleading, Fat Cobra. Let's wait and see what happens."