
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 56. The Hanged Man -3

Emerging from the suffocating grip of the obscurial's shadowy tendrils, the crimson flames emanating from the Hoo-hoo and Phoenix enveloped Severus in a protective embrace. Within this cocoon of fire, a shield was erected, preventing any harm from befalling either Severus or Benjy. The heat of the flames was paradoxically soothing, a gentle warmth that served to quell the turbulence of their clashing intentions.

A gentle voice, like a soft whisper amidst a howling storm, reached Severus's consciousness. "Open your mind, child of Owuo. Let go of your doubts, and accept my aid." The words carried an undeniable sense of home, as if a presence sought to cradle Severus in its comforting embrace. Yielding to the ethereal reassurance, Severus allowed himself to be enveloped by the warmth of the crimson flames, leaving his control to the essence of this crimson flame.

From within the heart of the fiery maelstrom, two distinct voices resounded, their cries transcending the chaotic surroundings. "We bestow upon you our power, to aid you in rescuing this child," one voice intoned with a tone that resonated like a magical promise, "For we pledged to forever stand by his side." The other voice, equally resolute but tinged with a plea for understanding, followed closely, "This child….he, too, yearns for salvation, for a glimmer of hope in his future. His desires were overshadowed by his quest for vengeance, ensnared in a cycle of wrath that blinded him to the possibilities of a better life. If the shapeless cloud embodies his anguish, then we represent his desperate call for help. Be measured in your actions, for you bear responsibility for this outcome. Harm him no further."

In the face of these revelations, Severus found himself rendered silent, his thoughts echoing with the weight of his recklessness and pride. The gravity of his folly became clear—his arrogance and presumption had set the stage for this tumultuous encounter. The realization struck him with the force of a hammer, forcing him to confront the consequences of his actions.

'Humans and their enigmatic nature.' Severus reflected somberly, 'I should remember this in the future, to anticipate the unpredictable facets of the will we possess. My backup schemes must be more astute, resolutions that do not involve the destruction of the mess I created.'

However, the abrupt interruption of his introspection snapped Severus's attention back to the present. A furious cry reverberated through the fractured plane of memories, its intensity shaking the very fabric of their surroundings. The monstrous hand of Benjy's obscurial form rose menacingly, crashing down upon the avian entities that shielded Severus.

Anguish and betrayal dripped from Benjy's words like venom. "Even you have abandoned me. You promised to stay by my side, bestowed my name, and saved me on that fateful day. Yet, now, you ally with him?" The raw emotion in his voice was a symphony of heartache and resentment, a torrent of questions unleashed. "Why, Severus? Why is it always you? Why do you possess these powers, these skills? Why do you outshine me, despite my efforts? Why do fates favor you? Why?!"

Benjy's pain-laden accusations hung in the air, a lament that encapsulated the depths of his despair and disillusionment.

Within the cocoon of crimson flames, a dramatic shift unfolded. A massive hand of iridescent purple flames emerged from the inferno, its grasp firm and unyielding. With a powerful motion, the hand seized the monstrous arm that had been poised to strike, rending the cocoon asunder. From within the torn veil, a majestic phoenix form emerged, woven in a magical tapestry of purple fury. It was a manifestation that merged the essence of blue flames of death and crimson flames of rebirth.

The air resonated with the distant echoes of a voice, a voice that seemed to provide comfort and soothing. "Your words wound us, Benjiyira," it intoned with a solemn cadence, a voice that resonated with ancient wisdom. "Our vow was one of safety, a pledge that meant even saving you from your own demons. We have dwelled in the deepest recesses of your heart, bound to you from the moment we chose to rescue you. We have chosen this child not to harm you, but to guide you—to end your cycle of despair."

With these words, the majestic being exhaled a torrent of flames. The flames, a kaleidoscope of purples, cascaded upon the obscurial, relentlessly pounding its form with an incandescent fury. The clash between the two forces created an awe-inspiring spectacle, each fiery torrent a reflection of the internal struggle playing out within Benjy's conflicted psyche.

Yet, amidst this fierce battle, a voice cracked through the storm of emotions. "NO!" Benjy's anguished cry pierced the air, his voice laden with a heartrending pain that spilled through his words like a torrent. "I don't need your saving. I've accepted my fate," he proclaimed, his surrender evident in his tone, "Death is the only way. Everyone I hold dear suffers because of my existence. I am the harbinger of their agony and torment. Just let me... fade into this abyss, let them…..find peace in my oblivion." His voice wavered, the tendrils of the obscurial's influence tugging at his consciousness, pulling him ever deeper into its grasp.

However, Severus's voice resounded, cutting through the turmoil like a beacon of understanding. "I cannot do that, Benjy." His words carried a resolute undercurrent, unyielding in their intent, "I have sworn an oath to your mother, an oath I intend to honor. Flawed as I am, I am not one to abandon those who find themselves under my wing."

The fires that surrounded the obscurial gathered, converging upon the colossal form of the purple phoenix.

With a surge of energy, the majestic entity ascended, soaring to unparalleled heights. Severus relinquished control, leaving the destiny of this pivotal moment in the hands of these mystical creatures. In his mind, he recognized their true essence—a personification of hope, the embodiment of Benjy's desires to move forward and seek happiness. Their presence held the key to saving him.

"I entrust this task to you both," Severus's voice resounded within the recesses of the mindscape, addressing the magical creatures born of flames, "For you are the very essence of his yearning for light. Use that power, for I know that you alone can guide him through this darkness. I will leave the command to you, Benjy" With a final, resolute thought, Severus surrendered control to the entities of rebirth, for they held the power to save Benjy without inflicting further harm.

A fierce battle continued in the expanse of Benjy's fractured memories. The very fabric of Benjy's mind seemed to tremble under the weight of the clash between the Purple Phoenix and the Shapeless Obscurial. These two entities, fueled by disparate forces yet inexorably linked to the web of Benjy's life, stood ready to engage in a dance of pain and joy, hope and despair, between life and death.

The Purple Phoenix materialized in a blaze of violet flames, its wings a vivid confluence of flickering fire. It soared with an elegance that defied the chaos of the fractured memories, leaving trails of incandescent embers in its wake. The flames that comprised its form held an eerie serenity, as if each flicker contained a frozen moment of joy. Its eyes glowed with the intensity of forgotten laughter, and its talons exuded a warmth that could rekindle even the coldest of memories.

"Remember what made you, you, Benjy. Remember why you were named 'Benjiyira'."

Severus, merged with the fiery flames, lent his cunning to the phoenix's movements. He navigated the tumultuous currents of memories with a finesse born of his own experience. The flames of the phoenix responded to his will, surging with bursts of fiery ferocity whenever the Shapeless Obscurial drew near. Memories of joy danced in the flames, and with each touch of phoenix fire, they flickered to life within Benjy's mind like stars against a night sky.

Opposing this radiant creature was the Shapeless Obscurial, the nebulous mass of shadows and swirling tendrils. It took the form of a gargantuan giant, a distillation of Benjy's fears and insecurities given a monstrous shape. "Die!" The obscurial rumbled with a voice that resonated like thunder rolling through dark clouds. Its touch was a chilling void, sapping the warmth from any memory it encountered, leaving behind a numbing emptiness.

Yet, even within its formless nature, Benjy's despair found a means to exert control. His connection to the obscurial was paradoxical; it was a manifestation of his pain and anguish, yet it was a part of him. With an indomitable will, he directed the obscurial's movements, shaping its tendrils into a semblance of cohesion. It swung its colossal arms, attempting to snuff out the radiant flames of the Purple Phoenix.

As the two parasites clashed, the memories around them trembled and quaked. Fields of laughter shattered into fragments of sorrow, while echoes of lost love reverberated through the void. The battleground shifted with each strike, warping from one memory to another, distorting moments that had once been so clear into abstract fragments.

With every clash, Severus guided the Purple Phoenix's flames to brush against the Shapeless Obscurial. Each touch ignited an eruption of memories, vivid and poignant. The flames rekindled the taste of ice cream on a summer day, the warmth of his sister's embrace, and the exhilaration of triumphing over adversity. These memories blazed momentarily, a resplendent tribute to the happiness that Benjy had once experienced.

But the Obscurial fought back with its tendrils of shadow, attempting to smother those flames of joy. Its touch dredged up forgotten heartaches, whispered doubts, and moments of regret. The obscurial's movements tore at the very fabric of Benjy's mind, threatening to unravel the interconnected web of memories that held him together.

The clash between the Phoenix and the Obscurial intensified, their opposing forces tugging at the threads of Benjy's memories.

As he was about release one of the most potent curse, Benjy's senses were suddenly enveloped by a sensation of familiarity and longing. A warm hand, tenderly threading through his hair, caressed him—an intimate touch etched in his memory, one he had yearned for so long. A honeyed whisper, gentle as a breeze, seemed to defy the disjointed chaos of the fractured plane. "It's alright, Ben. It is okay for you to be happy. The blame does not rest with you for what happened—it never did. The choices made by those who inflicted pain were their own, just as my choice was to save you. You bear no responsibility for their cruelty nor for my responsibility. Please, do not give up on yourself. These memories of pain and joy, belong to you—they are your experiences, they are your past, yo–"

Tears welled in his eyes as Benjy's quivering voice responded, "M-Mother... I've missed you. I am... sorry. I am sorry." His arms embraced the magical form that materialized beside him—a luminescent manifestation of his mother's presence.

The obscurial, a swirling vortex of torment, began to disperse, its tendrils unraveling and evaporating into nothingness. Within the diminishing shadow, Benjy cradled himself within his mother's embrace, his form reverting to that of the child she had saved years ago.

The soft rustle of an embrace whispered of intimate support as his mother's lips gently brushed his forehead, a gesture laden with reassurance. Her hand moved rhythmically over his back, an echo of the soothing touch that had comforted him as a child. The words that emerged from her lips held an unparalleled tenderness, a balm for his wounded soul. "You must know, my dear. It is not your fault. It is not your fault."

Tears streamed down Benjy's cheeks, his voice quivering as he attempted to convey his inner turmoil, "But, Mother... I... I..."

"Hush now," she interjected with a voice that resonated like a soothing lullaby, her touch an embrace of unconditional love that encapsulated him in its warmth.

As the reunion continued, a transformative current rippled through the fractured plane. The crimson flames that once encircled Severus began to shift, their luminescence flowing toward Benjy and his mother. The flames converged around them, forming a cocoon of comforting warmth—an embrace of both fire and memories, an embodiment of home and comfort.

A fleeting yet sad smile graced Severus's countenance as he observed the scene unfolding before him. His gaze fixated upon the two majestic creatures that encompassed mother and son 'Magic,' he mused inwardly, 'It defies even the boundaries of existence. A paradox. I thought, no, I know her remnants dissipated, yet her essence remains here, rocking her child.'

"Listen to these birds, Benjy. Listen to your own heart. You possess within you vast potential, a journey yet to be taken..." The voice quavered, its timbre faltering, as if the words were a delicate bridge between existence and oblivion.

"Mother!" Benjy's desperation manifested as a cry, a futile attempt to grasp the fading mirage of her presence. Fingers outstretched, he reached for her ephemeral form as it dissolved into the nebulous surroundings.

"Hush, Ben. My time…has come, for I am but a remnant of memories bygone past. Please listen to me, you have so much to live for. So much to accomplish, do not give up. Remember this, we love you. Your father and I wish for nothing more than your happiness."

As her form faded away, "No!" Benjy's cries intensified, a crescendo of desperation that resonated through the ethereal realm. The Phoenix and Hoo-hoo extended their wings, encircling him in a gesture of solace—an embrace of warmth and protection.

Severus stood at a distance, his gaze fixed upon the heart-wrenching scene. He observed Benjy's raw confrontation with reality, allowing him to grapple with the pain of loss and the inescapable truths that had unfurled within the fractured plane.

The gravity of the moment was not lost on Severus; it was a sobering reminder of his shortcomings, of the enigmatic nature of human emotions that defied his meticulously laid plans. 'I have failed. This did not go as I planned, and neither was I able to fight the obscurial on my own. If it wasn't for Phoneix and Hoo-hoo, I would have left Benjy in hospital wings for weeks or maybe months.'

From the chaos of Benjy's emotions, a demand cut through the air like a blade. "Did you know, Severus? Did you know that my mother was still there? Or was it yet another one of your lies to see how far you can make me?"

Severus, hovering near a younger version of Benjy, met his gaze without flinching. "No, I did not lie to you. I witnessed her dissipating to nothingness."

"Then how?"

"I don't know." Severus whispered, his voice laced with regret, "Magic works in mysterious ways."

"Can..can you bring her remnant back?"

"No, I can't."

Benjy's desperation gave way to a plea, his grip on Severus growing more desperate, as if he could extract a solution from the very air. "Why? Why can't you retrieve her remnant? You wield magic as an extension of your will. You possess answers where others falter. Can you not, at the very least, restore her memory?"

"I am sorry Benjy. I cannot do that."

Benjy's grip on Severus tightened, his voice tinged with desperation. "You are so attuned to magic. You exude an air of knowing. Why then, when it matters most, why do you admit defeat? Aren't you a crazy researcher, then why not study this? Please..just her memory. I know you can do that."

Severus's eyes shuttered closed, an air of solemnity enveloping him as he knelt to meet Benjy at eye level. His voice, soft but resolute, carried the weight of truth. "No, Benjy. I cannot perform such an act. The memories, emotions, and essence that defined her—were uniquely hers. To attempt replication would be to stain the purity of her being, to create a mere imitation born of your own recollections. I doubt she would wish for such an outcome."

"Then what, Severus? What do you want me to do? These entities within me, they're not mere spells. I can't simply wave a wand and make them disappear. The obscurial won't just vanish into thin air, and the control over these beings—it's not within my grasp. This is not a bloody fairytale. And these emotions, this unrelenting rage... my thirst for vengeance—it's all-consuming. I don't know.."

"A Pause."


"You need to step back," Severus explained, his tone even as he settled down beside the childlike representation of Benjy within the mindscape. The embrace of warmth radiated from the presence of the Phoenix, a soothing balm against the burdens of fatigue. "You must take a break," Severus continued, "A pause, if you will."

"A break? From what?"

"From your quest for vengeance."

A surge of defiance and anger erupted within Benjy, his voice raised in a tumultuous shout that reverberated through the mindscape. "Are you suggesting I should simply forget my fucking desire for revenge and retreat to some fairyland of ignorance?"

"Calm yourself, Benjy. I understand the allure of revenge better than most. Its satisfaction can be intoxicating, yet it often leaves a void that demands more. I'm not asking you to abandon your quest for retribution, but to consider a strategic pause. Harness your vengeance, yes, but wait until you wield the power to control those entities in your body and to shape your own life. Remember, killing those monsters is not enough, unearthing the root of their beliefs and eliminating the shadowy puppeteers that guide them. As they say, revenge is best served cold and bloodied"

Benjy lowered his eyes, his gaze now cast downward as he transformed from his childlike form into that of an adult "But how?" His voice carried the weight of a heavy burden, a plea for guidance that seemed almost too immense to voice. "How can I take a pause? When these emotions, this pain will never let me sleep till the day I end those bastards and-" His gaze shifted towards the corner, where the lurking presence of the Obscurial awaited, poised to unleash its malevolence. "Can you stop that parasite from endings before I can even get my revenge?"

"No, not immediately. But, in a manner akin to your mother's, I can seal away the raw emotions that surge from those events. This containment will grant you the time needed to process and confront these emotions, while I study and try to eliminate that parasite without killing you. A pause, as I've suggested, may prove beneficial. I might be bad as you say, things I have done are not good. However, I solemnly vow, bound by my magic, to honor the contract we made."

Benjy's breath hung heavy in the air as he absorbed Severus's words, each syllable a reflection of a complex web of emotions and decisions. There were truths he wished to vocalize, denials he yearned to shout, and a longing for certain words he spoke to be erased, but he understood the limitations of words. "Very well," he conceded, his voice a testament to his determination. "Lock away these emotions. Grant me the chance to experience life once again. As you pledge to uphold our contract, so shall I pledge to honor it in kind."

Severus rose from his seated position, his hand extended towards Benjy "Come on," he said, "I need your help to seal away these emotions." As they delved into the sea of memories, Severus identified the threads that, if left unchecked, could threaten Benjy's mental stability. With purposeful precision, he encapsulated those emotions, creating a vault, while letting some remain, just so Benjy could process them slowly and at least in a healthy way, one he can't afford right now.

"It's remarkable, just like the first, almost paradoxical. The memories remain, and I can still the sadness, but the searing rage and anguish have dissipated. This method is more effective than even Occlumency."

Severus, his gaze tracing the landscape of Benjy's mindscape, sensed the lingering instability. "Remember what your mother said, both joy and sorrow are part of the journey, they teach you many things, some good, some bad but never stop walking on this journey. You have to accept both the bad and good in your life. Due to the risk of that parasite, I locked away your emotion. Trust me it is not good, it —"

As his mother's words echoed within the recesses of Benjy's mind, an epiphany stirred—The memories, both joyful and painful, intertwined. They were the mosaic of his life, the colors that painted his identity.

The embers of the Crimson flames faded and the obscurial's tendrils dissolved, Benjy stood alone with the remnants of his memories. The past, the pain, the joy—they were all a part of him. The fractured plane began to mend, memories flowing back together, forming a new whole slate waiting to be painted.

"You were wrong, Benjy. This is a fairytale ending."


A/n:- Finally back with a longer chapter. Hope you liked it. With this, this mini-arc is completed.

From now, the schedule will be a chapter every two days. It might change later but for now for proper longer chapters.

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