
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

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Chapter 49. House Of Black: Historia.

[Room Of Requirements]

As soon as Cissy and Lily departed, a weary sigh escaped my lips, though I made no mention of it to them.

Even though I had professed to reveal all my secrets, some remained concealed, tucked away like the cursed vaults and about Merlin.

The reasons for such secrecy were simple, yet crucial. The knowledge hidden in those vaults was potent and potentially dangerous, and I was unsure of Merlin's intentions.

Therefore, I want to proceed with utmost caution in my search for these hidden vaults.

When I disclosed my reasons for not having invited them to join me sooner, I had merely shared a partial truth.

The whole truth was more selfish, rooted in my fear of losing them and the unbearable risk of their lives being taken.

Above all, I dreaded the prospect of facing the world alone without them.

Though I valued my subordinates, I knew that their loss would not cause me the same sorrow as that of Cissy or Lily.

My shadows' roles in the organization were purposeful, and I never entertained the idea of recruiting anyone merely to exploit them as pawns or expendable assets without anything in return.

Once free from these thoughts, I submerged myself into the realm of shadows.

Here, I went through a trove of ancient journals penned by illustrious wizards and witches.

Among these fascinating chronicles, the accounts of Morgana le Fay and Merlin particularly captivated my attention.


[3rd POV]

Narcissa and Lily walked together in silence, each lost in her own thoughts. Lily's emotions were in turmoil as she tried to process the revelations she had just heard.

On one hand, she felt a sense of relief that Severus had finally escaped his troubled past and was free from his father's tyranny. However, her heart ached for him, knowing the pain he had endured in the past week—the loss of his mother and the burden of guilt for a crime committed in a moment of rage.

Lily tried to comprehend Severus's plans, particularly the League of Shadows, but hesitated in her understanding. She questioned whether such drastic measures were truly necessary. However, she acknowledged that her own upbringing had shielded her from fully grasping their perspectives.

Her privileged background, though not without its challenges, did not afford her the same insights into Severus's and Narcissa's lives.

Her desire to understand them better had led her to attempt opening up a conversation about Severus's home life before, but he had always evaded the topic, guarding it like a forbidden secret.

Now, she was cautious not to trigger any painful memories for him. So, she turned to Narcissa, hoping to broaden her worldview and shed some of her naivety. But she grappled with the appropriateness of asking someone why they were accepting of acts like homicide.

Narcissa, on the other hand, observed Lily attentively, sensing her inner conflict. She noticed Lily's hesitations, her mouth opening and closing, as if struggling to articulate her questions.

Tired of waiting, Narcissa finally decided to prod Lily gently.

"What is bothering you, Evans? You seem to be wrestling with something. Just ask what you want to know."

Lily mustered her courage and in a hushed whisper, she voiced her concern, "Does it not bother you? I mean... the killing part... Why did you change your views so quickly?"

Narcissa raised an eyebrow, expecting this question to arise sooner or later. From her time with Lily, she knew that Lily had a certain innocence about the world, though her own experiences had matured her beyond her years.

Still, she hadn't expected Lily to be so willing to embrace the League of Shadows given its nature.

"No, it doesn't bother me," Narcissa replied calmly.


"It was how I was raised,"

Lily fell silent, taking a moment to ponder Narcissa's response.

"Why did you suddenly ask me this? I am shocked you want to join the Shadows. Severus made it clear that you can just be part of the organization. " Narcissa asked.

"Perspective. And I want to support Severus in every possible way, he is doing something good though the means might be a bit extreme, I want to know why it needs to be done. How and why have you changed the way you are?"


"Yes, Perspective. I was raised in a household that accepted me. When the time to join Hogwarts came, I felt insecure due to my blood status, But Sev reassured me that it didn't matter, but the reality was different." Lily stated "Despite the run-ins with many pureblood, who degraded me for my blood status, I had a fairly normal life outside that constant looming over the wizarding world. So, I never fully grasped the idea of why purebloods thought the way they did, I am still curious why you are suddenly ok with muggle-born....don't take this in the wrong way, but your change was so quick as if you never truly believed in the pureblood policy. I want to see through your perspective."

Narcissa paused thoughtfully, considering Lily's genuine desire to understand.

She realized that there were certain aspects of her life that she had never shared with anyone, things that had molded her into who she was.

Severus already understood the world she came from, but it was time for her to open up to Lily, to share her perspective and past with someone.

"I will tell you what shaped me, but not here," Narcissa finally said.

"Then where?"

"My room," Narcissa replied, knowing that Lily might hesitate due to the risk of entering Slytherin dorms at this time.

"Your room?!" It is not the first time Lily entered the Slytherin dorm, but it was always during the daytime.

Narcissa couldn't help but smirk, knowing how to playfully goad Lily.

"Hmm…Afraid of facing a few Slytherins? Brave Gryffindor, indeed."

"Fine, I will come to your dorm room. Gryffindors take pride in their bravery."

Narcissa stifled a laugh, realizing she had successfully convinced Lily to join her.


[Slytherin Dorm]

Narcissa took Lily to her room,

"Sit down."

She gestured for Lily to sit on her bed.

Using her wand, Narcissa levitated a chair towards herself and sat in front of Lily.

Narcissa asked, "You want to know why I am flexible with all of Severus's plans and what made me change my view, don't you?"

"Yes," replied Lily, curious to understand Narcissa's perspective.

Narcissa hesitated for a moment before saying, "Fine, I will tell you what shaped me into what I am today."

Lily, concerned about bringing up painful memories, reassured her, "You….don't have to tell if you are not comfortable sharing it.""No, I wanted to get this off of my chest for a long time. I didn't really have anyone to share it with-"

"Not even Sev?" Lily asked curiously.

"No. But I know he knows exactly what goes on in a Pureblood family."


"Let's start with my 8th birthday," Narcissa began, narrating her life to Lily, recounting the events that had shaped her into the person she had become.


[Narcissa POV]

Narcissa age : 8.

Paris, France.

In the vibrant city of Paris, my father treated me and my sister to an exclusive gathering.

Within the confines of this private convention, I encountered a remarkable sight for the first time: a mesmerizing sword duel executed by two ordinary individuals who were under the Imperius curse.

These unfortunate "muggles" were forced to entertain the assembled guests, but my family's disdain for such non-magical beings had long been ingrained in me, leaving me unperturbed by their plight.

My focus remained fixated on the duel unfolding before me. The graceful movements and swift slashes of the swords captivated me completely, igniting an intense desire in me to emulate these muggles' skills in the arena.

Every strike they exchanged filled me with mounting excitement, urging me to learn the art of swordplay.

Suddenly, my father's voice disrupted my reverie, dripping with amusement.

"I must admit, Robert, these savages do provide quite an entertainment," he remarked.

"Indeed, they do. Personally captured these two Mudbloods," Mr. Smith chuckled.

"But what about the Ministry? Wouldn't they create problems if they found out?"

Mr. Smith grinned slyly. "That's the benefit of being a member of the committee, Cygnus. I will dispose of these two immediately after the show."

My father exchanged a knowing smirk with Mr. Smith and said,

"You're absolutely right, Robert. Those wretches should be eradicated right after the party. Don't you agree, darling?" he asked my mother.


"Yes, brother. Those mudbloods have been acting smug these days," my uncle chimed in, sneering.

The conversation shifted to discussions about a dark lord attempting to recruit purebloods.

My attention waned as they continued their insults about muggles in the presence of children.

I glanced around the room and spotted Meda happily playing with Reg, while Bella sat beside my mother, engrossed in their own world.

In the bustling gathering, Sirius appeared to be out of place, casting glances at various children in the room.

His mischievous nature got the better of him as he slyly tripped a boy, earning him a stern scolding from Aunt Walburga. Undoubtedly, she was the nastiest and most intimidating woman in our family.

I shifted my gaze to my uncle Alphard, the only member of our family who genuinely enjoyed being around children.

He was the cool and normal uncle who didn't obsess over blood purity or try to mold children to fit certain expectations. Instead, he showered us with affection, played with us, and even spoiled us with treats and thrilling broom rides. Unfortunately, his antics often drew sharp rebukes from Aunt Walburga.

At this tender age, my father began instilling in me the supposed importance of blood purity and how pureblood should conduct themselves.

Meanwhile, Bella endured even harsher treatment, facing constant berating. I could hear my father's raised voice and Bella's cries from another room, but I never had the courage to witness the extent of his actions toward her.

As the middle child, Meda seemed to play the role of the perfect daughter, not burdened with excessive discipline or stringent etiquette like Bella.

Although she outwardly complied with our parents' expectations, I sensed that she didn't fully embrace their beliefs.

Fear gripped me—fear of disappointing my father, fear of discovering what he might do to Bella. The dread of facing his wrath compelled me to obediently follow everything he and my mother taught me.

At this age, I became increasingly hesitant to voice my needs and desires. My own wishes seemed less important as I focused solely on fulfilling my parents' expectations.

Fear held me captive, driving me to strive to become the perfect child they desired.

"Cissy, come here!" Bella's sudden appearance interrupted my thoughts, and she dragged me towards Uncle Alphard.

"Uncle Alphard, let's play," Bella requested with enthusiasm.

Despite her frequent troubles and punishments, she always looked out for me and Meda.

"Bring Meda, Sirius, and Reg along. We'll sneak into the gardens to play and I'll even show you some cool spells. Just don't let Sister Walburga find out, or she'll scold me," Uncle Alphard suggested, eliciting giggles from Meda and Bella.

"Awesome! Uncle Alphy. I won't tell the hag about it," Sirius blurted out loudly.

Quickly, Uncle Alphard covered Sirius's mouth with his hand and said, "You'll seriously get me in trouble if your mother hears you. So, keep quiet and follow me."

"Okay, Uncle Alphy. I'll be quiet, but you have to take me out on your broom," Sirius whispered with excitement.

"Mmm... alright, but keep quiet until we leave the mansion," Uncle Alphard agreed.

Sirius nodded eagerly and obediently followed Uncle Alphard, with Reg trailing behind, looking up to his brother with great admiration, following him like a loyal pup.

"Catch me!" Bella exclaimed, darting ahead of us.

Meda glanced at me with a knowing smile and joined in the race, running ahead of me.

At that moment, watching my sisters play and laugh together, I yearned for nothing more than to be happy with them, to always be together, never separated, and forever supportive of each other.

But fate had different intentions in store for us.

[12 Grimmauld Place] ( Narcissa age: 10 )

Under Uncle Alphy's guidance, I began learning the art of swordplay and combat.

One day, I mustered the courage to peek into the room where my father used to punish Bella. Inside, a heated exchange was taking place.

"Give them back!" my father roared with anger.

Unfazed, Bella replied, "I knew studying Legilimency would be useful. I can see exactly what is going on."

My father's frustration erupted, "The magical bloodline is weakening! We must ensure the Blackline remains powerful! You need to set an example. Those muggles are causing wars and destruction in this world. Their weak-minded blood doesn't belong with ours!"

Defiantly, Bella asserted, "I will marry a pureblood, but for now, I'm only in my 5th year. I want to apply for an Auror apprenticeship. When I do marry, I want it to be my choice. I won't tolerate being pushed around like a Witch Weekly magazine."

My father's fury intensified, and he leaned closer to Bella, pointing his wand at her head. "If you do not comply..." he threatened, attempting to extract her memories.

In a moment of reckless bravery, I rushed into the room and positioned myself between them. "NO! Father, stop it! Please don't hurt Bella," I cried.

"Move out of my way! She must be punished for her insolence. If you don't move, you'll be punished as well. Look what you've done, setting a bad example for your sister. Today, she dared to defy me because of you," he scolded me.

With eyes shut tight, I remained steadfast, refusing to move.

Just then, my mother hurried into the room and intervened. "Cygnus, Bella has already forgotten so much. Narcissa won't disobey you again. It's her first time; she'll heed your words. Let them be for today. We're in your brother's house. We can address this later."

My father's rage subsided slightly as he turned towards us, still seething with anger. "You are a disgrace to our family. You will marry first, and then you'll leave this house. Then, I'll no longer have to deal with you," he declared to Bella.

Then he turned to me, emphasizing, "You will not follow in your sister's footsteps. Consider this a one-time allowance. If you defy me again, be prepared for punishment and discipline. Is that clear?"

A sense of paralysis overwhelmed me as I struggled to control my trembling lips.

"I understand, Father," I managed to whisper.

Near the door, Andy stood, quivering with fear.

"Our family boasts the noblest and oldest lineage of the House of Black! It is your duty to uphold the purity of our magical bloodline! Failure to comply with our arrangements will result in banishment from this household and the revocation of your rights as a member of the Black family! Do you all comprehend?!" Father's words rang out sternly.

"Yes, father," I replied.

"Yes, Father," Andy affirmed.

"Yes, father," Bella obediently echoed.

Father stormed out of the room.

"Now, freshen up and meet us at the dining area. Andromeda, ensure that you bring both your sisters to dinner on time. I will not tolerate tardiness. Behave appropriately; I don't want to hear any complaints from Walburga regarding your manners. Is that clear?" My mother's eyes lacked any warmth as she delivered her instructions coldly.

She followed Father's lead and left the room, leaving the three of us sisters alone.

Bella drew me closer from behind and said, "My little sister is all grown up, standing up to Father for me."

She playfully began to tickle my side.

"Haha... ha... stop it, Bella. You shouldn't... ha... anger Father," I managed to say between laughter.

"Come on, join us, Andy," Bella invited, and Andy happily joined in.

I somehow managed to escape Bella's grip and began to tickle her in return.

In that moment, we were so carefree—Andy, Bella, and I.

Little did I know that day marked the moment I relinquished my fate entirely into my parents' hands.

[4 years later] (Age: 13)

Once again, Bella found herself entangled in a heated dispute with our father. The familiar shouting and lecture on magical purity filled the room.

"I appreciate you standing up to Mother and Father, Bella. I agree with you, but there's nothing we can do about it. Even I don't want to marry someone I barely know," Andy voiced her opinion.

"Please, Bella, don't defy them any longer. Father seems exceptionally furious this time," I pleaded.

Bella remained seated, pulling out a memory of her own. I couldn't help but miss the loving and overprotective Bella, who seemed to be slowly fading away.

"Don't be afraid, Cissy. Father won't do anything to me. I will marry someone from a pureblood family and make the name of the House of Black shine among others."


"Avada Kedavra," Bella cast the spell at a flower, but it had no effect.

"It's okay," Andy tried to comfort her. "Have this." She shoved a cherry into her mouth and ran away playfully.

Bella spit the cherry out and chased after her.

Laughter filled the air as my sister's joyful moments became increasingly rare these days.

While the two of them wrestled, I heard the rustling of leaves nearby. Concerned that the Ministry might have tracked Bella due to her use of the Unforgivable Curse, I moved closer to her.

"I told you it's an Unforgivable Curse. The Ministry may have traced you, Bella," I warned.

"Not that she cast it, mind you. You worry too much, Cissy," Andy reassured, still in a playful mood.

"Stop it, get behind me," Bella covered us both, just like she used to do when we were small.

We raised our wands towards the rattling tree, ready to confront the intruder. To our surprise, it was a Hogwarts student who emerged from behind the tree.

"Ted?" she questioned.

"Tonks?" I recognized him from hearing about him once.

"I think he's in my year at Hogwarts," Andy remarked.

"Yeah, the seventh year, Hufflepuff. Muggle-born," I sneered, unable to hide my disdain.

Bella chuckled and approached Tonks, asking, "What are you doing here?"

"Hello, I got these leaflets for --"

"Some sort of muggle defense society? Haha," Bella interjected with a mocking tone.

"The Gigglyflits. My friends are playing in the village pub tonight. I wanted to help them, I was walking by your house to put some through the gate," Tonks explained, seemingly drawn towards Andromeda, completely ignoring me.

"They play music at the pub?"

"Yes, apparently quite a lot. Do you want to visit it?"

Sensing his interest in Andy, I decided to intervene, "There's no need for it. We won't be visiting."

But Tonks persisted, offering Andy a leaflet, to which she replied with a smile, "Thanks."

"Maybe see you tonight," he said before Bella, in her usual fierce manner, ordered him to leave, pointing her wand at him.

As soon as he departed, we burst into giggles.

I thought Andy wouldn't be desperate enough to attend their gig, but little did I realize how wrong I was back then.

That day marked the start of the breaking of the bond between us three. It changed everything.

I was left with a broken bond.

(Age: 14)

In my fourth year at Hogwarts, everything seemed to be going downhill for me.

Severus was engrossed in his rabbit hole of research, becoming more distant.

Bella, on the other hand, was spiraling into madness with each passing day, ever since she married Rodolphus in exchange for Father's permission to serve the Dark Lord.

Father harbored a deep hatred for Muggles, but he wasn't willing to risk openly joining the Dark Lord's forces while the Ministry was closely watching us.

However, that wretched Rodolphus, that dirt-eating, shit bag, took away my protective elder sister.

It pained me to see her in such a state. She used to be so beautiful, but now she returned from her dealings with crazed expressions and a ragged appearance.

The success of the Dark Lord's attacks on the Muggle areas ignited an interest in his forces within my family.

Aunt Walburga, in particular, showed the most eagerness for aligning with Voldemort's cause.

One day, a heated confrontation erupted between Father and Bella.

"What have you done?!" Father's voice boomed as he shouted at Bella, who looked back at him defiantly.

"I have done what you taught me to do. I am showing Muggles their place," Bella retorted.

"I didn't tell you to join him! You could have been caught by the Ministry!" Father exclaimed, clearly distressed.

"I am not who I used to be. I can defend myself. I am just showing my pureblood allegiance," Bella defended herself.

"It didn't mean you had to go about it this way. You could be sent to Azkaban for this. You will stain the name of House Black!"

"I will not! I will bring glory to our house! We will no longer need to hide our powers. Isn't this what you wanted? The pureblood above the Muggles. You wanted to show the Muggles their place. I am doing what I was born for! What YOU made me believe!"

Bella's voice rose, a desperate cry for approval underlying her words.

In her outburst, there was pain, a longing for acceptance from our father. But his response was cold and indifferent.

"Then so be it! You are already married to a pureblood, to a man I choose. I could care less about what you do now. You will pass on pureblood to the next generation. You have served your purpose. Do as you please! I don't care about you as long as you bear a child," Father declared, before storming out of the room.

Seeing another part of Bella's break, she stood there stunned, grappling with her emotions.

I wanted to comfort her, but I was unsure of how to offer her comfort.

Despite my uncertainty, I approached her and embraced her in a hug.

"What have you done this time, Bella?" I whispered gently.

"What I must do to protect you and Andy," she replied with resolve.

"Why does it have to be you? I can do it along with you. You don't need to join them. Father said they might put you in Azkaban. I don't want you to be put in Azkaban," I pleaded.

"It has to be me, silly. I am the eldest sister, am I not?" Bella replied, her sense of responsibility evident. "And I have to show those Muggles who is superior. It is fun to see them cry."

I felt afraid to see her like this.

I gulped and pushed down the fear that I felt.

Bella left that evening with Rodolphus.

The next time we met was the last time we three sisters were together.


I caught Andy sneaking around and meeting that Muggle, Tonks.

I knew that pig was after Andy.

How could Andy fall for the Muggle's trap?

How could she risk getting banished from the house?

I wrote a letter to Bella about what happened.

Bella apparated the next day, urging me to take her to the spot where Tonks and Andy met.

"Where do those two meet?"

"They usually meet at the place we first saw him, near the forest."

Bella takes my hand in hers and apparates us both to the spot.

We disappear in a swirling motion.

I felt sick, as if my bones were crashing into each other.

In an instant, we appeared in the forest.

I saw Andy standing by a tree, looking bored.

Andy looks in our direction, her eyes wide in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

"That is not the issue. What are you doing here, Andy?! Waiting for your Mudblood Boyfriend," Bella sneered.

"Do not call him that! His blood isn't dirty."

"Oh, ha... He has you under some spell, Andy. Have you forgotten everything we were taught?"

"No, I haven't! I just realized how wrong we were. We can't keep living like that."

"You never had a problem before. Why now?"

"I didn't realize the horrors you have done. You have killed people. You kill them due to their blood. You are a murderer."

"Have you forgotten everything I have done for this family?! For you?! I have done this to protect you!"

"NO! Don't use me as an excuse for your crimes. Why don't you just leave me be?"

"Because you are my sister."

"Then you're supposed to protect us and -- this mark doesn't really speak of protection. Don't you understand what the Dark Lord is doing to the Wizarding World?! Don't you even understand the things you are doing, the crimes you are committing?"

"I am doing magnificent things. I have the power you will never reach. Far above what you would ever hope for."

"Then you can bathe in the blood of innocents for power! I don't need power, I have someone I love!"

I stood there, unable to do anything, not joining any side, waiting for Andy to realize the error she was about to commit. But her confession of love left me stunned.

"Oh... really. Then I believe congratulations are in order. Should we plan a wedding? Have you lost your mind? I thought you would see how wrong it is to mingle with and leave that Mudblood. Do you not understand? You will be banished-"

"Stop dragging her away."

That douche made an appearance, pushing Bella away from Andy. Bella quickly raised her wand at him.

"Ted, let me talk to her."

Andy pushed Tonks behind and spoke softly to Bella.

"Listen, Bella, it is my choice."

"Like hell it is."

Bella cast a spell on Tonks, sending him away. Andy quickly raised her wand, but I tackled her to the tree since we still shouldn't perform magic outside Hogwarts.

"Please listen to Bella, Andy. Come back with us."

"I am sorry, Cissy. But I don't want my life to be ruled by father."


"I don't care. I don't care about money, power, or blood. I just want to live my life. Even if he didn't have a single drop of magical blood, it wouldn't matter to me. You all lead a life with no true love."

"NO TRUE LOVE! How dare you! You bloody bitch! Have you forgotten the times when we laughed together as we ran around the house? The time Bella held you when you cried like a baby wailing for a dress! When I sat by your bed the whole night when you were sick! Bella even fed you that time! We three were inseparable. We shared dresses, spells, and secrets. We shared everything. We were one." I felt tears well up in my eyes. "Now some Mudblood comes along and shows you some fairytale, and you believe it is true love. What we had was love. Do we mean nothing to you? You ask me if I know true love, I love you! I love Bella and myself. You don't need to taint our blood to prove that you are capable of love. We loved each other. I love you more than that Moron would ever hope to. Please come back to your senses, Andy."

"How does loving Ted taint our blood?!"

"Enough! I will give you the final choice, this Mudblood or banishment?" Bella warned as she stepped on Tonks's hand, pushing her heel deeper into his hand.

Andy jerks her hand out of my grip.

"Fine, let's go to our parents. I am fine with banishment. I would rather prefer to be on the streets than in that house."

Father banished her from the family.

Bella left the house after Andy's banishment.

I stood there at the gates, waiting for her to change her mind.

"Please... please don't leave me, Andy."

"I am sorry, Cissy. I have to do this. I can't live here anymore. Goodbye."

I stood there until she was no longer visible.

I collapsed on the ground, cursing the gods for my situation.

I wanted her to choose me.

I wanted both sisters to be with me, to be my support in the chaos.

Both left me alone; one chooses the Dark Lord, and the other chooses a Mudblood.

One was broken, and the other was banished.

All the hope I had left me.

"You are the only child for me now. You have never disobeyed like the other two. You will perform your duties as a Pureblood. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father."

The façade I maintained became my reality.

I was a dressed-up doll for my family to further connections.

I didn't choose to be born as a Pureblood witch.

I wished for light to escape this darkness.

The fate that was sealed, to be broken.

Then Severus's change gave me the courage to finally break the seal.

I understood what Andy meant, sometimes something shines brighter than others.


[Slytherin Girl's Dorm ]

By the time Narcissa completed her story, Lily had already wrapped her hands around her.

As Lily rubbed Narcissa's back, Narcissa finally released her pain—the pain she had concealed from everyone. The tears that flowed were not tears of pain or grief, but rather tears of relief.

"It's okay. I can be your sister. You have Severus, me, and that Regulus Black. He doesn't seem to be too much of a douche," Lily said.

Narcissa calmed down and smiled at Lily's sentiment. "Thank you for the sentiment, but I didn't share my story because I missed my sisters—maybe I did. But that is not the point."

"Then what is?"

"I want you to understand that most Purebloods are raised to believe in pureblood supremacy from the moment they are born. Their fates are sealed. Some grow into the ideology, and some turn against it. A small part of them just wants to be saved. You asked why I am comfortable with Severus killing, didn't you? It's because I heard my sister talk about the atrocities that people committed, the atrocities she committed. Sometimes it is best to cut the root before it grows into a tree."

Lily somewhat understood the other side of the spectrum and how different their lives were.

"Thank you for sharing with me, Narcissa. While I was always insecure about my place in both worlds, I had loving parents and friends who reassured me. I was hesitant at first, but now, I understand the need. I am grateful for it. I wish I had a sister like you. While Tuni isn't bad, she isn't really the best example, you know."

Lily tried to joke to break the mood that was created.

"Maybe I will allow you to call me sister?"



"Awww." Lily pouted.

Narcissa giggled and pinched both of Lily's cheeks. "Really, Lily."

Lily's expression brightened up. "Then can I call you, Cissy?"

"No chance."

Lily turned around and tickled Narcissa. They both kept talking the whole night in Narcissa's bed.


A/N:- This chapter and back story is directly inspired by Sisters of House Black- An Unofficial Fan Film (FULL FILM) by Kelsey Ellison.

As you can see, the chapters are getting bigger, I want to end the rewrite soon and continue the story. There is not much that needs to be added to the old version, except a few things and we are good to go.

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