
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

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Chapter 47. Hidden Eyes.

[ Severus's Dorm Room ]

[Severus's POV]

After completing the necessary paperwork, I returned to my dorm, eager to check on more of the books I acquired from the Vault of Fear.

Instead of using a summoning charm, I opted to teleport into my shadow realm—a place that provided the perfect environment for practicing Occlumency. It resembled an infinite, serene, and emotionless void, an ideal canvas for honing my Occlumency skills and mastering control over my emotions.

Assuming a meditative pose with my legs together, I floated in the shadow realm, closing my eyes and focusing on entering my mind.

I had been practicing Occlumency intensely for the past year and a half, and pushing the limits of my abilities since returning to Hogwarts.

While I was confident in my ability to block any Legilimens, I always had a gut feeling that there was more to both Occlumency and Legilimency.

My intuition proved correct when I stumbled upon a book on psionic and the astral plane in Merlin's second vault.

Although I hadn't explored everything I found in the cursed vault, I had read a few books, and this particular one intrigued me.

It contained a comprehensive catalog of psionic abilities, with telepathy and astral projection catching my attention.

Telepathy, an advanced fusion of Occlumency and Legilimency, offered a myriad of practical uses.

While I knew mastering it could grant me immense power, my primary goal was to break the barriers that hindered my growth in these skills. But the process would undoubtedly demand extensive time and practice, and I couldn't predict when I would succeed. It was a complex process and discipline. Entering my mind was akin to entering the shadow realm—a vast, endless abyss capable of consuming anything that entered.

I had designed it so that any Legilimens probing my mind would find themselves lost in this eternal expanse, or encountering a reflection of their thoughts or anything I desired to show them.

Within this mental realm, a projected image of myself materialized, concealing memories only I could access. The library of my mind lay ahead—a serene space filled with countless files floating in the endless space.

While I occasionally read the memories of those whose minds I had touched, I genuinely disliked reading people's thoughts, as many had disturbing and perverse fantasies, some even concerning me.

Two exceptions to my intrusion were Lily and Narcissa. I didn't want to read their minds, for my own selfish reasons.

Occasionally, I checked their progress in Occlumency without their knowledge but never probed further.

Attempting to break the barrier to the astral plane would prove challenging. I began practicing yesterday after reading about astral forms and planes in Merlin's journals.

Though I sensed a connection, mastering entry into the Astral plane required more practice. It was exhausting and incredibly hard.

I don't what it is, but I felt something was missing in this process. I don't think I would be able to break the barrier nor will I be able to exit this body soon.

After an extended session in my mind, I returned to the physical world.


The time revealed itself to be 7:30 pm.

Only 7:30 pm?

It felt as if I had experienced an entire day within my mind.

Realizing that Narcissa likely had already informed Lily about our meeting, I knew it was time to head to the Great Hall.

Leaving my room, I made my way toward the Great Hall to join everyone for dinner.

I walked into the Great Hall, the air thick with a cacophony of voices, laughter, and the clinking of cutlery.

Among the bustling crowd, I caught sight of Regulus, who called me over with a wave of his hand. I settled into a seat next to him.

"Good evening, Regulus,"

He met my gaze, a glint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Good evening, Severus. Is it true that you're dating my cousin?"

His words immediately drew the attention of those around us, but I ignored them and replied calmly.


"Ah, I knew she had a way of getting what she wants. Congratulations," he said with a nod.


."So, how was the date?"


"That's it? I was hoping for more details. Where did you take her?" Regulus pressed, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"That's all you're getting,"

"Why so serious? I was just kidding I knew I would never get details from you."

Regulus chuckled lightly, then his demeanor turned serious as he leaned closer and lowered his voice.

"So, how do you plan to deal with my uncle and aunt? They despise muggle-borns and look down on half-bloods." He scanned our surroundings, ensuring no one was eavesdropping, and whispered, "During Christmas, I overheard my father and her father discussing her marriage contract."

My interest was piqued. Though dealing with the Black family was not a concern for me, I was curious to know which family they were considering.

"What did you hear?"

"They intend to betroth her to that Lucius Malfoy. My family may be crazy, but I care for Cissa, and I want her to find happiness and escape that household. I just don't want her to lose something she loves. I don't like that Lucius—always flipping his hair with that infuriating smirk on his face."

I sensed the sorrow in Regulus's voice, understanding all too well the longing he held to break free from his family's grasp. From their expectations.

He yearned for a helping hand, betrayed by the bitter departure of that mutt, who abandoned him despite Regulus's pleas to stay.

Yet, despite his adherence to pureblood beliefs, Regulus bore a glimmer of kindness within.

Never did Regulus speak of the anger, sadness, and hopelessness that engulfed him after his brother's departure.

But now that I delved into his memories using Legilimency, finding it rather effortless since the sadness in his voice acted as an entryway to those moments tied to his brother.

My intrusion was swift, slipping into his mind without resistance.

Fucking hell! Those twisted bastards!

How can they do this to their own son?!

Control, Severus. Not now.

On further diving into his mind, a found a well-hidden curse binding his psyche. Something so complex, it even escaped Lumina Mortis till now.

I need time to study it, I can't show any suspicion or emotion right now. Not when I still don't know how to help him.

Drawing Regulus close, I draped an arm around his shoulders, "Fear not, your sister doesn't need anyone's protection, she is enough to look after herself. And dealing with your family won't be a challenge for me. As heir to the Prince family, they will accept their pure-blood ties, even if diluted by my half-blood status,"

To reassure him and lighten up his mood.

My tone grew lighter as I added, "And since I am now your cousin's paramour, there's a chance we might be related someday. You'd have to address me as your brother-in-law," accompanied by a playful smirk.

His gloomy countenance gave way to a smile, "By Merlin's beard, I'm not sure I want that. You're far too tempestuous to be my brother-in-law. I already have to contend with Cissa. I'm not prepared for two Cissas in my life just yet."

Regulus and I shared a laugh at his quip. At this moment, I felt no need to maintain a stoic facade at all times.

Throughout our conversation, Regulus did most of the talking while I nodded in response, listening attentively to his words.

As dinner drew to a close, there was a nervous tinge in his voice when he asked, "Severus... Will you come to my match this year?"

I must admit, I was taken aback by the request.

Regulus had to know that I had little interest in wasting my time watching Quidditch.

His eyes met mine, and sensing my reluctance, he quickly added, "Forget it. I was just kidding."

Attempting to mask his disappointment, he chuckled lightly, but I sensed there was more to it.

It was his first match as a captain, and he longed for someone to cheer him on.

His brother had already left the family and cut ties, and asking his sister, Cissy, was daunting, even though he intended to do so. In his heart, he yearned for a brotherly figure to stand by his side.

Softly, I spoke, "I will come to your match."

"Really?!" His eyes lit up with hope.

"Yes," I affirmed, recognizing the desire for support that I, too, had once yearned for during my childhood.

For Regulus's sake, I didn't mind sacrificing a few hours of my time.

A radiant smile spread across Regulus's face, and he couldn't resist giving me a side hug.

I jokingly warned him, "Hey, stop hugging me, or I won't come."

With a mischievous glint in his eye, he teased, "Get used to it, brother-in-law."

After finishing dinner, I waited by the entrance of the Great Hall for the girls to join me.


[3rd POV]

[ Staff's Table]

"Have you heard about the recent attack on the village nearby? Death Eaters were responsible," Professor Sprout's voice held a somber tone. "The Aurors arrived late, and tragically, most of them were slain. The entire village was ravaged and reduced to ashes. His dark forces are growing stronger."

"It's disheartening that even their plea for help reached Hogwarts too late," Professor Minerva lamented. "We could have aided them. With each passing day, I grow more concerned for our students. In a few months, the seventh-year students will step into an ongoing war. I wish I could shield them, protect them from the horrors that await."

"And he is extending his fangs even into Hogwarts," Professor Slughorn added, concern etched on his features. "I've witnessed many students who are willing to join his ranks. Ive tried….I've tried to guide them onto the right path—"

"I understand, Horace," Professor Minerva consoled. "I fear this war will continue for a long time. We've done our best to keep his forces from infiltrating Hogwarts. At least, I hope we have."

A heavy silence settled over the table as no one knew what more to say on the grim subject.

"Have you completed the arrangements for your party this year, Horace?" Professor Filius chimed in, attempting to uplift the mood.

"Oh, everything is ready," Slughorn replied, trying to regain some cheerfulness.

"Why didn't you have it on Christmas this time, Horace?" Professor Minerva inquired as she took a sip of orange juice.

"I was invited by the international potions association for a conference during Christmas," Slughorn explained.

"I read about that conference. It focused on potions for viral diseases among the magical populace," Professor Linda, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, shared her knowledge.

Linda Mathews, a 45-year-old half-blood witch, had recently joined Hogwarts after the tragic death of the previous professor.

"Mrs. Mathews, I didn't know you had an interest in potions," Slughorn remarked.

A smile graced Linda's face as she replied, "Potions have been my second passion for a long time, sir."

"That's excellent, Mrs. Mathews. If you ever need any notes, you can count on this old professor. I'd be glad to assist someone with such a passion for the art of potion brewing," Slughorn offered kindly.

"Thank you, sir,"

"Now, Horace, who is the main attraction this year?" Professor Sprout playfully teased, aware of Slughorn's penchant for favorites.

Horace smirked with pride and proclaimed, "Damocles Belby."

Professor Filius remarked, "Oh... I remember him, he was your favorite student for a long time, wasn't he, Horace? You used to praise him and brag about him day and night."

"Don't pretend he was solely my favorite," Professor Slughorn retorted playfully. "Both of you, and Minerva, were quite lenient with him too. Minerva, you even let him off detention regularly,"

"Don't fabricate stories, Horace," Professor McGonagall interjected sternly, though some of the staff couldn't help but share a small laugh, as it was common knowledge that she, too, had her favorites despite her denial.

"I wasn't referring to the guest; I meant, who is your new favorite?" Professor Sprout inquired with a sly smile.

"Hmm... it's a tough competition between Miss Evans and Mr. Prince. Both of them are equally talented," Professor Slughorn replied.

The mention of Prince caught Albus Dumbledore's attention.

"Mr. Prince has been one of the most gifted wizards to grace Hogwarts in the past decade," Professor Filius said, pride evident in his voice.

"I smell favoritism, Filius," Slughorn playfully teased.

"I'm not playing favorites, Horace. We both know Mr. Prince's abilities. He invented charm spells during his fifth year, though they were unfortunately used for less noble purposes. But we can't deny his ingenuity. Before this Christmas, I would have said Miss Evans excelled more in charms, but Mr. Prince has made remarkable progress. He's currently ranked number one in my class, though Miss Evans still gives him tough competition," Filius explained.

"He invented a spell in his fifth year?!" Professor Linda exclaimed, taken aback by the revelation.

Filius chuckled, responding, "Yes, since you are new here, Mrs. Mathews, you might not be aware, but Severus is rather infamous for a certain spell. Its misuse among students has led to its avoidance in discussions."

"Oh..." Linda understood which spell they referred to, as she had to counter that floating charm numerous times already.

"Mr. Prince has also shown significant improvement in Transfiguration since Christmas. While he was already one of the brightest students before, he has now emerged as one of the top students, and his behavior has improved significantly from the past," Professor McGonagall added.

McGonagall expressed her disappointment in losing her best students, James Potter and Sirius Black, due to their suspension over some vulgar actions.

"I agree with Filius and Minerva on this. Mr. Prince has always excelled in Herbology. He is a talented boy, but his behavior in recent years hasn't been the best. However, seeing him now, he seems to be on the right path, even helping my Hufflepuffs," Professor Sprout chimed in cheerfully.

Sprout had initially witnessed Severus using a slur against a Muggle-born, leading to a less favorable impression of him.

But in recent days, she had observed a positive change in the young man, which brought her happiness.

McGonagall sighed, a tinge of guilt in her voice as she expressed, "I just wish I could have found Potter, Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew earlier. Perhaps I should have punished them more severely before; it might have prevented the situation from escalating to this point."

In her role as the head of the house, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but feel a sense of failure, burdened by the actions of her former students.

"It's not your fault that they turned out this way, Minerva. Don't blame yourself," Professor Sprout offered comforting words to her colleague.

The discussion took a different turn when Professor Linda raised an intriguing question, capturing everyone's attention.

"Do you think Severus is related to the half-blood prince, or could he be the half-blood prince himself?"

Slughorn looked at her with a mix of surprise and disbelief. "While Severus is undeniably talented, I can't fathom him being the half-blood prince. The author of that book must be an incredibly skilled potioneer to produce such a masterpiece. Just because 'Prince' is common to both their names doesn't mean they are related," he asserted firmly. While he cherished Severus's abilities, the notion that a 16-year-old student could have authored one of the finest potion books seemed far-fetched to him.

Professor Filius, however, offered a different perspective. "I agree with Horace to some extent. There could be a connection between Mr. Prince and the half-blood prince, given that people often incorporate something meaningful into their pen names."

"We can only speculate; only Severus knows the truth," Slughorn shrugged, leaving the matter open-ended.

Switching topics, Professor Filius inquired, "So, is the bet for the Quidditch matches still on, Minerva?"

A proud smile adorned Professor McGonagall's face as she replied, "Yes, my lions will emerge victorious this season."

Slughorn retorted playfully, "Don't be so hasty to conclude, Minerva. My snakes have been practicing diligently, and I'm confident Slytherin will clinch the trophy this time."

Amidst the playful banter that was just a mask to their guilt, Albus Dumbledore, the ever-watchful headmaster, was internally troubled by the recent Death Eaters raid.

Outwardly, he maintained a grandfatherly smile for his staff and students, but his mind was preoccupied with Tom and the mystery surrounding Severus Prince.

The talented young man had been on a darker path, but recently, he had changed his course.

Dumbledore felt a sense of relief that Severus was veering away from darkness, yet he couldn't shake off his unease. For he feared the similarities between Tom and Severus.

'Why did he change so suddenly?' Dumbledore pondered.

Ever the skeptic, he knew that optimism alone wouldn't suffice.

He resolved to keep a close eye on Severus, seeking to guide him toward a brighter future, towards good.


Outside the grand hall, bathed in the soft glow of the evening light, Lily and Narcissa came upon Severus, who leaned casually against the stone wall.

"Hello, Severus," Lily said with cheerfulness in her voice.

A glint of delight sparked in Lily's eyes as she greeted him, her smile radiating warmth.

Narcissa, on the other hand, offered a playful wink as she positioned herself beside him.

"Good evening, Lily, and Cissy."

Concerned about the privacy of their conversation, Narcissa scanned their surroundings. Her caution wasn't merely because of potential eavesdroppers among the students and faculty but also the mischievous ghosts known to invade others' privacy.

Understanding the gravity of Severus's secrets, she felt it essential to find a more secure location.

"These walls aren't ideal for discussing your secrets, Severus," Narcissa remarked, her gaze sweeping the area.

"Take my hand," Severus said. Lily and Narcissa looked at each other and took his hand.

Leading the way, Severus directed them to follow him.

As soon as Lily and Narcissa took his hand, he subtly cast a disillusionment charm, rendering them unnoticeable to any onlookers.

Silently using his powers, he concealed their presence.

Up they went, reaching the Seventh floor through the left corridor.

Puzzled by Severus's back-and-forth pace, the two followed him, intrigued by his destination.

After completing three rounds around a specific section of the wall, a concealed doorway suddenly materialized before them.

The unexpected sight left Narcissa and Lily astonished, pondering its existence. The disillusionment charm wore off.

"Please, come inside," Severus invited them, breaking the spell of amazement.

Regaining their composure, they stepped through the mysterious entrance and into the room beyond.

The interior was nothing short of awe-inspiring; vast and exuding an aura of classic elegance, adorned with an array of meticulously arranged furniture.

"Please, have a seat," Severus offered courteously, indicating chairs placed before him.

Settling into their seats, Lily and Narcissa prepared to inquire about the matters at hand.

Severus, relaxed on his own couch, invited them to ask their questions.

Lily glanced at Narcissa, silently prompting her to lead the questioning, considering the intimacy of their relationship as lovers.

"You can go first. I only have a few queries that require answers," she said nonchalantly.

"Why were you so sad when you returned? What spurred this sudden change in your beliefs? I can't believe you merely woke up one day and were like ' Yup, from today, I am going leave that shitty spoon-fed Xenophobic ideology behind and start new.' Tell me, what were you doing on that night when I found you injured? Furthermore, what's the reason behind your newfound friendship with students from other houses? The pattern of your absences from classes raises questions. And tell me, where do you vanish to so frequently? Does this room have any connection to the fabled 'Room of Requirement'? Finally, I must inquire, are you truly the 'Half-blood Prince'? And, finally, how was your first time ?"

Lily's torrent of inquiries rushed forth without pause. Finally, letting it all out.

Narcissa and Severus couldn't help but blush deeply as Lily's barrage of questions took an unexpected turn.

Realizing the implications of her last inquiry, Lily's face turned crimson with embarrassment.

"Oh, Merlin! Please forget that last part. I... I just blurted it out. It was all for the sake of science, yes, for SCIENCE! A case study, really! Oh, please, just ignore it. I swear I wasn't thinking anything of a sexual nature. It was purely for educational purposes. That's it! Merlin, this is so embarrassing. Please forget that last part,"

Lily pleaded anxiously, her hands frantically gesturing as she desperately tried to undo her unintentional revelation.

She felt exposed and wished fervently that Severus hadn't heard that particular question. 'Merlin, will Severus now think I'm some kind of pervert?'

Severus and Narcissa managed to regain their composure, and they exchanged amused smiles, finding Lily's attempts to cover up her blunder endearing.

"Stop moving your hands, Lily. I'll forget the last part," Severus assured her, his teasing smirk betraying his playfulness.

"Merlin, you must think I'm a pervert now,"

"No, I don't. You've always been loose mouth in your questioning. Though I do believe you might want to conduct your research in a more discreetly somewhere else location," he added, teasingly.

Deciding not to contest Severus's remark, Lily wisely held her tongue, aware that engaging in banter could lead to more teasing.

Meanwhile, Narcissa leaned in, whispering in Lily's ear, "See, this is why I told you to keep your perverted side in check, Evans."

"Merlin, I'm not a pervert! Can't a girl be curious?"

Seeing that Lily had calmed down, Severus decided to address her earlier questions, wanting to create a lighter atmosphere before revealing his secrets.

"I'll answer your questions in a moment, but I genuinely want to know—are you both some kind of empaths? How do you always seem to know when I'm feeling down or sad? The first thing Narcissa said to me was, 'I can see the sadness in your eyes,'" Severus inquired, playfully raising the question to ease the tension.

His intention was clear—to prepare Lily for the secrets he was about to share, knowing that her reaction might differ from Narcissa, but he wanted to come clean to his first-ever friend and best friend.

Narcissa discerned Severus's unspoken intentions, comprehending the contrasting environments of her own upbringing and that of Evans. She realized they would each react differently to the revelation of his innermost secrets.

Uncertain of Evans's response, Narcissa perceived her as a gentle, cheerful, and guileless girl. Despite speculating that Evans might react negatively, or she might be wrong.

Answering Severus's question, she responded with a smile, "Secrets. I have known you long enough to discern your emotions."

"In response to one of your inquiries, this is the fabled Room of Requirement,"

"Wow...I thought it was just a myth.," exclaimed Lily in awe.

Narcissa, too, was astonished by this newfound revelation, having heard numerous rumors circulating within her dormitory about the room.

Despite her surprise, she concealed her feelings, maintaining an impassive demeanor.

"In response to many of your queries, such as why I skip classes, or why I have friends outside of Slytherin, and so forth, it is because I am in the process of establishing an Organization,"

Curious about Severus's intentions, Lily inquired further, "What kind of Organization?"

"Before I address that, how do you feel outside your house? How do people treat you in the Muggle world and here in the Wizarding World? Are you aware of the treatment endured by certain Muggle-born wizards and witches at the hands of their families? Do you know what will happen if other muggles find out about your abilities? "

Lily's mood shifted, and with a wry smile, she honestly responded to Severus,

"I am not that naive, Sev. I often feel like an outsider, although my housemates and friends bring me happiness. I have heard people calling me slurs and saying that I don't belong, both here and back home. My sister deems me a freak. While some individuals have treated me poorly in both worlds, others have been kind. I find myself adrift, without a true sense of belonging. As for Muggle-borns, I know the hardships they endure at the hands of their families, but I am fortunate to have supportive parents. If Muggles were to discover my magical abilities, I fear they might hand me over to the church."

Lily attempted to lighten the mood with a joke at the end, but laughter eluded her.

In both the wizarding and Muggle worlds, she grappled with insecurity, yet she never confided these worries to anyone—not her parents, nor even Severus.

Fearing burdening them, she concealed these insecurities behind a façade of happiness, though the effort grew increasingly challenging.

The feelings seemed to fade when she was in Severus's presence, but they resurfaced with a vengeance after he called her a Mudblood and their friendship shattered.

Severus offered a sad smile, empathizing with Lily's concerns.

"You belong here, just as you belong in the Muggle world. I will always be here for you," he reassured.

"You needn't feel that way anymore. I am here for you too. Although I must admit, there are times when I'd rather hex you for being annoying," Narcissa teased playfully.

Lily playfully stuck her tongue out at Narcissa. "Oh, I love getting on your nerves. It's becoming quite a hobby of mine."

Listening to their exchange, Lily felt a glimmer of happiness.

Returning to the topic of the Organization, Severus explained that it stemmed, in part, from the desire to assist those who faced mistreatment due to their circumstances. The Organization's purpose was to offer a safe haven to such students until they completed their Seventh year.

Lily's eyes widened in excitement, and she exclaimed, "That's an incredible idea, Sev. We could help so many students. But do you have the financial means for it? I mean, Purebloods aren't exactly known for their generosity and willingness to help others."

She admired the concept, but she recognized the challenges of execution, such as acquiring funds and convincing students to accept assistance.

Not all students would be willing to open up about their home lives, as Severus himself used to deflect the topic when she inquired about his family.

"Careful, Evans. Not all Purebloods are bad,"

"Alright, except her. Hypothetically, some of them might be supportive. However, funding this organization could be an issue, and some students might resist accepting help, especially if their parents are opposed," Lily replied thoughtfully.

A chuckle escaped Severus, "When did I say I need money? I can single-handedly finance this entire project. As for the students who might initially be hesitant to open up, we'll start with those who are receptive to help, and gradually, others will follow suit."

"Wow... you certainly became wealthy after inheriting the Prince family. Count me in! I am eager to assist others. Though I may not have money, I can contribute by taking care of the students," she said with fervent enthusiasm.

Severus took a deep breath, fully aware of Lily's willingness to participate, yet also knowing that she was not fully acquainted with the gravity of the undertaking.

He valued Lily's involvement due to her compassionate nature, which would greatly benefit in dealing with the students, and her exceptional talents in both magic and science.

Lily Evans was anything but ordinary; she excelled as a bright witch and a dedicated student in the field of science, making her a valuable addition to their cause.

However, if he was to involve Lily, he must be transparent about the true extent of what she was signing up for.

"Don't be too hasty in your decision, Lily. There is more to my plans than what you've heard so far," he cautioned.

Lily raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you mean, Sev?"

"This Organization has another component," Severus divulged.

Curiosity piqued, Lily inquired further, "What is it?"

"The League Of Shadows."

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