
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 17. Red threads.

As the Hogwarts Express chugged along the familiar tracks toward the magical school, a scene of serene melancholy unfolded within one of the compartments.

The soft light poured through the window, illuminating a red-haired girl of sixteen who slumbered peacefully, her heart-shaped face gently aglow with the touch of the sun's rays. A sense of sadness lingered upon her features, evidence of a troubled dream that had visited her in the night, echoing the remnants of an argument with her best friend.

Her countenance bore the hallmarks of elegance and grace, her delicate facial features finely sculpted to perfection. A slightly pointed chin and high cheekbones lent her an air of regality, adding to the allure of her appearance. Her emerald eyes, almond-shaped and full of depth, were the windows to her soul, revealing a complex array of emotions hidden beneath their mesmerizing gaze. They fluttered open, awakened by the distant rumble of the train's horns, and locked onto the faces of her friends with a mix of longing and tender reminiscence.

'I wish you were here,' her thoughts drifting into the memory of her one best friend.

Long, fiery red tresses cascaded down like a crown upon her head, forming natural waves that danced in harmony with the gentle rhythm of her breathing. The vibrant hue of her hair embodies her fiery spirit, complementing the contrast of her fair skin.

Startled from her slumber, she stretched and rose from her seat, her saddened smile betraying the memory of the recent argument with her best friend.

"Come on, Lily, it's time to change," her friend Mary McDonald exclaimed with a vibrant smile.

"We arrived already?" Lily inquired, brightening up.

"Yes, we did. You missed a lot of things while you were asleep," Marlene said, with a playful smile. "We were discussing the new skincare potion released in the market and the Half-Blood Prince, the new sensation in the world of potions."

"The Half-Blood Prince?" Lily asked, puzzled, a distinct memory awakening within her.

"Yes, an overnight celebrity. His book was approved by the Ministry for publication. Apparently, it has simplified and perfected many potions from the previous books. Even the author of the old book praised this mysterious person," Marlene explained.

"Really?" Lily's voice was filled with enthusiasm.

"Yes, and you know what? No one even knows who this person is," Mary added.

"And you know, that quirky name 'Half-Blood Prince' doesn't sound so quirky after hearing all this about his book. He must have some real talent to back it up," Mary continued, putting on her Gryffindor robe.

"Wow, I had no idea about all this. He must be an incredibly gifted potioneer if he's already the talk of the town. Has his book been released yet?" Lily asked, her mind fixated on the name Half-Blood Prince, triggering a distant memory from her childhood.

"No, only a limited number of special edition books were published, and they were exclusively for the potion masters," Marlene replied. "But enough about potions. I saw a handsome bloke on the cart earlier. Tall, with long black hair, and he had this brooding vibe about him. The silent type, you know. I've never seen him before at Hogwarts, so he must be a transfer."

"There she goes again," Mary sighed, shaking her head.

While Lily's friends argued, her thoughts were consumed by the enigmatic Half-Blood Prince. As she pondered, a fond memory suddenly resurfaced.

"It's Sev!" she blurted out.

"What?!" Mary and Marlene exclaimed in unison, bewildered by Lily's outburst.

"You're not thinking about him again, are you?" Mary asked, her voice filled with concern. "You spent days crying after your argument."

"Yes, Lily. If you want to talk to him, then go and talk. It's been months since that fight," Marlene added, her concern evident. "You may have ended the friendship that day, but you still think about him every day. I know what kind of people he hangs out with, and it hurts me to see you like this. Maybe it's time to give it one last shot."

"Thank you, guys. But that's not it. We'll talk about it later, alright? I just blurted it out, thinking about the memory. Can we please focus and finish up?" Lily redirected the conversation.

"Fine, just so you know, if I find him standing in front of the Gryffindor dorm, claiming he'll stay there until you come out, I'll hex both of you this time," Mary warned, with a teasing tone.

"Yeah, if he's still determined to go down that path, you two will be like star-crossed friends, instead of lovers. Maybe even lovers, who knows." Marlene teased, her imagination running wild.

"I said we'll talk about it later," Lily replied, slightly annoyed at their teasing. She turned towards the mirror, gazing beyond at the majestic Hogwarts castle, lost in her thoughts.

'Are you really the Half-Blood Prince, Sev?'


(Meanwhile, on the other side)

[Severus's POV]

As I unbuttoned my shirt, preparing to change into my school uniform, I noticed Regulus gazing at me—or more accurately, at my torso. I raised an eyebrow at him, silently questioning his curious gaze.

"Since when did you have those abs?" Regulus exclaimed, his eyes filled with envy. "They look fantastic. You must tell me your secret!"

Giving Regulus a strange look, I brushed off his comment and proceeded to dress myself. Cissy returned and took her seat, joining us in the compartment.

When we arrived at our destination, Regulus headed off to meet his friends, leaving me alone with Cissy. It was then that she turned to me with an innocent expression and stretched out her hand.

"Would the kind sir accompany this lady to the Great Hall?" Cissy asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Why?" I questioned, puzzled by her sudden request.

"Hush now, Severus. You're ruining the play. Just go along with it. This young maiden wishes to be the object of envy today," Cissy explained mischievously.

"But you're already the envy of many girls, my lady, thanks to your undeniable beauty. How could my company make them any more envious? If anything, it is I who would be envied for being in the presence of such a captivating lady," I replied, teasingly expressing my thoughts without overthinking.

I heard her whisper, "Smooth, Severus, real smooth."

"Smooth?" I repeated, perplexed by her comment.

Cissy cleared her throat, took my arm, and confidently declared, "You are coming with me. That's final."

Ah, as bossy as ever.



-Great Hall -

As the students of all houses returned from their Christmas break, excitement filled the air as they made their way toward the magnificent Hogwarts Castle. The castle stood tall and imposing against the wintry landscape, its turrets reaching toward the sky. Snowflakes danced gracefully in the crisp winter air, adding a touch of enchantment to the scene.

The students approached the grand entrance, where the colossal oak doors stood wide open, welcoming them back with open arms. The intricate stonework of the castle walls showcased the craftsmanship and magic that had gone into its construction. Frost adorned the edges of the stone, glistening in the soft light as if the very castle itself had been touched by the winter's spell.

Passing through the entrance, they entered the Great Hall, where a breathtaking sight awaited them. The hall was adorned with an array of decorations, reflecting the festive spirit that lingered from the holiday season. Garland intertwined with shimmering fairy lights adorned the walls, casting a warm and inviting glow.

Above them, the enchanted ceiling replicated the winter night sky, with stars twinkling in the velvety darkness. Snowflakes gently cascaded down, falling in a mesmerizing pattern, creating a magical ambiance that enveloped the entire hall.

At the end of the hall, the long, intricately carved tables were laden with a feast fit for kings and queens. Bowls of steaming soup, platters piled high with succulent roasts and a wide assortment of delectable desserts tempted hungry eyes and noses.

The enchanted candles floated gracefully above the tables, illuminating the scene with their soft, warm glow. Their flickering light cast dancing shadows across the room, adding to the enchantment of the moment.

As the students took their seats, laughter, and chatter filled the hall, the sounds of friends reuniting and sharing stories after the holiday break. The air was thick with anticipation and camaraderie, as they looked forward to the adventures and challenges that lay ahead in the new year.

Amidst the whispers and curious glances, two students at the Slytherin table became the center of attention. Their presence sparked intrigue and speculation among their fellow housemates. Whispers circulated through the crowd, their hushed voices carrying hints of anticipation and curiosity. All eyes turned towards them, as they sat with an air of mystery and confidence, their every move observed and analyzed.

Amidst the lively chatter and clinking of plates in the Great Hall, Narcissa Black and Severus found themselves at the center of attention. Narcissa, renowned for her beauty and cold demeanor, sat beside a mysterious, transformed Severus who had gone unrecognized by his peers.

At the Gryffindor table, a curious girl turned to her friend, Marlene, her eyes fixed on the pair. "Marlene, have you seen Narcissa Black with that handsome stranger? I don't recognize him. Do you know who he is?"

Marlene, her mouth full of ice cream, turned to glance at the Slytherin table, her eyes widening with excitement. "Lily, Mary, look over there! That's the very same handsome bloke I was talking about earlier. Do you reckon they're an item?"

"How would we know?" Mary replied, her gaze fixed on the captivating duo. "They do make quite a stunning pair, though."

Lily, her heart skipping a beat, stared at the smiling faces of Narcissa Black and Severus, instantly recognizing her once dear friend. "That's... that's Sev!" she exclaimed, nearly choking on her drink.

"What?!" echoed six voices in disbelief.

"That attractive bloke is your former best friend, Severus Snape? Lily, dear, do you need your eyes checked?" Marlene teased, a genuine concern lacing her voice.

James Potter and Sirius Black, listening intently from afar, couldn't believe their ears. Snape was never known for his dashing looks.

"I know Severus, Marlene. That's him right there. He's just had a haircut," Lily stated matter-of-factly, trying to mask her unexpected surge of jealousy towards Narcissa, unable to fathom why it bothered her so.

"That's my Sev, you sly witch," her thoughts turned dark. She reminded herself that Severus had once believed blood didn't matter and that Hogwarts had changed him. But now, he seemed drawn to the path of becoming a Death Eater. She couldn't fathom why he was sitting so closely with Narcissa, feeling an irrational sense of possessiveness towards her former best friend.

Sharply poking at her food with a fork, Lily kept her gaze fixed on the pair at the Slytherin table, unable to shake off her growing jealousy. Marlene, sensing Lily's inner turmoil, couldn't resist teasing her further.

"You seem awfully jealous, Lily," Marlene taunted playfully.

"No, I'm not," Lily denied, though a part of her wished she could stand up, cross the hall, and wedge herself between Severus and Narcissa, desperate to keep them apart.

"Hold on, I'll find out if they're an item or not. Hey, Sirius, are your cousin Narcissa and Severus together?" Marlene called out, unable to resist prying into the matter.

Sirius, caught off guard, grimaced. "I don't know if Snape and Narcissa are an item or not. It's honestly repulsive," he muttered. "Yuck."

Marlene, sticking her tongue out at Sirius, retorted, "I didn't ask for your opinion on their appearance. Just wanted to know their relationship. I think they look stunning together. You are just jealous."

"Prongs, we ought to give Snape a taste of his own medicine. It's been far too long since we had some fun at his expense," Sirius whispered to James, the two of them hatch a mischievous plan against Severus.

"Indeed, Padfoot. He seems to think he's a big shot now that he's looking dashing," James replied, conspiring against Severus.

Little did they know that this would turn out to be the Marauders' biggest blunder.


[Lily Evans Image]