
Marvel: The Gene Collector

Alex, a seemingly ordinary guy, woke up one fateful day to find himself in a perplexing situation. He had been inexplicably transmigrated into the body of a teenager who shared his own name, Alex, but with a heart-wrenching twist – this Alex had perished in the unforgiving confines of a Nazi concentration camp. As the bewildered Alex tried to make sense of his surreal circumstances, a chance encounter with a boy known as Eric, who also bore the alias of Magneto, thrust him into a world beyond his wildest imagination. To Alex's astonishment, dormant within him was a unique genetic collection system, a latent power that had awakened with his newfound identity. It allowed him to wield an unparalleled advantage in his new world. As long as Alex could obtain a strand of the target's hair or any sample of their DNA, he possessed the uncanny ability to replicate and even enhance their extraordinary talents. With every strand of DNA he collected, Alex's powers grew, and the stakes soared ever higher. In this intricate dance of powers and principles, Alex's journey promised to be an electrifying tale of transformation, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of power and justice in the marvel universe where the extraordinary was the norm. But one profound question always troubled in his mind. "What will happen if I tie up Sebastian Shaw and throw him into an aquarium."

Midnight_Wonder · Movies
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130 Chs

Save the World

The entire group had been wiped out earlier, this group of young people learned from their shame and emerged with newfound courage, igniting fiery enthusiasm.

Their strength improved rapidly, undergoing significant transformations over the next few months.

"Come on! Gather around the TV!"

Grete shouted from the living room.

Everyone hurried in, and on the screen, the President of the United States was delivering a speech.

"Russia is deploying nuclear missiles in Cuba? The fleet is approaching the Caribbean Sea? War is imminent."

As the image unfolded on the TV, a solemn silence settled in the room.

"All of this is Sebastian's doing. We have to stop him! Prevent the outbreak of a nuclear war."

Charles rose abruptly, speaking with conviction.

"We are prepared!" The young ones raised their fists high, their determination evident.

"X-Men, let's go!" Raven yelled, leading the charge towards the tarmac.

"Everyone, this is my latest research result: the supersonic fighter!" Hank proudly stood next to a large plane.

"Not bad! At least it's a swift mode of transport!" Charles nodded, boarding the plane with everyone.

"Head for the Caribbean. X-Men, let's save the world!"


The dark green-painted plane cut through the air, soaring into the sky.


Caribbean Sea.

In the expansive waters, a freighter braved the wind and waves, sailing north towards Cuba. The cargo ship carried the nuclear missiles intended for deployment by Russia.

Ahead on the sea, a massive fleet lined up in battle formation, countless barrels pointing at the freighter, awaiting verification.

Behind the freighter, another fleet positioned itself. Thick barrels were directed towards the fleet ahead.

"Warning! Crossing the blockade is equivalent to declaring war!"

On the United States battleship, a cacophony of tweets filled the air as the crew directed their messages at the approaching freighter and the Russian fleet. Despite the uproar, the freighter showed no intention of halting its advance.

"Prepare for battle!" The resounding battle alarm echoed through the ships as both fleets braced for combat, the imminent flames of war ready to engulf them.

"Commander, just received orders from headquarters. Operation canceled! Operation canceled!" A sudden turn of events halted the unfolding conflict as the Russian fleet received a crucial order—the operation, including the deployment of nuclear missiles in Cuba, was canceled.

"Polaris! Cease action! Cease action! Halt your advance!" Urgent messages were dispatched to the freighter, demanding it to stop, but the vessel remained undeterred, forging ahead.

"What's happening? Why isn't Polaris following orders?" The Russian fleet commander, bewildered, quickly relayed the information to the United States fleet, emphasizing the loss of control over the Polaris. "Hold your fire! Hold your fire!"

"Hmph! Save your tricks for the gullible!" The United States fleet commander was unwavering, ordering, "Prepare for artillery fire! Once Polaris breaches the blockade, open fire immediately!"

"Charles, what's the situation below?" Roar's aircraft pierced through the clouds, and Grete, witnessing the tense situation, urgently sought information from Charles.

"The Red Devil! The Red Devil has taken control of Polaris. It's out of control!" Charles, through telepathy, saw the unfolding crisis on the Polaris.

"Damn! Polaris is breaking through! Stop it! Stop it, or war will erupt!" Grete shouted anxiously.

"Immediately!" Charles swiftly exerted his psychic power, seizing control of a commander in the Russian fleet. In a crisis, the political commissar stepped forward, personally manipulating a missile launcher and launching an anti-ship missile at the Polaris.

The explosive impact sent Polaris to the depths.

The United States fleet breathed a sigh of relief.

"Comrade, you prevented a nuclear war!" A group of officers on the Russian fleet looked at the commander with admiration, who appeared bewildered.


In a nuclear submarine beneath the waves.

"Sebastian, Polaris is destroyed. Our plan failed!" Red Devil urgently reported to Sebastian.

"I have a backup plan! This submarine has a nuclear reactor. Absorbing its energy will make me a nuclear weapon! War will still break out!" Determined, Sebastian entered the reactor compartment, absorbing nuclear energy.


"Sebastian is at the bottom of the sea, absorbing nuclear energy. He plans to trigger a nuclear explosion in the United States, reigniting war." Charles expressed concern. "They're deep underwater, and the water depth hinders my telepathic range. I can't locate them!"

"We need sonar!" Hank exclaimed.

"Sonar?" Sonic opened the plane door, leaped off, and using his hang gliding wings, descended towards the sea.

A vast sound wave emanated, sweeping across the sea.

"Found them!" Through echolocation, Sonic pinpointed the submerged submarine.

(End of this chapter)


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