
Marvel: The Father of Superheroes (TL)

That night, when a Kryptonian ship with a baby crashed on Mike Kent’s family farm, and when he decided to adopt that child the cheat of every isekai'd dude was thus activated, he understood that his life was about to change. Superman Clark Kent, Professor X Charles Kent, Magneto, Eric Kent.. When he became the father of these men, the strongest family was born! Raw Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=147010 ///***/// I don't own anything. I'm just translating because I'm bored.

Moziel · Movies
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189 Chs

Chapter 17: Senbon.

Then, with a flirtatious smile, she said, "What? worried about me?"

"No!" Mike calmly said, "You have to watch the baby for me."

"No way!"

"Then I'm not going to the island, I'm taking care of Clark."

With their eyes facing each other, Raven grunted in no good humour.

"Let's go." Mike got up: "With Logan's impatience, I have to set off tonight."

Looking down to Clark, he said, "Good boy, Daddy's got something to do, so I'lll leave and see you next time, okay?"

"Oh!" Clark nodded obediently.

After leaving the circus and entrusting Clark to Raven's care, Mike took the tracker Raven had given him and returned to the boxing club.

In the dim light, Logan, who was standing against the wall smoking a cigar, looked a little embarrassed.

Hearing footsteps, Logan looked up and called out, "Mike, where's Clark?"

"I entrusted him to the care of an acquaintance." After a pause, he said, "What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

Logan nodded and said, "Ran into Victor, he took out the Kestrel"

He lowered his head and said with anger: "Damn!"

Mike patted Logan's shoulder and said, "Where's Remy LeBeau?"

"It's done."

"So ... let's go?"

Logan extinguished the cigarette in his hand and said: "Yes!"

The two men drove away.

Half an hour later, Mike met the Gambit Remy LeBeau.

It was a man with a handsome looks and an unusual red hue eyes.

Remy Lebo looked at Mike and said warily, "This is?"

"My friend, Stryker's men blew up his home."

Remy LeBeau immediately put a sincere smile on his face and said: "Welcome, Avenger!"

Mike extended his hand to him and said, "Mike!"

"Remy LeBeau, you can call me Remy."

Mike looked at the small plane behind Remy and said, " We'll ride that?"

"Unless you want to swim past!"

Remy laughed, leapt into the plane and waved to the two men, "Come on, it's a bit of a trip, and I'm still trying to get back in time to gamble with you two."

Mike and Logan looked at each other and took the plane in stride.

Mike and Logan looked at each other and took the plane in stride.


Across the endless sea, a small island appeared in front of them as a ray of golden sunlight broke through the heavy darkness.

"There are abandoned nuclear power plants here, and everyone is so afraid of radiation that no one dares to go near them at all."

Remy LeBeau looked at the island below, a look of mockery flashed in his eyes: "But who would have thought that there is a laboratory down here that imprisons mutants and experiments with them cruelly ?"

Saying that, the plane slowly flew towards the coast, Remy LeBeau continued, "As we agreed, I will only be responsible for sending you here, and will not participate in your fight."

"This is enough."

Mike said calmly.

"Shoo!" Remy Lebo whistled and smiled, "I like you guys a little bit, don't die here."


In the early morning, the golden sunlight broke through the clouds and spilled onto the sea behind Mike like a golden wave of wheat...

Mike froze and slapped his head.

After spending so much time on the farm, everything looked like a crop.

"Mike, come on!"

Logan determined the direction, looked back to see Mike still standing in place, shouted, and ran toward the base of the test.

Mike followed, the tracker in his hand turned twice between his fingers before he put it back in his pocket.

He had promised Raven to help, but their target was only the captured mutants. In order not to have unplanned changes, it was not too late to wait for him and Logan to solve Stryker and then activate the tracker.

Raven said they have mutants who can move in space and come here fast.


In the experimental base.

Stryker, wearing a white lab coat and with white hair, is watching the progress of the experimental body on the test bench.

The experiment has come to the final step, although not yet tested, but he has confidence in this experimental body.

The fusion of variant abilities…

Weapon XI was the most perfect weapon he had produced so far.

"This is just the beginning ..."

Stryker muttered, turning to the people around the lab table, "How much longer will it take?"

"The final commissioning will take several hours."

Stryker nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at the weapon XI on the experimental table, his heart suddenly surged with a million

emotions, anxiety, excitement, anticipation...

Then he couldn't help but think of his son,

Jason Stryker, who was frozen in place.

His son, an awakened mutant, because he could not control his ability to create visions, his wife was plagued by visions every day, and was finally driven mad and ended her own life

He could never forget his wife's death, the

blood-covered face showed a smile of relief.

It was because of his son that he realized the horror of mutants and strengthened his determination to hunt and kill them.

"William, congratulations, it worked."

A man in a black suit came out of a dark corner with a smile on his face.

Stryker looked at the other man, the corners of his mouth lifted gently, and said, "I think the gentleman is satisfied this time, Shadow."

The person called Shadow nodded and said: "Your collection this time, sir wishes me to take away."

Stryker said, "No problem, but it will take a little time, some people's blood was used up by my experiments, I'll have someone go up and collect it right away."

The Shadow lifted his finger, a finger-thick black thread shot out from between his fingers, wrapped around a chair, pulled it behind himself, sat down and looked at the time, and said, "Hurry up."

"Colonel Stryker!"

Just then, a researcher suddenly pointed at the monitoring screen in the lab and said fearfully, "it's Weapon X, he's coming here!"


Stryker shouted in surprise, striding over to the screen.

Only to see two people were taking out the enemy people in their way one by one with unstoppable momentum, rushing deeper into the experimental base.

"That's ..."

Stryker swept past Logan, his eyes fell on Mike, and whispered, "That's the mutant Agent Zero talked about?"

His brow furrowed.

Judging from the power the two had displayed, those soldiers under his command couldn't stop them at all.


Along with Stryker's call, a figure tumbled down from the roof, tall but has a built like a big cat.

Victor looked at the shadows on the side, palms gently clenched and slowly opened, like a beast ready to pounce: "Shall I block them?"


Stryker said faintly.

Victor grinned and said, "Then give me alloy injections afterwards."


Without waiting for Stryker to say anything, the Shadow on the side laughed out in a low voice.

Victor narrowed his eyes at the other party, and a fierce aura emerged from his body.

"Don't look at me like that!" Shadow looked squinted at Victor, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was full of sarcasm: "You and Adamantium are not suitable, and you will die by injection, and now you can't stop that one, Crazy dog, let alone block those two."

Victor said angrily, "Are you looking for death?"

He hates it when people compare him with Logan, especially when they think he is not as strong as Logan.

"Don't be angry, you can prove me wrong later, as for the other one, leave it to me."

Victor grunted coldly, while Stryker breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thanks."

Turning his head to the surveillance screen, he wondered, "Where's the other guy?"

He suddenly noticed that Mike had disappeared.

Quickly walking to the console, the monitor screen began to switch up.

Nothing, nothing, still nothing...

It was as if Mike had disappeared, and he was nowhere to be seen.

Stryker's eyebrows knitted together, his heart inexplicably felt some uneasiness, he turned to look at Shadow, who was half hidden in the darkness and said: "The other man is missing, perhaps hiding in the dark."


The door to the lab was violently kicked open, and a furious figure rushed in.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Logan.

"Whoa, whoa, isn't that my little wolf dog?"

Victor teased, but the fingertips of his hands grew sharp nails and his eyes became dangerous.


Roger roared, showing his claws, rushed straight towards Victor.

Seeing this, Stryker said to the terrified researchers, "Leave them alone and continue."

Logan is an idiot dominated by hatred. At this time, only Victor is in his eyes, and he doesn't care about them at all.

Just as Logan and Victor were killing each other ...


There was a sudden gunshot.

A bullet was about to hit Stryker's face when it was blocked by a shadow shield.

A cold sweat appeared on Stryker's forehead, gratefully glanced at Shadow who slowly rose and quickly ducked to the side.

"Oh, disappointed?"

The Shadow gave a low laugh and looked at Mike standing on the opposite roof, the shadow behind him rose like a balloon, wrapping his body before pulling him into the shadows behind him, and in the next second, appeared in a dark corner not far from Mike.

Mike frowned, looked at the shadows behind him under the cover of the building, assassin time on, heart beating violently, quickly ran to the edge of the roof. A card appeared in his hand, and as he fell from the roof, the card scattered in light, and Zanpakuto appeared in his hand.

The more times he manifests a particular weapon, the more familiar he becomes with it, the less manifestation power he consumes when manifesting it, and the more powerful the weapon will be.

Zanpakuto... he saved quite a few cards.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The black shadows turned into substance and stabbed towards his back.

Mike turned back and blocked it with his sword, bent his legs and and slightly moved backwards.

"Scatter, Senbon Zakura."

As the shadows sneered and came after him, Mike recited the liberating words of Senbon Zakura.

The blade shattered, and turned into a beautiful petal blade that rolled toward Shadow with a dangerous aura.
