
Marvel: The Father of Superheroes (TL)

That night, when a Kryptonian ship with a baby crashed on Mike Kent’s family farm, and when he decided to adopt that child the cheat of every isekai'd dude was thus activated, he understood that his life was about to change. Superman Clark Kent, Professor X Charles Kent, Magneto, Eric Kent.. When he became the father of these men, the strongest family was born! Raw Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=147010 ///***/// I don't own anything. I'm just translating because I'm bored.

Moziel · Movies
Not enough ratings
189 Chs

Chapter 18: Mister Sinister.


Logan slammed once again and claw pierced Victor's chest and pressed him to the ground. Then when Victor's claw was about to slash at him, his head slammed into Victor's forehead forcefully.


A muffled sound sounded, Victor's head smothered, blood flowing everywhere.

Logan roared in anger and kicked him out, Victor crashed him in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass of the lab.


As Victor staggered slowly to his feet, Logan rushed out again, sharp claws pierced Victor's chest again and in the crystal shards, the two fell straight down from the second floor.


"Why did you kill her? Why?"

Logan roared, like a bloodthirsty beast.

Victor stared at Logan, his originally taut body suddenly loosened, revealing a pleasant expression and said, "Yes, that's the look, kill me! Jimmy!"

Logan stared at Victor, and hesitated.

"Logan, let him go."

Stryker stood on the second floor, looking down at the two men with an indifferent but playful look, Victor was a good pawn, it's a shame for him die like this.

Logan looked up mockingly and said, "You are afraid that your dog will be lost in the sewers."

Victor smiled faintly and looked behind

Logan.A human figure slowly stepped out.

Logan's eyes shrunk, his face was full of

incredulity, his lips trembled: "Kayla?"

"What the hell is going on here!?"

Stryker expressionlessly uttered the cold hard truth.

Kayla, the love of Logan's life, and he regarded as a treasure.

Logan had always thought that the gentle and beautiful Kayla would be the only reason he would always come home for, but as Stryker told him, he realized that he didn't understand the other side at all.

Kayla is a mutant, called the Silver Fox, has the ability to control the minds of others through touch, and thus control the actions of others.

From the time the two met, to Kayla's fake death and his revenge for his dead lover...

This was a trick from the beginning, a trick to get him to voluntarily inject Adamantium alloy.

Kayla, Victor, Stryker, they directed a play together, and he was played like a clown.

Listening to Stryker's slow narration, Logan was incomparably angry at first, but after Stryker finished speaking, he was strangely calm.

Turning his head to look at Kayla, who did not say a word, Logan said indifferently: "So, I fell in love with you, also because of your ability?"

Kayla remembered her imprisoned sister, her lips mumbled and her eyes dimmed.

Looking at the other party's expression, pain flashed in Logan's eyes, feeling like his heart

was being cut by a dull knife incessantly.

Logan's brain is in confusion, his body unconsciously swayed down.

Just then, Victor grabbed Logan's arm, and his sharp nails snapped tightly into Logan's small arm, pinching Logan's bones.


The intense pain brought Logan to his senses.


Kayla couldn't help but shriek and take a step forward.

Stryker took a step backward, and the gun hidden on the side of his waist pointed down at Kayla implicitly.

Karla stopped in her tracks: "I've done what you told me to do, please let my sister go!"

Stryker face hung a chilling maniacal smile and said: "No, your sister's variant is very special, I still need to study in research, now focus on watching the end of the show."

At those words, Carla suddenly felt like falling into an ice cellar.


Victor got up from the ground.

Looking at Logan's painfully distorted face, he let out a wild laugh and said, "Jimmy, my brother, a monster like us, do you think there will be a good home?"

"It "hearts" so much!"

Logan shouted angrily and stabbed a claw at Victor.

Victor countered

Blood flowed, five sharp claw marks appeared on Logan's arm, almost tearing the flesh on his small arm into strips of flesh.

But it was only a breath of time before his wounds had healed.

Logan gritted his teeth and looked at Victor, saying, "Don't force me!"

Victor grinned, revealing a hideous smile, clenched his hands, and pounced like a big cat.

Meanwhile ...

"What a miserable scream, he's your friend, isn't he? Guess, is he being finished off now?"

The dark shadow protected by the black shadow deliberately listened sideways and smiled at Mike.

Mike was not moved at all, as he moved his feet, dodging several thin black threads that wrapped around him, and with a flick of his arm, a whip formed by the thin blade of Senbon Zakura swept towards his opponent.

The black shade wrapped up the shadowy figure like a black protective shield.


The petals slashed through the fine black

shield with a toothsome cutting sound,

"Heh, is this your ability? It's interesting, isn't it? How about it, are you interested in joining us?"

The finely shredded petals returned to surround Mike like scattered flower petals, encircling him.

"What's with your mouth? I have good and clear tea here."

Mike's expression was serious, a look of consideration for the Shadow.

Shadow was stunned: "Tea?"

The corners of Mike's mouth turned up, but another card quietly appeared between the fingers of his left hand, which was in his pocket.

Shadow's face turned dark, protecting his black shadow, turning into sharp lines, shuttled at extremely fast speed, and pierced Mike like a bullet.

Mike's heart was beating violently, everything in his vision slowed down, after dodging the attack calmly, the blade fragments around his body scattered, filled the space of the two battlefield, turning the place as if into a blade space.

Shadow eyes shrink, the shadow quickly retracted, about to wrap around him to hide in the darkness when those floating in the air blade quickly shuttle up, forcing dark shadow

to defend in place.

The opponent's ability is very comprehensive, he can use his shadow to attack, defence or even blend into the darkness to move quickly, but cannot attack and defence or move at the same time.

For example, now, when defending against Senbon Zakura's attack, he can only retract into the "turtle shell" and be passively beaten.

However, who is this person?

Mike does not remember this person in the original plot.

'To be on the safe side, I have to finish him off quickly.'

With a whisper in his heart, Mike's palm clenched and the flying blade began to shrink, and in a moment, the cutting sound of the blade and the black hood vibrated in this space.

"Quick! Attack!"

Suddenly, a group of soldiers rushed to the battlefield of the two, and after yelling out, they aimed their guns at Mike.

With a motion, Mike's blade darted and rolled toward the soldiers.

The Shadow's eyes lit up.

Good chance!

Mike was tougher than he thought, and he wasn't here to be a bodyguard for Stryker.

"Let's get out of here first, wake up the XI weapon, let the XI weapon solve this trouble, and test the power of the XI weapon by the way"

A thought turned in his head, the black shield protecting him appeared and began to shrink rapidly and but as he was about to disappear blood gushed out as he was sliced into two

Mike looked at Stryker and pounced on him with his new blade without wasting time

Just at that moment, a bright light flashed.


Stryker's was astonished as the things he saw was hard to digest, the Shadow died?like that?

but he panicked as Mike was pouncing on him but was saved

But he's astonished as knife in Mike suddenly appeared close to him and his weapon had bizarrely become several meters longer, piercing the back of the Weapon XI who appeared and saved him exposing a large part of it from the chest.

If Weapon XI had not saved…

He would have died.

However, what kind of ability is this? How come I haven't seen it before?

If, for example, this ability was used on the X Weapon Project ...


Stryker's dry, sore throat rolled and his gaze became fiery as he looked at Mike.

Mike frowned and retracted the Blade.

"Take him alive! I want to study him!"

Stryker pointed excitedly at Mike, shouted at the Weapon XI and gave a new order.

Weapon XI's wound had healed by the time the Blade's was withdrawn.

Mike sighed inwardly.

He was originally aiming at Weapon XI's head, as he already new that the guy was here but the guy reacted quickly and not only used his blinking ability to adjust his orientation to save Stryker, but also changed his height causing the sharp Blade to miss the head.

In the sound of metal, two Adamantium long blades stretched out from between the fingers of the Weapon XI

The deck in Mike's palm slowly lit up.

Just as the battle was about to start, a blue space door appeared between the two.

Mike frowned, after noticing the joy on Stryker's face, the deck in his hand disappeared and took the tracker out of his pants pocket and held it in the palm of his hand.

Is this Stryker's reinforcements?

Mike suddenly remembered the Shadow that he had taken out.

"Is it someone who was with that guy?"

With a whisper in his heart, Mike looked at the two blurred figures coming out of it, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He had no impression of these two people, it seems that they are not the people who appeared in the plot?

Or did something unexpected change happen.

With a mental thought, Mike was ready to activate the tracker in his hand at any time.

At that moment, the blue portal disappeared into thin air and two people appeared in front of Mike.

One wore a trench coat, the whites of his eyes and eyes were a bizarre blue, and even the area around his eyes was covered with blue lines, which looked very bizarre.

And the other, wearing a well-cut suit, the tall figure perfectly supported out, meticulously combed black hair, with a mysterious smile on his face, the whole person looks like an elegant ancient aristocrat.

The most noticeable thing is that there is a dark red diamond-shaped mark in the centre of his forehead, giving it a touch more mysterious flavour.

The man in the trench coat took a step backward, turned his head to look, and placed a hostile gaze on Mike.

"Mr. Essex!"

Stryker looked at the man in the suit respectfully and pointed to the WeaponXI aside, saying, "This is my work."

Essex looked at it and nodded, "Not bad."

He turned his head to look at Mike, and his interested gaze made the corners of Mike's eyes twitch, and without hesitation, he pressed the tracker in his hand.

Essex ...

Damn it!

He turned out to be Nathaniel Essex!




Mister Sinister