
Marvel: The Father of Superheroes (TL)

That night, when a Kryptonian ship with a baby crashed on Mike Kent’s family farm, and when he decided to adopt that child the cheat of every isekai'd dude was thus activated, he understood that his life was about to change. Superman Clark Kent, Professor X Charles Kent, Magneto, Eric Kent.. When he became the father of these men, the strongest family was born! Raw Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=147010 ///***/// I don't own anything. I'm just translating because I'm bored.

Moziel · Movies
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189 Chs

Chapter 16: Meet again.

When Mike came back with Clark and some toys, the people in the club were almost gone, only Logan and a fat guy were fighting in the boxing ring.

To be precise, it was Logan who wasbeing beaten like a sandbag by a meatball.

Clark covered his eyes and said, "Dad, Uncle Logan is so miserable."

Mike nodded, his face speechless.

This guy has really been a punching bag for others to vent their anger.

John on the side of was just sitting leisurely with a smile, shouting with a lively look: "As long as you open your heart, he will tell you the news! Don't fight back!"

 Mike's mouth twitched.

What are you kidding? Let the meatball open your heart?

 If this continues, this guy won't be happy until Logan is completely knocked down.

Logan is not a 'good boy', so when facing Frey's fist again and again, he fought back.

   When Frey and his head hammer hit Logan's head, he was countered by Logan's Adamantium head, Logan leaped towards Frey and hit him with an elbow smash him to the ground.

   The boxing ring trembled, as if it had experienced a small earthquake.

   "Oh, brother, please, how will you make him happy like this, he won't talk at this rate."

   John covered his face and shook his head.

'He's obviously enjoying this'

Mike murmured secretly.

Logan gave him a fierce look and said: "Which side are you on?"

John smiled, showing white teeth.

"Uncle Logan is great!"

Clark gathered his hands in front of his mouth and shouted.

Logan looked and saw that the father and son showed a thumb to him, then he smiled at them, then turned to look at Frey, who was shaking his head, and three shiny metal claws pierced and emerged from the glove.

He stretched his hand wide and said angrily: "Where is Victor!??"


A few minutes later, in face of Logan's mighty claws, Frey gave in.


Victor and Stryker are together. They captured mutants and sent them to an island for experimentation. Only one prisoner who escaped from the island knew where the island was.

   The prisoner's name was Remy LeBeau, let anyone who knows his abilities call him...Gambit.

When these pieces of information were connected together, Logan was furious.

It turns out that all this is a conspiracy!

Stryker and they killed his lover Kayla just to make him under him with the drive of hatred, in order to find Victor for revenge, a conspiracy to inject the Adamantium in him voluntarily!

 Victor and Stryker are together!

"Striker! Victor!"

Logan squeezed out two names from his mouth. Logan's murderous intent caused Frey's whole body to tremble slightly who was in front of him.

   Looking at Logan's appearance, Mike sighed inwardly.

   The truth is more cruel than this.

   He remembered that the woman whom Logan regarded as his lover was also part of the plan.

Should he tell Logan?

Nope, he don't even have evidence.

   Based on his current relationship with Logan, telling the furious Logan about this will only destroy the relationship between the two in vain, and they are not yet at the level of unconditional trust.

Thinking of this, Mike opened his mouth and said: "Logan, let's go."

   Logan nodded, jumped off the boxing ring, and walked towards the gate.

   Looking at the back at the three of them, John's eyes changed slightly and said: "I will go too."


   in front of a bar.

   Looking at the flashing neon, the exposed woman, and the gambling sound coming from inside, Mike stood in front of the door with Clark and said to Logan: "I and Clark will not go in. Not suitable for children."

   Logan nodded in understanding, rubbed Clark's head, and walked into the bar with John.


Clark looked at the bar, a little eager to go inside.

   Mike flicked Clark's head and said: "Don't think about it, you can't enter here."

   Clark curled his lips and said: "Let's go, let's go!"


Mike took Clark's hand and walked away.

"Have you been there, father?"


"Liar!" Clark raised his head and squinted at Mike, after a pause, Clark said: "Dad, do you want to find me a mother?"

   Mike raised his forehead, turned his eyes around, and said: "Ah, there is a circus ahead, let's go and see!"


Clark's eyes lit up: "Where?"

"I will take you."

Mike quickened his pace and ran over.


Las Vegas, the nightlife here is extremely rich, even more lively than during the day.

   The circus that Mike and Clark entered is very famous. They were lucky. They bought tickets for this show before they sold out tonight

The two walked into the performance hall. Clark ate a marshmallow and sat on Mike's shoulder. He curiously looked at the people around him. After spotting his seat with sharp eyes, he shouted in Mike's ear: "Dad, Left!"

Mike nodded and walked over.

But his eyes suddenly flashed with coldness.

they're followed by someone.

Stryker's dog?

Mike hugs Clark and is ready to take out weapons at any time.

To his surprise, when he sat down holding Clark, the person who had been behind him sat next to him.

How persistent

Mike frowned, and when he noticed that the other party was looking at him unscrupulously, his eyes were full of interest, and he even licked his lips, he shuddered suddenly.

Could this be…

Mike hugged Clark and moved aside.

   Upon seeing this, the man laughed, his voice charming, clearly not the voice of a man

Mike was startled and said: "Raven?"

   "Yeah!" The man winked at Mike, looked at Mike's face, and smiled happily, and said: "You didn't forget me. I'm so touched."

   "Stop looking at me like that using that face it's disgusting!"

   Mike sighed and stared at Raven.

   Raven patted her chest and smiled with mouthful of yellow teeth. She looked at Clark in Mike's arms curiously, and whispered: "Oh it's the kid."

   Mike nodded, and Clark looked at the strange man beside him curiously, his big eyes filled with doubts.

At this moment, the lights in the performance hall dimmed, and all the lights gathered on the central stage.

Clark attention was attracted and looked over excitedly, Raven chuckled and changed back to her original appearance.

Mike breathed a sigh of relief.

Raven looks comfortable like this.

"Why are you here?"

Mike asked in a low voice.

  Raven rolled her eyes and said: "I should ask you this question, why are you with that mutant?"

And that mutant ...

is she talking about Logan?

Mike looked at Raven and said, "How do you know? Is it John?"

"He's one of yours? Wait!" Mike frowned and said, "Don't say this is your territory?"

Otherwise, why would Raven be here?

Raven propped her chin up and gazed at Mike, her eyes tracing the arc of Mike's face in the darkness.

Under the sharp black short hair, a pair of blue eyes is a bit less sharp than before, but you can still see the coldness buried deep in the eyes, a short stubble hanging on a handsome face…

The corners of Raven's mouth are slightly hooked.

he seems to be more charming than in the past.

This is the Mike who became a father?

Raven looked at Mike's slightly frowning brow, smiled lightly, and said, "You're still as sharp as ever."

The Hellfire Club was right here, and there was no place like it.

"Yes, this is our territory and Kestrel is our man, and that island of Stryker's, we're looking for it."

Kestrel(John) had joined the Hellfire Club since he quit Stryker's X-Squad and came here shortly after.

"For those captured mutants?"

Hearing Mike mention it, Raven's eyes went cold as she said, "Yes!"

Mike let out a deep breath and said, "You guys should go find Remy LeBeau, he should know."

"Remy LeBeau...." Raven said helplessly, "He has some problems with the club, so he refuses to cooperate, and he runs away immediately when he sees our people."

"And Kestrel?"

"Don't worry, Kestrel won't be seen by him." Raven spoke up and said, " Kestrel said there was a new, suspected similar person with the target, and went to Remy Lebo for that island thing, and asked me to come over and follow up, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Raven looked at Mike with a smile and arched her eyebrows.

Mike, however, said warily, "Don't smile at me like that, nothing good is going to come of it."

"Ehhh, don't embarrass me like that." Raven laughed more and more happily, and then did not wait for Mike to speak, then quickly said: "After finding that island, give us the location."

"This ... Kestrel will be able to do it, right?"

"Eh ah, this is not a precaution! In my eyes, you are the most reliable."

Mike with a speechless face, said: "And really thank you for praising me so much."

"You're welcome." Raven smiled like a cat that had stolen a fish, then said, "Tell me, how have you been these three years? And, how did you get involved with Stryker?"

"It's been pretty good." Mike briefly carried over, and then told Raven what happened on the farm.

Hearing that Mike's house was smashed, Raven laughed heartlessly with tears coming out of her eyes.

Just then, Clark, who had been quietly watching the two, turned his head and said, "Pretty Auntie, do you and my dad know each other?"

Pretty Auntie?

Raven smiled happily, pinched Clark's little face, and said, "Yeah."

With a twinkle in her eye, she said, "Little one, did your daddy find you a mommy?"

"No!" Clark shook his head.

The corners of Raven's mouth lifted.

Clark fluttered his eyes and said, "Do you want to be my mommy?"

The corner of Mike's mouth twitched as he held Clark's head as he turned his head in the show in front and said, "Watch the show."

When Raven still wanted to say something to Clark, Mike turned his head and said, "You say one more word, and I won't help if I'm busy."

Raven mischievously stretched out two fingers, pulled them past her mouth, and closed her mouth tightly.

Suddenly, Raven's face changed and she said, "Kestrel is dead."

Mike looked to Raven.

Raven explained, "Died in the alley behind Remy LeBeau, spine crushed."

"Where's Logan?"

Mike asked.

"He's gone with Remy LeBeau." Raven looked at Mike and said, "It's up to you now, let us know when you find the island."

Mike frowned and said, "Are you going to the island too?"

Raven hesitated and said, "Just hurry up."