
Marvel: The Death Surgeon

A man died at the age of 26 due to cancer. He was filled with regret as he had not done anything substantial in his life. It was just boring. He wished he would get a chance to reincarnate and he did get a chance to reincarnate in the Marvel world. At first he was terrified but then he became excited as though about a thrilling life in the Marvel world. God gave him two template system of two characters from different worlds -Urahara Kisuke from bleach and Trafalgar Law from the world of one piece. This began the journey of Law Cromwell as the Death Surgeon in the Marvel universe. Disclaimer Everything belongs to marvel except my OC. Nothing is owned by me. It's just a fanfiction. If you can please support me on pat*reon. Link> http://pat*reon.com/Charizard6 No star in the link

Charizard6 · Movies
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87 Chs

Chapter 50: Learning Magic (2)

General P.O.V

"Now you have to learn how to use Eldritch magic without the sling rings. Though, You won't be able to teleport without sling rings but you could still use offensive and defensive Eldritch magic." Ancient One said

"Now to harness Eldritch magic without a sling ring, you would have to meditate and try to sense it. Then draw it to your hands to use it." She said

"Now start meditating. I presume it would take you at least a week to show some results. I would be hunting some demons till then."

"One week? That's too much time. I will do it in an hour." Law said

"Law magic needs patience. Haste would do you no good." The Ancient One sternly said but Law ignored her thinking that the old bald lady did not understand his greatness and talent.

Law started meditating as he cleared his mind and tried to sense it. He didn't know if it was because of his observation haki which heightened his senses or his training on sensing and using Reaitsu but he was able to feel Eldritch energy around him instantly.

He drew the energy closer to his hands as tao mandalas made out of it formed on them.

Law opened his eyes and smirked at Ancient one who just sighed and said "I am getting too old for this, I need a tea."

'To think he not only sensed Eldritch mana but also successfully formed Tao mandalas on his first attempt, what a monster. He is as much as a genius as Strange. If I had just as much talent as these two maybe I would have never contacted with the dark dimension.' Ancient One thought

After she was done drinking tea, she taught Law how to make constructs from the Eldritch mana along with barriers. She showed him how to make a spear, sword, whip, shield etc. She then showed him how he is supposed to combat with only Eldritch magic.

"Alright now you would spar with the master Sorcerers of Kamar Taj while only using Eldritch magic and not any of your other powers. You also can't take advantage of your inhumane strength. It would be a battle to test your control over Eldritch magic and how you use it in combat." She said while inwardly she thought that if Law fought the masters without holding back all their confidence would be shattered.

Hearing that he would have to spar with the masters, Law got excited but he remembered something.

He then asked Ancient One seriously "Kaecilius, you know that guy would lead to your death right? Why are you even teaching him?"

"He has not done anything wrong yet. What is to say he would not change in future? I can't punish him for the crimes he has not done yet." Ancient One said calmly while sipping tea. She was not surprised that he knew about this as she had already deduced that he knows the future somehow.

"You could have just let him be instead of teaching him magic which would he by the way use later to kill you." Law argued

"Kamar Taj is a place for the lost ones. When I took him in and accepted him as a member of Kamar Taj, he was lost and didn't have anywhere else to go. It was fate that led him to us and who are we to defy fate?" Ancient One replied

"You hear yourself woman? Fu*k fate that guy brought Dormamu to Earth and this would not only lead to your death but might also lead to the end of the whole Earth." Law shouted at her

"It won't happen. Strange would deal with Dormamu." She said confidently

"Is not the future getting changed already? What makes you think Earth would still not be destroyed?" Law retorted

"Earth would be safe. I believe in you Mr. Death Surgeon. You wouldn't let anything happen to Earth now would you?" She said with a smile.

Law did not have a retort so he just snorted and decided to take his anger out on the masters he would be sparring with.

----A week later-----

Law was moving towards the library as he had finally gotten permission from Ancient One that he can now access the library.

All around him the masters of mystic arts looked at him fearfully while the apprentices looked at him with admiration.

Most of the masters had light injuries all over their body. During the past week, Law had beaten everyone of his opponents easily without using any of his powers except magic. Although he might have used observation haki but he had trained it in such a way that it is more like a passive so it doesn't count as cheating. He could dodge most of the things easily using it.

He had learned to use Eldritch magic efficiently. He could create constructs and barriers easily. Fighting with them was even easier. Law felt like one of those super genius cheat protagonists who could learn things by just looking at them.

Even though the masters of Kamar Taj had a lot of experience with magic and combat, they couldn't hold a candle against the experience of Kisuke and Trafalgar Law. The apprentices were happy to see someone beating the masters as apprentices were mostly beaten up by the masters in the name of training.

Although none of his templates increased as he was busy training with magic. So he didn't put any focus on them. Every percent increase was getting harder and harder now. But he knew he would have opportunities to increase it in future so he let it be.

Ancient One was depressed seeing a child becoming a master of mystic arts in just a week. She couldn't believe it but at the end of the day she was happy about it. The more powerful the kid is, the better his chances will be against Dormamu.

Now Law was heading to the library to increase his knowledge reserves.


A/N: if you can please subscribe to my pat*reon. You can read additional chapters on it.

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