
Marvel: The Death Surgeon

A man died at the age of 26 due to cancer. He was filled with regret as he had not done anything substantial in his life. It was just boring. He wished he would get a chance to reincarnate and he did get a chance to reincarnate in the Marvel world. At first he was terrified but then he became excited as though about a thrilling life in the Marvel world. God gave him two template system of two characters from different worlds -Urahara Kisuke from bleach and Trafalgar Law from the world of one piece. This began the journey of Law Cromwell as the Death Surgeon in the Marvel universe. Disclaimer Everything belongs to marvel except my OC. Nothing is owned by me. It's just a fanfiction. If you can please support me on pat*reon. Link> http://pat*reon.com/Charizard6 No star in the link

Charizard6 · Movies
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87 Chs

Chapter 49: Learning Magic (1)

General P.O.V.

After Law won the battle against the ancient one and convinced her that he would be able to deal with Dormamu, she agreed to teach him magic.

He didn't want to go to the dark dimension without sufficient knowledge about the dimension itself, Dormamu and other magic related stuff.

If by any chance Ancient One couldn't bring him back to Earth or he remained stranded in the Dark Dimension then he would be stuck with a fu*king cosmic entity in a place whose name literally screams danger.

He wanted to learn to travel between dimensions first so that he can escape by himself if anything bad happens.

After both Law and Ancient One had rested, they met the next morning for Law's first class of magic.

Ancient One handed Law the trainee clothes but Law rejected them saying "Those are so old fashioned. Since I am a VIP here, I should be able to wear any clothes I want."

Ancient one being the mature one among the two easily agreed to his request without any complaint.

"Alright I will now start our first lesson on magic. I already know that you know about the basic of magic so we would skip the part. I will start by telling you the different types of magic. I would only be telling you the types that I know about as there are countless number of magics that are not recorded or known." She said as Law listened to it attentively. He wanted to know about the different kinds of magic he could learn aside from Eldritch magic.

His thrive for Knowledge would make him learn more than just Eldritch magic.

"The first type is Eldritch magic which we would be learning. It is utilized by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, is a light-based magic that produces sparks and fiery energy in a yellow/orange color palette. This energy is capable of giving off not only light, but also warmth. Being highly versatile, it can be used to generate constructs of tangible energy, such as melee weapons and shields, as well as to cast spells by conjuring specific formations and geometric patterns with the fiery energy

Additionally, this form of dimensional energy can be channeled into one's own body to bypass physical disabilities and limitations through sustained concentration."

Law was surprised to know that Eldritch magic can enhance physical strength too.

"Mirror Dimension Magic is the second type of magic that we would be learning. It is a form of magic that gives the mage the power to manipulate and take control of the Mirror Dimension."

Again Law was surprised to know that Eldritch magic and the mirror dimension were different. It was an entirely different magic all together.

She told me about many other magic types like Ta Lo Magic which is the form of magic created, developed and practiced by the inhabitants of the Ta Lo dimension. [Used by Shang chi]

Dark Magic, also known as Witchcraft which is an extremely powerful and difficult type of magic used by sorcerers and witches to achieve their goals through morally questionable means

Divine Magic is a very powerful form of magic that draws energy from deities and channels it to achieve impossible feats. The Ennead ( Egyptian Gods) and their avatars are the primary users of this form of magic.

These three magic were the one that interested Law along with Asgardian magic especially divine magic. He wondered if the God can give their avatars their magic and powers so what if he can give his subordinates his powers.

Since they would be his avatar, he wouldn't even have to worry about them betraying him since he would be able to take back the power he gave them.

After Ancient One explained the different kinds of magic and some theory behind it for the entire day, the class got over.

The next day Law was given his very own sling ring.

"Alright now we would start your magic training. You would first sense the Eldritch magic in the ring and create a portal following my movements." She showed some movements creating a portal which was well just making a circle with your hand.

Law always found odd that opening a portal was the first thing that they taught in magic. They were technically bypassing space, it should be taught once someone becomes at least a master of magic but who was he say no to learning how to open portals.

Copying the stance and motions of Ancient One, he pictured the top of Statue of Liberty as his destination. On his first try, a golden spark appeared and drew half a circle before fizzling out and disappearing.

"Don't be down. Opening a portal takes time. Just continue practicing and maybe in 2-3 days you would be able to do it." Ancient One said

Law tried again and this time a perfect portal was formed and on the other side was the top of the statue of Liberty

"You were saying?" Law smirked

Inwardly he snorted 'Me taking time to learn a simple spell like this. I am a genius among geniuses.'

But the Law realised something "Umm... how do I close it?"

Hearing this Ancient One had a good laugh and said "Just stop channeling magic inside the ring and it would automatically close."

Law immediately followed her actions and closed the portal and then looked at Ancient One and asked "So what are we going to learn next?"


A/N: If you can please support me on pat*reon. You can read additional Chapters on it.
