
Marvel: The Crucible

X-Men Universe mainly. It will start from X-men Evolution then branch off at some point so I can have more freedom. A teenager gets chosen to be a part of the Weapon-X program and it is more then he bargained for.

CruzControl67 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Epic Fight Scene


Water came crashing down on me, and I don't know if you know this. But water beats fire. At least a shit ton of it does. I wasn't using my strongest heat because I didn't want to burn down the entire building, so the water made little work of me. I didn't have much time to complain about it when a bullet soared into my shoulder, and I fell on my back holding it.

"You fucking shot me!" I hissed at the women who only looked confused.

"Yeah, that's the whole point of the gun." Fuck me. She was right.

"Yeah, that makes sense now that I fucking think about it!" I yelled back and she just got up from behind the desk. She was shorter than me, which wasn't a surprise. She wore a black tactical vest underneath a hoodie, with black khakis, and black tactical boots. She looked the proper mercenary. The burning of the bullet hole knocked me form my staring and she walked up to me gun pointed at me.

"Told you I was lucky." She had a shit eating grin on her face.

"I'm sorry." I said looking at her. She adopted a curious look.

"For what?" I just chuckled and kicked her shin in. she gave a yelp and I followed with a knee to a face as she was falling down. She dropped her gun and I rolled up leaning on my good arm, and got up to my feet staggered. She was holding her face on the ground. I made to kick her again but I slipped and fell flat on my back with a grunt of pain. She shook her head, noticed me on the floor, and looked at her gun. I followed her gaze and we both shot towards it. It was a crawling match of speed and she got to it first she tried to turn to aim it at me, but I got up and grabbed and picked her up before she could.

"No the fuck you don't" I said as I spun her around and threw her at a wooden chair against the wall. She crashed into it and it broke it pieces. She dropped her gun and groaned. I was fully up at this point and walked towards her and picked up the gun and aimed it at her. She looked at me with wide eyes and I pulled the trigger.

It jammed. Like seriously fucking jammed. Like I pull the trigger four times to check. I looked at the gun for a second. But that's all it took for her to grab a piece of chair and jam it into my side. I staggered backward and fell against the wall holding my side. The gun was still in my hand.

We sat there staring at each other panting. I looked towards the gun I unloaded and threw it out the window. With a sigh of pain, I looked back at her, and she was still huffing.

"You threw me into a chair." She said staring into the ceiling. The fire sprinklers had stopped now.

"Well, I thought it would be payback for the whole gunshot thing. I was wrong apparently." I said hissing as I touched the wooden object sticking in my side. She looked at me with a look of disbelief.

"Why do you want the Martin anyway?" I shrugged.

"Trade secret?" she snorted and continued to stare at the ceiling.

"I'm guessing your new to the whole Mercenary thing?" I hummed and put my head back against the wall.

"You could say that." She laughed and did a kip-up and stood up with a smile, and hands on her waist.

"Word of advice." She got closer to me. "Don't talk so much." She made to punch me, and she got damn close. But I grabbed her forearm stopping her. She looked at me surprised and then wrapped her legs around my arm and neck in a jiu-jitsu chokehold technique. I gasped for air as her shins closed on my throat. She was trying hard. It made me regret what I was gonna do next.

With immense effort I stood up, with help from the wall. Me doing this made her try even harder and I could start to see black spots in my vision. I moved away from the wall and her eyes widened in worry. Good. I gripped the wrist that she was holding with my other hand and slammed her against the wall. Repeatedly. I mean, multiple times until she let go.

She did after 10 times. God was she persistent. She did a back handspring off my body and I could tell she was favoring her right side more.

"I think that makes us even." I quipped with a grin, which she didn't meet.

"Hey, who the fuck is making all the noise!" We both turned to look at the direction of the voice and low and behold. Martin Salpa stood there with a shotgun at his hip aiming at us. Upon seeing me his eyes widened and pumped the shotgun. In a matter of milliseconds I ignited and shot a wave of fire at him. Any attempt at shooting the gun failed and the room was filled with his screams. I looked at the women who I had spent some time fighting, and she had a shocked expression on her face. Which quickly changed to worry as she noticed I could activate my powers now.

"I believe you owe me a thank you." I said with my arms crossed. She just looked at me wide eyed.

"What?" I pointed at the flaming corpse.

"He had a gun pointed at us. I stopped him." She stood there mouth agape. "Do please take your time."

"You tried to kill me." I held my hands up.

"Let's stop right there. I'm not the one who drove a stake into my side, and also shot me. Remember that?" She just put her hands on her hips.

"You look fine now." My arms came down to point at all of my body.

'Yeah, I don't really have the definition of a physical body when I'm in super fire mode." Her face scrunched at that.

"Super fire mode?" I sighed and rubbed my face.

"It's a work in progress." She hummed. "Look I'm Meltdown." I held my hand out to her, she looked at it, then at me expectedly. Shit. I unignited and she took it.

"Domino." We shook hands and looked at the flaming corpse. We had no reason to fight now. My target was dead. "You're lucky I was paid before this." I just snorted.

"I mean, you would be the one lucky, but to his their own." I walked further into the building igniting every piece of paper I saw and burning every computer. It took me a few minutes to be done and what was left was a smoking building. Domino and I were standing across the street just staring at it.

"What kind of name is Meltdown?" She asked shielding her eyes from the sun. I shrugged.

"I melt things with fire and heat waves. A kid gave me the green flag, so I thought 'why not'?" She nodded. "What kind of name is Domino." She shrugged

"Don't know." I looked at her.

"That's stupid." She looked at me.

"Meltdown is a stupid name. You use it because a kid said it was good." I thought for a moment.

"You have a point" She smiled.

"I know I do." We stayed there and just watched the smoking building. It felt weird watching the carnage you caused. Oh well, sucks for them.

"So you know of a place I could crash at?"

"Why?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my head.

"I kinda live across three states." She looked at me shocked and I just nodded.

"Come with me." With that she turned and led me down a couple blocks. She stopped at a beat up Honda Civic and got in the drivers seat.

"there's no way this is yours" I stuffed myself in the passenger seat.

"What wrong with it?" she said as she put on her seatbelt and turned on the radio.

"It doesn't give. 'Hi, I can kill you with the power of luck' vibes." I said as I put the seat back and put on my seatbelt. She started the car.

"That's not how my powers work." She pulled into traffic and I snorted.

"That's hard to believe. I mean at first I didn't believe you. Then you stabbed me with a perfectly sized scrape of wood when the other pieces were splinters in comparison." She shrugged.

"It helps me out. I don't directly kill people with it." I sighed and reclined the chair.

"Yeah right." I tried to snuggle deeper into the uncomfortable car seat.

"I'm being serious. It only works if I'm directly affected."

"Blah blah blah." I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep. The radio helped me fall into a meditative rest. Where I wasn't fully asleep nor was I awake. I really almost got laid out but a woman whose power is luck. I'm a walking fucking bonfire, and I got my pockets ran but a girl whose power is luck. I don't know how to properly explain how embarrassing this is for me. At least she's hot.

"Get up dipshit. We're here." I opened my eyes and felt a soft punch in my stomach. I hissed.

"What was that for?" I looked at her and she just glanced at me before getting out.

"For crashing on my couch." With that she slammed the door shut and walked into an apartment building. Fuck me I should probably catch up. I quickly got out and ran to catch up and saw her waiting at an elevator. Her arms were crossed, and she was tapping on her arm.

"You were just gonna leave me if I didn't catch up?" The elevator gave a ding and opened up. She walked in and pressed a button.

"Yup." I stood there in absolute awe at this woman. The doors were about to close before I snapped out of it and stopped it with my arm.

"Fair enough." I walked into the elevator and leaned against the wall, whistling to the soft tune.

"What are you doing?" She said glancing at me.

"Whistling?" She just grinned at my response.

"That wasn't whistling." What was she talking about, of course I could whistle.

"Yeah, it was." I stopped leaning and looked at her fully.

"A man who can burn someone alive without blinking, can't whistle" She gave a long-impressed whistle with a smug smile.

"Listen here lady, I can whistle" I whistled and immediately noticed the difference between hers and mine. I cringed. "Ok, maybe I can't. Yet." She laughed at my expense.

"You'll get there some day, hot stuff." The doors opened and she tapped my face and left. The whole time she was walking down the hallway whispering how I couldn't whistle and laughing at me. It wasn't that funny. I'm sure plenty of people couldn't whistle. She stopped at a door and pulled out a key out of her many pockets. With a small push the door opened and inside was an apartment.

What? Were you expecting some elaborate description of a nice-looking apartment? Weapons laid out across the room? Katanas on the walls? Pictures of sad babies? No. It was just a regular apartment with a kitchen, living room, and bedroom. All plain and such.

"This was not what I was expecting." I said as I looked around. Domino only went to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

"What were you expecting?" She eyed me up as she opened her beer bottle with one swift motion against the counter.

"Mercenary stuff." I shrugged. She just side eyed me as she plopped on the couch and turned on the TV. I closed the door and sat down next to her. The show was uninterestingly boring. I guess Domino thought the same

"What do you look like under that mask?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"Horribly scared?" She just snorted and sat with her legs crossed.

"I doubt it." She took another sip of her beer before sitting it on the coffee table. "I mean your powers are fire based, and from what I can see. The hole in your side is perfectly healed." I looked down at my side and saw clean tanned skin with no marks at all. "So that leaves out scars"

"So maybe I'm not scared." She just leaned back and looked at me expectedly. "Doesn't mean I'm taking off the mask." She sighed and stood up heading towards the bedroom.

"Fine. I'll find out one day. Luck and all." She flipped me off before she closed the door. I just looked around and turned off the TV. I laid down on the couch and passed out.