
Marvel:start as Golden superman

Aadi a full time gamer died in a most unique way in the world after death his soul was present in front of supreme god of Omniverse because God felt very funny for his way of death so she decided she will allow him to live new life in another world so she will give him lottery for next world, system, newbie gift pack, and soulmate for world he gets marvel multiverse for system he gets super god famous scenes sign in system for newbie gift pack he gets golden superman template 100% but he will not get his strength he will only have his bloodline and abilities and he will have infinite potential means he can reach OAA level with this template he will get golden superman strength after 18 years of sun basking for soulmate he gets......

ultimategod · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13 Peter fight

Little recap

A normal dude named Aadi, died because of an accident and if you want to know about it in detail read it in ch1

Because of a drastic incident passing his life's upper limit in infinite dimensions thus his soul became unique in infinite dimensions and his soul caught the attention of the strongest goddess of infinite dimensions Maya as his soul drifted into a void of dimension gap for million years she watched his life again and again... Again thus developed feelings for him. (well all this planned by will of infinite dimensions for a greater purpose)when he was called for reincarnation in Maya's place he got his cheat, novice gift, and wife from the wheel of the fate of infinite dimensions. And also his new universe which marvels.

His cheat super god scene sign-in system, his novice gift pack is golden Superman bloodline 100%, and his wife is Maya. He was reincarnated as an orphan at midtown church orphanage and later adopted by May Parker and Ben Parker he doesn't have memories of his interaction with Maya and his system was upgraded by a will of infinite dimension. Maya was reincarnation as the sister of Gwen Stacy. So both Aadi and Maya went to kd Middle School, junior high school, and senior school together, and recently Aadi confessed his feelings to Maya. and they are a couple now, after the spider-biting Peter incident Aadi debuts as a superhero and gathers the attention of multiple forces on himself

Chapter begins here

When Aadi moved to assist Ned, Peter swiftly positioned himself in front of Ned to intercept Flash's punch at an extraordinary speed, which astonished every one. It was common knowledge that the Parker brothers were formidable, but Peter's strength was truly remarkable.

Observing Peter thwarting his punch, Flash inquired, "Peter, can you stop this? How about another?" Flash attempted to punch again, only to be stopped once more by Peter. This sequence repeated until Flash grew weary and remarked, "Next time, I will beat you... until we meet again," before dashing off to the playground. Aadi and Maya, realizing that the altercation had concluded, approached Peter and Ned.

Expressing gratitude, Ned said, "Bro, thanks. You were so cool. Bro, tell me the truth. Do you want to become Batman? Train in martial arts and utilize your ingenious mind?"

Peter (embarrassed) responded, "No, no, no. He is a super genius with numerous contingency plans. If plan A fails, he has plan B. If B fails, he has C, if C fails, he has D, and, most importantly, his superpower is money, which is limited for me."

Aadi interjected, "Actually, you can't be him at all. He is one of a kind. You were cool, bro."

Meanwhile, Maya added, "You did a commendable thing, Peter, but I believe Flash will bring his gang to confront you."

Peter acknowledged, "Thanks for the reminder, Maya. I will be cautious."

After further conversation, Aadi made an excuse and led them to a secluded area where there were scarcely any people. Observing their departure, Ned remarked, "It's wonderful to be in love. Peter, how is your relationship with Gwen these days?"

Peter replied, "Hey, hey, don't mention it in public. I am embarrassed."

Ned teased, "Well, she is actually behind you."

Peter's body tensed as he turned around and saw Gwen glaring at him with an angry expression. "You know how worried I was when I heard you fought with Flash, and here you are laughing and chatting as if nothing happened," she scolded.

"Forgive me, Gwen. I am truly sorry," Peter pleaded.

Returning to Aadi and Maya's side, we find Aadi embracing Maya from behind under the shelter of a tree. Aadi inquired, "How did you recognize me with my power altering my face so people can't recognize me?"

Maya chuckled, "Darling, I just had a feeling it was you, so I badgered you until you confessed. You're so transparent, my dear. And I can identify you even if you change your face and voice because of your eyes, darling. Your eyes reveal so much."

Aadi was left speechless, thinking, "I am such a fool to fall into her trap so easily," as he face-palmed himself.

Author's note:

Apologies, everyone. I am writing to express my apologies to all of you. I cannot disclose the reason for the delay in the FF, but I am sorry. I will strive to be more consistent.