
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Chapter 47: The Complete Nanosuit

Quest: Power Stones 200/200 ✅

Reward: Extra Chapter ✅


With Peter's actions were like a conscienceless capitalist, although some dissatisfaction flashed through people's eyes.

But ultimately no one dared to object.

Anyway, they had already been locked up here for over a month, a few more days didn't matter much.

"So, since no one objects, I'll take it as you all agree."

Seeing no objections, Peter directly assumed they agreed.

Then recalling their cheers just now, he couldn't help but ask: "I seemed to hear you guys say the nanosuit was successful?"

"That's right, Superman, it was completed originally, but now you want to modify..."

Reed at this moment no longer had the excitement of the successful experiment earlier, and answered somewhat helplessly.

Meeting a "client" like Superman, they could only blame their bad luck.

"It's okay, the general direction of the nano suit won't change anyway, it's just that the suit's energy source needs to be changed, it won't delay you guys too much time."

Peter slowly explained his idea.

"Change the energy source?"

The others couldn't help feeling a little weird. The nanosuit currently uses the arc reactor made by Tony Stark, a groundbreaking energy technology achievement.

But now Peter wanted to change to another energy source, could it be...

"Why change the energy source? Don't tell me the arc reactor I created isn't good enough?"

Tony, who didn't even object when Peter asked everyone to work overtime earlier, couldn't sit still now. He stood up directly from the sofa next to him, his face ugly as he asked Peter.

You can question Tony about anything, just not his technology.

"Or did you find an energy source better than the arc reactor?"

But Tony wasn't blindly questioning Peter's decision either, he just didn't understand what energy source could be more convenient than his own arc reactor.

"I can't say it's better than the arc reactor, just more suitable for me."

Tony's arc reactor uses cold nuclear fusion, smaller in size, and easy to carry.

While Dr. Otto's artificial sun has a larger setup, more suitable for providing energy to larger facilities.

"Besides, to use that new energy technology, it also needs a special technology to assist..."


Tony eventually accepted Peter's latest plan.

Sometimes it's like this, when you want it, she tries every means not to give it to you.

When you don't want it, she thinks you look down on her, and insists on giving it, giving people a headache.

"So now, let me take a look at your latest results."

Although the nanosuit's energy still needs to be redesigned, the nanosuit technology currently based on the arc reactor is close to perfect at this moment.

Peter also wanted to verify whether the final results obtained by everyone after more than a month could meet his expectations.

And it was time for him to replace the "old" suit he was wearing, after all, the coolness level of this suit he was wearing now was even inferior to Thor's.

"OK, then let me show it to you..."

When it comes to the nanosuit, everyone present was very proud that they could participate in such a great technology research and development team.

At this moment, especially those scientists who were not famous in this world, they finally realized in this period of time.

The gap between true geniuses and these human elites is actually much greater than that between ordinary people and dogs.

Arc reactor, nanotechnology, brainwave control technology, intelligent control system algorithms, shock-absorbing technology that is unbelievably powerful...

Each technology is what they have devoted their whole lives to, possibly unable to create.

Yet in a short period of time, it was successfully created from nothing by these most talented scientists in all mankind here.

Moreover, most importantly, at this moment they have concentrated all these incredible technologies together to create the most powerful suit in human history.

Forget about winning the Nobel Prize, the highest honor for scientists, if they could own this suit, they could even change the fate of a country.

The next moment, Tony directly picked up a palm-sized round glowing device on the table, then unhesitatingly stuck it to his chest.

"It's an honor, everyone will witness the greatest invention of this century's most brilliant scientist, Tony Stark..."

"Okay, some of the technology was solved by them, but I guarantee if you give me enough time, I can do the same myself..."

Seeing the seemingly cannibalistic looks around him, the pretentious Tony finally took back his boast that everything was attributed to himself.

"Stop the nonsense."

Peter urged Tony in a deep voice.

"OK, I'll start right away."

Seeing Peter's unkind eyes, Tony finally hesitated no more, and lightly tapped the device on his chest twice with his right hand.

The next moment, the nanometal particles stored in the device were instantly activated. Under the powerful energy supply of the arc reactor, they spread over Tony's body at an extremely fast speed.

In just less than five seconds, a pitch-black armor reflecting metallic luster completely wrapped Tony's whole body, leaving only a head still exposed.

"The nano suit is formed by multiple layers of nanoparticle structures wrapping around layer by layer."

"The innermost few layers of bio-nano structures can ensure you have enough comfort, and can also reduce the impact and damage to your body caused by huge inertia when accelerating instantly and stopping instantly."

"The outermost layer is constructed of the most durable nanoparticles into a brand new nano metal layer. It is harder than titanium alloy, sturdy enough to let you take a missile head-on without any damage."

As the armor rapidly covered his whole body, Tony also proudly introduced the various properties of the nanosuit.

"Most importantly, you can truly control it as you wish..."

The next moment, the armor on Tony's body began to change rapidly.

The nanoparticles kept flowing, forming all kinds of brand-new structures at extreme speed.

Daggers, knives, swords, shields, hammers, axes, energy cannons... "Basically anything you can think of, it can quickly form according to your thoughts..."

While introducing, Tony even formed a knife and fork used for Western dining with the nanoparticles in both hands.

"If you feel lonely and frustrated at night, it can even turn into..."

"Enough, I don't need any of these functions!"

Seeing Tony's increasingly uncontrolled trend, Peter directly interrupted him from continuing to demonstrate these "useless" and somewhat flashy functions.

As long as the nanosuit could form quickly and cover his whole body, it was already enough for him.

His steel body could ignore everything.

"Okay, you're the boss, you call the shots."

"But there's one function you definitely need."

Suddenly, Tony stopped continuing to demonstrate the whimsical nature of the nanoparticles. A mysterious smile appeared on his face.

The next moment, two flames suddenly erupted under his feet, making his whole person slowly levitate.

The nanoparticles behind him surged again, slowly forming a bright red cape behind him, even fluttering by itself in the windless lab.

At the same time, Peter also saw the nanoparticles on Tony's chest slowly flowing, gradually forming a golden "S" pattern.

"I heard from them, in your family, this symbol represents hope..."


(End of Chapter)

To be continued...


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