
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 46: Artificial Sun + Nano Battle Suit = ?

Watching the figure vanish into the void, Peter waited there for a while.

"Hmm? Still not showing herself?"

After waiting for a bit and still no one appeared before him, Peter couldn't help but feel somewhat strange.

"Why do protagonists transmigrated to the Marvel universe get watched by her almost instantly, yet she seems to be avoiding me?"

Peter found it odd, but did not keep waiting.

Instead, he gathered up the fragments of Mjölnir scattered on the ground, then under everyone's admiring gazes, shot up into the sky and left breezily.

As Peter left, on a rooftop of a nearby building, before a figure in yellow monk robes, golden sparks resembling arc welding slowly emerged.

The sparks grew longer as the wind blew, swiftly expanding into a yellow halo around two meters wide.

The monk in yellow robes slowly walked into the halo, only to see a faint, flickering black sigil between his brows, then disappearing...

"Finally, it's over?"

Watching Peter leave signified that everything that had happened today was temporarily over.

But the hearts of everyone present still could not calm down for a long time.

First the advent of Superman, comparable to a god on earth.

Then today two more beings claiming to be gods appeared.

That God of Thunder was still fine, his strength didn't seem too powerful, and at least top human weapons could threaten him.

But the old man who arrived later was frighteningly powerful, the aura he emitted could obliterate the will of ordinary people like them instantly.

The dramatically changed world gave Fury a major headache all at once.

"Director, what should we do now?"

Coulson also deeply felt his worldview had collapsed, only able to place his hopes on his director.

"Send people to clear the battlefield, notify the Disaster Control Bureau to begin post-disaster reconstruction."

Fury slowly issued orders, then gazed at the sky, pondering for a long time.

"Also, gather all the energy research experts in the bureau and worldwide, start phase two research on the Tesseract as soon as possible."

"The cosmic war has begun, we don't have much time left..."

Gazing at the void, Fury's eyes flickered with starry radiance.

"As for him..."

Then, Fury turned his gaze towards Captain America.

"Just find me a place to properly rest for now, I may be unable to accept such a drastically changed world in a short time."

Having just awoken, without a chance to experience this new world properly, suffering such tremendous shocks, even Captain America with his staunch will, felt somewhat unable to accept it at this moment.


At the same time, Asgard.

A beam of light shuttled from distant Earth, the Bifrost slowly stopped rotating.

Two figures suddenly appeared within the Bifrost device.


Along with them, however, came two beams of crimson energy.

Instantly piercing through the spherical device of the Bifrost.

"Prince Thor..."

Seeing Thor tossed casually on the ground by Odin, Heimdall did not care about the damaged Bifrost, hurriedly going to Thor's side to help him up.

"Humph, who allowed you to go to Midgard privately? Have you forgotten my edict?"

Looking at Thor, Odin's expression instantly turned extremely ugly, forcibly suppressing the anger within to berate Thor.

Everything today was caused by Thor going to Midgard on his own.

"Father, my Mjolnir... is shattered..."

Facing the furious Odin, Thor seemed to have lost his soul, mumbling to himself.

"Humph, that human was right, you've long forgotten your noble lineage, and the blood of gods flowing in you!"

Seeing Thor so dispirited, still in grief over losing the Mjölnir, Odin's gaze showed even more disappointment.

"Mjölnir only helped you control your power more easily, it didn't make you some... God of Hammers!"

Recalling this title God of Hammers, even though he himself was complicit in it, Odin still felt extremely angry.

"Father, could he really be right?"

Hearing his father's berating, the lost look in Thor's eyes finally regained vigor. Recalling the human's words that he himself was the real God of Thunder, a glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in Thor's heart.

"Humph, as the prince of Asgard, you should bravely face your failures, and in the future personally wash away the shame on you!"

"Not moping around dispiritedly like you are now!"

Seeing the disheartened Thor finally regain some confidence, Odin's tone softened a little but was still stern as he taught him.

"However, today's events let me realize again that you're still not ready to rule all of Asgard..."


Seeing Odin seem to have made a decision, Heimdall supporting Thor wanted to speak up for him.

"No need to intercede for him, this is the punishment he deserves."

Odin directly interrupted Heimdall's attempt to speak, aiming the eternal spear at Thor, golden divine power spewing forth.

The next moment, Thor's whole body was blasted away by the divine power, his figure vanishing instantly.

"Let him reflect on his mistakes under the World Tree for now."

Temporarily banishing Thor from Asgard, Odin's whole person seemed to have grown older in this moment.

Heimdall watched Odin walking towards his palace with slow steps, feeling his aged back seemed no longer as straight as before.

"Right, when he can adeptly wield his divine power, take him to Nidavellir, to have the Dwarf King forge him a new weapon."

Leaving, Odin instructed Heimdall without turning his head back.


Earth, Peter who had left the battlefield first went to where he had sensed the attraction earlier.

"As expected, because of the artificial sun!"

Seeing the lab that had been completely destroyed by the explosion of the failed artificial sun experiment, becoming ruins.

Peter was completely certain of his guess.

"Artificial sun..."

Although bearing the word artificial, but the energy radiation it emitted seemed likewise able to enhance Peter's power like a real sun.

Of course, its efficiency was naturally incomparable to the real sun.

"But if I could keep such an artificial sun by my side at all times, wouldn't that mean I could continually enhance my power ceaselessly?"

A rather crazy notion suddenly popped up in Peter's mind.

He couldn't keep the real sun by his side at all times, but an artificial sun seemed feasible.

"New combination of artificial sun and nano battle suit..."

"Looks like I'll need to make some special preparations..."

As he thought, Peter's figure instantly vanished in the air, speeding towards the Antarctic lab.

Opening the door above the fortress.

"Great, the time for the nano battle suit to fully cover the body has been shortened to 5 seconds."

"We finally succeeded!"

Walking towards the lab, Peter heard extremely excited voices coming from within.

"Mr. Superman, the nano battle suit you needed, it's already..."

Seeing Peter happen to walk into the lab, Reed looked excitedly at Peter and said.

"Sorry, you guys may need to work overtime, and modify the nano battle suit's design again..."

At this moment, Peter instantly transformed into a ruthless capitalist.

"But later, you should be getting two more colleagues..."


(End of Chapter)

To be continued...


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