
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Chapter 43: Seizing Thor's Hammer

"Dear audience friends, we meet again."

The helicopter hovered several kilometers away from Times Square in New York.

"It is my honor that today we will once again witness the heroic bearing of the human hero Superman."

The reporter introduced from inside the helicopter, while the cameraman cooperatively adjusted the lens, giving the distant figure a close-up shot.

"And on the other side of Superman is a guy claiming to be the God of Thunder."

As instructed, the cameraman turned the lens towards the other figure.

"He actually dares to challenge our hero! Is it bravery? Or ignorance?"

"Next, let us witness together, who will emerge victorious in the battle between the two."

"However, I personally support our hero Superman on behalf of myself, he is the most powerful, and will definitely be victorious!"

"Now, let us watch together in anticipation!"

With the reporter's opening concluded, the cameraman directly used a wide angle to capture both figures in the sky completely.


At the same time, as brilliant red radiance accumulated in Peter's eyes, Thor could also no longer hold back, roaring loudly.

Accompanying Thor's roar, the clouds gathered in the sky also started rolling violently, as if brewing a terrifying power.

Crack! A thunderclap that shook the heavens erupted, and a lightning bolt as thick as a barrel instantly struck the hammer in Thor's hand.

Frenzied thunder and lightning coiled around the silvery hammer.

The next moment, Thor pointed his hammer at the figure opposite without hesitation.

At this time, there was no probing before the start of battle, attacking with his full thunder power right from the start.

Determined to thoroughly defeat the opponent before him with devastating force.

However, as the hammer of Thor in Thor's hand erupted with extremely frenzied thunder power.

The red glow also instantly bloomed in Peter's eyes opposite him without hesitation.

Two pillars of light, fiery red-like flames, carrying terrible impact force directly met the silver thunderbolt.

In the blink of an eye, the two attacks collided with each other without surprises.


And the instant the two energies made contact, an earth-shattering loud boom exploded violently.

Immediately, a powerful shockwave swept outwards at a visible speed.

Even the helicopter circling several miles away was swept up by the powerful shockwave in an instant, like a lone boat on a raging ocean, almost flipped over directly.

"Quick, get further away!"

Originally they thought this distance was far enough, but at this moment, they unhesitatingly flew further away again.


And as this terrifying shockwave spread out.

The two energies were still deadlocked in the void, undispersed.

It is said that the left side always loses when waves collide.

But at this moment, on the camera footage, it could be easily seen that the red flame-like energy on the left was unsurprisingly completely dominant.

The frenzied silver lightning was continuously overwhelmed by the red fire pillars.

In just a few short seconds, the silver lightning could no longer be sustained.

The crimson fiery beams of light completely occupied the entire sky, undiminished, directly striking Thor's body in the sky.

The tremendous impact force blasted Thor's body straight away for several kilometers.

The tremendous impact even made him unable to grip the hammer of Thor firmly, slipping from his hand and falling towards the ground.


Thor's Hammer heavily smashed into the ground, smashing a crater several meters deep into the hard ground.

"Director, should we..."

Seeing the hammer of Thor fallen not far from them, Coulson was a little tempted.

"The rest of you stay alert, we'll go take a look."

Fury did not hesitate at all, he was very clear on what the hammer of Thor represented.

"So this is... the hammer of Thor?"

Coming to the edge of the crater, looking at the silvery giant hammer in the center of the pit, everyone seemed to feel a strange impulse rise within them.

Captain America especially slowly walked towards the hammer of Thor, a look of eagerness flashing in his eyes.


Seeing Captain America seemingly about to touch the hammer of Thor, Coulson couldn't help but feel a little worried.

However, Fury said solemnly: "Let him try."

The next moment, Captain America also did not hesitate, slowly placing his right hand on the hammer handle.

[Hammer of the Gods]

Instantly, the hammer of Thor actually started vibrating slowly.

"Could he... really lift it up?"

Seeing the scene before them, Fury and the others felt incredulous.

[will drive our ships to new land]

The surrounding song was still echoing, but the hammer of Thor seemed to suddenly respond to some summons, shooting straight into the sky before disappearing.

"Cough cough, I didn't use any strength just now, it flew away by itself!"

Looking at his empty right hand, Captain America's expression inevitably became a little awkward.


"Overestimating yourself."

In the air, looking at Thor who was blasted away instantly, Peter's expression was indifferent.

If it was Thor after fully awakening his divine thunder power and gaining Stormbreaker in Infinity War, he might still barely qualify to fight the current him.

But the Thor now was simply... too weak compared to Peter.

"Rather than waste time here, why not go see what's happening over there?"

Peter slowly turned around, looking in the direction he had noticed earlier, where something still seemed to be attracting him, and the feeling was growing stronger.

However, just as Peter was about to fly over and investigate.

A sonic boom suddenly came from behind him.

"Not done yet? Then I'll entertain you some more."

Turning around and seeing Thor charging rapidly at him while spinning the hammer of Thor, Peter's gaze gradually turned cold.

[Valhalla I am coming...]

Accompanied by the rousing background music, the God of Thunder at this moment seemed to have gotten a buff, his divine power thoroughly awakened.

His eyes were filled with silver lightning at this moment, countless bolts of lightning circulating over his silver armor.

And behind him, an elongated silver lightning trail made him look like a meteor streaking rapidly through the void.

When he was still hundreds of meters away from Peter, he suddenly stopped spinning the hammer of Thor.

The silvery hammer of Thor pointed straight ahead at the figure, Thor charged forward beyond the speed of sound, carrying tremendous impact force, rushing straight at Peter in the air with indomitable momentum.

Facing the rapidly charging Thor, Peter was still relaxed, only slowly raising a hand, his gaze slightly cold.


The fast-moving Thor accurately collided with Peter's figure.

However, the supposed earth-shaking collision this time demonstrated completely disproportionate power.

Not only was the impact weak, but it was even much weaker than the sound when their energies clashed earlier.

With just a faint sound, Thor's charging body was successfully blocked.

"How is this possible?"

With Peter single-handedly gripping his neck, the lightning still hadn't completely faded from Thor's eyes as he looked at Peter easily grabbing him, disbelief filled his gaze.

"No, I don't believe you're so powerful!"

The intense unwillingness seemed to deprive Thor of reason, he directly swung the hammer of Thor, smashing heavily at Peter's head.

However this time, not even a faint sound could be heard, his full-powered strike was caught single-handedly by Peter again.

"No, that's my Mjolnir, give it back."

Furthermore, the hammer of Thor was easily snatched away by Peter.


Casually flinging Thor's body towards the ground, Peter looked at the hammer of Thor in his hand with interest.

Boom... Boom!

However, hearing the loud boom apart from Thor's landing, Peter's gaze was instantly drawn by the distant explosion, the coldness in his eyes grew more intense.

The hand gripping the hammer of Thor also slowly started exerting force.


(End of Chapter)

To be continued...


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