
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

Chapter 105: Space Tourism Plan

"Also, taking away that special energy won't affect your research on the detectors, will it?"

After confirming the separation, Peter asked again.

If it would affect Reed's research on the detectors, then he would need to wait a while longer.

"No, the detailed analysis results of that special energy have already been saved by me. Moreover, even after separation, the cosmic storm still retains the characteristics of that special energy, enough to support me in continuing my research on the detectors."

Reed spoke without hesitation.

"That's good. I hope you can separate them as soon as possible. I'll take it away shortly."

After Peter finished speaking, he disappeared from the space station.

"Why is Superman so anxious? Is he leaving Earth again?"

Although Reed felt a little strange, he put aside all his affairs without hesitation, and prepared to separate the two energies according to Peter's instructions.

On the other side, Peter had already arrived on the outskirts of New York, at the farm where he had once awakened his superhuman heritage.

"Aunt May, Uncle Ben, I'm back!"

Walking into the farm, Peter called out to the wooden house on the farm.

Since the last crisis of the alien invasion, Peter had persuaded the two elderly people to live on the farm.

There was a small town nearby, so the two elderly people wouldn't be completely cut off from the world, and their living supplies could be guaranteed.

Moreover, the most important thing was that Peter had already installed the latest model of a protective shield around the farm.

As long as there was danger, the protective shield would automatically activate and cover the entire farm.

It could be said that even if New York were to suffer a nuclear explosion, with everyone familiar, this farm would remain safe and sound.

"Dear Peter, you're finally back!"

With Peter's voice, the two elderly people excitedly came out of the wooden house.

"Peter, with what happened in New York City, your Aunt May and I were really worried about you. Why did you only come back now..."

Uncle Ben patted Peter's shoulder with a serious expression, then reproached him a bit.

"Sorry, Uncle Ben, I wasn't in New York at the time. I was assigned to a secret experimental base by the company, so..."

Peter said apologetically, but he felt a bit embarrassed inside.

Because the reason he had left more than ten days ago was to go to the company for some secret research internship, and he couldn't go home or contact anyone.

"Alright, Ben, as long as Peter is safely back!"

In the end, Aunt May spoke up and pulled Peter towards the wooden house.

"Oh, by the way, Peter, how did you come back? Why didn't you call me to pick you up?"

Before entering the wooden house, Uncle Ben casually asked.

"Uh, I didn't want to trouble you, so I took a taxi back."

Peter answered calmly.

"Oh, I see. Let's go inside. Your Aunt May has missed you so much during this time!"

After casually glancing outside the farm, Uncle Ben followed Peter into the wooden house.


Not seeing Peter for more than ten days seemed to have really worried the two elderly people.

Aunt May kept asking questions, talking non-stop for hours.

After several hours passed, Peter finally found an opportunity to slowly speak.

"Aunt May, I may not be able to stay at home for a few days this time. You know, I'm about to graduate from high school, and my internship record represents which university I can enter in the future, so..."

Okay, at this point, Peter felt a bit sorry. He really hadn't spent much time at home with the two elderly people during this time.

"Do you need to go for another secret research? But you're just an intern..."

Aunt May said with some reluctance.

"Peter, do you still need to go to college now?"

However, the Uncle Ben, who had been silent beside him, suddenly stared at Peter with serious eyes and asked.

"Well, Uncle Ben, you already know everything."

Peter looked helpless; although he wasn't afraid of his identity being exposed,

"Your last reason was too far-fetched. After all, I've been through your age."

Uncle Ben spoke with a proud expression.

"Okay, I can't fool you, Uncle Ben!"

Seeing Uncle Ben's proud look, Peter also showed a faint smile.

Peter: "That's right, I am..."

Uncle Ben: "The superhero who saved New York!"

Peter: "Superman!"

Their voices sounded at the same time, but both of their expressions froze for a moment.


A few days later, in the quiet farm.

The two old people were standing outside, looking at the warehouse of the farm with a strange expression.

Meanwhile, inside the warehouse's basement, Peter slowly walked towards the universe spaceship that had changed his life.

"Old buddy, today I'll take you back to the universe."

Peter gently touched the spaceship's cold silver shell, feeling a strange sensation.


Suddenly, a brilliant golden light appeared in the pitch-black basement, forming a circular portal.

"Superman, are you really leaving Earth and going to the universe?"

The Ancient One stepped out of the portal and slowly asked Peter.

"With you guarding Earth, I feel reassured."

"Besides, I'm just planning to take a quick tour of the universe. It won't take more than a month, and I'll be back soon."

"As for that Thanos, if I meet him, I'll finish him off."

As Peter touched the spaceship, it was instantly activated, emitting a soft light that illuminated the entire basement.

"Alright, Superman, I wish you a pleasant first journey into the universe."

"During your absence, I'll take care of your family for you."

The Ancient One smiled, then disappeared into the light once again.

"Alright, the interesting journey into the universe begins now!"

As the Ancient One left, Peter immediately entered the spaceship.

Then, he skillfully started the spaceship.

He was no longer the Peter who couldn't operate a spaceship.


As the spaceship started, the entire farm seemed to shake violently.

The warehouse of the farm began to collapse due to the vibration of the spaceship.

A magnificent spaceship with a silver exterior full of technological sense appeared in front of the two old people.

"Ben, you knew Peter was Superman all along? Why didn't you tell me!"

While looking at the floating spaceship in the air, Aunt May, with a shocked expression, couldn't help but pinch Uncle Ben's arm.

"Cough, I just guessed that Peter was a friend of Superman, like those superheroes who saved New York in the news."

"Who knew that Peter..."

Well, in fact, Uncle Ben guessed the process but didn't guess the answer.

"Superman... That's Superman!"

Anyone knowing their adopted son is the famous Superman would probably be unable to remain calm.

The spaceship floated in the sky, and Peter opened the cockpit door, drifting towards the two old people.

At this moment, Peter didn't need to hide his abilities in front of them anymore.

"Uncle Ben, Aunt May, I'll explore the universe by myself first."

"After I come back, I'll take you both to explore other planets in the universe."

Peter smiled at the two old people.

"Okay, Peter, be safe! Come back to Earth as soon as possible."

If it were an ordinary person wanting to explore the universe, their parents and relatives would probably be extremely worried.

But their child was Superman, so the two old people naturally had less worry.

However, Aunt May still couldn't help but express her concern.

"Peter, although you're Superman with incredibly powerful abilities, remember, with great power..."

Uncle Ben said seriously to Peter.

"Cough, Uncle Ben, I know, with great power comes great responsibility!"

Peter couldn't help but interrupt Uncle Ben's "last words".

Then, he flew directly and re-entered the cockpit of the spaceship.


The engine of the spaceship spewed out dazzling flames, then instantly soared into the sky.

"This kid, I haven't finished speaking yet. Clearly, it's the greater the power, the more cautious you should be, otherwise, you'll definitely suffer."

Uncle Ben looked surprised and reluctant as he watched the spaceship flying into the sky.


Near the space station above Earth, a spaceship quickly ascended from Earth and gradually approached the space station.

"Dang, this thing is so slow. I should've just carried it up myself."

However, to Peter, the speed, which was tens of times faster than the speed of sound, was still too slow.

He could've flown faster by pushing the spaceship himself.

"Oh no, the aliens are attacking again!"

Inside the space station, someone noticed the approaching spaceship and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Stop shouting, it's me!"

However, the next moment, Peter's figure appeared inside the space station, interrupting their exclamation.

"Oh, it's Superman, sorry about that."

The person's exclamation abruptly stopped, followed by a face full of apology.

"Never mind."

Peter didn't mind and went straight to find Reed.

"Superman, I heard you came in a spaceship?"

Reed also noticed the spaceship and curiously asked Peter.

"Can I study it...?"

Reed couldn't help but rub his hands together, his face full of anticipation.

"Let's talk about it later. Where's the energy you separated? Hand it over to me now."

Yesterday, Peter received news from Reed that he had successfully separated the Phoenix Force.

So, he prepared to set off today to explore the universe.

"I've prepared it."

Without hesitation, Reed opened a storage compartment that had gone through dozens of security measures and took out a huge container, about fifty centimeters in size.

Through the transparent special shell of the container, one could see a special energy emitting a golden light, slowly twisting inside.

"Well done."

Taking over the Phoenix Force, Peter praised.

"By the way, I'll be leaving Earth for a while. If there's anything urgent, you can notify me through the spaceship's communication system."

"I can come back quickly using the portal."

"But please try not to disturb me unless it's something important."

After Peter finished speaking, he disappeared from the space station.

The next moment, the spaceship parked outside the space station slowly started up.

Then, it jumped through space near the space station and directly disappeared.

"When will I have the chance to explore the vast universe like Superman?"

Including Reed, countless people in the space station looked at the departing spaceship, longing for the vast expanse of the universe.


(End of Chapter)


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