
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

Chapter 103: Victory in War, the Alien Warship "Escape" (Long Chapter)

As New York City suffered from the invasion of the alien legion, chaos reigned.

Far away in the cosmos, Thanos also received the message sent by Loki.

"Lord Thanos, the Asgardian has transmitted a message, accusing General Executioner of disobeying orders, acting on his own, leading the legion to invade Earth, disrupting his plans..."

The slender figure of Ebony Maw respectfully addressed Thanos sitting on the throne with his back turned.

"Oh? Acting on his own?"

The throne beneath Thanos slowly rotated, then he asked with interest.

"That's what the Asgardian said."

"But I think there must be hidden motives. General Executioner would never betray you, my lord, and that cunning Asgardian may be..."

Ebony Maw couldn't help but defend General Executioner.

"No need to say more..."

Thanos interrupted Ebony Maw, pondering slightly.

He naturally wouldn't fully believe Loki's words.

"I heard that after commanding the army, Loki has been campaigning in the Nine Realms, rather than directly invading Earth?"

Thanos clearly kept an eye on Loki's movements.

"Yes, Lord Thanos. Since the sudden destruction of Asgard ruling the Nine Realms some time ago, the entire Nine Realms have plunged into chaos."

"Loki took the opportunity to lead the army, campaigning in the Nine Realms, and has subdued several realms including Jotunheim and other remaining realms."

"He said that this was all part of his plan before conquering Earth and that in the future, he would offer the conquered Nine Realms to you, my lord, along with Earth."

"But, I believe this cunning Asgardian has motives far more than that..."

Loki's actions seemed to be expanding Thanos's territory, but to Ebony Maw, this cunning guy definitely had other thoughts.

"Using my army for his campaigns, reclaiming lost territories, he's really playing a good game."

Thanos's eyes gradually turned cold, this guy was obviously using him.

"Never mind, let him stir things up for now. As long as I obtain the Infinity Stones containing unlimited power, no one can resist me!"

Thanos raised his right hand, slowly clenching it, as if the entire universe was within his grasp.

"The great Lord Thanos shall reign over the entire universe!"

Feeling the strong dominance emanating from Thanos, Ebony Maw unhesitatingly kneeled down, showing submission and allegiance.

"Reign over the universe!"

"Reign over the universe!"


"Lord Thanos, your daughter Nebula requests a video call."

Just as everyone cheered for Thanos's might.

Ebony Maw reported again, looking somewhat surprised.

"Oh? Have they found the Cosmic Sphere?"

A hint of excitement appeared in Thanos's eyes.

"Connect it."

Then, he resumed his original dignity and said slowly.

"Thanos, it's nice to see you again."

Soon, a virtual projection appeared, showing an alien with battle clothes, blue skin, and black patterns on her face.

"Ronan, my daughter, what's the matter with your request to see me this time?"

Thanos, full of majesty, slowly spoke, emitting an invisible pressure that even gave chills down one's spine through the video.

"It's nothing, just as you instructed, I have found this thing!"

Ronan was not affected by Thanos's majesty, slowly raising her hand to take out a metal sphere with hollow patterns.

"Yes, this is it."

Looking at the Cosmic Sphere in Ronan's hand, Thanos couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise in his eyes, fleeting.

"Now that you have fulfilled our agreement, just hand it over to my daughter and bring it back. Once I get it, I will immediately lead the army to help you conquer Xandar!"

Afraid that Ronan would notice any abnormalities, Thanos quickly regained his composure and continued with a majestic tone.

"Hehe, do you think I, Ronan, am really a fool?"

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Ronan's face, making him look even more sinister with the black spots on his face.

"What do you mean? Are you planning to tear up our agreement?"

"Don't forget, in the entire universe, only I have the strength to help you conquer Xandar!"

Thanos's face turned somewhat ugly at this moment, enduring his anger and threatening Ronan.

"Conquer Xandar?"

"Yes, that was our agreement, and it's also my wish!"

"But, there's something you might not know. In fact, a few days ago, I already got this Cosmic Sphere."

"The reason I didn't inform you at the time was that I took advantage of this time to investigate the secrets hidden within this Cosmic Sphere..."

Ronan didn't care about Thanos's threat at all, still smiling and speaking slowly.

"Ronan, I warn you, my army can not only help you conquer Xandar but also easily conquer your Kree Empire!"

At this moment, Thanos's expression finally became completely cold, directly threatening Ronan.

"Hehe, yes, Thanos, you used to be the most powerful cosmic overlord in the entire universe."

"But now, when I learned that the Cosmic Sphere contains the power gem that can make me dominate the universe."

"Unfortunately, you are no longer the most powerful overlord in this universe."

"What will soon rule the entire universe is me, Ronan - the Accuser!"

Instantly, the smile disappeared from Ronan's face.

Then, he grabbed the Cosmic Sphere with both hands and slowly twisted it!


Under Thanos's roar, Ronan successfully opened the Cosmic Sphere in his hand.



Instantly, accompanied by a dazzling and eerie purple light, a purple gem resembling a shimmering star appeared within the Cosmic Sphere.

"The Power Stone, the supreme object pursued by countless beings in the entire universe..."

Ronan gazed at the purple-glowing Power Stone with a face full of intoxication, his eyes filled with greed.

"Ronan, stop it now, you have no idea what you're doing!"

Thanos's expression couldn't remain calm anymore, hoping to awaken Ronan, who was intoxicated by greed and lost in the power.

"No, I know exactly what I'm doing!"

The next moment, without hesitation, Ronan grabbed the Power Stone emitting the purple light.

Buzz... Buzz!

Instantly, an incredibly terrifying energy burst forth from the Power Stone.

Like stars and fireworks, energy clusters continued to bloom and flutter throughout the entire spacecraft.

The terrifying energy formed an ominous purple hurricane, filled with a destructive aura, engulfing Ronan's entire body, as if it could destroy everything.

The raging power caused Ronan's body to gradually crack from the arm that touched the Power Stone.

His skin emitted a strong purple light, and his body was on the verge of being shattered by the extremely violent power of the Power Stone.


The terrifying power merged into his body, even for Ronan, one of the most powerful races in the universe, his body could hardly withstand such a violent force.

However, he had long understood how to use the Power Stone.

A feeble body couldn't withstand the ravaging energy of the Power Stone.

But a powerful weapon could.

Without hesitation, he picked up his weapon with his other hand, the all-purpose war hammer made by the supreme technology of the Kree Empire.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

Ronan forcefully embedded the Power Stone in his all-purpose war hammer.

Instantly, the rampaging purple energy enveloping the entire spaceship gradually disappeared.

The Power Stone, flashing with purple light, combined with the all-purpose war hammer, instantly made Ronan feel an extremely violent but controllable power.

On the other side of the video, watching everything happen but unable to stop it, Thanos's expression became completely angry.

"Ronan, I hope you don't regret this when I personally cut off your head!"

"Hmph, once I destroy Xandar, you're next!"

The greatly enhanced Ronan didn't care about Thanos's threats.

At this moment, he even had the idea of personally confronting Thanos.

However, he had to wait until he completely destroyed Xandar.

Immediately, Ronan no longer wasted words with Thanos, directly lifting the all-purpose war hammer.

Instantly, a powerful purple energy shot out, rushing towards Thanos in the video.


The wall of the spaceship was instantly pierced through, leaving a large hole, and the purple energy lingered on the wall.


"Lord Thanos, what should we do now?"

On the other side, watching the disconnected video connection and the gloomy and angry Thanos, Ebony Maw couldn't help but ask cautiously.

"Hmph, damn Ronan, actually betraying our original agreement."

Until now, the anger in Thanos's heart still couldn't be calmed.

"Lord Thanos, should I immediately send out the army and completely crush the entire Kree Empire, taking back the Stone from the traitor Ronan?"

Seeing Thanos so angry, as his most loyal subordinate, Ebony Maw didn't hesitate to offer his service.

"No, it's not time yet..."

Thanos pondered for a moment, but gave up on that idea.

After Ronan obtained the Power Stone, his strength would increase significantly. Direct confrontation wasn't a good choice for Thanos.

"It seems that we must start ahead of time..."

The next moment, the expression on Thanos's face became firm.

"Ebony Maw, recall Loki and General Executioner, no matter what they are doing!"

"Now, we are about to initiate the grand plan to save the universe ahead of schedule!"

At this moment, Thanos looked out into the vast and boundless universe, finally making a certain decision.


Earth, amidst the chaos of New York City.

Countless repulsive Vanguard Guards were continuously assaulting humanity's defenses.

Although a large portion of their numbers had been destroyed before landing,

there were still thousands of survivors remaining.

Even with over a dozen powerful superheroes guarding New York City at this moment,

it was still inevitable that the entire city would suffer immensely from the devastation.

Furthermore, it wasn't just the repulsive Vanguard Guards Legion launching attacks at this moment.

Under the command of the furious General Executioner, all alien legions had already launched their assault, including the remaining Chitauri army and the Leviathan bio-ships that had yet to appear.

Instantly, colossal Leviathan warships, like sea beasts roaming in the water, appeared in the sky above the city.

"Fuck! What in the world is that thing again?"

Hawkeye, who was on the ground, fiercely resisting the Vanguard Guards, suddenly noticed the shadow looming overhead and spoke with shock in his voice.

"Don't curse, Clint..."

Captain America, after ruthlessly decapitating a Vanguard Guard with his shield, couldn't help but look up as well.

"Wade Wilson..."

"Thor, do you have any way to destroy those big guys in the air?"

Captain America, shocked, quickly asked Thor, who was nearby cutting down minions with his battle axe.

"No big deal, leave it to me!"

Thor looked up, his eyes disdainfully fixed on the colossal Leviathan warships in the sky.

Then, he immediately soared into the clouds.

Boom! Boom!

Instantly, the sky was once again shrouded in terrifying dark clouds.


A thunderous roar exploded above the Leviathan warship, and the raging lightning effortlessly crushed the gigantic Leviathan warship.

"The pace of change in this world completely exceeds my imagination!"

Captain America frowned, finding it difficult to accept the rapidly changing world.

Before he woke up, he was facing national wars on Earth.

But after waking up, he was facing extraterrestrial wars like this.

"Captain, there's still a lot for you to accept and learn."

The Black Widow, dressed in a black bodysuit, smiled and said.

"For example, this..."

With the Black Widow's words,

the sky was once again covered by a massive shadow.

A gigantic warship with a length of thousands of meters slowly approached from the distant horizon.

"What's this? A new alien warship?"

At this moment, Captain America's expression became somewhat ugly.

Although this warship was much smaller than the previous alien warships,

the appearance of this new warship represented reinforcements from the aliens.

"No, Captain, this is our S.H.I.E.L.D. and the human's aerial carrier!"

Hawkeye and Black Widow looked at the aerial carrier in the sky, their faces filled with pride.


"Report to the Director, enemy warships have entered our energy cannon attack range. Shall we commence attack immediately?"

At this moment, Hill and Nick Fury had already arrived on the aerial carrier in fighter jets, commanding the operation.

"Damn it, commence attack immediately. Let these alien bastards taste the power of us humans!"

Nick Fury, with traces of slime still on his face, angrily issued the attack order.

"All main cannons and secondary cannons, immediately change direction, target the alien warships, and bombard these alien bastards mercilessly!"

Hill's face was filled with anger as well.

Instantly, all weapons on the aerial carrier began to change direction, aiming at the alien warships in the sky.

In the huge main cannons, terrifying azure energy kept gathering.

After a dozen seconds passed,

a blue beam with a diameter of nearly ten meters shot out instantly.

Accompanied by energy orbs from dozens of secondary cannons around, all bombarding the alien warships in the sky.

Boom, boom, boom!

In an instant, countless dazzling lights suddenly burst out from the protective shield of the alien warships.

Although it didn't cause any damage to the alien warships, it made the entire shield start to violently shake.

Under the bombardment of the main cannon's energy beam, it became much dimmer than before.

"Director, the main cannon powered by the Space Stone is very powerful. It is estimated that after three strikes, we can completely destroy the protective shield of the alien warship."

"Continue the attack, bombard them mercilessly."

Nick Fury decisively gave the order to continue the attack.

"Prepare, continue the attack."

Immediately, the main cannons and secondary cannons that had just stopped began to charge again.

And then, a dazzling light burst out again after a dozen seconds.

Boom, boom, boom!

On the other hand, the alien warship was shaking violently at this moment.

"General Executioner, we are under strong attack from human warships. The firepower of their cannons far exceeds the level of Earth's technology. Our shields are about to collapse. What should we do now, General?"

"How is this possible? How can technology that even humans cannot leave the Earth with cause such powerful cannon attacks?"

On the violently shaking alien warship, General Executioner's face was full of disbelief.

The spacecraft that had been able to resist his warship's attacks before had already shocked him, thinking that Earth's technology had erupted on the shield.

But he didn't expect to now face cannon attacks that far surpassed the level of Earth's civilization.

"Damn it, for the great Lord Thanos."

Suddenly, General Executioner stood up abruptly.

"Black Dwarf, let's attack together and completely destroy this warship!"

After saying this to the Black Dwarf next to him, he immediately took his own war blade and prepared to attack personally.

"Report to the General, we have received the latest order from Lord Thanos, requesting us to immediately abandon what we are doing and return to Sanctuary I."

Just as the angry General Executioner and Black Dwarf were preparing to land on the enemy warship and destroy it,

they received the latest instructions from Thanos.

"Damn it, we are about to conquer this planet successfully!"

Somehow feeling confident, he felt that he could conquer Earth.

But now, with Thanos' orders in hand, he couldn't disobey them no matter what.

"Hear my command, the warships return immediately to Sanctuary I!"

In the end, General Executioner gave up the action of continuing to fight on Earth and led the fleet to return.

In an instant, the warships that returned at full speed disappeared in the sky above Earth in the blink of an eye.

They directly entered the space jump and completely disappeared from human observation.

"They've retreated? Did we win?"

On Earth, looking at the disappearing warships in the sky, everyone felt incredulous.

They actually successfully defended Earth, defending against the invasion from extraterrestrial beings.

"That's great, Mr. President, we won!"

In the high-level meeting, countless officials were also extremely excited.

"Next, prepare for post-disaster relief work."

The president also felt fortunate. Although they couldn't say they had defeated the aliens,

they had at least avoided the difficult choice of releasing nuclear bombs to destroy the city.

"In addition, all media must make every effort to publicize the heroic battles of the superheroes in this battle against the aliens."

Before the post-disaster work began, what the president cared more about was those powerful superheroes.

Although their combined power was not as strong as Superman's,

they could still ultimately become a top force in defending Earth and the country.

"If we absorb them into the military and form special teams..."

The president was already looking forward to it.

However, Nick Fury, who was on the aerial carrier, had already had such a plan long ago.


(End of Chapter)


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