
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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145 Chs

Chapter 102: Launching Nuclear Bombs? (Long Chapter)

The sky above the entire New York City was filled with chaos.

Aliens swarmed like bees, wreaking havoc.

Countless New Yorkers were fleeing in terror.

The horrifying sounds of explosions intertwined with the screams of humans.

Of course, not all humans were incapable of resisting.

In addition to numerous police officers armed with firearms, there were also several humans with special abilities, striving to halt the alien invasion.

Like the two Spider-People.

However, compared to the surging alien invaders flooding into the city, their numbers seemed somewhat insufficient.

In less than ten minutes, the entire city center was almost completely overrun by the aliens.

The surviving humans could only cower in remote places such as buildings and streets, trembling in fear.

"Feeble humans, your lives are as fragile as ants."

Within the warship, General Executioner and Black Dwarf, watching the chaotic fleeing humans in the dilapidated city, wore cruel smiles on their faces.

However, in an instant...

The entire sky darkened, covered by dense black clouds.

"What's going on? Do humans possess weather weapons?"

At this moment, witnessing the sudden phenomenon, General Executioner felt a sense of unease.

Sure enough.

Accompanied by a deafening thunderous roar.

In the midst of the rampaging Chitauri army, hundreds were struck by the suddenly bursting thunder.

Their entire bodies were violently shattered by the raging thunder.

"Who is that guy?"

At this moment, General Executioner finally ruled out the possibility of humans using weather weapons.

Because amidst the dark clouds, he saw a majestic figure.

"Impossible, how can Earth have such a powerful human existence?"

The last moment he was mocking humans as weak as ants.

But he didn't expect to be slapped in the face now.

That figure was surrounded by raging thunder.

In his hand, he held an axe entwined with lightning.

He looked like a god of thunder, standing atop the clouds.

Even as one of the most famous Black Order generals under Thanos, General Corvus Glaive couldn't help but feel an immense sense of oppression.

However, with the sudden appearance of Thor, the God of Thunder...

The X-Men, formed by the Mutant Nation, also flew in with their jets.

"Hmph, a bunch of disgusting creatures clad in metal. Let me show you the power of Magneto."

In the aircraft, Magneto stood at the forefront, his eyes tightly closed while he extended his arms, as if embracing the earth.

Suddenly, Magneto opened his eyes wide, his gaze filled with intense anger.

Then, he slowly clenched his right hand.

The next moment, centered around the aircraft, all the Chitauri aliens within several miles felt that their protective armor, originally intended to shield them, had now become the scythe of death.


As if an invisible giant hand suddenly tightened their metallic armor.

The terrifying pressure directly shattered the metal shells and crushed towards their flesh.

They didn't even have time to utter a scream of agony.

Thousands of Chitauri were directly crushed to death by the squeezing force.

Disgusting slime fell from the sky like raindrops.


"It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The sudden appearance of a human capable of controlling thunder had already left General Executioner feeling unbelievably incredulous.

And now, witnessing the horrifying scene of thousands of Chitauri being instantly crushed, General Executioner felt a tinge of fear.

He couldn't believe it; on this technologically backward and weak Earth, there existed such a powerful being.

"Quick, transmit my orders, commence indiscriminate bombing, and prepare to release the vanguard legion."

Feeling the fear, General Executioner decisively issued his command.

In the next moment, numerous massive cannon barrels extended slowly from the immense warship in the sky.

Within the surging barrels, an incredibly violent energy was gathering.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Instantly, dazzling energy orbs fell like raindrops towards the city below.

"Hold on tight!"

Even the X-Men were taken aback by the fact that the enemy didn't even spare their own people and launched indiscriminate attacks.

At this moment, in order to prevent the energy cannons from hitting the ground and causing massive damage to the city, Cyclops, sitting at the forefront of the aircraft, manipulated the aircraft without hesitation. With a magnificent Cobra maneuver, they flew straight into the sky, facing the torrential downpour of energy cannons.

At the same time, he also controlled the special glasses above his eyes, exerting all his effort to release the raging energy from his eyes.

The terrifying energy turned into two crimson beams, directly shattering the glass in front of the aircraft.

Then swiftly swept through the air.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every energy orb that came into contact with the energy beams instantly burst apart.

Countless dazzling fireworks bloomed in the sky.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of energy cannon shells were swept away and exploded in the air.


General Executioner roared in anger, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Fire with all your might, I want to completely destroy this city."

But the next moment, his gaze turned even colder, and he issued his command without hesitation.

Instantly, hundreds of energy cannon barrels gathered even more violent energy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A new round of bombing almost instantly descended upon the city.

"Damn it."

At this moment, after exerting all his energy, Cyclops couldn't help but feel a slight soreness in his eyes.

But he still persisted in releasing the surging energy, continuously sweeping away the energy orbs falling from the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, this time, his concentration clearly waned.

Within his defense line, several energy orbs were not detonated and smashed towards the aircraft they were riding.

"Get ready to parachute!"

Seeing the energy orbs rushing towards the aircraft, Cyclops couldn't help but shout loudly, preparing to abandon the aircraft.

Suddenly, a gleaming axe surrounded by lightning spun through the air.

In mid-air, it directly shattered the remaining energy orbs.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, the shockwaves from the explosion still lifted the aircraft directly.

And sent it plummeting towards the ground.

"The aircraft is out of control, everyone prepare to jum..."

"Let me handle this!"

Magneto jumped out of the aircraft through the broken glass without hesitation, and then his whole body seemed to defy gravity, floating in the air.

The next moment, he reached out towards the spinning and falling aircraft.

After a moment, the out-of-control aircraft seemed to be lifted by some special force.

And landed smoothly on the ground.

"Thanks, old friend!"

The cockpit door opened, and a bald man sitting in a wheelchair thanked Magneto.

"Charles, there's no need for formalities between us."

"Now, we are working together for the future of mutants."

In this new universe, the two originally discordant individuals actually reached a consensus for the first time.

They jointly established the Mutant Nation, prepared to work together here to seek a future where mutants could live in peace with humans.

After all, the prejudices of humans against mutants had not yet formed completely here.

They still had a chance to integrate into this new Earth.

"Erik, I'm glad we finally reached an agreement."

"Well, let's deal with this crisis first, let humans know that our stance as mutants is completely aligned with theirs."

Magneto looked at Professor X and smiled at each other.

But soon, his gaze slowly became serious again, looking back at the immense warship in the void.

At this moment, they decided to face and resist this alien invasion together with humans.

At the same time, this was also a good opportunity for them.

An opportunity for humans to truly recognize them!


"Hmph! How dare they invade my new Home!"

In the sky, Thor caught his returning axe, his eyes filled with anger as he looked at the alien warship.

His original home, Asgard, had just been destroyed.

After finally arriving on Earth, they had established a new home for Asgard.

But they hadn't expected to encounter another alien invasion.

This made Thor very angry.

Seeing the energy gathering on the cannons of the alien warship, Thor's eyes narrowed, and he immediately gathered the power of thunder.


With a terrifying thunderous explosion, lightning as thick as a bucket slammed onto the cannons of the warship.


With a terrifying roar, the protective shield of the warship was activated by the lightning, causing ripples to burst forth.

"Not bad defense..."

Seeing his attack being thwarted, Thor's eyes narrowed.

Then he directly threw his axe.


Accompanied by lightning, Thor's axe easily penetrated the shield and viciously struck the energy-gathering cannon.


The energy inside the cannon that had not yet been fired instantly detonated.

A series of explosions completely blew up all the gun turrets on the warship.

"Let's see how you'll bombard us now!"

Taking back his returning axe, Thor's face was full of pride.

Suddenly, a "land" made up of countless metals floated up into the void.

Gradually, it floated towards Thor's direction.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the few figures on the metal "land," Thor asked with some curiosity.

"Hello, Mr. Thor, we are the X-Men, here to defend this city with you and resist the alien invasion."

Professor X, sitting in a wheelchair, smiled and said slowly to Thor.

"Well, your strength is not bad, and you are brave enough, barely enough to be my comrades."

Thor swept his eyes over the few people in front of him.

He wasn't as arrogant and dismissive as before, even towards the seemingly harmless Professor X sitting in a wheelchair.

"Well, let's save our emotions for later. We should focus on dealing with the war at hand for now."

After exchanging greetings, everyone turned their attention back to the warship in the sky.

Although Thor had just destroyed the energy cannon of the warship.

But for the entire massive warship, the damage caused was not enough to be fatal.

Sure enough, under everyone's gaze.

The doors on both sides of the warship suddenly opened.

Then one by one, huge special metal devices slowly appeared and then thundered down towards the ground below.

"What the hell is this? Alien bombs? Aren't they a bit too huge?"

Looking at the huge metal devices falling freely towards the ground, everyone couldn't help but speculate what they were.

"This is bad, we need to stop these things from falling."

However, Professor X, sitting in a wheelchair, suddenly changed his expression.

Among those devices, he sensed countless weak life consciousnesses.

And most importantly, among those consciousnesses, all he sensed was madness and slaughter.

As if those creatures were created for the sole purpose of killing.

"Let's see who can destroy more of them!"

Thor said provocatively to everyone, then instantly turned into lightning and rushed towards one of the huge metal devices.

"We must win this battle."

"X-Men, charge!"


At the next moment, Magneto's eyes gradually turned cold, and without hesitation, he used the power of his magnetic field to control one of the falling devices, smashing it onto another nearby device.


The two metal devices collided, instantly exploding.

As the metal shells shattered, everyone finally saw what was inside, and it wasn't bombs.

Instead, it was special crawling creatures filled with madness.

With sharp claws and pointed fangs.

Their mouths were dripping with slime, looking disgusting.

"Damn, there are such disgusting creatures inside."

In an instant, the faces of everyone present changed slightly.

They could imagine that if these crazed creatures were allowed to land on the ground and start rampaging.

It's likely that all the ordinary humans in the city would be completely devoured by these creatures.

"You guys continue to stop these devices from landing, I'll go stop those surviving disgusting creatures."

A burly man swung his hands.


Under a metallic clinking sound, three flashing blade-like blades appeared between his fingers.

The next moment, he didn't hesitate to jump from a height of over a kilometer, completely without any protective measures.

"Everyone, let's work together to stop these disgusting creatures from reaching the ground as much as possible."

Immediately, several X-Men members, each displaying their powerful abilities, began to stop the falling metal bio-pods.

Boom boom boom! In an instant, more than a dozen fireballs burst forth in the sky once again.

Howl howl howl! Disgusting creatures were thrown out by the exploding bio-pods.

Some were surrounded by intense flames, yet seemed oblivious to their injuries, still filled with madness.

"Damn, we can destroy all the bio-pods, but we can't stop all the monsters."

Soon, all the bio-pods were shattered by them.

But even during the explosion of the bio-pods, about eighty percent of the disgusting creatures inside were destroyed.

Yet there were still about twenty percent of surviving creatures that had already landed on the ground.

Some of the survivors, disregarding their injuries, formed groups and roared crazily as they charged towards various parts of the city where humans were present.

And at this moment, the human police and resistance forces' defense lines built on the ground were subjected to an extremely strong impact.

The guns in their hands, even though they could kill these disgusting creatures.

But they still couldn't stop the creatures filled with madness, whose minds seemed to be only filled with slaughter.

"Damn it, listen up, even if we die, we must stop these disgusting creatures and buy time for the people outside to escape."

At a certain human defense line, a dozen or so policemen were trying hard to fend off the creatures rushing towards them.

However, in just a few minutes, all the bullets in their guns had already been used up.

In this crisis of running out of ammunition, the humans didn't feel fear, but instead were prepared to use their lives to buy time for the people behind them to escape.

Howl! The monsters seemed to have noticed that the human gunfire had stopped, and they roared in groups as they rushed towards them.

Sharp fangs glistened in their open bloodthirsty mouths.

Saliva dripped from their mouths, as if they couldn't wait to feast on human flesh.

Suddenly, at this critical moment.

A figure descended from the sky, wielding a round shield, and smashed it onto the foremost disgusting creature.

"That's... Captain America?"

At this moment, seeing the figure wearing a uniform and holding a shield, everyone felt extremely shocked.

"We'll take care of this, you go organize the evacuation!"

The captain quickly said, then immediately rushed towards the group of monsters without hesitation.

A fighter jet appeared in the sky at some point, and the machine guns on the jet were roaring with flames.


"We've all seen the situation on the scene."

"Although we don't know how these crazed creatures reproduce, we can't gamble with the fate of all humanity!"

"If they break out of New York City, it will probably threaten the entire Earth with alien life forms!"

"So, Mr. President, I suggest launching nuclear missiles at New York City immediately to completely destroy all alien life forms!"

In a high-level meeting focused on New York City.

They were originally excited when Thor and the X-Men appeared, thinking they could defeat the alien invasion, but now they were once again gloomy.

Finally, someone couldn't help but break the silence in the conference room and made a crazy proposal.

"Mr. President, we absolutely can't do that. This would mean disregarding the lives of millions of innocent people in New York City!"

As soon as the proposal was made, it was met with opposition.

"Is there really no other way?"

At this moment, the president, who had been contemplating for a long time, couldn't help but feel extremely powerless.

On one hand were all humanity, and on the other was a city with millions of innocent people.

How should he choose...

(End of Chapter)


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