
Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Planning the Hulk Blood Serum

After Carl took out the resurrection cross, it was a small cross that was even more exquisite. Carl bound it to himself and then put it into the system space. After all, there is no one The place can be safer than the system space, and with this resurrection cross, he has another life, and he can't help but smile.

What's more, it can resurrect creatures that die within 24 hours. It can not only resurrect himself. If people around him die due to negligence, you can also use this to resurrect them. After taking out Bart's mask, with a thought, he appeared in the room. Several shadow ninjas, with a pair of wings behind them, knelt down on one knee towards Karl!

After waving their hands to take them back, Carl put the Barton mask and the Nijia mask together in the system space. Then he could feel that the dark energy enhanced his progress a lot faster. It should be because of Bart's mask. Then Carl took out The training and inheritance of Kaio Fist is only a golden ball of light!

After Carl took it out, it flew directly to Carl's forehead. Then a picture appeared in Carl's mind, which was the method of practicing Kaio Fist. When Carl opened his eyes, he found that he had mastered Kaio Fist. This is a training method, and at this moment Karl can already use twice the Kaio Fist, but the burden and damage to the body is also very great, because his physique is not too strong yet.

Carl finally looked at the purification rune. If it could be used to purify genes, would it be possible? The moment Carl saw the purification rune, he immediately wanted to use Hulk's blood to make serum and inject it into himself after purification. He just didn't know. It doesn't matter whether it works or not. Blood serum should be considered a liquid. Karl narrowed his eyes and decided to give it a try. If it succeeds, then his strength will at least be improved a lot!

"Well————! Carl, why did you wake up so early? "Riven opened her eyes and said to Karl next to her. At this moment, she had changed back to her original human appearance, not a mutant appearance. Although Karl didn't mind, she still wanted to show her best side to him..

"It's late, the sun is shining. You were so tired last night, so take a rest first. I'll ask Aunt Mei to take care of you. I'll have something to do later. "Karl lowered his head and kissed Raven, and then said to her gently. After all, there was quite a lot of noise last night..

"Okay, you go and do your work, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired! "Riven narrowed her eyes and said slowly to Carl, and then she didn't care at all that Carl couldn't accompany her today, because she knew that Carl's affairs were usually not trivial matters, even the matter of handling Stark Industries shares was left to Aunt May. , so Karl will leave only if there is a big event.

"Well, get some rest, baby! "After Carl finished speaking to Raven, he got up, put on his clothes and left. Then he came downstairs and saw Aunt May holding a notebook and studying something. Carl knew it was Stark Industries stocks without even thinking about it, because Aunt May felt that she He had nothing to do all day long and wanted to find a job. Carl was dumbfounded at the time. You, the lover of a Stark Industries shareholder, went out to find a job? You had to make people laugh to death. After that, he made decisions about shares and other things that he needed to do. Aunt May took care of all the signing of the contract.

He himself would be happy and free, otherwise Pepper would call him all day lo

ng, telling him about this and that decision of the company, and that he had to sign this contract. Carl would almost be disturbed by Pepper's phone calls. If you are crazy, you might as well just give it to Aunt Mei and let the two women communicate. Besides, you can also find something for Aunt Mei to do. You don't have to worry about making mistakes all day long. After all, Pepper is there to help teach you. she.

"Aunt Mei, please take care of Raven for me later, which is Green, this is her real name, and she is a mutant with the ability to change into the appearance of anyone. I have something to go out for later, mua! "Karl approached Aunt Mei and said to her, and then kissed her sexy little lips..

"Know it! There was so much noise yesterday, so I'm not afraid of Peter and the others knowing about it! ! "Aunt May rolled her eyes at Karl and then agreed. After all, even she was surprised by last night's movement. She knew how powerful Karl was, but in the end, Greene had to toss with him for ten hours..

"Okay, I'm leaving. Christmas will be in a few days, and the Spring Festival in the East will be coming soon. Our family celebrates both festivals. You and Ruiwen should discuss it. Carl said to Aunt Mei gently. After all, Christmas in a few days is equivalent to the Western New Year, and the Spring Festival is the Eastern New Year. Aunt Mei and the others are used to the Western Christmas, but Carl still thinks about the Spring Festival even after traveling through time. , then you can celebrate both festivals, and you won't be short of money..

"Okay, I understand, remember to prepare gifts for Wanda and the others! "Aunt May said angrily to Carl, and Carl nodded and disappeared. Carl was going to get some Hulk's blood this time, not Dr. Banner's blood. If

he got Dr. Banner's blood After purification, all you get is Dr. Banner's blood serum, which is a big deal. What's more, the purification rune can only be used once, so Carl is going to get some blood from Dr. Banner when he transforms into the Hulk. .

He remembered that Hulk was injured during the battle with Abomination in the timeline, and seemed to have lost a lot of blood, so Carl still had a chance to get Hulk's blood, but if he couldn't, he had to do it himself. Anyway, the elements The transformed Carl Hulk can't kill him, so getting some blood should do it.

Because Carl had previously let a shadow ninja lurk in the Hulk's shadow, he knew that Dr. Banner had returned to New York from the suburbs, and he was with him It should still be Betty, the daughter of General Ross. Carl came to Harlem District in advance, in a restaurant on 121st Street, ready to wait for him here. From Carl's position, he could see the place where Banner injected the medicine

. That is Mr. Blue's laboratory window, from where the hatred jumped out. Several black shadows flashed under Carl's feet and dived in that direction. Carl planned to let the black shadow ninja lurk in Mr. Blue's shadow. , and caught him directly after he mutated!

Carl slowly ate the food on the table, and then he could feel the dark ninja in the shadow of Dr. Banner getting closer to him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth Then he looked up in the direction of Mr. Lan's laboratory, and soon there were troops arriving from around him.

Carl knew that Dr. Banner had been exposed, and hatred would soon appear. It was the poor people of the United States. There were so many What a disaster. After paying the bill, Carl left the restaurant, walked into an alley and disappeared..