
Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Conquering

Mr. Samuel Blue In the laboratory, after Banner lay down on the experimental table, Samuel Stern, also known as Mr. Blue, used electric shocks to stimulate Dr. Banner's temples. After that, Banner The doctor began to transform, and the bone marrow in his body began to grow and the skin turned green. Just when Dr. Banner was about to control himself, Betty crawled in front of Banner, looked into his eyes and said: "Bruce, look at me,

you Yes, I believe you!! Doctor, hurry up and inject!!"

"Oh oh oh, good, good, good….!"Afterwards, Samuel worked on the computer and found that it didn't work. He immediately walked to the other side and pressed the button. Then a jar of purple liquid was injected into Banner's body, which was about to complete his transformation. After that, the gamma rays in his body It began to decrease, and then slowly returned to its original appearance. Then the green skin on his body gradually disappeared. After thirty seconds, he completely changed back to Bruce Banner..

"Oh God! You're okay, Bruce! "Betty looked at Banner who had recovered, hugged him in surprise and said.

"���, I think maybe it's not as good as you think, maybe it's already cured, or maybe it's just suppressed, not eradicated, I'm not sure. "Samuel said to Banner and Betty who were hugging each other..

"What, how could it be possible? Bruce has recovered, hasn't he? "Betty asked Samuel a little excitedly!

"Okay, okay! Betty, it's pretty good now, at least the worst has been suppressed, right? "Banner quickly comforted Betty and put on his clothes. Then he, Betty, and Samuel walked in the laboratory. After hearing that Samuel had created his blood samples, he expressed strong opposition. Even they should be destroyed immediately

. , because he deeply knew the consequences of his blood, and how crazy the military would be if they knew it! And Samuel expressed confusion about Banner's statement. With these things, they can even win the Nobel Prize, and even study There are many drugs to cure terminal diseases, and you can become a super master in the biological field.


Banner was shot with a tranquilizer gun from outside the glass, and then several soldiers rushed into the laboratory immediately, and then took Banner and Betty away directly, leaving only a female officer to interrogate Samuel for several minutes. Finally, Bronski walked in from the door and punched the female officer away.

Blonsky was paralyzed after being kicked away by the Hulk. Ross originally planned to give up on him, but because of his super gene, he miraculously recovered after two days and was even fine. Ross I was also very surprised. After getting the news about Banner, I also called Blonsky along..

"She's so tough, isn't she? I want to become as powerful as Hulk! Can you do it? "Bronsky grabbed Muir by the collar, picked him up directly, and then said to him fiercely..

"Are you talking about Hulk? No problem, of course, but I don't know what you have injected before, so there may be side effects...and what unknown situations may arise...OK! Okay, I'll inject it for you right now! ! "Samuel looked at the muzzle of the gun in front of him and immediately agreed to Blonsky to inject him. After all, he didn't want to die. After that, Blonsky

lay down where Banner originally

lay, and Smuir injected Banner's The blood was put on the injection instrument, and then injected into Blonsky. Ross on the other side also discovered that Blonsky had lost contact, and when he last saw him, he went to the laboratory where Banner was staying. .

But he glanced at Banner and Betty on the plane, and then ordered the plane to return. As long as Banner was in his hands, a Blonsky was dispensable to him, even if he was not accountable to the Black Palace. Don't be afraid, no matter what, he is also a powerful general, and the Black Palace can't do anything to him.

As Banner's blood entered Blonsky's body, his body began to change, and eventually became a shit-yellow monster, and He was still bald, and his spine was unusually prominent behind him. When Samuel saw this scene, he immediately panicked and said humbly to Bronski: "Wait a minute, I will soon

turn you into your original appearance. Hold on! "


"No! I don't want to change back, I can feel that I am very powerful now, more powerful than ever! "The mutated Bronsky raised his hand and knocked Samuel away, and even broke the wall in front of him and jumped out. Samuel was knocked into the machine by Blonsky and fainted, while Banner The blood was also flowing in his direction.

Then there was a wound scratched by the machine. As the blood dripped in, Samuel's head began to mutate. Soon Samuel woke up, revealing a meaningful expression, and then his head stopped until it was as big as a basketball. He now feels very comfortable and his mind is very clear! Even the speed of thinking about problems has accelerated a lot. Just as he was holding several

classes When Na was escaping with blood samples, many dark figures appeared in the laboratory. They were all wearing ninja uniforms and looking at him with scarlet eyes. He immediately became vigilant and used his brain to think about whether there was any way to escape..

"Yes, Mr. Smuir has really evolved, how about working for me. "Karl suddenly appeared on a stool not far in front of Samuel, and the shadow ninjas around him knelt down on one knee to salute Karl when they saw Karl's appearance! Karl looked at Samuel with interest. With his current His IQ should be able to perfect Stark Industries' super genes..

"Who are you? Did you know I could evolve? "Samuel said to Carl cautiously. He didn't expect that the other person would act as if he knew he would evolve as soon as he opened his mouth. The reason why Carl didn't say mutation was mainly to make it sound nice..

"My name is Carl Auguston Zhang. I am a shareholder of Stark Industries and a good friend of Tony Stark. I am also a superpower owner. I want you to work for me and I will take you to see a different world. , Don't you like studying genes? I can give you more genetic research, even on creatures outside the universe, and more powerful creatures. What do you think? "Karl looked at Samuel and said lightly..

"Well, I need a lab! "Samuel agreed to Karl, because he was moved by the fact that it gave him more genes. Although his brain had evolved, he had no fighting power, not to mention that the other party said that he was even more attracted to the creatures in the universe. Now, after seeing the power of Hulk and that person's gene injection, he can't wait to explore the world of genes!