
Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Sign-in Mechanism

Carl couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth when he saw this scene. Sure enough, if you don't commit suicide, you won't die. When Rose saw this scene, he immediately called for an armed helicopter! Afterwards, an armed helicopter fell from the sky, and even floated in the air to attack the Hulk, using machine guns, missiles, and other weapons.

However, these hits on Hulk did not cause any substantial damage. At most, they could only make him feel pain. Betty suddenly ran in the direction of Hulk. Upon seeing this, Ross immediately said into the walkie-talkie in his hand:

" Stop the attack! Stop the attack immediately, damn it!!"

Hulk picked up the remains of an armored vehicle and threw it at the armed helicopter. Then he accidentally hit the tail of the armed helicopter, causing the body to lose control and even fall to the ground. The direction of the fall was in the direction of Betty. When Hulk saw this scene, he immediately ran over and held Betty in his arms.

Using his back to block the wreckage of the armed helicopter and the aftermath of the explosion, Rose's eyes suddenly lit up, and then she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Hulk holding Betty and walking away from the sea of fire. After all, she is his only daughter.

Hulk glanced in the direction of Ross, hugged Betty, and disappeared into the university with a few big jumps, and even left the city directly. Ross could only order to close the team, and looking at the surroundings, he probably still had to endure the darkness. The palace's accountability!

What he didn't know was that all the scenes of the battle were captured by two college students with cameras and posted online, which aroused huge attention, followed by demonstrations and strikes by the American people! After all, even the university encountered such a battle, even tanks, armored vehicles, armed helicopters, and that monster!

"Protest! You simply don't treat us as human beings!"

"Protest, is this how the government protects us taxpayers?"

"protest! ! We pay so much tax every year, and now the military is actually using heavy weapons in urban universities! Fake squid! !"


Carl returned to his manor after Hulk left. Watching the news on TV, Carl couldn't help but find it funny. If the protest was really useful, then Ross wouldn't dare to drive tanks, armored vehicles, and trucks into the university without restraint. He went there, and then sent out several shadow ninjas. He had to pay closer attention to Mr. Lan, who was his future biological research expert.

Karl saw Gelin coming to his side, and then sat directly in his arms. Karl also put his arm around Gelin's waist. In the past few days of getting along with each other, although they did not express their feelings for each other clearly, their feelings for each other were still strong. The relationship has taken a big step forward, and we even get along with each other tacitly..

"What, you still pay attention to the people of America? Shouldn't a rich person like you not care about their life or death? "Glynn said seductively to Karl while sitting on his lap. His professional attire, plus his plump and hot figure, and his blond hair and blue eyes, made him an alluring stunner..

"No, I'm not following the protests, I'm following the big green guy. "Karl looked into Green's eyes and said softly, even his eyes kept wandering around her body and stayed on her chest for a long time..

"Really, is that big green guy

more attractive to you than me? "Green leaned down and whispered into Karl's ear, and because of her actions, the majestic breasts were exposed in front of Karl. Karl greedily glanced at the snow-white scene in front of him, even the snow-white wrapped in black lace..

"Of course not, you are more attractive to me, little fairy! "Karl pulled Green's head in front of him and looked at him. Karl said to them affectionately. Green looked at Karl equally affectionately. Their eyes met and they couldn't help but kiss each other. Then Carl

said Lin turned around, knelt on the sofa, held Karl's face in her hands and demanded frantically. Karl could only enjoy it passively, and Aunt Mei had not let him go to bed for several days, and Raven's character changed. Lin has also been lonely for too long.

The two of them were hooked on each other, and they even felt each other's passion and madness directly on the sofa later!


When Karl woke up, it was already the next day. Looking at Raven sleeping next to him, Karl couldn't help but smile. Yesterday was crazy enough. After all, from afternoon to midnight, it lasted for more than ten hours before he was finally satisfied. After falling asleep, even last night Karl deeply realized how good Raven was.

She kept changing her body shape and being affectionate with Karl, allowing Karl to taste all kinds of women. Just when Karl was recalling.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a chance to sign in. Do you want to sign in now? ]

Carl was stunned when he heard it, and then he also knew the triggering mechanism of the system. The night he took down Aunt Mei, the system also popped up saying that he had a chance to sign in, but now he has taken down the Ruiwen system. Coming out, does that mean he can get a chance to sign in just by confiscating a woman? Isn't this a proper way to let him have a harem? Karl showed a wry smile..

"System, sign in!"

[Ding! Sign in successfully! Congratulations on getting: Kaio Fist training inheritance, Resurrection Cross x1, Bart Mask x1, Purification Rune x1!]

[Kaio Fist training inheritance: from the world of "Dragon Ball", it is a technique created by the North Kaio King. It is a technique that can increase one's combat power several times or even dozens of times in a short period of time, but it is very taxing on the body. big!

Resurrection Cross: It can resurrect creatures that died within 24 hours. The resurrected object will enter a period of weakness after resurrection. The length of the weakness period is determined by the resurrected object's own strength. The stronger the strength, the shorter the weakness period!

Bart Mask: A unique mask from the world of "The Adventures of Jackie Chan". After wearing it, you can summon bat soldiers. They can fly with the wings behind them, have extremely high speed and maneuverability, and their arms can emit light waves. Collect ten After wearing the mask, you can get the entire world of shadow!

Purification rune: a rune from a mysterious continent. After the rune is embedded in objects, liquids, it can eliminate its internal side effects, but it can only be used once, and it disappears after use! ]

Carl looked at the four items in the system space and couldn't help but be a little confused. After all, there were only three items signed in before. Is it because Riven is a mutant and is stronger than Aunt Mei? Or is it because this is Raven's first time? Karl was a little confused, but he didn't think much about it..