
Chapter 147

Chapter 147: Zhao Hailun Injects Serum.

Moreover, there are some chaebols who are inherited from their families. They were world millionaires as early as World War I or even World War II, not to mention how rich they are now, so Tony also He collected all the gifts without any courtesy and prepared to go to see Karl in the afternoon to discuss it with him.

On the other side, Carl woke up from four beauties at noon, kissed each one, put on his clothes and left the room. After that, he teleported to the biology laboratory. When Carl and Captain Marvel fought before, Samuel Er and Yingsen actually wanted to come and help, but were rejected by Karl. They were scientific researchers and had little fighting power, so even if they came, they would not be of much use. They might as well continue to study genes..

"Boss, you are here. "Samuel said to him after seeing Carl appear in the laboratory. At this moment, Samuel knew how strong his boss was. He and Yingsen had also seen Carl and Surprise through the Stark Industries satellite before. Captain's battle.

"Yes, give me 10 weakened versions of the super gene serum, as long as it can extend lifespan, and 1 full version of the super gene serum. By the way, how is the research on the spider serum going? Can it be produced now? "Karl said after nodding to Samuel, and asked for 10 weakened versions of the super gene serum and the full version of the super gene serum..

"The good boss is already cultivating the super spider. It will take some time to create it, and the genetic lock inside it will also be unlocked. "After listening to Karl's words, Samuel respectfully replied to Karl, and then went to prepare what Karl wanted. In a

short time, Yingsen and Samuel produced 10 weakened versions of the super gene serum and 1 full version. version of the super gene serum, Carl took the box handed over by Samuel and disappeared. The next moment, he returned to his manor. After walking back to his room, he saw the four of them still sleeping, and couldn't help but He smiled, picked up Zhao Helen and walked to the bathroom, because Zhao Helen had not been injected with the super gene serum among the four people. Therefore,

her physique was the weakest, which made her almost the first to fall into a coma. Yes, the full version of the super gene serum brought back from the biological laboratory was prepared for Zhao Helen. It will not only enhance her physical fitness and lifespan, but also make her younger and more beautiful..

"Helen, can I inject you with the super gene serum, so that your physique will be the same as Mei and others, and you can endure it for a longer time, and you can also increase your lifespan and become more beautiful. "Karl leaned into Helen Zhao's ear and said to the confused Helen Zhao, and even teased her with a wicked smile..

"Hmm~Okay, give me the injection. Will it be uncomfortable? Then I want to hold you. "After Helen Zhao heard what Karl said, she opened her eyes in a daze and saw herself being held by Karl in the bathroom without wearing anything. She didn't say anything, but crawled into Karl's arms before speaking slowly. , and then hugged Karl even tighter..

"Okay~ Then you hold me and I will help you inject. "Karl kissed Helen Zhao gently on the forehead and then put her in the bathtub to sit face to face with him. But as soon as she sat down, Helen Zhao hugged Karl. Karl took out

the box containing the genes from the system space. Then he took out the complete super gene serum and injected it into Zhao Helen's arm. Then he looked directly at Zhao Helen. Once she showed any symptoms, he would use the horse charm to cure her. This is why Karl dared to

directly He came back with the gene and injected it into Helen Zhao. A few seconds after the gene was injected, Helen Zhao began to hold Carl's hand hard, her whole body began to tighten, and the veins on her forehead popped out. She hugged Carl with all her strength, and Carl also hugged Helen Zhao. Patting her back to comfort her, Helen Zhao still held Karl in pain, almost wanting to integrate into Karl's body. This process lasted for 30 minutes before disappearing. At the same time, the super gene

serum had also been integrated with Zhao Helen. At this moment Helen Zhao looked younger and more beautiful, like a 20-year-old girl. Karl was a little dumbfounded when he saw Helen Zhao's appearance. He didn't even expect that Helen Zhao was so beautiful. Helen Zhao looked at her lover with fascination. He hugged himself and immediately kissed Karl hard on the mouth. Karl responded enthusiastically to Helen Zhao, and the two kissed passionately in the bathroom tub. Until

Mei, Ruiwen, Gwen, and woke up after hearing the sound, they also entered Seeing Karl and Helen Zhao in the bathroom, the three women also joined in. Only Black Phoenix watched this scene in the next room with a dark face. Afterwards, while eating, Black Phoenix kept staring at Karl fiercely without saying a word. , Mei, Gwen, Ruiwen, Zhao Hailun, looked at the appearance of Black Phoenix and Carl and couldn't help but smile. After that, they didn't intend to talk to Carl, and went shopping after eating. Only

Carl and Black Phoenix were left. His eyes were wide open, but fortunately Tony came soon, along with the five fingers of Hand Hehui and Peggy Carter, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony came to study the helmet that can defend against psychic abilities and talk about it. Regarding the chaebol affairs, Five Fingers came because Karl asked them to come, and Peggy Carter came to deliver the gravity that was promised to Karl before. After entering Karl's manor, she saw the red-haired woman next to Karl at a glance..

"Hey Carl, it seems you are quite busy today. "Tony sat down on the sofa and said casually to Carl. Then he glanced at the five people in the meeting and Peggy Carter. Although he didn't know who those five were, they should have given Carl this manor. that organization.

"Okay, you came here this time not only to study the helmet, but also to talk about something else. "Karl rolled his eyes at Tony and said to him calmly. Then he used his mind to control the tea not far away and began to pour a cup for each of them..

"OK OK, today at noon, the big chaebols from all over the world came to me. They wanted to see through me whether you have any methods or things to extend your life. Then they gave me a lot of gifts, but these old immortals are just timid and want to live. For a long time, I don't believe they haven't studied super genes. It's just that they are unstable and they dare not inject them. Carl, what do you think? Do you want me to reject them? "After Tony heard what Carl said, he ignored the presence of Five Fingers and Peggy Carter and told Carl his purpose and what happened at noon..