
Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Tony and others arrive

"Yeah…..Promise them and let them exchange for ancient things, preferably things related to mythology. After testing the value, it can extend their lifespan, but not everything is useful. You have to take care of it. Some people want to fish in troubled waters and find If the matter arises, resolve it directly. "Karl thought for a while and then slowly said to Tony. Because of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel incident before, he wanted to see if he could find some artifacts left behind again..

"Um? Something ancient? OK OK, I will talk to them. Just give me that helmet and I will go find the speed research. "Tony was a little confused when he heard what Carl said. He originally thought that Carl would refuse, but he didn't expect that he actually agreed. He just wanted some ancient items, preferably about mythology? Although he didn't know what Carl was going to do, he didn't After asking too many questions, he asked Carl for helmet research


Carl casually placed the helmet worn by Magneto to protect Charles' mental ability from the system space on the table. Tony immediately took it and started to check it. After nodding with Carl, he walked outside to find Speedy. See if you can research or copy one.

On the other hand, Hehui's five fingers were filled with bitterness when they heard that Karl wanted to collect ancient objects, especially those related to myths. He and others got the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and did not unblock it for hundreds of years. As a result, the transaction Not long after I gave it to Karl, the seal was unblocked, and he could even use the Ruyi Golden Cudgel..

"Okay, I've called you here this time. You helped me during the last battle and gave me a manor. I have to say that you are really good at things. These are five life-extending tools. The gene serum can also enhance your physique, at least stronger than your current physique. Take it back. "After Karl slowly opened his mouth to the five fingers, he took out a box from the system space. After opening it, there were five super gene serums lying inside, which were just weakened versions..

"Thank you Mr. Karl, these are what we should do. Besides, even without me, Mr. Karl will win, so we don't play a big role. If you have anything else to do next, just ask us, and we will leave first. "Mrs. Gao stood up and said to Karl respectfully and unhurriedly. Then she took the other four people and bowed to Karl before taking the super gene serum and left. She also left a message: "If you have anything to do, just ask him, Karl will do it." Nodded.

The Hand and Society will naturally need these super gene serums, because if the dragon bone is used too much, the body will produce antibodies, causing the dragon bone to be less effective the more it is used. Unless they can improve the body's physique again, they can absorb all the dragon bone energy again. This time, the genetic serum that Carl gave them happened to have this effect. The five of them were naturally overjoyed, but only Mrs. Gao spoke. This was what the five of them had agreed upon when they came. Because Mrs. Gao and Carl had been in contact several times,

they Several people had never been in contact with Karl. In order to avoid offending Karl by saying the wrong thing, they unanimously decided that Mrs. Gao would answer Karl's words. They did not intend to speak unless they had to, but they did not expect that Karl would give them such a precious thing, the super gene. Serum! Naturally, they have

researched this thing, but to no avail. The other party actually took it out casually..

"Mr. Carr, the gravitonium is out there. Do you want to take a look? "Peggy Carter said slowly after looking at Carl. She was also surprised that the other party actually had a super gene serum and gave it away so easily. It is not difficult to guess that the other party probably has better ones, or can use them in large quantities.

Manufacturing .——————!

Carl looked in the direction outside the manor, his mind spread out, and he immediately grabbed the silver-white can of Gravityium in Peggy Carter's car. Carl looked at the Gravityium in the big jar in front of him, and then took the It is stored in the system space. He has to study how to integrate it with the human body..

"You must have survived to this day during World War II, right? You were injected with the super serum like Steve Rogers? "Carl looked at the blond beauty wearing black professional attire opposite and asked slowly. He was actually a little curious about it. The Black Phoenix on the other side got up and walked to Karl and directly held his arm and looked at him. This made him Karl was a little confused.

"Yes, I did survive World War II until now. I was injected with the super serum behind Steve Rogers, but I'm curious why you are so powerful? "After Peggy Carter heard Karl's inquiry, she didn't hide it and told him the truth directly. She even stood up and approached Karl and said to him. Her face was almost touching Karl's. The black man next to her Phoenix was about to kill people.

After she finished speaking, she left directly, planning to find out what Carl was doing with collecting these ancient objects. They were even related to myths. Carl looked at Peggy Carter's back and said nothing. Turning his head and looking at the Dark Phoenix next to him.

"Tell me, what happened? "Carl helplessly looked at the ancestor of Black Phoenix. He couldn't be beaten again and again, so he couldn't lose it. If he lost her and started destroying the earth, he would have to take action himself. He could only take her with him. In fact, Carl also thought about using the mirror space. Trapping her, but her words before made Karl move a little bit into hiding. She has been locked in the mental cage for long enough. As long as she doesn't cause trouble, it won't matter. She may not be able to be raped. lock her up.

"you are mine! ! And were you comfortable with those four women last night? I'm a woman too, why don't you do it with me? "Black Phoenix looked at Karl with a confused look on his face and said. After listening to Black Phoenix's words, Karl spit out a sip of tea he drank. He looked at Black Phoenix in disbelief. What happened to him and his four beautiful wives last night? Would you know? Considering that the other party seems to be stronger than herself, could it be that she watched it all night?.

"Ahem, I can't do that with you, I can only do it with my lover, so we can't do it, you know. "Karl looked at Black Phoenix and asked him innocently. He explained to her a little helplessly. He found out that Dark Phoenix seemed to be getting more and more cute now. Did she not have the memory of her first personality? How could she even do this? I don't know anything about this.

After hearing Karl say no, an evil aura flashed in Dark Phoenix's eyes, and he looked directly at Karl. The cruelty and evil in his eyes reappeared. After Karl saw this scene Everyone is stupid, what kind of trouble is this?