
Chapter 146

Chapter 146: The Weird Dark Phoenix

"Why are you so mean? I'll just hit you a few times. Why are you so stingy? Do you want me to let you hit me a few times?" Black Phoenix suddenly used that evil spirit. The red pupils looked at Karl, and even the voice became that of Sister Yu, which was not the original voice at all, and Black Phoenix's sexy red lips almost touched Karl's lips, and she said to Karl provocatively. .

Carl looked at Dark Phoenix at this moment. He suddenly felt that his brain was not used enough. It was okay that Dark Phoenix had become like this, but why was she looking at him with an obsessed look in her eyes? This obsessed look made Carl couldn't help but laugh. shuddered.

"Just tell me what you want to do, okay? It's not good for us to cuddle like this. "Carl struggled twice and found that he couldn't break free from Dark Phoenix's hand. He was Hulk's normal strength. When he broke free, the other party and himself were motionless. Carl also looked at Dark Phoenix in surprise..

"I want to stay with you. I don't want to go back to that dark room at all. Can you take me with you? I'm very powerful! From now on, sister will protect you! No one dares to bully you! By the way, last time I saw you beating those people, how about I go help you kill them all. "Dark Phoenix was silent for a while and then said pitifully to Carl, and then even more domineeringly said that he would protect Carl, and even said that he would kill Charles, Logan, and others..

"Okay, okay, I'll take you with me so I don't have to kill you. Just let go of me first. "Karl said to Black Phoenix in a cold sweat. Although he doesn't take Charles and others seriously now, there is no need to kill them. Besides, if Qin runs to kill Charles, he can think of Charles's expression. How exciting can it be.

"Okay, sister will protect you from now on. "Then after Dark Phoenix finished speaking to Karl, he let go of him, but held Karl's hand again. Karl could only look at Black Phoenix helplessly, and took her to fly to his own manor on Earth. As for why not Teleport, he now realizes that he cannot teleport with someone stronger than himself. Countries on the other side saw the woman who had just fought to death with Karl first rushing into Karl's arms, and now flying towards the earth holding hands. .Almost

all countries have begun to order that no one can provoke Karl, and the government and the country will not care if he is dead! Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the woman who was hit by Karl before was fine, which means that she is even more powerful than Karl. , one Karl is enough to give them a headache, and now there is someone even more powerful than Karl. It seems that women are still chasing men. We can only hope that these two ancestors will stay calm. The United States even directly established a KE

incident The purpose of the processing team is to help Karl and the others solve some small problems and prevent others from provoking them. Even the chaebols of various countries have been warned. If they mess with others and bring disaster to the country, it will be over. .

But the major plutocrats are not fools. They all started to contact Tony Stark because Carl had a good relationship with him. The main reason was to ask Carl if there was a way to extend his life or something to extend his life. Carl is so powerful. There will be, so they want to see if they can get something for themselves. They are top chaebols and lack nothing. What they lack is just life span. Karl on the other side looked at this red-haired

beauty with an obsessed look on his face and couldn'

t help but She has a bit of a headache. Why did she look for me as soon as she came out? From what she said before, it seems that she started to pay attention to herself very early. It was when she entered the Mutant Academy before? But why? Is it just because he transferred the people from the Mutant Academy? Cleaned up? No, there must be a reason for this, but it is impossible for her to be so obsessed with him.

Carl, who couldn't figure it out, had to take Black Phoenix back to his manor. Mei, Raven, Gwen, Helen Zhao, and Carl After coming back, they immediately surrounded him and even jumped directly into Karl's arms. At this time, a red light flashed in the eyes of Black Phoenix, but it was caught by Karl..

"If you dare to attack them, you will die, I said so. "Karl put his head next to Black Phoenix's ear and said to Black Phoenix in an extremely cold tone. His tone was full of murderous intent. Black Phoenix did not reply to him after hearing Karl's words. He just lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Afterwards, Dark Phoenix was surprisingly obedient and did not pester Carl all the time, because it was already night when Dark Phoenix came, and now it was even midnight. After Carl entered the room with his four beautiful wives, it didn't take long. Someone's voice rang out. Although Karl sealed the room with his telekinesis, this could not stop Black Phoenix. Her eyes were filled with red energy and looked in Karl's direction, and her face was even a little flushed. Karl on the other side was obsessed

. The gentleness of the four beauties did not notice that Dark Phoenix was watching the live broadcast through his own abilities. Moreover, with his current strength of taking off the golden holy clothes and golden cudgel, it was impossible to detect the peeping of Dark Phoenix. And Karl and his four

beauties Jiao Niang didn't stop until the morning, and then she hugged them and fell asleep. Dark Phoenix in the other room also saw that he was lying on the bed and sleeping in the morning. Wanda and others were already used to it. They skillfully found Yelena and then went out to eat..


On the other side of Tony's house, countless luxury cars came to the house the next day, all of which were representatives or people in power from major chaebol groups around the world. Tony was a little confused at first, but he only understood when he heard about them because Carl came. Tony chatted with the leaders, powerful people and representatives of the major chaebols in the villa for a whole morning. They were quite good people and gave Tony a lot of gifts just to gain some intimacy.

Tony also accepted it directly. At the same time, he also knew that the other party was doing it because of his good relationship with Karl. If they hadn't found Karl's house directly, they probably wouldn't have found him. It wasn't like no one had wanted to find Karl before to get close to him and have sex with him. They were trying to build a relationship, but they didn't even let them in, and they directly stated that they wouldn't see anyone, so they found Tony this time.

Otherwise, Tony may not really be able to catch their eye. Tony's total assets are only a few trillion and will not exceed 10 trillion at most. This is because he is a shareholder of some companies such as Iron Man and Stark Industries. Well, other consortiums all start with a minimum of 200 billion. You must know that this is a global consortium. There are many people in the world (except Wakanda) who are the richest with a piece of cloth on their heads who are richer than Tony..