
Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Dark Phoenix VS Carl

Because Carl is well known to be powerful, and now Qin seems to be fighting Carl in the picture. There is no news about the woman who fought Carl before, so it is very likely that she has already dead, then if Qin…..She no longer dares to think about it.

"Alas, she is not Qin, it can also be said to be Qin. Her current state is that Qin's second personality dominates Qin's body. I have never told you that Qin's body has an energy that can destroy the world. I He used a spiritual cage to lock it deep in Qin's heart. Now that she has come out, what I'm worried about is that Carl doesn't know if he can deal with Qin now. If he can't….The earth may be destroyed as a result. "Charles sighed and explained to Ororo, Scott, and others.

After that, Carl disappeared in place, and the Black Phoenix also rushed into the universe. Countries began to use their own satellites for observation. , they didn't know who the woman was, but it was definitely no small person who could make Carl take action again. However, after some investigation, everyone was shocked. She was actually a mutant! And this mutant actually needed Carl to go to the universe and fight with the other party. Fighting, doesn't it mean that the opponent's strength and Karl's…..


After Black Phoenix came to the universe, Carl immediately hit Black Phoenix on the head with a stick, but was blocked by Black Phoenix. Carl looked at Black Phoenix solemnly. He did not expect that the opponent seemed to be stronger than Captain Marvel. Didn't the Phoenix just come out? It seems that he underestimated the power of the Phoenix.


While Black Phoenix resisted Karl's attack, he raised his left hand and slapped Karl with fiery red energy, directly sending Karl flying away. Fortunately, he was not injured, but a fiery red mark appeared on the position of the holy garment that was attacked just now. The palm mark of his hand was activated, and the horse charm was activated, and the holy cloth returned to its perfect state. Karl's heart became more solemn at this moment. Black Phoenix could actually leave a handprint on the holy cloth with one palm.

You must know that Carl wore the Saint Cloth and withstood Captain Marvel's attacks many times before the Saint Clothes would show traces. What's more, it was Captain Marvel's all-out attack, and at this moment, Dark Phoenix didn't seem to be using all his strength! Karl also knew that he had to go all out, otherwise the car would probably overturn!


Then white flames began to appear on Carl's body, it was Bone Spirit Cold Fire! Coupled with Carl's own freezing power, he can barely touch a little bit of ice rules, but it is enough to make his original strength reach the sub-heavenly father level. The power of the Phoenix can decompose everything. Carl doesn't know it now Is there any way I can win her?



After that, the wings on the golden holy clothes waved at high speed. Carl turned into a golden stream of light and attacked the black phoenix. The black phoenix also turned into a fiery red stream of light and collided with Karl. The energy fluctuations generated by the collision of the two people caused the surrounding The meteorite turned directly into powder, and the energy fluctuations on both sides kept rising. Countries on the earth could no longer see their moves clearly. Even if they had to use satellites to slow down a hundred times or even a thousand times, they could clearly see their attacks.

Otherwise, they could only

see two streams of light colliding together crazily, then separating, and then colliding together again. Karl found that the other party didn't seem to be what she said before. Every time she attacked Karl, she was only a little stronger than him, and she didn't. Injuring Karl will only consume Karl's energy. When Karl looked at the other party in confusion, he happened to see those evil red eyes. A trace of obsession flashed in his eyes and then returned to an evil look.


This time Karl directly used the power of freezing and the cold fire of the Bone Spirit to attack the Black Phoenix. After Karl's attack reached the surroundings of the Black Phoenix, the energy around her was directly frozen, and even she herself began to freeze, but She still looked at Karl without changing her expression.


Just when the attack was about to hit the black phoenix, the fiery red energy surged out of her body again, directly disintegrating Carl's attack. Then she looked at Carl with a smile on her face, and did not make a move, but the expression on her face was clear. Yes, you won't do this, right?

Carl laughed angrily after seeing her expression. He finally figured out that the Black Phoenix was not here to kill him, but to cause trouble. The energy around him began to condense. Carl had begun to expand at this moment. He was ready to use the King of Kai again . Fist, this time he wanted to try to add the power of the Golden Cudgel and the Holy Clothes into it.

The Black Phoenix on the other side was waiting for Karl's attack with great interest. After Karl integrated the energy of the holy clothes and golden cudgel into it, he found that he couldn't bear it at all, let alone fight it out. He looked at the Ruyijin in his hand. The hoop, Karl attached energy to the golden hoop. As the energy attached, the golden hoop began to tremble slightly.


After all the energy condensed on his body was attached to the golden cudgel, Karl threw it hard at the Black Phoenix's position. The golden cudgel hit the black phoenix almost instantly, and it penetrated directly through her body. Karl's move I'm a little dumbfounded. What are you doing? Karl took back the golden hoop and approached Dark Phoenix suspiciously.

Sudden! Dark Phoenix, who had his eyes closed peacefully, opened his eyes directly, looked at Karl with his red pupils, and got into Karl's arms in an instant. Karl originally thought that she wanted to make a move, and wanted to resist, but it didn't happen. Thinking that Dark Phoenix actually hugged him so fast that he couldn't react, he knew very well that it was either an instant or extremely fast!

"So what do you want to do, Phoenix?" Carl found that Black Phoenix had no ill intentions towards him at all. After simply hugging him, he asked Black Phoenix helplessly. According to the speed of Black Phoenix just now, her strength was far greater. Far higher than herself, this cannot be the strength of her body that she just dominated, unless she began to gather her own strength when she was locked in the soul cage, so it was possible to reach such a terrifying level.

With this strength, it is estimated that Ancient One and Odin will be in trouble, not to mention that she still has the Phoenix Force and cannot die at all. She can place her consciousness on the Phoenix Force fragments, so even if her body is destroyed, it will not count. Death, in the timeline, the first personality suppressed the second personality, giving Logan a chance, otherwise how could he kill the Phoenix host!