
Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Mutant Crisis

"No, I am not a hero, and I can't be a hero. As for the Avengers, I can't comment, but you remember that if every major disaster occurs or because of your battle, There have been a lot of casualties. You should think about how to avoid solving this scene. The reason why the government doesn't move you now may be because the people praise you too highly, or maybe you are Tony Stark. If the people start to oppose you, You, the government will definitely want to control the Avengers." Carl thought for a moment after listening to Tony's words, and said slowly to Tony and others, and even directly moved the civil war situation in the timeline.

"So I won't join the Avengers, and I don't want to be a hero, but if there is a threat to destroy the earth, I will take action. "Karl looked at Tony who was thinking, and then slowly spoke again..

"Okay, I will pay attention. I heard that you have built an island. How are you going to build it? "Tony said to Carl after listening to what Carl said, because this kind of thing is inevitable, but it can only be done step by step, not to mention that now that Carl exists, if the government wants to control the Avengers, it has to get through Carl. At this level, after all, it is well known that Tony and Carl have a good relationship..

"I haven't thought about it yet, but it should be built directly with vibranium. You probably don't know where Wakanda is yet. Wakanda is just a poor country in the world, but their technology is dozens of times more advanced than other countries today. In 2000, magnetic levitation aircraft and so on were very common there. Even their palaces were made of vibranium. The vibranium reserves there were extremely rich. I got the vibranium from them before. "Carl said slowly to Tony, and also gave a general introduction to Wakanda..

"Walter? magnetic levitation? Vibranium? It seems that there are many things on the earth that I don't know. I didn't expect that such an advanced country is hidden in that place. Could it be that the vibranium you stole before was stolen? "Tony sighed after listening to Karl's words, and suddenly remembered something and said to Karl suspiciously.

"Are you kidding, am I, Karl, that kind of person? I took it justly, and the king forced it on me, how could I steal it? Be careful I sue you for defamation Tony. "Karl said to Tony, with a look on his face that I just took it without any guilt..

"OK OK, so what are your plans next? How about we build a steel armor to protect the earth? "Tony looked at Carl's appearance in front of him. He didn't believe a word of what Tony said. If it was really the king of Wakanda who forced it on you, would they come to deal with you? "What if the suit loses control

? Although I don't understand much about things, if you get out of control, you will have to take the blame yourself. "Karl said to Tony calmly, feeling a little surprised in his heart. Tony in the timeline came up with this idea after seeing the Kirita battleship on the other side of the portal, and he even got an anxiety disorder because of it..

"Okay, okay, I will strictly control it, I'm leaving now, see you later. "Tony didn't take Carl's words to heart, because he was going to let Jarvis supervise this steel armor, and he had to make different models of steel armor. After that, each armor could be worn with him at any time. , coupled with Jarvis's control, Tony believed that nothing would go wrong. Thinking of this,

he couldn't help but want to go home to study the armor.

Then Tony left with Pepper, and then Dr. Banner also left. After leaving, Natasha, Barton, and others also left one after another. Thor and Loki lived in the house next to them, preparing to return to Asgard tomorrow. Thor also finished meeting his girlfriend, so it was time to take him with him now. With Loki back, as long as the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, he can come down anytime he wants.

Because all the servants in the manor have left, now Carl can only ask the Black Shadow Ninja to come out to clean up the mess and open a portal to send George and Helen After being sent back to his home, Karl hugged his four beauties and slept together.

That night, Karl made love to all four beauties. At first, the four of them were a little bit unable to let go, and they were embarrassed, but then one of them actually It was louder than a scream. Fortunately, Carl had already used his mind power to seal off the sounds in the room so that the sounds would not spread out. Among them, Helen Zhao was the weakest and was the first to fall asleep. Mei, Ruiwen, and Gwen , but they made love with Karl all night long, and didn't fall asleep until the morning.

Karl naturally hugged them and slept together. Poor Peter, Wanda, and Pilot woke up in the morning and found that there was no breakfast, so they went to Karl's room. When they passed by, they couldn't get within three meters at all. After that, several people started to stare at each other. After sighing, they found Yelena and took them out to eat. If they waited for Karl and the others to get up, he and the others would probably starve to death. Karl Naturally, he thought of them. He would not die if he was hungry. Besides, couldn't he go out to eat, so Karl continued to work. Yelena looked at the

three little guys who were looking for her, and heard them asking her to take them out to eat. I was a little confused until Pirot said helplessly that none of Karl and the others were up, and there was no chef or anything in the manor, just them. After hearing this, Yelena smiled and drove a Rolls-Royce with him. Wanda and the others went out to eat.


On the other side,

after William Stryker watched the video of the battle between Carl and Carol, a cold and biting feeling rushed into his mind from bottom to top. He did not expect that Ross's army actually saved him last time. Even the military wouldn't say anything if he wanted to kill him with such strength, but fortunately the other party didn't seem to take it to heart.

Moreover, the other party seems to have a grudge against the Mutant Academy, so the other party should not care about his plan for the Mutant Academy. William Stryker breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this. If Carl has a good relationship with the Mutant Academy, he will The plans for the Mutant Academy are probably going to be postponed, otherwise they may be met with destruction. Fortunately, the relationship between the other party and the Mutant Academy is not good.

Then William Stryker began to order preparations to take action against Xavier Academy for Young Geniuses. After he learned that Professor Destroy all mutants in the world! The key is Charles and the brainwave amplifier, and the one that can control the illusion…..

After setting the time, he planned to take action against Xavier's talented young man, and he was even more prepared to capture all the little mutants alive!