
Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Peggy Carter

's speed can make her appear anywhere on the earth in an instant. It would be great if the nuclear bomb was useful. It is estimated that her own head would have been screwed off before it exploded after launch. , a lot of information is the information that the Black Palace directly accessed from SHIELD records, which describes some of Carl's other abilities. This is why the American government began to show kindness to Carl. If he can't beat him, he can only show kindness.

And now SHIELD is being reshuffled, Nick Fury's lineage is all being interrogated, Pierce's men are all arrested, and Peggy Carter is officially the director of SHIELD. In fact, Peggy Carter is also there. Super serum was injected during World War II, but Steve Rogers didn't know about it. Only the top military officials knew about it. What's more, one of the five-star generals at the time was Peggy Carter's uncle. Steve Rogers also disappeared after he disappeared. No one dared lay a hand on Peggy Carter.

The serum is still life-threatening, and they can still carry it. Even though the five-star general has retired now, the cronies and family members he promoted have all climbed to the position of general. Even Ross was promoted by him. Although He can't control everything in the United States now, but it can be said that his connections are throughout the entire military! That's why no one dared to take Peggy Carter's blood to study the super serum.

In addition, Peggy Carter had also served as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and was one of the founders before. No one had any objections to this airborne landing. Even the World Security Council could only shut up, and the Peggy Carter that Steve Rogers met Gee Carter was of course a fake. She did have a crush on Steve Rogers at the time, and even looked for him after he disappeared. But time will eventually dilute everything, let alone a full 70 years.

So Peggy Carter retired after being sad for a while. She stopped working for the military and the American government and returned to her hometown to live. This life would have lasted seventy years, had she not heard the news that Steve Rogers was back. She might not even come out, but she didn't choose to see him afterwards. Instead, she made a fake Peggy Carter and let Steve Rogers meet him once, the one in the hospital bed.

It wasn't until the battle between Carl and Carol that Peggy Carter decided to reappear in the field of vision of the military and others. She has been atonement over the years. Since Steve Rogers disappeared, she served as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He also killed a lot of people during his time, even far more than the number of people killed by Steve Rogers in World War II. After leaving the position of director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he retired and left. After returning to his hometown, he has been atonement in the church.

She has never been married or even had a boyfriend. For seventy years, how could a woman who had been injected with super serum fall in love with ordinary people in her hometown? Not to mention that she is still a person with blood on her hands. She has no such intention, so she has lived alone until now..


Naturally, the citizens of New York saw the battle that took place at Carl's Manor. There was also a lot of discussion on the Internet, which aroused huge public opinion. Many people also saw and photographed Carl wearing the golden Sagittarius Saint Cloth and holding Carol's hair with one hand. This photo even went viral on the Internet, and someone d

irectly revealed that he was Carl Auguston Zhang!

He was also the mysterious man who sent the nuclear bomb into the portal during the Battle of New York. After that, the original public opinion against Carl began to reverse. They said that Carl once again protected the earth and defeated the enemy! Some people even found some information from Greek mythology through the appearance of the Sagittarius golden cloak.

After that, Carl was called the Golden Saint on the Internet! Some hackers even revealed the duties and responsibilities of the Saints. At this time, Carl's limelight directly overshadowed Tony and others, becoming the most popular, most powerful, and most popular superhero!

The official government intended to please Karl but did not restrict their spread, which only added fuel to the fire. Hydra, the Holy Society, and other organizations also fell silent after the incident. Hydra even began to hide, fearing Karl's revenge on them. They secretly cursed in their hearts that they would be implicated even after Pierce died, and the return of Peggy Carter frightened them a little. Peggy Carter could kill the most vicious person that Hydra had ever killed, but they didn't expect that she was still alive. !

The Rolls-Royce motorcade arrived at a manor with beautiful scenery under the escort of the police. After entering, the motorcade stopped in front of the house in the manor. After Carl and others got out of the car, they discovered that this manor was even more luxurious than the manor Tony had given him before!

"When you go back, ask Five Fingers to come to me. You can go." Karl looked at the manor with satisfaction and nodded, then said to the subordinate of Mrs. Gao who just spoke to him. Since the other party was so attentive, it would be natural. You have to give some benefits, and Shou Hehui is indeed a good person..

"Okay, Mr. Carl, we will leave first. These Rolls-Royces are also given to you. The bodies are made of special materials that are bulletproof and anti-collision. The same is true for the glass. Every Rolls-Royce is made of special materials. It has been transformed. "After hearing what Karl said, Mrs. Gao's men told Karl that these Rolls-Royces were also given to Karl, and then took away all the people who drove for them and the members of the association..

"Not bad, Carl, it's just that I'm a little worse than mine. "Tony looked around with a stinky look on his face, and then said to Carl. Carl gave Tony a roll of his eyes, ignored him, and led everyone into the house in his manor..

"Let's all take a rest first, and then we'll talk after eating something, do you want Thor to bring it to Jane? "Karl said to everyone, and then mentioned it to Sol, but Sol shook his head. Jane had some experiments to do recently, so he didn't want to disturb her. After a while, Tony made a phone call

. Pi brought a group of chefs and ingredients to the manor and started making various foods. After that, everyone began to gather together to eat. Carl also released Banner without embarrassing him too much. Tony also said To continue to include him in the Avengers.

"Carl, what do you think of our Avengers Alliance? Otherwise, you can also join. You don't know what the Internet is saying about you now, Golden Saint! Protect the love and peace of the earth! He is simply the patron saint of the earth and the most powerful superhero! The limelight directly overshadowed us. "Tony said to Karl after taking a sip of wine, and everyone else also looked at Karl, wanting to see what he said..