
Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Charles was captured.

After Tony returned home, he began to study various models of steel suits. He did not know that a conspiracy was coming towards him. Aldrich Killian on the other side Joining forces with Justin Hammer to attack Tony, Killian was initially a fan of Tony, but after being snubbed and teased by Tony Stark, he developed a desire for revenge, and happened to meet Justin, who also hated Tony. ·Hammer, the two hit it off and wanted to take revenge on Tony.

Even after the two got the video of Carl and Carol's battle from the military, they still didn't give up. At this moment, their hearts were occupied by hatred, even if they knew that if they attacked Tony Stark, they might be killed by the Golden Saint later. The fighters came to the door, but they still decided to attack Tony Stark. The hatred in their hearts no longer allowed them to control so much. They also wanted to let Tony feel what it felt like to be teased, ignored, laughed at, and later!

Neither of them directly started targeting Tony Stark. Killian and Maya Hansen continued to research and develop the Extremis virus, and even secretly recruited people who had enemies with Tony. They knew that their own strength was simply not enough to fight against Tony Stark. Tony's confrontation now....

"Prophet, let's go back first. When I come next time, I will definitely bring you Asgard's wine! gone! !"

"Goodbye, Mr. Karl! ! "

Thor and Loki said to Carl while holding the Cosmic Cube, and then activated the device on the Cosmic Cube and disappeared from the eyes of Carl and others. Carl just smiled and did not care about Thor's words. On the contrary, Loki said these few words. God was kind to him.

Public opinion on the Internet is still discussing Karl's matter, but Karl ignored it, and the American government did not take any action. However, Dongfang actually invited him to visit, and Karl didn't know it at first. What is the reason, but after thinking about the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in my hand, I understood that the other party should want to win over him. After all, he is also Asian, and he has unblocked the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. He is still so powerful. Dongfang will naturally Wanted to win over him.

Carl didn't refuse. He had never been to the East in so long since he came to Marvel. He didn't know the difference between the East here and the East in the original world. Tony on the other side did control the Avengers. But an unexpected person joined, and that was Peggy Carter. She took Steve Rogers' place. Tony didn't have any objections. Even if the other party was the director of SHIELD, he wouldn't be able to make any splash. Let's not start with that

. He said that behind him was Carl. He believed that SHIELD did not dare to do anything to them. However, after Steve Rogers was rescued by Peggy Carter, he did not take him back to SHIELD, but took him to a small town. Above, after giving him some documents and money, he left. The meaning was naturally obvious, and Steve Rogers himself understood it, not to mention that his power was gone. At the same time, he also asked about Peggy Carter's situation, and she also She said it directly without any concealment.

After hearing this, Steve Rogers was stunned in place. Peggy Carter left after that. The reason why she saved Steve Rogers was because of the tra

ce of friendship. , plus the other party was once his comrade.

So the current Avengers members are: Iron Man: Tony Stark, Hulk: Hulk (Banner), Hawkeye: Clint Barton, Black Widow: Natasha Romanoff, Thor: Thor Odinson, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Peggy Carter! The

reason why Thor agreed to join the Avengers was because Tony had been teasing Thor these days. He agreed, mainly to invest in Jane's research project, and agreed to some of Sol's conditions before Sol agreed to join. Carl didn't stop him, but he was a little surprised by Peggy Carter's joining..

Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters

One night when the X-Men were not around, William Stryker personally led the army to the Mutant Academy. He was bound to kill all the mutants this time! After a while, they reached the sky above the Mutant Academy, and the roar of the helicopter alerted Logan and Charles.

Before Charles could react, he was shot unconscious with a tranquilizer gun. William Stryker even took Charles directly onto a helicopter and slowly took off to prevent Charles from being rescued. After all, mutants His abilities are all kinds of strange, so he is extremely cautious.

Wolverine: Logan, Pyro: John, Iceman: Bobby, Phantom Cat: Katie, began to fight with the army brought by William Stryker, but most of them were students in the transfer academy, but three Personally, they were no match for the entire academy army that had surrounded them. Even Logan, who had a self-healing factor, could only collapse after being hit by several tranquilizer bombs. However, Hello Kitty immediately brought Iceman and Fire upon seeing this. The person ran away, carrying two of them through the walls and other objects to escape outside.

Now they can only wait for Cyclops, Phoenix, Colossus, and others to come back before making plans. If they fight William Stryker now, there is no doubt that they will be taken away directly. William Stryker will naturally find out Someone escaped, so they didn't need to chase him through the intercom, and brought all the mutants back to the base. He led a team of people into Charles' brainwave amplifier, dismantled everything inside and took it away.

William Stryker looked at the brainwave amplifier in front of him, a hint of fanaticism flashed in his eyes! As long as he gets this, he will not be far away from realizing his plan. Soon after, all the mutants were taken on the helicopter, and even the brainwave amplifier was taken away. Iceman, Hello Kitty, Pyro, and Returner After arriving at the academy, William Stryker and the others had already left. Looking at the empty academy, they didn't know what to do. They could only wait for Qin and the others to come back.

Even though they are now members of the X-Men, they are only reserve members now. They don't know what to do when they encounter this situation. Now even Logan and the professor have been captured by the enemy. They don't even know who the other party is. Don't even know, Pyro: John was so angry that he could only take out his anger on the college's building!



Just after Pyro threw the fireball into a classroom, the roar of fighter jets suddenly sounded in the sky. A black fighter plane slowly descended. Katie and others ran over after seeing the fighter plane. This was the X-Men. The official members of are back!