
Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Captain Marvel –

After his death, Carl took back all the shadow ninjas to his shadow world, and released Mei, Raven, Gwen, Helen Zhao, and others. Mei and others After coming out, they rushed directly towards Karl. When they met Karl, the Sagittarius Golden Saint Cloth on his body began to disintegrate, and a gold box appeared. After that, all the parts once again formed the appearance of a man and a horse holding a bow and shooting arrows. Later, Karl Recovered in system space.

"Do you know I was almost scared to death, but fortunately you are okay! ! "Mei jumped into Carl's arms first, followed by Raven, Gwen, and others one after another. Helen Zhao hugged him tightly behind Carl, and Carl held his four women. , didn't say anything, just hugged them tightly..

"Okay, isn't it okay for me? Okay, babies, it's okay, it's okay. "Karl kissed each woman on the forehead and comforted them. Afterwards, looking at the ruined manor, Karl couldn't help having a headache. Maybe he should start building his own island. Pepper on the other side was also the

first Time ran to Tony's side, and then the two hugged each other fiercely, fed Thor, Loki, Natasha, Yelena, and others enough dog food, and Speedy went directly back to his warehouse. The warehouse was not destroyed, but it was the result of its deliberate protection..

"Karl, it seems that you have no place to live now. Do you want to go to my unused villa for a few days? This manor cannot be rebuilt in a few days. "Tony took Pepper to Karl and said to him. The manor in ruins is obviously uninhabitable, and it will take a long time to rebuild..

"That's all. It seems like my island should be ready for construction. "Carl shrugged at Tony and said, he doesn't have any other villas. Unless he is staying in a hotel, he can only stay in Tony's idle villa for a few days, unless he finds a place where all of them can stay for a long time. Even if I buy the manor now, it is too late. The procedures will take a day. Now that everyone is also frightened, it is better to settle down as soon as possible


At this moment, a Rolls-Royce motorcade drove into the ruins of Carl's manor. Tony looked at Carl, thinking it was his handiwork, but Carl shook his head in confusion and looked at the Rolls-Royce motorcade in front of him. Nothing was arranged. Maybe someone wanted to please him?

"Hello, Mr. Karl, I am working for Mrs. Gao. She thought of where you might need to live in the future, so we have prepared a manor with beautiful scenery for you. It has been cleaned and ready for you to move in at any time. This is the procedure for the manor. You What do you think?" A white man wearing a black suit and white gloves got out of the passenger seat of a Rolls-Royce and came to Karl and said respectfully.

He even opened the box he was carrying. All inside were a series of documents such as real estate certificates. All of them had Karl's name on them, and the date was today. This shows how fast the meeting took place. Even Karl himself did not expect it. , they actually know how to behave like this, I can't help but feel a little better..

"Come on, Tony, and you too, come and see my new manor! "When Carl saw this, he directly accepted the hand and the meeting's kindness. He asked everyone to get into the Rolls-Royce they drove, and he took out the golden cudgel and threw it at Captain Ma

rvel who fainted on the ground! Boom


The golden cudgel carries golden energy and penetrates Captain Marvel's heart. At this point, Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers-death! Even her body was brought into his own shadow world by Karl. Afterwards, Tony took off his suit and let it float in the air to follow him. He took Pepper into a Rolls-Royce. Wanda, Pilot and Peter also entered a Rolls-Royce, and Yelena, Natasha, and Barton also entered a Rolls-Royce.

Barton was brought up purely by Natasha. She had also heard that Tony was planning to take over the Avengers, so she might as well use Hawkeye to gain some favor in front of Carl. Tony might be the one to control the Avengers in the future, but Tony Karl is standing behind you! What's more, there are a lot of benefits to follow Karl. Just now, she used the ice card Karl gave her during the Spring Festival. After releasing it in front of her, no matter whether they were agents or mutants, they were all frozen!

After everyone got in the car, Karl went to Jisu's warehouse and helped him put all the mechanical equipment, materials, and other items into the system space, and then got into the Rolls-Royce with Mei and others. Red Tank looks at his super off-road! There is also a frozen Hulk on it, and the whole convoy starts to set off after turning into a Lamborghini at top speed.

After leaving the scope of Carl's estate, several police cars appeared at the front of the Rolls-Royce and began to escort the entire convoy. This was of course the decision of the American government. After research found that it was impossible to control and threaten Carl, at the same time, after various psychological After analysis by scientists, it was discovered that Carl did not want to dominate the world, but only wanted to live a peaceful life. At this moment, the American government did not even know the reason for Nick Fury's attack on Carl.

After that, the president, congressmen, and generals unanimously decided to give the other party as much preferential treatment as possible if the other party did not dominate the world and massacre. They even sent General Ross, who had indirect contact with Carl, to ask Tony whether Carl had dominated the world. World ambitions, etc. Doesn't the American government want to study, control, and Carl? They don't dare! What can they use to threaten people who can even shoot through Mars? Research?

After their calculations, Carl Auguston Zhang can blow up the earth in ten minutes, and he can even land anywhere on the earth in an instant. He is simply more outrageous than Superman in the comics. Superman also has kryptonite. This is a weakness, but what about Carl? During the test, Carl was always at his peak state fighting the woman. He only weakened for 0.5 seconds after launching an attack that penetrated Mars, and then returned to his peak state!

So as long as Carl doesn't destroy the earth and the country, and doesn't kill people wantonly, then the United States doesn't matter, it can't be dealt with at all. As for attacking the people around him? The black-clothed ninja who appeared in Carl Manor seemed to be able to hide in the shadows. Besides, every important member had a vibranium suit, so what should he use to attack them? Once they fail, Karl will immediately appear in front of them and twist off their heads one by one. As for the nuclear bomb?